Folding@Home: 24 hour stats 5-16-2006


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
The TeAm is in 24th place!

Total __ 37,133,262
24hr Avg___ 54,779
Last 24hr___ 57,388

Active Users__ 186
Avg PPD ___ 294.5

General [M]ayhem _____________ 1.2 weeks
Overclockers Club _____________ 1.1 years
SilentPCReview Folding@Home ___ 3.9 years

TSC! Russia________ 1.2 years
Team Hack-a-Day___ 1.3 years
Team Engadget_____ 2.1 years

Today's Milestone Makers :thumbsup:

digsunshine_________ 700,000
Uppsala9496________ 300,000
Ayah _______________ 10,000
The Green Bean _______ 5,000
David Boaz ___________ 2,500
TVitae _______________ 2,500

These 113 sent in results in the last 24 hours:

__TeAm Rank__Points_____Name
1 ______ 1 ___ 6,745 ____ Gravity
2 _____ 19 ___ 2,874 ____ bastula
3 _____ 26 ___ 2,106 ____ amdborg
4 ______ 2 ___ 2,103 ____ Poopflingers
5 _____ 25 ___ 1,979 ____ CupCak3
6 ______ 6 ___ 1,696 ____ RustyNale
7 _____ 30 ___ 1,633 ____ Athlex
8 _____ 27 ___ 1,191 ____ dawks-rawks
9 _____ 11 ___ 1,162 ____ BCinSC
10 ____ 47 ___ 1,112 ____ HurricaneAndrew
11 ____ 21 ___ 1,002 ____ JoshLiechty
12 ____ 13 ____ 907 ____ orion7144
13 ____ 32 ____ 875 ____ xbassman
14 ___ 113 ____ 855 ____ XPBLACKDRAGON
15 _____ 9 ____ 850 ____ GLeeM
16 ____ 22 ____ 835 ____ Uppsala9496
17 ___ 124 ____ 816 ____ Scott66
18 ____ 97 ____ 808 ____ TheTerl
19 _____ 4 ____ 794 ____ osage
20 ____ 40 ____ 793 ____ Sniderhouse
21 ____ 64 ____ 776 ____ maluman
22 ____ 15 ____ 775 ____ PokeyTA
23 ____ 12 ____ 750 ____ GimpyDaHoundDog
24 ____ 55 ____ 662 ____ TeAmDeception.Net
25 ___ 144 ____ 646 ____ Imzjustplayin
26 ____ 16 ____ 645 ____ mgpaulus
27 ___ 266 ____ 627 ____ abel007
28 ___ 125 ____ 576 ____ TGS
29 _____ 8 ____ 574 ____ IceCreamMan
30 ____ 70 ____ 569 ____ natethegreat
31 ___ 165 ____ 566 ____ Kryai
32 ____ 42 ____ 548 ____ kravahn
33 ___ 116 ____ 526 ____ brainwrinkle
34 ____ 45 ____ 506 ____ Sparky19692
35 ____ 44 ____ 494 ____ buddry
36 ____ 59 ____ 463 ____ Czar
37 ___ 114 ____ 458 ____ Zensal
38 ___ 128 ____ 450 ____ TurtleBlue
39 ___ 264 ____ 449 ____ BiggerHammer
40 ___ 111 ____ 443 ____ Paladin3
41 ____ 71 ____ 438 ____ ripship
42 _____ 3 ____ 424 ____ MarkF_Williams
43 ___ 301 ____ 412 ____ kontrabass
44 ___ 262 ____ 408 ____ Aiyre
45 ____ 35 ____ 404 ____ bruce.cowan
46 ___ 109 ____ 404 ____ superHARD
47 ___ 346 ____ 404 ____ Ray
48 ____ 67 ____ 401 ____ Xitar
49 ____ 78 ____ 398 ____ JSSheridan
50 ____ 86 ____ 396 ____ Moltres
51 ____ 62 ____ 380 ____ markp
52 ____ 17 ____ 359 ____ Thump553
53 ____ 29 ____ 351 ____ mytime34
54 ___ 170 ____ 328 ____ futuristicmonkey
55 ____ 34 ____ 325 ____ lobadobadingdong
56 ____ 95 ____ 322 ____ stevty2889
57 ___ 105 ____ 306 ____ Echonic
58 ____ 93 ____ 302 ____ jpunzel
59 ____ 10 ____ 294 ____ MartinTrevino
60 ___ 104 ____ 294 ____ CuriousMike
61 ____ 96 ____ 260 ____ Vikesrock8411
62 ___ 162 ____ 252 ____ Bunker
63 ___ 352 ____ 241 ____ Sui
64 ___ 423 ____ 241 ____ TheGreenBean
65 ____ 20 ____ 229 ____ mike9o
66 ___ 323 ____ 229 ____ o080o
67 ____ 51 ____ 226 ____ GSmith
68 ___ 278 ____ 219 ____ aLeoN
69 ____ 41 ____ 202 ____ cwa
70 ____ 56 ____ 202 ____ wisc
71 ____ 75 ____ 202 ____ jtmiller
72 ____ 82 ____ 202 ____ Overkiller
73 ____ 94 ____ 202 ____ wnorth
74 ___ 130 ____ 202 ____ tr00p
75 ___ 143 ____ 202 ____ CCityinstaller
76 ___ 175 ____ 202 ____ ironcrotch
77 ___ 299 ____ 202 ____ herm0016
78 ___ 318 ____ 202 ____ Matrix21
79 ____ 24 ____ 200 ____ mrn8
80 ____ 28 ____ 200 ____ ShotgunSi
81 ____ 60 ____ 200 ____ KingSalami
82 ___ 118 ____ 200 ____ timswim78
83 ___ 123 ____ 200 ____ ToeRag
84 ___ 163 ____ 200 ____ chemzen
85 ___ 207 ____ 200 ____ DondoKing
86 ___ 290 ____ 200 ____ clausing3
87 ___ 422 ____ 200 ____ Mardeth
88 ____ 48 ____ 198 ____ AndrewMedley
89 ___ 110 ____ 198 ____ TZ77
90 ____ 90 ____ 195 ____ AdamDuritz99
91 ___ 237 ____ 195 ____ cjacobs2
92 ___ 517 ____ 193 ____ DavidBoaz
93 ____ 91 ____ 192 ____ jkresh
94 ____ 52 ____ 186 ____ MAGratton
95 ___ 126 ____ 178 ____ Brian
96 ___ 515 ____ 178 ____ TVitae
97 ___ 139 ____ 172 ____ JustAnAverageguy
98 ___ 171 ____ 172 ____ felmerm
99 ___ 306 ____ 172 ____ pkrush
100 __ 321 ____ 172 ____ rainsford
101 __ 373 ____ 172 ____ Mattgyver
102 __ 738 ____ 172 ____ Dacker
103 __ 253 ____ 169 ____ TA_ThomasL
104 __ 340 ____ 169 ____ Ayah
105 ___ 69 ____ 159 ____ MEDISIN
106 ___ 84 ____ 159 ____ SloMoe
107 __ 242 ____ 159 ____ astralusion
108 __ 338 ____ 139 ____ McSilence
109 ___ 31 ____ 130 ____ RAC420
110 ___ 53 ____ 130 ____ MechEng
111 ___ 81 ____ 130 ____ Vexx
112 ___ 57 _____ 99 ____ mitchellhollberg
113 __ 100 _____ 99 ____ Cebesius

Todays Climbers

40 ___ Dacker
23 ___ ekul
9 ____ o080o
8 ____ The_Green_Bean
8 ____ David_Boaz
7 ____ TVitae
4 ____ clausing3
4 ____ Ray
4 ____ Mattgyver
4 ____ Mardeth
3 ____ astralusion
3 ____ TA_ThomasL
3 ____ Aiyre
3 ____ kontrabass
3 ____ rainsford
3 ____ Sui
2 ____ Xitar
2 ____ JustAnAverageguy
2 ____ ironcrotch
2 ____ abel007
2 ____ pkrush
1 ____ xbassman
1 ____ Sniderhouse
1 ____ TeAm_Deception.Net
1 ____ JSSheridan
1 ____ Vexx
1 ____ TheTerl
1 ____ Paladin3
1 ____ Scott66
1 ____ TurtleBlue
1 ____ Kryai
1 ____ futuristicmonkey
1 ____ felmerm
1 ____ HardBall
1 ____ ecvs85
1 ____ cjacobs2
1 ____ aLeoN
1 ____ herm0016
1 ____ McSilence

Sorry about any slight name differences. Or errors.

Thanks to all who contributed - big and small
And thanks to those who are crunching a WU and will be on the list soon

Folding@Home TeAm #198

MDE's setup guide. (new link)


Senior member
Feb 10, 2004
Thanks, GLeeM - great job for the team!

:beer: :shocked: :thumbsup:

So many Milestone Makers... - Congrats to you all!!!


Senior member
Feb 7, 2004
Thanks GleeM for doing the stats

A big congrats to all the Milestone Makers - It is nice to see so many


17 ___ 124 ____ 816 ____ Scott66


This is one of my very-good-days for points production


Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
Congratulations to all the MM's .

Thanks GLeeM. :thumbsup:



Senior member
Apr 25, 2002
Hey guys... Sorry if this is a bad place to post, but I just now tried to install folding@home on my machine and join ya'lls team. After setting the config screen with the user name and team#198, I let the program start up... a few seconds later I was watching a black screen

I turned off the dead system but it is now locked into a rebooting cycle when it begins to load Windows XP Pro, regardless of whether I try safe mode, normal, or last known good config. I'm about to repair the install to see if that works (I had just done a clean reinstall of XP Pro less than a month back, btw), but I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas or could point me towards a explanation? When I get things running again I'm not to sure I want to risk installing that program again unless anyone knows how to rectify this problem, such as if it's a known issue or something.

I know this is a overclocked system, but I run a tight ship and it's been perfectly stable for a long time. No unwanted programs lurking about on it either, although I'll not add a new paragraph getting into needless details (Unless asked!). Heat does not seem to be it either, and regardless it's a pretty strong conincidence that this waited to happen until after I'd just started the folding@home program for the first time I had downloaded and installed the 5.03 client. Is there a known list of software conflictions with this program?

Pentium 2.80c @ 3.45ghz 1.55volts (Stock is 1.525)
(Northwood w/ HT on a Zalman-7700Cu)
Abit IS7 Mainboard
2x512mb PC4400 RAM
PowerColor 9600XT
etc etc etc, et al

Feel free to relocate my post as appropriate.

Edit: Well, I got it to boot into Windows, but by the time it finishes loading it still black screens and I have to manually reset the system again.

I rebuilt the boot.ini file and removed the /noexecute=optin parameter and that got Windows XP to boot completely. It was working fine up to the point I double-clicked the folding@home program (From the systray), which sent up a black filled application window that only displayed folding@home and something else in white text in a solid black window. I tried to find the config/settings, but a few seconds later I'm back to a black screen. Google isn't being very helpful at the moment, and I don't see problems like mine listed under the folding@home pages...


Senior member
Apr 25, 2002
Alright, rebuilding the boot.ini file got XP Pro to finally load in safemode, where I promptly removed the folding@home application and restarted. As my system now works, it's obviously the culprit... by what could have it done in the first place to do this, and why is this program involved with boot.ini in some form or fashion anyway?


Dec 14, 2004
Some use this program to burn in their systems since it is taxing on the processor. I would suspect your OC is unstable and you need to lower your clock settings and see if you can get your system stable with F@H running.

What did you use to verify stability on your current OC? Memtest, etc...?

Just trying to help.



Senior member
Apr 25, 2002
Not a problem... I use prime95 and cpuburn running in tandem to reach 100% utilization, as I have hyperthreading enabled. I'd run first one of the torture tests, then the other for 15 minutes each with cpuburn cooking everything in the background the full time. After just a few minutes of this my CPU will reach and hold at 50c, and the temp readings for the PWM area fluctuate anywhere from 48c to 54c. I use Speedfan to watch the temps/voltages.... if Prime95 gives me an error I'd tone down the overclock until it passed 30 minutes of that error free.

As I'm always tweaking or fiddling with different hardware I'd be willing to admit that could be a cause, just that after the first time my system black screened the program was never able to even begin loading before XP would auto-reboot itself. It was only after I changed the boot.ini file and ran some other recovery options did Windows begin to fully load, load up folding@home, then black screen and NOT reboot. Before I even attempted to use the recovery CD I had reset my system back to full stock settings and relaxed the memory timings. But I'll test the system again for a little longer anyway to be sure. Thanks


Senior member
Apr 25, 2002
Well, it held up for ten minutes at 52c on the CPU, before I got a calc error! It looks like you're right... judging by the chart over here it looks like my Antec PSU needs to be retired I think. Can someone that's knowledgeable with PSU rail voltages confirm that the stability chart given on the top of that page is about right? If it is, half the rails on my Antec are outside tolerances...


Dec 14, 2004
The first time you install F@H the program tries to connect to the intarweb to get the proper core and a work unit. From your post it sounds like this is where it failed and not during actual crunching, can you confirm? If you didn't get to crunching then it shouldn't be a stability issue yet.

Possilbly a bad install, but it is hard to tell.

I had a machine that would randomly restart for no reason that I could tell. I replaced the PSU and all was well (Generid POS).


I looked on the standford forums and found this Linky. I'm assuming you downloaded it from the right place, but the interesting one was the possible conflict with graphics drivers. If you tried to open it and it crashed or black screened I lean more to updating your graphics drivers or revert to a know good config. Just more ideas.


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Hello Kougar and welcome to the DC forum and the TeAm

Sorry about the problems and your rocky start into DC!

The Folding@Home (F@H) GUI version uses OpenGL and can cause known problems with some graphics drivers. (The console version has no problems with graphics, but it takes a little more study to use)

The F@H program should in no way do anything to boot.ini. I wonder if the crash could have done something to it?

It was working fine up to the point I double-clicked the folding@home program (From the systray),
This opens the graphics window that uses OpenGL and indicates that it is a driver problem, although it could be coincidence in timing and it was an unstable OC.

I had my system Prime95 stable for 24 hours in the winter and when summer came along I had to lower the OC a little more to be F@H stable with some work units (WUs).

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask

Keep us updated too, OK?


Senior member
Apr 25, 2002
Thanks for trying to help me with this! And thank you for the welcome

To confirm: I did download the 5.03 client directly from the Standford webpage. I am using the standard unmodified Catalyst 6.4 graphics drivers, which after checking are still the latest drivers from ATI. And you are correct that my system never lasted long enough for me to get past finishing the setup config, so the machine was not crunching. Hm, and you are doubtlessly right in that the first crash is probably what killed XP's boot.ini file. I even noticed the backup boot.ini file was completely missing from the windows/pss folder!

At the moment I have a strong suspicion that my Powersupply is at fault. Now that I've kept an eye on it, I am seeing some unusal voltages, not to mention the -12, -5, rails are both way under tolerances mentioned on that page(-7.01 & -3.39 respectively), and the +5VB rail is over volted at 5.51v. As I was torture testing the +12 rail dropped to 11.61volts as well, and while that claims to be within "acceptable" specs I have never seen it go below 11.8 before till now. Would I be correct that this 350watt Antec powersupply is on it's last legs? I was worried when I had to replace the 400watt PSU with a 350watt model, however at the time I had zero stability issues and all rails were within specs as far as I remember, and very close to the exact rail specs even. The unit is still silent, and while it got warm I attributed that to the single 80mm fan it has, as it is the silent redesigned model of the Antec SL350 SmartPower PSU.

To further clarify, by "strange" I mean the reading off the CPU's VCORE of 1.47 to 1.49 volts, as it's running at 52C under 100% load from CPUBurn! and Prime95. As I've had this system for several years I know this should be reading 1.525 with spikes up to 1.55volts. I'd have been hard pressed to believe Speedfan was showing the correct voltages as the system never crashed during the testing, however Speedfan is matching the CPU voltage as reported in CPU-Z. For instance right now my system is 99% free, and the CPU Vcore is at 1.52 exactly... I may be using a Northwood, but even those were a little power hungry when put under loads!

I will give the GUI-less version a shot to see what happens, although I'll admit I'm rather spoiled by having a GUI to stare at... But could someone confirm that this is really the PSU is probably the culprit? I would replace it with another unit and test this, however this PSU WAS a replacement for a 400watt Antec unit and I have no others left with sufficient ratings on the +12 rail nor high enough wattage.


Senior member
Apr 25, 2002
You were right, the console version has been running smoothly on my machine. Thank you

I have a 9600XT card using the latest 6.4 Catalyst drivers though, so it's not good if the GUI client is conflicting with something as standard as my machine! To test a few things I replaced my memory with Crucial's as they have been exemplary, reverted my system to stock, and again attempted a install with all other programs disabled. Upon rebooting, XP loaded up, started the full GUI folding@home program, and black screened.

I scanned the other threads mentioned, and saw DirectX is mentioned. The 9600XT is a physical DX9 card, and I was running the latest DX9.0c drivers, however 3dMarks06 did install a recent DirectX patch update to the already installed DX9.0c. This is the only "non-standard" modification I can think of to the graphics drivers.


Jun 2, 2002
Welcome to the TeAm Kougar
Glad the CLI is working for you. Wish i could be of some help sorting out you PSU delema, but i'm no help in that area.


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Originally posted by: Kougar
To test a few things I replaced my memory with Crucial's as they have been exemplary, reverted my system to stock, and again attempted a install with all other programs disabled. Upon rebooting, XP loaded up, started the full GUI folding@home program, and black screened.

They would probably like to hear of this at the folding forum so they could make sure that the hopefully soon to be released V6 client does not have the same problems.


Senior member
Apr 25, 2002
Heh, I just noticed the edit done to the sub-topic. Thank you kindly

I went ahead and posted over there. Right now I've already found a thread with another XP user that has my exact problem. He ALSO uses a 9600XT, and ALSO has a old 24bit Soundblaster card... looks like it's one of these, and I'm betting it'd the opengl soundblaster drivers! I will find a good driver removal tool and remove those and the card itself as it was only used as a mic input, my system uses AC97 for all other sound. When I'm able to do this I'll reinstall the GUI client and giver 'er a shot Still folding just fine with the console F@H program as well.


Diamond Member
May 28, 2003
Hey Kougar!

About 2 years ago I had the same problem with my laptop. It has a 9600 mobility and I was never able to get the GUI version to run, not even with changed gfx drivers. But the CLI always worked fine for me. I also had the same things appear, black screen, reboots and what not.

In that sense, I assume that it really is the gfx card or the drivers in your case, too.
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