Folding@Home: 24 hour stats - April 21, 2007


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
New!! I added Top 20 Producers section below

Folding@Home TeAm #198

The TeAm is in 22nd place!

Join us in the fight for 21st place! While helping find cures for diseases!

Total______ 56,801,726
24hr Avg______ 99,242
Last 24hr______ 89,680

Active Users_____ 258
Avg PPD________ 384.7

SilentPCReview Folding@Home ____ 2.4 weeks
p2p-community_________________ 2.3 years

Team Engadget_________________ 4.0 months
2ch@PS3 ______________________ 6.8 months
OcUK _________________________ 1.1 years
DL.TV_________________________ 1.6 years
PS3 Forums____________________ 1.8 years

Todays Milestone Makers :thumbsup:

Gravity ____________ 4,300,000
timvehrs ____________ 100,000
Cuhulainn ____________ 50,000
jbubrisk ______________ 25,000
kart17wins _____________ 2,500
mrmains _______________ 2,500
destrekor ______________ 1,000
PS3 ___________________ 1,000
Marcin _________________ 1,000

stevty2889 ____________ Top 50
jdogg707 _____________ Top 200

Top 20 Producers

__ Daily Average
1 __ 4,267 __ scottv67
2 __ 3,203 __ Gravity
3 __ 3,052 __ Poopflingers
4 __ 3,040 __ Sniderhouse
5 __ 2,819 __ Hurricane_Andrew
6 __ 2,789 __ Athlex
7 __ 2,489 __ mike9o
8 __ 2,336 __ Insidious
9 __ 2,014 __ o080o
10 _ 1,929 __ JHutch2000
11 _ 1,684 __ GLeeM
12 _ 1,601 __ xbassman
13 _ 1,466 __ CupCak3
14 _ 1,355 __ Lnx227
15 _ 1,300 __ natethegreat
16 _ 1,297 __ Narse
17 _ 1,287 __ amd_borg
18 _ 1,250 __ jdogg707
19 _ 1,232 __ CCrunner84
20 _ 1,220 __ Ruff_ilb

These 128 sent results in the last 24 hours:

__TeAm Rank__Points_____Name
1 _____ 35 ___ 6,188 ____ scottv67
2 _____ 41 ___ 3,413 ____ o080o
3 ______ 1 ___ 3,246 ____ Gravity
4 ______ 8 ___ 2,943 ____ Athlex
5 _____ 22 ___ 2,582 ____ HurricaneAndrew
6 _____ 14 ___ 2,574 ____ mike9o
7 _____ 66 ___ 2,278 ____ abel007
8 _____ 57 ___ 2,097 ____ Scott66
9 _____ 83 ___ 2,000 ____ Ruffilb
10 ___ 219 ___ 1,695 ____ PeterBarriga
11 _____ 2 ___ 1,648 ____ Poopflingers
12 ____ 23 ___ 1,605 ____ xbassman
13 ____ 55 ___ 1,571 ____ Lnx227
14 ____ 19 ___ 1,538 ____ Sniderhouse
15 ____ 32 ___ 1,534 ____ ripship
16 ____ 27 ___ 1,523 ____ Insidious
17 ____ 43 ___ 1,523 ____ natethegreat
18 ___ 140 ___ 1,523 ____ xfalconx2
19 ___ 287 ___ 1,472 ____ jbubrisk
20 ___ 342 ___ 1,297 ____ MasterChef
21 _____ 4 ___ 1,153 ____ GLeeM
22 ____ 25 ___ 1,148 ____ dawks-rawks
23 ___ 155 ___ 1,032 ____ chriskwarren
24 ____ 50 ___ 1,000 ____ stevty2889
25 ___ 218 ___ 1,000 ____ PunjabiPlaya
26 ___ 711 ____ 996 ____ grendel
27 ___ 427 ____ 975 ____ Narse
28 ___ 734 ____ 975 ____ jedeyenite
29 ____ 21 ____ 950 ____ mgpaulus
30 ___ 192 ____ 948 ____ Nacelle
31 ___ 178 ____ 941 ____ gandrews35
32 ___ 199 ____ 925 ____ SilverSurfer042677
33 ___ 273 ____ 902 ____ CCrunner84
34 ___ 538 ____ 882 ____ DestinyDE
35 ___ 200 ____ 874 ____ jdogg707
36 ____ 39 ____ 868 ____ Zensal
37 ___ 162 ____ 861 ____ darb
38 ___ 309 ____ 849 ____ Defiantsf
39 ___ 355 ____ 844 ____ Geomagick
40 ___ 120 ____ 760 ____ timvehrs
41 ___ 330 ____ 755 ____ fhqwgads2005
42 ____ 12 ____ 740 ____ PokeyTA
43 ___ 388 ____ 702 ____ Sillymak
44 ____ 99 ____ 660 ____ fhonyotski
45 ___ 197 ____ 660 ____ Larry.Morley
46 ____ 10 ____ 596 ____ bastula
47 ___ 419 ____ 595 ____ taronga
48 ___ 138 ____ 582 ____ Night201
49 ____ 34 ____ 578 ____ TeAmDeception.Net
50 ____ 68 ____ 574 ____ Bunker
51 ___ 136 ____ 574 ____ zerocool1
52 ___ 315 ____ 574 ____ HZRPS3Nam75
53 ___ 446 ____ 574 ____ Stormchaser64
54 ___ 864 ____ 574 ____ destrekor
55 ____ 63 ____ 558 ____ Czar
56 ____ 11 ____ 535 ____ IceCreamMan
57 ____ 31 ____ 516 ____ GSmith
58 ___ 712 ____ 501 ____ TimD
59 ____ 94 ____ 500 ____ MadAmos
60 ___ 156 ____ 472 ____ MattTimmons
61 ___ 478 ____ 447 ____ sxfactor
62 ____ 61 ____ 392 ____ DavidBoaz
63 ___ 153 ____ 392 ____ ChrisHuff
64 ___ 102 ____ 372 ____ CCityinstaller
65 ___ 431 ____ 372 ____ phw
66 ___ 501 ____ 372 ____ Shoobie
67 ___ 801 ____ 372 ____ liviathan
68 ___ 129 ____ 342 ____ deninc66
69 ___ 239 ____ 330 ____ soydios
70 ___ 681 ____ 330 ____ mrmains
71 ___ 691 ____ 330 ____ kart17wins
72 ___ 119 ____ 310 ____ JHutch2000
73 ___ 380 ____ 308 ____ Extelleron
74 ___ 146 ____ 300 ____ Bri79
75 ____ 36 ____ 292 ____ kravahn
76 ___ 718 ____ 292 ____ SSSnail
77 ___ 440 ____ 287 ____ plonk420
78 ___ 451 ____ 287 ____ $hooks
79 ___ 887 ____ 287 ____ PS3
80 ___ 855 ____ 266 ____ Marcin
81 ____ 78 ____ 243 ____ jtmiller
82 ____ 81 ____ 243 ____ Antero
83 ____ 91 ____ 243 ____ Syntax
84 ___ 177 ____ 243 ____ Cuhulainn
85 ___ 224 ____ 243 ____ wurkfur
86 ___ 304 ____ 243 ____ Neurodog
87 ___ 761 ____ 243 ____ alphawolf010
88 ___ 489 ____ 206 ____ TomPhilippart
89 ___ 108 ____ 199 ____ LastKnight
90 ____ 54 ____ 189 ____ AndrewMedley
91 _____ 3 ____ 186 ____ MarkF_Williams
92 _____ 7 ____ 186 ____ CupCak3
93 _____ 9 ____ 186 ____ MartinTrevino
94 ____ 13 ____ 186 ____ digsunshine
95 ____ 74 ____ 186 ____ mitchellhollberg
96 ____ 85 ____ 186 ____ brainwrinkle
97 ___ 104 ____ 186 ____ superHARD
98 ___ 114 ____ 186 ____ XPBLACKDRAGON
99 ___ 118 ____ 186 ____ Jeff7
100 __ 131 ____ 186 ____ timswim78
101 __ 137 ____ 186 ____ ChristopherSautter
102 __ 172 ____ 186 ____ mgtboy
103 __ 201 ____ 186 ____ Garfield3d
104 __ 223 ____ 186 ____ aLeoN
105 __ 228 ____ 186 ____ crainbeau
106 __ 256 ____ 186 ____ kramerica147
107 __ 335 ____ 186 ____ hoeser
108 __ 363 ____ 186 ____ tmoneygetpaid
109 __ 377 ____ 186 ____ jm20
110 __ 386 ____ 186 ____ narzy
111 __ 505 ____ 186 ____ Geekling
112 __ 547 ____ 186 ____ Chapbass
113 __ 592 ____ 186 ____ NatePo717
114 __ 752 ____ 186 ____ rpc
115 __ 782 ____ 186 ____ Netxen
116 __ 804 ____ 186 ____ AaronLowe
117 __ 837 ____ 186 ____ PaulKingston
118 ___ 49 ____ 132 ____ buddry
119 ___ 95 ____ 132 ____ Kryai
120 ___ 24 ____ 114 ____ Thump553
121 ___ 73 ____ 106 ____ jkresh
122 __ 630 _____ 57 ____ thelaird
123 __ 208 _____ 51 ____ pkrush
124 __ 126 _____ 35 ____ ArthurWhs
125 __ 167 _____ 30 ____ Gabort
126 __ 157 _____ 28 ____ Hefner
127 __ 296 _____ 24 ____ hoffenbecker
128 _ 1,385 ____ 21 ____ welshbloke

Todays Climbers

138 __ destrekor
131 __ welshbloke
127 __ jedeyenite
108 __ grendel
62 ___ liviathan
59 ___ PS3
53 ___ Marcin
45 ___ TimD
31 ___ Aaron_Lowe
30 ___ Paul_Kingston
26 ___ DestinyDE
26 ___ alphawolf010
23 ___ mrmains
23 ___ SSSnail
23 ___ rpc
20 ___ kart17wins
13 ___ Narse
13 ___ Netxen
12 ___ MasterChef
12 ___ Sillymak
12 ___ Shoobie
10 ___ taronga
9 ____ jbubrisk
9 ____ Stormchaser64
8 ____ Peter_Barriga
8 ____ Defiantsf
7 ____ jdogg707
7 ____ fhqwgads2005
7 ____ phw
7 ____ sxfactor
7 ____ Geekling
7 ____ NatePo717
6 ____ Extelleron
4 ____ Nacelle
4 ____ CCrunner84
4 ____ thelaird
3 ____ kramerica147
3 ____ HZR_PS3_Nam_75
3 ____ Geomagick
3 ____ $hooks
3 ____ Tom_Philippart
2 ____ gandrews35
2 ____ Neurodog
2 ____ tmoneygetpaid
2 ____ jm20
2 ____ Chapbass
1 ____ stevty2889
1 ____ Lnx227
1 ____ abel007
1 ____ Ruff_ilb
1 ____ Kryai
1 ____ timvehrs
1 ____ chriskwarren
1 ____ darb
1 ____ Larry.Morley
1 ____ Garfield3d
1 ____ PunjabiPlaya
1 ____ soydios
1 ____ hoeser
1 ____ narzy

Sorry about any slight name differences. Or errors.

Thanks to all who contributed - big and small
And thanks to those who are crunching a WU and will be on the list soon

Folding@Home TeAm #198

MDE's setup guide.

EOC stats

F@H Stats


Senior member
Feb 7, 2004
Thanks GLeeM for the hard work and appreciate the new stats. Don't know if I will be able to get my average up high enough to see it, but I am trying.


Golden Member
Feb 25, 2001
Thanks for the stats GLeeM!

Been a while since I've checked in and I'm liking the increase in production!
For those new guys... I'd like to note that using the -advmethods flag has been getting quite a few bonus WU's lately for my primarily Athlon XP's. Currently I am up 60-70% in PPD.

On another note.....NewEgg just sent me an e-mail telling me the Conroe processor I have been eyeing has dropped into my price range, so sometime soon I will add my first new box in a while.


Dec 2, 2006
Originally posted by: stevty2889
Thanks Gleem.

Looking forward to adding 2 more cores once my quad core arrives

Which OS will that bad boy be running? Please post some frame times once you get your quad core Folding.



Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
Congratulations to the MM's.

Thanks for adding the top 20. :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
Originally posted by: scottv67
Originally posted by: stevty2889
Thanks Gleem.

Looking forward to adding 2 more cores once my quad core arrives

Which OS will that bad boy be running? Please post some frame times once you get your quad core Folding.


I've been mostly trying to get use to 64 bit vista, since I have 4gig of ram, but still spend a good bit of time in XP as well.
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