Folding@Home: 24 hour stats 5-21-2006


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Just a bit of info for those interested:
F@H WUs have deadlines. The length of the deadline depends mostly on how many points the WU is worth. The more points, the longer it takes to crunch, the longer the deadline. A 1000 Mhz CPU, if on 24/7 can easily make the deadline. They need a deadline because the next WU in the series is made from the one you send in.

They decide on the points the WU is worth by benchmarking it on a P4 2.8 with SSE turned off. This computer would get 110 PPD. Different WUs run differently on various hardware. If a WU uses SSE2/3 you will see a kind of bonus if your computer has SSE2/3 because it will finish faster than the benchmark computer!

Some, currently not many, WUs are given a bonus if they are large up/downloads (>5 MB) and/or use an extraordinary amount of computer resources. To have a chance of getting any of these, during config answer yes to the >5 MB question. At this time do not use the -advmethods flag for the best chance at getting one of these.

It seems that the assignment of WUs is random and to some extent this is true, but mostly they assign by which projects they currently need to have done soonest.

Links: Folding@Home server status and Currently Running Projects - Comprehensive List

The TeAm is in 24th place!

Total __ 37,388,125
24hr Avg___ 53,172
Last 24hr___ 47,350

Active Users__ 180
Avg PPD ___ 295.4

General [M]ayhem _____________ 6.2 DAYS :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Overclockers Club _____________ 1.5 years
SilentPCReview Folding@Home ___ 2.7 years

Team Hack-a-Day___ 1.1 years
TSC! Russia________ 1.2 years
Team Engadget_____ 1.8 years
Portugal@Folding____ 7.0 years

Today's Milestone Makers :thumbsup:

mike9o ______ 400,000

These 112 sent in results in the last 24 hours:

__TeAm Rank__Points_____Name
1 ______ 1 ___ 2,695 ____ Gravity
2 _____ 30 ___ 2,370 ____ Athlex
3 ______ 2 ___ 2,159 ____ Poopflingers
4 _____ 18 ___ 2,079 ____ bastula
5 _____ 11 ___ 1,690 ____ BCinSC
6 _____ 31 ___ 1,660 ____ xbassman
7 _____ 26 ___ 1,184 ____ amdborg
8 _____ 45 ___ 1,065 ____ HurricaneAndrew
9 _____ 27 ___ 1,041 ____ dawks-rawks
10 ____ 71 ____ 957 ____ ripship
11 _____ 5 ____ 924 ____ RustyNale
12 ____ 39 ____ 765 ____ Sniderhouse
13 ___ 106 ____ 735 ____ XPBLACKDRAGON
14 _____ 9 ____ 728 ____ GLeeM
15 ____ 15 ____ 715 ____ PokeyTA
16 ___ 140 ____ 699 ____ Imzjustplayin
17 ____ 92 ____ 690 ____ stevty2889
18 ____ 22 ____ 689 ____ Uppsala9496
19 ___ 439 ____ 659 ____ DavidBoaz
20 ____ 10 ____ 625 ____ MartinTrevino
21 ____ 57 ____ 605 ____ mitchellhollberg
22 ____ 68 ____ 586 ____ natethegreat
23 ____ 51 ____ 569 ____ GSmith
24 ____ 54 ____ 568 ____ TeAmDeception.Net
25 _____ 4 ____ 566 ____ osage
26 _____ 8 ____ 532 ____ IceCreamMan
27 ____ 13 ____ 474 ____ orion7144
28 ____ 20 ____ 471 ____ mike9o
29 ____ 12 ____ 458 ____ GimpyDaHoundDog
30 ___ 108 ____ 449 ____ Jeff7
31 ____ 16 ____ 436 ____ mgpaulus
32 ___ 126 ____ 429 ____ TurtleBlue
33 ____ 17 ____ 421 ____ Thump553
34 ____ 46 ____ 408 ____ Sparky19692
35 ____ 86 ____ 404 ____ Moltres
36 ___ 101 ____ 404 ____ Echonic
37 ___ 228 ____ 404 ____ JBoaz
38 ___ 107 ____ 395 ____ superHARD
39 ____ 48 ____ 382 ____ AndrewMedley
40 ____ 97 ____ 376 ____ TheTerl
41 ____ 25 ____ 375 ____ CupCak3
42 ___ 113 ____ 364 ____ scottv67
43 ___ 163 ____ 351 ____ Kryai
44 ____ 29 ____ 330 ____ mytime34
45 ___ 309 ____ 324 ____ BigRed2k
46 ___ 165 ____ 322 ____ futuristicmonkey
47 ____ 14 ____ 289 ____ mikecel79
48 ____ 34 ____ 279 ____ lobadobadingdong
49 ___ 160 ____ 270 ____ Bunker
50 ____ 63 ____ 267 ____ markp
51 ___ 235 ____ 267 ____ Desslok
52 ___ 161 ____ 263 ____ ChristopherSautter
53 ____ 79 ____ 260 ____ Vexx
54 ___ 205 ____ 249 ____ DondoKing
55 ___ 117 ____ 241 ____ timswim78
56 ___ 118 ____ 241 ____ GerryPSU80
57 ___ 219 ____ 241 ____ zerocool1
58 ___ 250 ____ 237 ____ abel007
59 ____ 96 ____ 229 ____ Vikesrock8411
60 ___ 103 ____ 229 ____ CuriousMike
61 ____ 62 ____ 226 ____ maluman
62 ___ 168 ____ 226 ____ felmerm
63 ___ 175 ____ 226 ____ snoopydk
64 ___ 227 ____ 226 ____ Jynx980
65 ___ 319 ____ 226 ____ timvehrs
66 ___ 416 ____ 219 ____ Mardeth
67 _____ 7 ____ 202 ____ digsunshine
68 ____ 78 ____ 202 ____ JSSheridan
69 ____ 67 ____ 200 ____ Xitar
70 ____ 87 ____ 200 ____ MrBig
71 ____ 83 ____ 199 ____ SloMoe
72 ____ 21 ____ 198 ____ JoshLiechty
73 ____ 42 ____ 197 ____ kravahn
74 ____ 61 ____ 195 ____ KublaKhan
75 ____ 73 ____ 195 ____ jtmiller
76 ____ 41 ____ 193 ____ cwa
77 ___ 139 ____ 193 ____ fhonyotski
78 ___ 269 ____ 193 ____ Bri79
79 ____ 74 ____ 192 ____ BobBobson
80 ___ 144 ____ 192 ____ CCityinstaller
81 ___ 114 ____ 178 ____ Zensal
82 ___ 240 ____ 172 ____ astralusion
83 ___ 248 ____ 172 ____ oldch0rd
84 ___ 308 ____ 172 ____ propaganda
85 ___ 119 ____ 159 ____ Scott66
86 ___ 341 ____ 159 ____ Ray
87 ____ 91 ____ 153 ____ jkresh
88 ___ 183 ____ 153 ____ mdoliver
89 ___ 202 ____ 153 ____ AvisHunt
90 ___ 242 ____ 153 ____ long59driver
91 ___ 478 ____ 153 ____ TVitae
92 _____ 3 ____ 149 ____ MarkF_Williams
93 ____ 44 ____ 149 ____ buddry
94 ____ 77 ____ 149 ____ OmrTech
95 ____ 89 ____ 149 ____ AdamDuritz99
96 ___ 159 ____ 149 ____ DavidPulling
97 ___ 337 ____ 149 ____ Ayah
98 ___ 757 ____ 149 ____ Kougar
99 ___ 128 ____ 139 ____ Yourself
100 __ 127 ____ 130 ____ Brian
101 __ 189 ____ 130 ____ HardBall
102 ___ 43 ____ 122 ____ brianp34
103 ___ 52 ____ 122 ____ MAGratton
104 ___ 69 _____ 99 ____ MEDISIN
105 __ 222 _____ 99 ____ HLouie
106 __ 304 _____ 99 ____ o080o
107 ___ 35 _____ 88 ____ kb3edk
108 ___ 56 _____ 88 ____ wisc
109 ___ 58 _____ 88 ____ Czar
110 __ 130 _____ 44 ____ tr00p
111 __ 138 _____ 44 ____ ZeroPoint
112 __ 141 _____ 44 ____ dawks

Todays Climbers

51 ___ Kougar
17 ___ David_Boaz
10 ___ TVitae
5 ____ BigRed2k
4 ____ abel007
3 ____ Imzjustplayin
3 ____ HardBall
3 ____ timvehrs
3 ____ Ray
3 ____ Mardeth
2 ____ HLouie
2 ____ propaganda
2 ____ Ayah
1 ____ kb3edk
1 ____ Czar
1 ____ Vexx
1 ____ Bunker
1 ____ Kryai
1 ____ futuristicmonkey
1 ____ snoopydk
1 ____ mdoliver
1 ____ Avis_Hunt
1 ____ DondoKing
1 ____ zerocool1
1 ____ Desslok
1 ____ astralusion
1 ____ long59driver
1 ____ oldch0rd

Sorry about any slight name differences. Or errors.

Thanks to all who contributed - big and small
And thanks to those who are crunching a WU and will be on the list soon

Folding@Home TeAm #198

MDE's setup guide. (new link)


Dec 14, 2004
Thanks for the stats Gleem!

For verification are you saying to remove the -advmethods flag?

I went down to frys today to see if they had any deals on X2 3800s to keep nate off my butt, but alas they were the same $320. This would of been a great race to 120K.


Mar 17, 2001
Thanks for the stats, Gleem. :thumbsup:

The summer has brought good things down here on the farm in Indiana... Unlike at college, my laptop can stay plugged in and online 24/7, so that's a PPC G4 1.5GHz crunching, albeit slowly. I've also got an 800MHz Duron that was just switched from Smoothwall to OpenSUSE so it can run F@H, and tonight I added a P4 3GHz to the fold; it's a remote box that I'll have to dump manually once a week, but 2x clients doing bulk batches of deadlineless WUs can still help a bit. Now if Stanford would just get their GPU client finished...

Anyway, what is the current status of the optimized WUs in conjunction with AMD Athlon 64 processors? Will it help if I remove -advmethods, or does that only benefit P4 users?


Senior member
Apr 25, 2002
ZipZoomFly has X2 3800's for $297 shipped, if you were being serious?

Thanks for making a point to mention the currently running projects list! Was pretty simple to find the "5way_melt" on that thing... Even at 3.41ghz with HT off and very little running, it's chomping out an hour and 15 minutes per "step", or whatever it's called. The Pent M in contrast had been chewing through them in 18 minute batches instead, so I was starting to wonder about that....

As a sidenote, I installed F@H on a Pentium4 using a PCI Matrox Mystique card, and the GUI version runs just fine...


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Originally posted by: ProviaFan
Anyway, what is the current status of the optimized WUs in conjunction with AMD Athlon 64 processors? Will it help if I remove -advmethods, or does that only benefit P4 users?
They discontinued the QMDs to do the science on them. They may start different ones again .... or not.

I think there are/were some bonus large WUs for Linux computers exclusively. Not sure how to configure to get them though.

Originally posted by: Xitar
For verification are you saying to remove the -advmethods flag?
The 14## project WUs need WUs > 5 MB and no flag. I think they are the only bonus WUs currently for Windows and are few and far between.

It seems easier (in the last few weeks) to get DGROMACS (the ones that use SSE2/3) with the -advmethods flag.
Can anyone else confirm this?


Apr 23, 2001
A few things..

First, thanks for the stats GLeeM!

I just installed F@H on a p3 600mhz. Ouch, reporting 2 weeks to finish the first WU. Good thing the deadline is 4 weeks .

Second, are there any tracking apps that can track my wu's? I'd like to be able to go back and look and see the protein, point value, start time, finish time, etc... by machine/processor.
Electron Microscope will do this, but only if you are logged in and it is running (I'm running F@H as a service and don't stay logged into the machines)


Senior member
Dec 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Xitar
I went down to frys today to see if they had any deals on X2 3800s to keep nate off my butt, but alas they were the same $320. This would of been a great race to 120K.
I've got 2 folders: an XP 3200+ and an X2 3800+ Gonna be adding a XP-M 2600+ that clocks to 3200+ as soon as I buy a case and another copy of win-xp, and maybe a 1.2 Ghz Athlon if I can make myself tolerate the noise from the hard drive

Thanks for the stats GLeeM :thumbsup:



Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Originally posted by: bunker
A few things..

First, thanks for the stats GLeeM!

I just installed F@H on a p3 600mhz. Ouch, reporting 2 weeks to finish the first WU. Good thing the deadline is 4 weeks .

Second, are there any tracking apps that can track my wu's? I'd like to be able to go back and look and see the protein, point value, start time, finish time, etc... by machine/processor.
Electron Microscope will do this, but only if you are logged in and it is running (I'm running F@H as a service and don't stay logged into the machines)

I'm not sure if there is anything like that, but you could look here or in the stickied Tools List thread there.


Senior member
Dec 5, 2004
Originally posted by: bunker
Second, are there any tracking apps that can track my wu's? I'd like to be able to go back and look and see the protein, point value, start time, finish time, etc... by machine/processor.
Electron Microscope will do this, but only if you are logged in and it is running (I'm running F@H as a service and don't stay logged into the machines)
You might want to check this out... FAH Monitor & Farm

sale-70-410-exam    | Exam-200-125-pdf    | we-sale-70-410-exam    | hot-sale-70-410-exam    | Latest-exam-700-603-Dumps    | Dumps-98-363-exams-date    | Certs-200-125-date    | Dumps-300-075-exams-date    | hot-sale-book-C8010-726-book    | Hot-Sale-200-310-Exam    | Exam-Description-200-310-dumps?    | hot-sale-book-200-125-book    | Latest-Updated-300-209-Exam    | Dumps-210-260-exams-date    | Download-200-125-Exam-PDF    | Exam-Description-300-101-dumps    | Certs-300-101-date    | Hot-Sale-300-075-Exam    | Latest-exam-200-125-Dumps    | Exam-Description-200-125-dumps    | Latest-Updated-300-075-Exam    | hot-sale-book-210-260-book    | Dumps-200-901-exams-date    | Certs-200-901-date    | Latest-exam-1Z0-062-Dumps    | Hot-Sale-1Z0-062-Exam    | Certs-CSSLP-date    | 100%-Pass-70-383-Exams    | Latest-JN0-360-real-exam-questions    | 100%-Pass-4A0-100-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-300-135-exams-date    | Passed-200-105-Tech-Exams    | Latest-Updated-200-310-Exam    | Download-300-070-Exam-PDF    | Hot-Sale-JN0-360-Exam    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Exams    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-JN0-360-exams-date    | Exam-Description-1Z0-876-dumps    | Latest-exam-1Z0-876-Dumps    | Dumps-HPE0-Y53-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-HPE0-Y53-Exam    | 100%-Pass-HPE0-Y53-Real-Exam-Questions    | Pass-4A0-100-Exam    | Latest-4A0-100-Questions    | Dumps-98-365-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-98-365-Exam    | 100%-Pass-VCS-254-Exams    | 2017-Latest-VCS-273-Exam    | Dumps-200-355-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-300-320-Exam    | Pass-300-101-Exam    | 100%-Pass-300-115-Exams    |    |    |