Florida High School Shooting

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Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
And people like you are the reason proposed gun bans fail. Can't talk like a civil, rationalized person and actually listen to others concerns, just troll away and ignore whatever they say because you don't want to try.
You think talking about the necessity of guns is "civil" talk?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
for pointing out he did nothing except violate the NFA and make people feel good?

Sure, that's what he did. That gun will never shoot anyone unless of course you think the video was to throw us all off and he plans on going on a shooting spree of his own with his left over gun.

Nah, you're just a prick.


Jun 26, 2009
Gun-owners: Let's keep emotions out of this. While this was a tragedy, we can't let those heightened emotions push us into threatening this foundational right.

Also gun-owners: I'd rather die trying to kill cops than let you touch the physical embodiment of my insecurity!


May 30, 2008
Yes, that is part of the reason someone took issue with the numbers I posted. It included private and government guns. I included it because as we have seen in the US, government guns can be used to hurt civilians.

Discipline and training would probably help a lot, but again, I think mental health comes in to play. If you are suffering in Switzerland with mental health, you have far more avenues to take to get help.

I'm not sure I understand your question. The US used guns to defeat the British, and those guns were never taken away. We then had a constitution that explicitly gave the right of gun ownership to the people. So yes, as long as this country has been here guns have been here. I might not be understanding your question though.

The question was pretty clear, I thought. Curious whether you have statistics for the historical number of guns in private ownership in the US. Did gun ownership only become commonplace, as has been argued (possibly incorrectly) after the civil war?
You referred to the increase in spree-killings and how that related to the number of guns. One obvious question then is has the number of guns increased?

(Edit - occurs to me that such spree-killings and massacres are not new, it's just that historically the victims were likely to be American indians.)


Mar 9, 2005
There were more people killed in 2008 by guns than today. So why should there be stricter gun laws today, when less people are killed by guns than when it wasn't a priority for the Dems?
And more people were probably killed by tornadoes or by drowning but that doesn't stop us from trying to make it zero people killed by them.


Jan 12, 2005
And more people were probably killed by tornadoes or by drowning but that doesn't stop us from trying to make it zero people killed by them.

We make attempts at less death that are within reason, particularly so compared to the actual cost to society of whatever it is we're discussing at the time. Given guns cost to society when compared to other liberties that harm us, they are already adequately regulated. There are a few loose ends that we can tie up that help, but I'm not for losing more of my rights.
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Reactions: imported_tajmahal


Jun 19, 2000
As the days go by, the issues in play are becoming clearer.

These districts fought the school-to-prison pipeline. Can Pittsburgh learn their lessons?

"Take Broward County, the Florida county that used to rank No. 1 at sending students to their state’s juvenile justice system.

The stats troubled Broward County leaders, and they responded with a bold solution: Lower arrests by not making arrests.

After examining juvenile data, a local task force compiled 12 misdemeanor offenses that would no longer be considered police matters. Criminal mischief and vandalism, for example.

The results were quickly positive.

In 2011-12, Broward County officers made 1,062 school-related arrests. That dropped to 392 in 2015-16, putting the rate of school-related arrests among the lowest in the state.

School district officials say the strategy allowed schools to respond more constructively to normal teenage behavior, without hurting police ability to respond to serious crime.

“We’re not compromising school safety. We’re really saving the lives of kids,” said Michaelle Valbrun-Pope, executive director of Student Support Initiatives for Broward County Public Schools."

Progressive solutions for the win. /s

Common sense completely discarded in still more misguided feel-good bullshit that in this case got a whole bunch of people killed and injured. And as is the norm, progressives seek to push the blame off on other people and entities.

For those interested, the article that led me to the above is below. But as a warning, you may learn some things you've not heard about before.

Did the Progressive 'Broward County Solution' Cost 17 Students Lives?

We have a clearly mentally ill individual. Little was done in that regard.

We have a school system that decided to make their arrest rate lower by - not making arrests. (Truly genius.) In order to reduce the arrest rates for black and Hispanic students they simply declared what are misdemeanors to be nothing to be concerned about. Voila! Progressives are notorious for only following the laws they agree with and arguing against their form of logic is of course an exercise in futility. Cruz could very well have been taken out of public circulation had the law been followed.

Cruz should not have been allowed to have any weapons. Although I don't know exactly why, my guess is that because he had mental health assistance as a minor, it did not go on his record. Despite his multiple actions that in the past would have put him into the system, at the very least on paper, the feel-good actions of officials in Broward County did not allow that to happen. Why the multiple visits (I've read from 10 to 39) by the local authorities to his home did not red flag his records I do not know. My guess is that no arrest means nothing that needs to be reported to a national database. The FBI dropped the ball despite two instances that we know of when his social media posts spurred individuals to contact the FBI. Despite him using his real name on social media and him being one of only 13 people nationwide that used the same spelling of his first name, the FBI either could not find him or more likely, chose not to find him. It will take an investigation to find out why exactly but I suspect that the FBI also thought it best to adopt their version of the 'Broward County Solution'.

Multiple systemic failures spanning across the system led to this carnage.

What's the looney left's solution? Whatever doesn't point the finger at their complicity.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
We make attempts at less death that are within reason, particularly so compared to the actual cost to society of whatever it is we're discussing at the time. Given guns cost to society when compared to other liberties that harm us, they are already adequately regulated. There are a few loose ends that we can tie up that help, but I'm not for losing more of my rights.

It’s amazing how you keep doggedly repeating this nonsense given how it’s led to basically the entire forum laughing at you.

In case it bears repeating, there is no logical or moral reason to regulate all things in similar ways or to a similar extent. I can’t believe that even needs to be explained.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
As the days go by, the issues in play are becoming clearer.

These districts fought the school-to-prison pipeline. Can Pittsburgh learn their lessons?

"Take Broward County, the Florida county that used to rank No. 1 at sending students to their state’s juvenile justice system.

The stats troubled Broward County leaders, and they responded with a bold solution: Lower arrests by not making arrests.

After examining juvenile data, a local task force compiled 12 misdemeanor offenses that would no longer be considered police matters. Criminal mischief and vandalism, for example.

The results were quickly positive.

In 2011-12, Broward County officers made 1,062 school-related arrests. That dropped to 392 in 2015-16, putting the rate of school-related arrests among the lowest in the state.

School district officials say the strategy allowed schools to respond more constructively to normal teenage behavior, without hurting police ability to respond to serious crime.

“We’re not compromising school safety. We’re really saving the lives of kids,” said Michaelle Valbrun-Pope, executive director of Student Support Initiatives for Broward County Public Schools."

Progressive solutions for the win. /s

Common sense completely discarded in still more misguided feel-good bullshit that in this case got a whole bunch of people killed and injured. And as is the norm, progressives seek to push the blame off on other people and entities.

Lol, thank you as always for the lunatic fringe response. Clearly the problem is not that people can easily obtain access to tools of mass murder, it’s that we aren’t arresting enough high school kids for vandalism.

Jesus Christ, the absolute stupidity from you is off the charts.


Sep 6, 2000
Gun-owners: Let's keep emotions out of this. While this was a tragedy, we can't let those heightened emotions push us into threatening this foundational right.

Also gun-owners: I'd rather die trying to kill cops than let you touch the physical embodiment of my insecurity!

Do you think people would quietly and passively just accept it if we restricted other constitutional rights? Say if we repealed the 1A then outlawed Islam, how would that go over? Or repealed the 13th and 14th and formalized the exploitative relationship employers have with illegal aliens and just declare them slaves?
Reactions: imported_tajmahal


Oct 18, 2013
The question was pretty clear, I thought. Curious whether you have statistics for the historical number of guns in private ownership in the US. Did gun ownership only become commonplace, as has been argued (possibly incorrectly) after the civil war?
You referred to the increase in spree-killings and how that related to the number of guns. One obvious question then is has the number of guns increased?

(Edit - occurs to me that such spree-killings and massacres are not new, it's just that historically the victims were likely to be American indians.)

I believe you were duped by the book Arming America.


Anyway, here is some research.


"Guns are found in 50- 73% of the male estates in each of the eight databases and in 6-38% of the female estates in each of the first four databases. Gun ownership is particularly high compared to other common items. For example, in 813 itemized male inventories from the 1774 Jones national database, guns are listed in 54% of estates, compared to only 30% of estates listing any cash, 14% listing swords or edged weapons, 25% listing Bibles, 62% listing any book, and 79% listing any clothes."

Yes, guns were very common. The country was founded on them.


Sep 6, 2000
No new law needed, its simply a reclassification. Easy peasy.

The difference between drunk driving, illegal immigration and gun control, of course, is that you don't have a bunch of gun nuts threatening to kill people to keep the laws as is nor do you have a powerful lobby campaigning against politicians.

Presuming you could just reclassify firearms as explosives (which I doubt but we can accept for sake of argument) then you’d gain a new licensing requirement for firearms as per the link in posted earlier. You’d lose the waiting period requirement (explosives don’t have an “each new purchase” waiting period as far as I can tell) and likely make routine police carry requirements impossible as their sidearms would need to meet storage and transportation standards for explosives rather than firearms. I’m sure there are some other downstream impacts I’m probably missing but it hardly seems like the magic bullet solution you seek. Just sounds like abortion TRAP laws which don’t stop abortions but whose main purpose is to annoy people for little reason other than you can annoy them.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Do you think people would quietly and passively just accept it if we restricted other constitutional rights? Say if we repealed the 1A then outlawed Islam, how would that go over? Or repealed the 13th and 14th and formalized the exploitative relationship employers have with illegal aliens and just declare them slaves?

I agree, what’s the difference between the right to own a gun as property and the right to own a human being as property? It’s all just property, so the reaction to the two should be the same.


Sep 6, 2000
I agree, what’s the difference between the right to own a gun as property and the right to own a human being as property? It’s all just property, so the reaction to the two should be the same.

Good job completely missing the point. Do you think people would just accept without question the removal or significant restriction of one of their major constitutional rights? Pick any of them, it doesn’t need to be 2A.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2004
It's a terrible analogy; you are a fucking moron.
This is about sentence structure. Do you want to explain why it's not correct instead of throwing insults? There is a big different between these also.

Let's eat grandma.
Let's eat, grandma.

If nothing else maybe it will help you understand why some pro 2A people feel as strongly as they do.
Reactions: imported_tajmahal


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Good job completely missing the point. Do you think people would just accept without question the removal or significant restriction of one of their major constitutional rights? Pick any of them, it doesn’t need to be 2A.

Without question? No, that’s a straw man. Would they do it? Sure. Just look at the 4th amendment.


Jan 12, 2005
It’s amazing how you keep doggedly repeating this nonsense given how it’s led to basically the entire forum laughing at you.

In case it bears repeating, there is no logical or moral reason to regulate all things in similar ways or to a similar extent. I can’t believe that even needs to be explained.

If most of overly left anti-2A AT P&N (generally speaking) is laughing at me in regards to my comments on guns, then I'm very likely saying things that are good for America. Good cheerleading attempt, though.


Sep 6, 2000
Is it ok to rape the 2A because the 4A has been abused?

Fskimospy certainly seems pretty blasé about the NSA spying and abuses if not complete ignoring of the 4th Amendment. I guess to feel safe from a relatively remote chance of dying in a mass shooting that he'd be OK with abridging rights if the majority agreed with it and that he'd be part of that majority. I'd rather hoped a progressive thinker like him would be on the side of the Civil Rights marchers, and the people getting put into Japanese internment camps, and the like. I personally think that rights mean we sometimes need to accept some level of small amount of danger from others we'd rather avoid, for example I certainly wish everyone would get vaccinated but I'm not willing to send government in with guns to force compliance for shots either. Seems like he'd be fine sending in government troops to enforce his desired gun bans.
Reactions: SlowSpyder


Jan 12, 2005
Fskimospy certainly seems pretty blasé about the NSA spying and abuses if not complete ignoring of the 4th Amendment. I guess to feel safe from a relatively remote chance of dying in a mass shooting that he'd be OK with abridging rights if the majority agreed with it and that he'd be part of that majority. I'd rather hoped a progressive thinker like him would be on the side of the Civil Rights marchers, and the people getting put into Japanese internment camps, and the like. I personally think that rights mean we sometimes need to accept some level of small amount of danger from others we'd rather avoid, for example I certainly wish everyone would get vaccinated but I'm not willing to send government in with guns to force compliance for shots either. Seems like he'd be fine sending in government troops to enforce his desired gun bans.

This is the part I don't get. Despite media coverage of mass shootings and firearms homicides in general, the cold stark reality is that one a VERY UNLIKELY to die due to a gun in this country, despite one in three people owning a gun. The anti-constitutional types pick and choose what they like and don't like, and then hold the law to different standards depending on their personal preferences. That isn't how it should be.
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