(For Diablo2-Halo3-Warcraft fans) Hellgate:London $39 at CircuitCity (also QuakeWars for $39 also)


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2007
PCGamer gave it a 89%+ review score pre-patch.. the latest patch update really improved upon it still! ..see www.hellgatelondon.com for demo,screenshots, review links as well as at www.gameRankings.com or www.gamestats.com/ ----- the too short/too simplistic DEMO SUCKS(missing the hi-res graphics/art found in the fullgame--it's not at all like the deeper/huge game with much more variety --the real game is MUCH HUGER & DEEPER w/ more strategy & options & hordes of different new monsters, plays like an action RPG version of Counterstrike/Halo3 (with all the dual-wielding) + Oblivion/GuildWars/Diablo2 skill-trees/char development/persistent online characters on massively multiplayer servers like GuildWars (but better teamwork w/ integrated voice chat thru xfire)

Hellgate: London for $39.99 (20% off from $49.99 regular price) --I was in the Beta & it's by far the best massively MULTIPLAYER action/3d shooter/RPG to date (I havn'et been this enthused about a game since Oblivion/Fallout2 & Asheron's Call) !

Combines awesome Oblivion/Halo3 graphics with the RPG/skill trees/item slot mods & co-op or consensual Player vs. Player of Diablo 2/World of Warcraft & the shooter/gameplay aspects of Counterstrike/Unreal/Quake/Halo3

U aim/shoot, run, throw grenades/spells,etc like a 3D shooter, your skill points determine the spread & damage of your shots/spells + INFINITE REPLAYABLITY with randomized quests, randomized loot/quest rewards, randomized maps/dungeons/levels each time u play!

BEST GRAPHICS for a massively online RPG (about equal to Oblivion/Halo3/Unreal 3, better than FEAR or STALKER) .. pair this up with the new Nvidia 8800 GT's u can get for $199 to $249 (equal or BETTER in performance to a 8800 GTS or GTX if overclocked -see reviews at www.tweaktown.com(1st reviews up) or other hardware sites!)

FREE MASSIVE ONLINE MULTIPLAYER with persistent characters & grouping like GuildWars, with dueling/consensual Player vs. Player or Co-op up to 4 to 6 people at a time.. FREE online gameplay (like GuildWars) & an optional $9/month subscription for more added quests --since it's made by the same ex-Blizzard programmers/designers who made Diablo 2/GuildWars/Warcraft

Note that mobs/loot is increased & harder when playing co-op (mobs get 3-4+ times more health & do 3-4+ times more damage depending on number of players but u get FULL EXPERIENCE by all team members (mobs r worth more) & all the loot u see is individually for u to loo (loot assigned to other party members u can't see --eliminates loot stealing)

Also, if u play an Engineer or Summoner, it plays like a Real-Time Strategy game since u can have over 20+ minions fighting for u that u control

P.S. my in-game name is RippednBuff (for my long-lost old guildmates from Asheron's Call on the Leafcull server so see u in-game!

it's out Oct 31 but they WILL OPEN THE SERVERS EARLY for the pre-order people (about 1 or 2 days) or those who get their orders early/those in beta

It's like Counterstrike/Quake because the aiming reticle spreads out the more u fire/move & u can dodge/jump incoming fire -the fireballs/spells/rockets/grenades move at about Halo3/Quake speed rockets .. the bullets move too fast to dodge but u can use the plenty of cover on the levels --the area of effect weapons & skills are a huge blast (dozens of different types of rocket/splash/acid/poison gas weapons/skills like Napalm strike.. sort of like the Artillery/AirStrike commands in QuakeWars/Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory ..

nothing more fun than opening up with a concusion grenade, calling in an airstrike or napalm on the stunned enemies, follwing up using a grenade or rocket launcher that engulfs the entire area in fire 5 seconds of flame damage (better hope the demons aren't immune/resistant to fire damage, haha or u have to change weapons/spells)

The demo is very limited/too simplistic..they only give u a few weapons/few spells & 2 simple classes --believe me, it opens up a huge world with more complicated/deeper quests & deeper skill trees after the first city & really gets going after level 10 (there's 50 max levels..higher level caps scheduled to be added in later)

..u don't get the fun/great skills until lvl 5 or 10+ so don't use the simple demo to judge what's really a deep/huge game (the weapon/item mod/upgrades to customize ur weapon is a strategic game in itself

--make ur weapon general or specialized, shields or armor emphasis, etc..it's deeper than Diablo2's weapon enhancments since u can build your own to an extent, not to mention the Engineer's warbots/drones u can outfit with weapons & armor too


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2005
I don't mean to be crass, but I was in the beta, and I wasn't nearly as impressed with the game as you. This deal is at best warm - wait for the reviews!


Senior member
May 26, 2000
Originally posted by: erwos
I don't mean to be crass, but I was in the beta, and I wasn't nearly as impressed with the game as you. This deal is at best warm - wait for the reviews!

Have to agree with erwos, I was in Beta and it wasn't that great. WoW gets repetitive, but I think this game takes repetitiveness to a new level.


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2007
LOL, no, not an employee or fanboy..I was never into Diablo2 nor WoW (can't stand 2D graphics) but I love Obilvion & Halo3/Rainbow6 Vegas & CAll of Duty 4 --been looking for a massively online RPG + 3D shooter.

If u played EARLY beta(even late beta was limited to lvl 22 instead of the full lvl 50 cap) as just a Blademaster or the too simplistic demo, I can understand why it sucks to u since Blademasters are boring to play (melee weapons suck..no dodging, u just stand there going toe 2 toe w/ mobs).. but if u play as a Mage or Hunter class, u get to to dodge, use all sorts of different strategies, use cover, run around, etc & it totally plays differently.. especially if u add in the item upgrades/mod slots .. there's also a mini-game slot machine type of game (each level gives u 3 types of things to do to get a bonus to your LUck to increase loot drops)

Still, the game isn't for everyone..u can play solo offline & online it's most like GuildWars + Counterstrike/co-op Halo3 (dual weild, dodging rockets/grenades) with Oblivion/Halo3 graphic ...once u get deeper into the game, the levels get huge & monters are so much better (imagine if u only played the first hour tutorial of of the first dungeon/level in GuildWars or Counterstrike/Oblivion-- u'll be like , 'this sucks, too simple, only a few crappy items & rats to kill'.. but once u're lvl 10--15+, it's so much better (50 max level cap, with higher level cap to be added later by devs)



Senior member
Nov 17, 2005
Wait to buy this, In 3 months it will be bargin bin for $25, then I'll pick it up.

In game ads
paying for content that should be free
horrid sprite graphics/explosions
laughable character/npc animations

...and EA on the side

And the demo was terrible.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Setral
Originally posted by: erwos
I don't mean to be crass, but I was in the beta, and I wasn't nearly as impressed with the game as you. This deal is at best warm - wait for the reviews!

Have to agree with erwos, I was in Beta and it wasn't that great. WoW gets repetitive, but I think this game takes repetitiveness to a new level.

Me too. I was excited for it... until I had actually played it.


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2007
Ya, the too simplistic DEMO SUCKED (don't judge by the demo --DEMO IS MISSING THE HI-RES GRAPHICS/animation/art found in the full-game! Hell,it's missing most of the classes, skills, items, weapons, mobs, levels, etc too! It wasn't even updated to the latest beta build either)

but the real game is much deeper/complex WITH WAY BETTER GRAPHICS (HI-RES TEXTURES, BETTER ANIMATIONS, etc) with way more skills, items, mobs, etc.. I found World of Warcraft boring .. GuildWars was good but lacked the 3D shooter action.. Diablo2 was 2D crappy sprites but Hellgate:London is much more vastly improved.. I don't know where u're getting the 'crappy animations' from since the latest build patched version I played had great SMOOTH animations & 3D art ..

Best Graphics on a multiplayer RPG (equal to Halo3 or QuakeWars or Unreal3) to date on a 640 mb 8800 GTS (overclocked to 700mhz) ..

maybe your videocard was too slow & made it animate choppy (get the new 8800 GTs for $199-249) .. if u played Oblivion with a 7900gtx/8600gts or worse, u'll say it had crappy choppy animations too when it;s actually your videocard or drivers .. u'll get 2x-3x the performance if using a 8800GT or 8800GTS on Hellgate:London (it's heavy use of shaders like Oblivion)

the in-game ads aren't noticeable (they're frayed out, weathered torn billboards in the subways which real subways do have billboards) so it's actually more realistic.

The optional $9/month for added montlhly content is what WoW, Everquest, etc charges (actually, they charge 50% more at $14.95) --and u can still play multiplayer online as much as u want & have persistent characters for free, just like GuildWars ...whereas with WoW/Everquest/Asheron'sCall, Lord of the Rings, u can't even play without monthly fees.. Hellgate:London is much like GuildWars.. free online play..added optional content is mostly cosmetic (flaming ghostrider masks, non-combat pets,etc) ..even GuildWars had to pay for new classes/new skills in the expansion packs..not to mention WoW's BurningCrusade u had to pay for on top of your monthly fees.. hell, I'm glad they let u play multiplayer online for free (unlike Tabula Rasa or Wow or LoTR)

Considering Diablo games sold over 2 million copies & GuildWars the same, I'll bet Hellgate:London sells over 1 million copies too over it's lifetime (Diablo2 still sells in Frys, Best Buy, Circuit City!)


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: PresidentThomasJefferson
LOL, no, not an employee or fanboy..I was never into Diablo2 nor WoW (can't stand 2D graphics) but I love Obilvion & Halo3/Rainbow6 Vegas & CAll of Duty 4 --been looking for a massively online RPG + 3D shooter.

If u played EARLY beta(even late beta was limited to lvl 22 instead of the full lvl 50 cap) as just a Blademaster or the too simplistic demo, I can understand why it sucks to u since Blademasters are boring to play (melee weapons suck..no dodging, u just stand there going toe 2 toe w/ mobs).. but if u play as a Mage or Hunter class, u get to to dodge, use all sorts of different strategies, use cover, run around, etc & it totally plays differently.. especially if u add in the item upgrades/mod slots .. there's also a mini-game slot machine type of game (each level gives u 3 types of things to do to get a bonus to your LUck to increase loot drops)

Still, the game isn't for everyone..u can play solo offline & online it's most like GuildWars + Counterstrike/co-op Halo3 (dual weild, dodging rockets/grenades) with Oblivion/Halo3 graphic ...once u get deeper into the game, the levels get huge & monters are so much better (imagine if u only played the first hour tutorial of of the first dungeon/level in GuildWars or Counterstrike/Oblivion-- u'll be like , 'this sucks, too simple, only a few crappy items & rats to kill'.. but once u're lvl 10--15+, it's so much better (50 max level cap, with higher level cap to be added later by devs)

watch your tongue !
-playing as a Blademaster is the ultimate in 'hack 'n slash'
-Maxxx made it to Level 20 but wasn't invited into the 'elite' beta tester group
-like yourself, i never played Diablo beyond the demo, so i rather like HGL - i'll be picking it up at CC B&M on Wed ... is there any advantage to getting the pre-order ? or the novel that comes with the collector's edition?

i *won't* immediately sign up for premium MMO content but want to see how it goes with the MQ ... i also want to get an early start when the servers reopen to see how different it is to play as a Summoner.

Yes, the Demo was beyond suck ... WtF were the devs thinking to release such a turn-off?

ANYWAY ... here is the current thread in PC Gaming:

Yay Hellgate London beta!



Apr 8, 2001
Originally posted by: supaidaaman
Wait to buy this, In 3 months it will be bargin bin for $25, then I'll pick it up.

In game ads
paying for content that should be free
horrid sprite graphics/explosions
laughable character/npc animations

...and EA on the side

And the demo was terrible.

Confucius says you're pretty much dead on.


Nov 27, 2005
You guys really think the demo was that bad? I thought they did a bad job explaining the game and teaching the game, along with guiding you along, but the actual gameplay was pretty fun IMO.

I thought you had to pay monthly, but I guess I am wrong. Not sure if I want to buy this though since I was(ok, kinda still am) addicted to diablo 2 for a long time


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2007
Ya, the demo was HORRIBLE (missing the hi-res textures in retail/beta, only a few monsters in the beta instead of hordes in deeper levels, only 3 simple dungeons instead of the massive interconnected levels later on in beta/retail, only a few weapons/items/mobs in the demo instead of the millions in the beta/retail.. no mage classes in the demo (mages are the most strategic, with variety of different spells, range).. it totally plays different depending on your class (evokers, engineers, summoners are the most interesting.. hunters for FPS-Halo shooter fans.. & multiplayer wasn't in beta.. blademaster was too simplistic for me but some may like it.. anyways, the Counterstrike/Halo-ish gameplay of shooting & dodging hordes of monsters (and their fireballs) & random elite,rare,legendary,etc spawns of mobs during each level (along with their loot drops) makes boss encounters possible in every dungeon is what makes u keep on exploring in beta/retail

Devs said u can make level 20 in 1 day if u party in a group due to the experience bonus & know where to hunt


Jan 10, 2007
Beta was hit and miss. I actually liked some classes in the early beta, but nearly EVERYTHING changed once I started school and got back into it about a week ago. I only played for a little bit, though.

I found that it was as I was expecting. It was OK. You don't have to pay a subscription fee, although doing so gets you a lot of 'benefits' (or, rather, what they could have included but make you pay a premium for instead, if you want to look at it that way). I started to get bored with the early/mid beta stage and I never did play enough of the late beta.

I'm going to get the CE, though. I've been waiting for this game for about two years now.

Ohoh, as for the ads: I think they'll be on subway train station walls. And in an urban city like London, I think it actually fits.


Golden Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: PresidentThomasJefferson
Ya, the demo was HORRIBLE (missing the hi-res textures in retail/beta, only a few monsters in the beta instead of hordes in deeper levels, only 3 simple dungeons instead of the massive interconnected levels later on in beta/retail, only a few weapons/items/mobs in the demo instead of the millions in the beta/retail.. no mage classes in the demo (mages are the most strategic, with variety of different spells, range).. it totally plays different depending on your class (evokers, engineers, summoners are the most interesting.. hunters for FPS-Halo shooter fans.. & multiplayer wasn't in beta.. blademaster was too simplistic for me but some may like it.. anyways, the Counterstrike/Halo-ish gameplay of shooting & dodging hordes of monsters (and their fireballs) & random elite,rare,legendary,etc spawns of mobs during each level (along with their loot drops) makes boss encounters possible in every dungeon is what makes u keep on exploring in beta/retail

Devs said u can make level 20 in 1 day if u party in a group due to the experience bonus & know where to hunt

So let me get this straight, the demo was MISSING THINGS?!?! I don't think everyone understood that the first 3 times you said it.


May 24, 2006
Wow, OP sure spent a LOT of time plugging for this game. I was in the beta for quite a while, and while I did enjoy it, the game does indeed need many fixes. Hopefully FSS will stand behind for it a long time to come.
And that slot "minigame"? Bollocks. It's a crapshoot whether or not you can actually complete it (deal X type of damage or kill Y type of creatures, etc).

Great idea, mediocre to good execution. Hopefully they'll make the improvements necessary.


Senior member
Oct 6, 2005
This game is boring, don't waste your time/money on it. Like one of the posters said, just wait 4-5 months when it's in the $9.99 bin at your local Wal-Mart.


Oct 17, 2000
people seriously need to stop comparing this game to Diablo 2. It had absolutely no relavence to the game, just the basic type of customer char with gear you can equip with... Titan Quest, now there was a game to compare it to, this game sucks. The demo did it all for me. No thanks


Golden Member
Dec 2, 2004
ok well since no one else has ill do it

mythos is the game to play right now

its available for free and free to play online, it is from the same guys who developed hgl

get it while its hottt!!!!

edit: sorry for the hijack hehe


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
While I'm going to wait and see if HGL is worth it, the demo is unfortunately a bad basis for evaluation. Like the OP said so incoherently, the demo sucks balls and is missing way too much to be representative in anything except for early gameplay.


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2007
p.s. Get to Oxford Circus station (from Savile Row)..3rd or 4th city.. Arlo the merchant there is HILARIOUS..he talks & sounds like Borat


CircuitCity has them in stock(I got mine from CircuitCity instore -they had 5 copies in the back(clueless clerks were supposed to put them on the shelves) .. manager said the online inventory system is bugged so CALL OR GO INSTORE to pick it up-- don't rely on the online inventory.. just call them & hve them check the back

btw, the retail is MUCH BETTER than beta.. also, ALL PLAYERS GET THE HALLOWEEN PERKS (since the subscription signups are bugged/offline) for now

btw, it gets even scarier/darker dungones in-game

Get to at least the 3rd-5th city/level 10 & the game really opens up!

btw, I'm always looking for relics/shards/blessed shards (hve lots of hunter/melee items to trade) for my evoker

Get high luck if u can stand it.. really helps u find secret gates to treasure rooms & better loot

PARTY, PARTY,PARTY if u can--u get FULL EXPERIENCE for each mob ur party killls so u level fast (devs said u can get to lv 20 in 1 day in a party) & u get more loot since more mobs.. with my +230 luck, I usually get 4 inventory screens worth of loot in 1 party run --message me if u're around lvl 12+ to party if u need help or party

MUST READ GUIDE for more fun/help in-game


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
OP, your posts make my eyes hurt. Stop pimping this game...
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