Floating Happily in Black Caviar!

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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013

Just celebrating here....

As I have posted elsewhere, to me, SDD not mature technology yet, and so, I am waiting until I feel it is to move up.

In the meantime, I noticed what my fav, classy pundit here chose for storage, a WD caviar Black, in his case 1TB.

So cause I have uber respect for him, I went to look for a Caviar blk with uber cache on ebay. Found one I felt was The One... Small private vendor in Chicago, with 100% feedback I had a good feeling about.

I don't need even 250GBs, but this is a WD5002AALX caviar Blk made on March 18 of 2012. 32 cache!!!!!! I never had more than 16.

She, it turned out to be a she, was asking $50 or best offer. There already was an offer. I offered $46....she accepted. Free shipping by the way.

Now, there were almost 350 reviews on Newegg, mostly good, but some really creepy: it was DOA, it died in 11 minutes; it had a gazllion bad sectors; it is so noisy I wanna blow my brains out.

So, it arrived just earlier. I removed the Seagate I was replacing, popped it in (with the big Optis you just unhook, pull the nylon caddy, remove the old drive, insert new drive, slide the caddy into the bay and hook the drive up).

I immediately did online SMART diagnostics and it came up excellent. I may not even run WD diagnostics but I have it.

I then formatted (cause there was a little sumthin left on it tho she said it had been wiped), cloned my other WD to it, configured Easy BCD, booted into it and, OMG it is like lightening!!! I can not believe a platter drive could be this fast!!!!

And, the box is still open and it is quiet like a mouse!!!!
I am soooooooo happy.:biggrin:

See how a very special member here can influence and contribute, even indirectly????:wub:

Thank U, Ketchup 79!!!!

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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
Indulging one more happy: jus ran online SpeedFan SMART, and boy, this wicked fast for a platter drive is running pretty cool! :biggrin:

Your hard disk is a WDC WD5002AALX-00J37A0 with firmware 15.01H15.
The average temperature for this hard disk model is 34°C (min=26°C max=43°C) and yours is 34°C.

I can not imagine what one with 64 cache would be like. But this with 32 is all the speed I need.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
^^^Welcome to 2008!

That.....was lame. Ecstacy is subjective. And right now, I will match the intensity and duration of mine in this with anything of yours.

U think Ketchup79 here, one of our most invaluable members, whose main system has a WD caviar Blk, 1TB, is also missing out and should be dissed?

I am not a slave to yr version of cool, Mr. Cool.()


Sep 11, 2009
Most members of this board are enthusiasts, meaning we tackle the latest and greatest relative to valuable performance (not wasting money chasing 5% performance gains). Raving about a platter drive in 2013 is not what is hot when you can get a blazing fast 240GB SSD for $150 and enjoy an order of magnitude increase in performance. Do you expect us to high-five you for buying tech that was hot in 2008?


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
Most members of this board are enthusiasts, meaning we tackle the latest and greatest relative to valuable performance (not wasting money chasing 5% performance gains). Raving about a platter drive in 2013 is not what is hot when you can get a blazing fast 240GB SSD for $150 and enjoy an order of magnitude increase in performance. Do you expect us to high-five you for buying tech that was hot in 2008?

What I expect, is to enjoy smart, elegant humans who also love computers, aren't bigots with tunnel vision/walking incendiary devices.

And this drive was made in 2012.

Forgive me, but you don't come across as some arbiter of either happiness or hotness.:sneaky:


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2001
It's nice that you upgraded your hard drive but SSDs are far from an immature technology. Solid State storage has been around since 1976 (or earlier if you want to count punch cards). What's commonly referred to as SSD drives now which use NAND flash ROM instead of previous technologies (which were generally sold to large companies & the government) has been around since 2006. At over 7 years old it's matured a LOT in that timeframe and is an accepted commonplace drive in many consumer PCs & laptops. Feel free to continue using only mechanical drives but frankly you're behind the times by a good bit now as most folks only use them for bulk storage.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
It's nice that you upgraded your hard drive but SSDs are far from an immature technology. Solid State storage has been around since 1976 (or earlier if you want to count punch cards). What's commonly referred to as SSD drives now which use NAND flash ROM instead of previous technologies (which were generally sold to large companies & the government) has been around since 2006. At over 7 years old it's matured a LOT in that timeframe and is an accepted commonplace drive in many consumer PCs & laptops. Feel free to continue using only mechanical drives but frankly you're behind the times by a good bit now as most folks only use them for bulk storage.

You are entitled to your options, hopefully, carefully arrived at, and, in perspective.

I stand by my take that no matter the date of their inception, SDD technology is not mature.

And re "most people," what you say is not true among those I know, and I know MANY.

Note: Many people and more businesses in the world than U realize are still running XP Pro, because, cept for that MS will no longer support it beyond April of next year, it suits them perfectly. And, I will bet, most of the people and businesses in question use mechanical drives, which are still selling well.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2001
I'm not sure who your "most people are" but many enterprises view it as mature. Many of them use it in their servers when they're manipulating large databases and need the transactions to happen as quickly as possible. CCP uses them in RAMSAN format to maintain the EVE Online universe and process the millions of transactions that are occurring within game on a very rapid basis across 10s of thousands of users. I'm quite aware that many businesses are still using Windows XP, I should know I work for a very large company that does as well although we are migrating our systems to Windows 7. Be that as it may many of those same companies are using SSDs when they can for database servers to speed up transactions. Sure those same servers use mechanical drives for storage but most large enterprises view SSDs as a very valuable piece of equipment or TI wouldn't have sold nearly the amount of RAMSAN systems that they have.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2011
I stand by my take that no matter the date of their inception, SDD technology is not mature.

Following your logic HDD tech is not mature, either. They are still 'new-and-improving' HDD's all the time... for the better, of course. SSD's are established and into what I would consider middle age... as a fellow 'computer enthusiast' you can't not acknowledge the technological advance that is the consumer-level SSD, let alone enterprise SSDs.

I won't fault you for picking whatever parts you want to run in your computer... you certainly can't go wrong with WD Blacks, but please don't try to parade it as some Uber pick while disregarding the SSD.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
Following your logic HDD tech is not mature, either. They are still 'new-and-improving' HDD's all the time... for the better, of course. SSD's are established and into what I would consider middle age... as a fellow 'computer enthusiast' you can't not acknowledge the technological advance that is the consumer-level SSD, let alone enterprise SSDs.

I won't fault you for picking whatever parts you want to run in your computer... you certainly can't go wrong with WD Blacks, but please don't try to parade it as some Uber pick while disregarding the SSD.

I am NOT DISREGARDING. I am, by all accounts very discerning. I pick what is right for me.

And if you are moved to assault what you call my parade, Well, that's kinda sad. The "parade" is justified, and impervious to being diminished by anyone who is too rigid to bust a move to the music.
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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
I'm not sure who your "most people are" but many enterprises view it as mature. Many of them use it in their servers when they're manipulating large databases and need the transactions to happen as quickly as possible. CCP uses them in RAMSAN format to maintain the EVE Online universe and process the millions of transactions that are occurring within game on a very rapid basis across 10s of thousands of users. I'm quite aware that many businesses are still using Windows XP, I should know I work for a very large company that does as well although we are migrating our systems to Windows 7. Be that as it may many of those same companies are using SSDs when they can for database servers to speed up transactions. Sure those same servers use mechanical drives for storage but most large enterprises view SSDs as a very valuable piece of equipment or TI wouldn't have sold nearly the amount of RAMSAN systems that they have.

I do not mean servers. I mean workstations used by employees and agents of a given company.....and also individual PC users.

Edit: I do respect U said "Many" ....cause that is accurate. Not the same at all as MOST.
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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
Truth is, I am stunned by these dissings. They reflect no perspective. Forget, understanding why anyone discerning and with deep pockets will go for a fine, vintage, mechanical Patek as opposed to ANYTHING new.

That every major retailer continues to offer pages of mechanical drives, that major Mfgs go on making them, does not mean they are morons or living in the Stone Age.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2006
I'm glad you're happy with your purchase. I think most of the people here aren't, so much, dissing your WD Black as they are calling you out on saying SSDS aren't mature. You're just wrong about that. However, whoever said most folks only use mechanical for storage and everyone else uses SSDs is even more I'll informed than you. Mechanical HDDS are alive and well in the general population outside of the tekky crowd. I simply don't know of a single person that uses one, business or recreation. I haven't checked stats lately but I'm certain that mechanical outsells SSD by a wide margin.

All of that aside. You could have spent $30 more and gotten a 2TB Seagate that is probably twice as fast and runs cooler.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2001
I do not mean servers. I mean workstations used by employees and agents of a given company.....and also individual PC users.

The only reason they use mechanical hard drives in their desktop systems for most users is because they are the cheapest option available. The vast majority of businesses go with the cheapest possible PC that will run the program necessary for somebody to perform their job. Generally speaking the only folks that get anything beyond an bare bones basic HP or Dell desktop are the folks doing high end image or video editing or using heavy duty tools such as SolidWorks or ProE. This applies to the majority of home users as well, however I have upgraded my fair share of PCs from mechanical hard drives to solid state drives and many users are very happy with the performance increase. Insofar as general use (be it for home or enterprise use) SSDs are still a niche product for the most part. But as prices come down on them and capacities increase they're going to start become more and more commonplace.

In regards to the "dissing" as you so put it I really don't see it that way. It's nice that you upgraded and are excited about the performance increase (whatever that increase may be) and like the deal that you got on the drive. Most folks though, as has been pointed out a few times already, that are on this board are tech enthusiasts and really don't get excited about an upgrade such as this one. This is a board where there are folks running things like quad SLI GTX Titans or fully watercooled PCs with multiple SSDs in RAID 0.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
I'm glad you're happy with your purchase. I think most of the people here aren't, so much, dissing your WD Black as they are calling you out on saying SSDS aren't mature. You're just wrong about that. However, whoever said most folks only use mechanical for storage and everyone else uses SSDs is even more I'll informed than you. Mechanical HDDS are alive and well in the general population outside of the tekky crowd. I simply don't know of a single person that uses one, business or recreation. I haven't checked stats lately but I'm certain that mechanical outsells SSD by a wide margin.

All of that aside. You could have spent $30 more and gotten a 2TB Seagate that is probably twice as fast and runs cooler.

Thank U. See, now YOU.....ARE cool.

I know when tunnel visioned, auto pilot bullies emerge, exactly why in each event. And it's always sad. Forget sooo middle school. Looses all credibility and respect right off.

One more once: I don need even 250GBs Forget the 500. This drive is almost empty. my other WD, now my backup drive I cloned from (250), is still over 50% empty. And again, I chose to look specifically for a WD caviar blk, because it was the NOT ARBITRARY choice of Ketchup79 here.... elegant, kind, generous (and COOL) guy who knows more about puters than most here.:sneaky:

I would say 34C is pretty cool.()

Thanks again for being normal, and so.....COOL FOR REAL.:biggrin:
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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
The only reason they use mechanical hard drives in their desktop systems for most users is because they are the cheapest option available. The vast majority of businesses go with the cheapest possible PC that will run the program necessary for somebody to perform their job. Generally speaking the only folks that get anything beyond an bare bones basic HP or Dell desktop are the folks doing high end image or video editing or using heavy duty tools such as SolidWorks or ProE. This applies to the majority of home users as well, however I have upgraded my fair share of PCs from mechanical hard drives to solid state drives and many users are very happy with the performance increase. Insofar as general use (be it for home or enterprise use) SSDs are still a niche product for the most part. But as prices come down on them and capacities increase they're going to start become more and more commonplace.

In regards to the "dissing" as you so put it I really don't see it that way. It's nice that you upgraded and are excited about the performance increase (whatever that increase may be) and like the deal that you got on the drive. Most folks though, as has been pointed out a few times already, that are on this board are tech enthusiasts and really don't get excited about an upgrade such as this one. This is a board where there are folks running things like quad SLI GTX Titans or fully watercooled PCs with multiple SSDs in RAID 0.

There are tons of mechanical drives on Newegg and Tiger Direct which go for more than many SSDs.

How you can have missed the dissing, boggles.

One more once re ENTHUSIASTS: I reiterated the example I offered re a vintage Patek versus a new one.

And, tho this isn't perfectly viable analogy: If Santa appeared and was like, K, I am bring U the Vette, you have two choices: brand new 2014, U pick the color, transmission, model.....or a near mint, numbers matched, '67 tri power big block.....for me, there would be no need to ponder.:sneaky:

Course, the latter, near mint, would sell for almost twice what the former does.()
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Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
I don't think the SSDs are imature or lack maturity. Although they can use more improvement as can be said for any other type of drive on the market. To me their only big flaw is pricing. They are expensive. Especially when it comes to the 512GB and on up. Which is the size of drives I like to use and buy. I'll agree with the OP that the 1TB WD Black hdd is a great drive. I use them in my builds they are that good. Cheap, reliable, economical, and still very viable today for the average consumer. So I will raise a cheer for the WD Black drives. I cant wait for the day SSDs come down to equal pricing. Of course I figure the mechanical drives will be dead and sacarce when it happens. Time and technology marches on as they say.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
I don't think the SSDs are imature or lack maturity. Although they can use more improvement as can be said for any other type of drive on the market. To me their only big flaw is pricing. They are expensive. Especially when it comes to the 512GB and on up. Which is the size of drives I like to use and buy. I'll agree with the OP that the 1TB WD Black hdd is a great drive. I use them in my builds they are that good. Cheap, reliable, economical, and still very viable today for the average consumer. So I will raise a cheer for the WD Black drives. I cant wait for the day SSDs come down to equal pricing. Of course I figure the mechanical drives will be dead and sacarce when it happens. Time and technology marches on as they say.

Interesting post.

I think the time when Mfgs choose to replace all mechanical drives, esp in desktops... with SDDs, is further off than you think.

I am still not convinced SDDs don't have a long way to go in their evolution, tho they've come a long way for sure from early generations.

And, the kind of failure (usually instant) which marks SDDs is different from when a mechanical drive starts to fail. I only had one mechanical drive start making "I don wanna do this anymore" noises and, cause I knew right off what was impending, I lost no data.

U might be interested in this:



No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
I can't say I've ever indulged myself with a Caviar Black drive. Nor have I ever owned a Raptor.

My pinnacle moment in magnetic storage was my 640GB WD 6400AAKS drives. At the time, they were the fastest 7200RPM HDDs on the market, with their new 320GB platters. Fast, quiet, cool, reliable - they were great is every respect. Frankly, I wish that they still made them, I would buy more of them.

But time marches on, and likewise, technology.

I now own eight 2TB Hitachi 7200RPM drives, and recently, a pair of 3TB Toshiba 7200RPM drives (of Hitachi heritage). (Among others)

I also own a ton of boot SSDs. Even the older 30GB Agility drives edge out top-end mechanical drive, in situations that matter.

So for Speed, go SSD. And for storage, platter drives, preferably with a longer warranty.

And don't forget to backup, religiously!
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Senior member
Feb 17, 2007
There are tons of mechanical drives on Newegg and Tiger Direct which go for more than many SSDs.

How you can have missed the dissing, boggles.

One more once re ENTHUSIASTS: I reiterated the example I offered re a vintage Patek versus a new one.

And, tho this isn't perfectly viable analogy: If Santa appeared and was like, K, I am bring U the Vette, you have two choices: brand new 2014, U pick the color, transmission, model.....or a near mint, numbers matched, '67 tri power big block.....for me, there would be no need to ponder.:sneaky:

Course, the latter, near mint, would sell for almost twice what the former does.()

That is not even close to being the same thing as buying a hard drive instead of a SSD.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
I can't say I've ever indulged myself with a Caviar Black drive. Nor have I ever owned a Raptor.

My pinnacle moment in magnetic storage was my 640GB WD 6400AAKS drives. At the time, they were the fastest 7200RPM HDDs on the market, with their new 320GB platters. Fast, quiet, cool, reliable - they were great is every respect. Frankly, I wish that they still made them, I would buy more of them.

But time marches on, and likewise, technology.

I now own eight 2TB Hitachi 7200RPM drives, and recently, a pair of 3TB Toshiba 7200RPM drives (of Hitachi heritage). (Among others)

I also own a ton of boot SSDs. Even the older 30GB Agility drives edge out top-end mechanical drive, in situations that matter.

So for Speed, go SSD. And for storage, platter drives, preferably with a longer warranty.

And don't forget to backup, religiously!

Most thoughtful, intelligent, anti anabolic steroid, anti insecure adolescent, perspective enhancing offering so far. I send U qratitude, respect and props.:biggrin::thumbsup:

And, "pinnacle moment" was the icing. Delicious.()
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Stone Rain

Feb 25, 2013
What do you mean SSD's aren't a mature technology? Latest gen SSD's are physically tougher than HDD's, and will most likely last as long/longer. Within 3-5 years, the prices on SSD technology will drop to the point where SSD's replace HDD's for most people; except in enterprise/big data environments.

Congrats on your new hard drive though, I suppose.
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