Folding@Home: 24 hour stats 2-11-2006


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
The TeAm is in 25th place.

Total _ 32,170,566
24hr Avg_ 54,474
Last 24hr_ 57,487

Active Users_ 205
Avg PPD _ 265.7

The Knights Who Say Ni!________ 1.2 months
General [M]ayhem_____________ 3.3 months
SilentPCReview Folding@Home___ 5.7 years
Dutch Power Cows_____________ 9.8 years

Team Hack-a-Day___ 1.3 years
Team Engadget_____ 2.0 years
Portugal@Folding____ 2.9 years
Linux _____________ 3.5 years
TSC! Russia________ 3.8 years

Today's Milestone Makers
TurtleBlue __________ 25,000
Christopher Sautter __ 25,000

These 124 sent in results in the last 24 hours:
The 's are for TeAmMates that posted in yesterday's thread

__TeAm Rank__Points_____Name
1 ______ 1 ___ 9,453 ____ Gravity
2 ______ 2 ___ 2,775 ____ Poopflingers
3 _____ 15 ___ 2,540 ____ PokeyTA
4 _____ 62 ___ 2,496 ____ CupCak3
5 ____ 109 ___ 1,771 ____ TeAmDeception.Net RaySun2Be Spacehead
6 ______ 3 ___ 1,687 ____ Mark_F_Williams
7 _____ 11 ___ 1,456 ____ GLeeM
8 _____ 78 ___ 1,352 ____ Hurricane Andrew
9 _____ 69 ____ 991 ____ Athlex
10 _____ 7 ____ 975 ____ RustyNale
11 ____ 53 ____ 947 ____ xbassman
12 ___ 199 ____ 947 ____ TurtleBlue
13 ___ 243 ____ 918 ____ XPBLACKDRAGON
14 ____ 14 ____ 884 ____ BCinSC
15 ____ 18 ____ 873 ____ Thump553
16 ____ 89 ____ 855 ____ natethegreat
17 ____ 48 ____ 810 ____ amd.borg
18 ____ 33 ____ 773 ____ mytime34
19 ____ 17 ____ 729 ____ mgpaulus
20 ___ 413 ____ 725 ____ stevty2889
21 ____ 57 ____ 647 ____ wisc
22 _____ 9 ____ 615 ____ MartinTrevino
23 ____ 58 ____ 600 ____ KingSalami
24 ____ 87 ____ 547 ____ Spyrano
25 ____ 21 ____ 539 ____ bastula
26 ____ 43 ____ 482 ____ AndrewMedley
27 ____ 42 ____ 473 ____ dawks-rawks
28 ____ 24 ____ 459 ____ Uppsala9496
29 ____ 41 ____ 459 ____ buddry
30 ____ 76 ____ 459 ____ maluman
31 ___ 147 ____ 455 ____ Echonic
32 ___ 215 ____ 448 ____ biodoc
33 _____ 5 ____ 447 ____ osage
34 ____ 45 ____ 427 ____ GSmith
35 ___ 195 ____ 394 ____ ChristopherSautter
36 ___ 218 ____ 364 ____ HardBall
37 ___ 327 ____ 341 ____ JSkorna
38 ____ 80 ____ 335 ____ maheshh
39 ____ 86 ____ 335 ____ MrBig
40 ___ 259 ____ 319 ____ AvisHunt
41 ___ 103 ____ 306 ____ ripship
42 ___ 141 ____ 306 ____ Shortass
43 ___ 257 ____ 306 ____ zerocool1
44 ____ 10 ____ 292 ____ GimpyDaHoundDog
45 _____ 6 ____ 288 ____ digsunshine
46 ___ 105 ____ 273 ____ TheTerl
47 ___ 188 ____ 262 ____ psm450
48 ____ 13 ____ 258 ____ orion7144
49 ____ 30 ____ 241 ____ sparkyclarky
50 ____ 82 ____ 241 ____ JSSheridan
51 ___ 291 ____ 241 ____ Wraithkiss
52 ___ 309 ____ 241 ____ TA_ThomasL
53 ____ 51 ____ 240 ____ mitchell hollberg
54 ____ 60 ____ 233 ____ Homerick
55 ____ 85 ____ 231 ____ AdamDuritz99
56 ____ 32 ____ 224 ____ lobadobadingdong
57 ____ 84 ____ 201 ____ jtmiller
58 ____ 91 ____ 201 ____ SloMoe
59 ___ 338 ____ 201 ____ Cthulhie
60 ____ 44 ____ 194 ____ Sparky19692
61 ____ 92 ____ 194 ____ jkresh
62 ___ 142 ____ 194 ____ TGS
63 ____ 81 ____ 192 ____ OmrTech
64 _____ 8 ____ 188 ____ IceCreamMan
65 ____ 25 ____ 188 ____ ShotgunSi
66 ____ 59 ____ 188 ____ markp
67 ____ 63 ____ 188 ____ MEDISIN
68 _____ 4 ____ 182 ____ Zuke
69 ___ 449 ____ 182 ____ clausing3
70 ____ 12 ____ 166 ____ mikecel79
71 ____ 23 ____ 153 ____ JoshLiechty
72 ____ 35 ____ 153 ____ cwa
73 ____ 55 ____ 153 ____ KublaKhan
74 ____ 56 ____ 153 ____ Czar
75 ____ 64 ____ 153 ____ HappyCracker
76 ____ 70 ____ 153 ____ Syntax
77 ____ 71 ____ 153 ____ Xitar
78 ____ 83 ____ 153 ____ AlexBrickel
79 ___ 108 ____ 153 ____ CuriousMike
80 ___ 117 ____ 153 ____ timswim78
81 ___ 132 ____ 153 ____ mrwizer
82 ___ 145 ____ 153 ____ Malakim
83 ___ 151 ____ 153 ____ tr00p
84 ___ 156 ____ 153 ____ phreaqe
85 ___ 161 ____ 153 ____ JustAnAverageguy
86 ___ 164 ____ 153 ____ gandrews35
87 ___ 174 ____ 153 ____ NMDJuggler
88 ___ 177 ____ 153 ____ DennyLam
89 ___ 183 ____ 153 ____ dawks
90 ___ 197 ____ 153 ____ mdoliver
91 ___ 224 ____ 153 ____ JBoaz
92 ___ 229 ____ 153 ____ ironcrotch
93 ___ 233 ____ 153 ____ sheik124
94 ___ 245 ____ 153 ____ Yanagi
95 ___ 247 ____ 153 ____ khuang
96 ___ 251 ____ 153 ____ long59driver
97 ___ 256 ____ 153 ____ DondoKing
98 ___ 282 ____ 153 ____ Jynx980
99 ___ 288 ____ 153 ____ cjacobs2
100 __ 296 ____ 153 ____ BiggerHammer
101 __ 302 ____ 153 ____ Desslok
102 __ 313 ____ 153 ____ Aiyre
103 __ 323 ____ 153 ____ crainbeau
104 __ 344 ____ 153 ____ aLeoN
105 __ 439 ____ 153 ____ Matrix21
106 __ 441 ____ 153 ____ JarrettMowatt
107 __ 466 ____ 153 ____ idlorj
108 __ 473 ____ 153 ____ Ray
109 __ 496 ____ 153 ____ dasfast
110 __ 515 ____ 153 ____ Jadam
111 ___ 46 ____ 141 ____ MAGratton
112 ___ 97 ____ 141 ____ Vikesrock8411
113 __ 397 ____ 135 ____ dc912
114 ___ 19 ____ 129 ____ mike9o
115 __ 124 ____ 128 ____ superHARD
116 ___ 79 ____ 125 ____ Moltres
117 ___ 38 ____ 121 ____ kravahn
118 ___ 68 ____ 121 ____ Kensai
119 __ 179 ____ 121 ____ Scott66
120 __ 584 _____ 80 ____ 24hrs
121 ___ 22 _____ 68 ____ mrn8
122 __ 176 _____ 41 ____ snoopydk
123 __ 317 _____ 39 ____ Dennis7
124 __ 158 _____ 33 ____ Zensal
______________________ felmerm

Todays Climbers

21 ___ stevty2889
14 ___ Jadam
11 ___ clausing3
10 ___ 24hrs
8 ____ dasfast
7 ____ Ray
5 ____ TurtleBlue
5 ____ JSkorna
5 ____ aLeoN
5 ____ idlorj
4 ____ Christopher_Sautter
4 ____ Cthulhie
4 ____ dc912
4 ____ Jarrett_Mowatt
3 ____ biodoc
3 ____ HardBall
3 ____ ironcrotch
3 ____ Avis_Hunt
3 ____ Wraithkiss
3 ____ TA_ThomasL
2 ____ timswim78
2 ____ Shortass
2 ____ JustAnAverageguy
2 ____ cjacobs2
2 ____ crainbeau
1 ____ Uppsala9496
1 ____ xbassman
1 ____ CupCak3
1 ____ maluman
1 ____ Spyrano
1 ____ natethegreat
1 ____ TeAm_Deception.Net
1 ____ mrwizer
1 ____ Malakim
1 ____ gandrews35
1 ____ NMDJuggler
1 ____ psm450
1 ____ JBoaz
1 ____ sheik124
1 ____ khuang
1 ____ long59driver
1 ____ Jynx980
1 ____ BiggerHammer
1 ____ Desslok
1 ____ Aiyre
1 ____ Matrix21

Sorry about any slight name differences. Or errors.

Thanks to all who contributed - big and small
And thanks to those who are crunching a WU and will be on the list soon

Folding@Home TeAm #198

MDEs setup guide.


Senior member
Feb 7, 2004
Thanks for all the effort GleeM
While finally got my replacement MB for my "phoenix" socket 754 computer and just set it up with windows XP Pro. Thought I would try the CLI version 5.04 set as a service and think I have set up properly as followed MDE's setup guide. I closed it and went into Admin services and turned the service back on

Now of course I have questions. How do I get a log showing how the the folding is going and if I want to add things like advmethods and forceacsm, how do I do it?

Thanks in advance for the help

Edit: think I found out where to add the arguments ( I need to read all the guide) but still unclear on how to check the log


Elite Member
Nov 28, 2004
Thanks for the stats, GLeeM. :thumbsup:
A possible aquisition of a good dual-CPU-computer is at the horizon - I plan to restart folding@home on that one. Lets see what happens


Senior member
Dec 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Scott66
Thanks for all the effort GleeM
While finally got my replacement MB for my "phoenix" socket 754 computer and just set it up with windows XP Pro. Thought I would try the CLI version 5.04 set as a service and think I have set up properly as followed MDE's setup guide. I closed it and went into Admin services and turned the service back on

Now of course I have questions. How do I get a log showing how the the folding is going and if I want to add things like advmethods and forceacsm, how do I do it?

Thanks in advance for the help

Edit: think I found out where to add the arguments ( I need to read all the guide) but still unclear on how to check the log
It's pretty simple really, just go to the folder you installed F@H in and double click the "FAHlog" file

@ thanks for the stats GLeeM!!!


Senior member
Feb 10, 2004
Thanks, GLeeM, doing GREAT work on the list! :thumbsup:

Today's Milestone Makers
TurtleBlue __________ 25,000
Christopher Sautter __ 25,000
Wow, I am humbled...,Congrats to Christopher!

12 ___ 199 ____ 947 ____ TurtleBlue
12th best effort yet on daily stats! AND I cracked into the top 200, YAY!!!

5 ____ TurtleBlue
Nice climb...noticed on the team's list a lot of "Zeros" from some of the gang - Non/stopped contributors? Perhaps should send out an SOS stating they can scale the cpu hit to less than 100% to a level they are comfortable with. Every little bit helps! :Q

OT: Live in NYC...boy, we are getting blasted by this Nor'easter! What a howler!!! I live on the 26th floor with a view of Long Island Sound and can only see White! :shocked:


Dec 14, 2004
Thanks for the stats gleem it is greatly appreciated! :beer: for you for your dedication.

I'm still being bothered by low ppd due to the piddly little WU. I found my install on my laptop was corrupt somehow and kept chokeing and failing. So I did a fresh install and it seems to be happy.

Did you guys see the 852 pointer on the server?:shocked:


Senior member
Feb 10, 2004
Hi, Xitar!

My second PC is currently choking on a plus 1,000 pointer! It will be done in another day or 2. WOW! :shocked:

2390 p2390_Coiled coil 42301 205.00 306.00 1112.00 100 DGROMACS Description alexrson
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