For the Left- Going Tea Party?

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Aug 24, 2004
You forgot

  • Wealthy vs Everybody Else

That is the fight I am most interested in and by a rather wide margin. We are getting our asses kicked in this fight and we are losing our country because of it.
These people (billionaires) control everything, including your politicians.

We have billion dollar election campaigns now. These people are now overtly showing us that the corporations run the show and yet, we masses don't seem to care. We're still all to eager to participate in this scam.
Reactions: ch33zw1z


Nov 11, 1999
Meanwhile you simply keep repeating how stupid they are for following Republican leadership over the years. So much better. <Sheesh>

I'm not saying they're stupid. They're exploited & their best qualities are used against them.


May 28, 2007
I've read it on various sites and social media. How large a proportion of people that is I don't know, but it would not do to see it grow. Sorry I didn't write it all down for you, but you could insist it never happens if you like. I do recall a pre edit post from someone here that removal was necessary, and the law isn't important regarding it.

I don't know what's so hard about this. If you want to talk about something that someone said, how can we do that without some kind of direct quote or link? You come on here saying that the left is going tea party crazy, and you don't post anything to support it.

Would you care say that never happened?

Probably somewhere someone said something like what you're suggesting they might have said, but if it's that hard to dig up a link or a story, maybe not enough of people are saying it to make it worth discussing.

I'm not affiliated with any party and I think the ideologies as practiced are limiting and really not all that. Seems to be a bunch of children with the Reps being far more so. If you think your side is inherently superior and infallible then hey I won't stop you from believing that. Live the dream.

You're intellectually stunted and afraid to stand up for what you think is right. So you try to sell yourself as a neutral observer. A critic who views the battlefield from above with clinical, dispassionate analysis. You think this makes you sound savvy and wise, but it makes you sound phony and ridiculous. It's the laziest approach available since it's not necessary to evaluate the quality of the arguments being made, you just need to find something objectionable about the views or actions of a group and they can be dismissed as 'no better than all the other groups'.

You've been doing this act for a while. It's quite tiresome.


Jun 9, 2016
He's revealing himself as a troll just here to stir the shit. He certainly doesn't reflect the sentiments of Libs & Progressives in general. He seeks to inflame conservatives, not to reason with them.

So how's trying to reason with people who have zero use for it been working out?

Sometimes communicating on the internet is difficult. One person can totally take another person's text in a totally wrong way, whether intentionally, unintentionally or just because he's so heavily conditioned. That's like speaking a foreign language and therefore, communication comes to a halt.

No, it just seems you don't have the necessary educational context to grasp the relative simple statements. For starters, grade school history of ethnic subjugation and hierarchy, why blacks trying to get along with white nationalists might not work the way it does in your head.


Apr 12, 2004
He's revealing himself as a troll just here to stir the shit. He certainly doesn't reflect the sentiments of Libs & Progressives in general. He seeks to inflame conservatives, not to reason with them.

Nah, I like agent00f. He may be snarky and passive-aggressive, but underneath that he actually makes real arguments, something the "John Oliver said so, case closed" Reddit/upvote-tier crowd isn't even capable of. One of the better left-wing posters on this forum.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I don't know what's so hard about this. If you want to talk about something that someone said, how can we do that without some kind of direct quote or link? You come on here saying that the left is going tea party crazy, and you don't post anything to support it.

Probably somewhere someone said something like what you're suggesting they might have said, but if it's that hard to dig up a link or a story, maybe not enough of people are saying it to make it worth discussing.

You're intellectually stunted and afraid to stand up for what you think is right. So you try to sell yourself as a neutral observer. A critic who views the battlefield from above with clinical, dispassionate analysis. You think this makes you sound savvy and wise, but it makes you sound phony and ridiculous. It's the laziest approach available since it's not necessary to evaluate the quality of the arguments being made, you just need to find something objectionable about the views or actions of a group and they can be dismissed as 'no better than all the other groups'.

You've been doing this act for a while. It's quite tiresome.

You don't like my style and I annoy you. Not a problem You are now on ignore and it's like we don't exist for each other. There are others I can communicate with.

Oh forgot- You need to put me on ignore too so we can play "sea lion and squirrel" and we have nothing to do with each other!

People can look that up.
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Reactions: Blackjack200

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
No, I agree that his travel ban, if that is what you mean by "EO," is not grounds for impeachment. However, you should read up on what constitutes grounds for impeachment. Unfortunately, it's practically anything, and quite vague. That leaves open the door for political opponents to bandy about the idea of impeachment before there is arguably enough evidence to make it appropriate.

However, most of those assertions stem from serious concerns about what we've already learned. There is much reason in this case to suspect unethical and criminal misconduct here. You should read up on his known business conflicts, like his hotel renting property from the federal government, making him simultaneously landlord and tenant. Trump could divest himself, but hasn't. There are many other issues with his business interests, too numerous to catalogue them all here.

Most serious in my opinion are his tries with Russia and Putin. They are increasingly difficult to ignore with each new revelation. First we have him taking the unprecedented position of praising a hostile foreign dictator with US approval ratings of about 10%, meaning he took this position to his political disadvantage. A surprising and bizarre position for him to take which has never been adequately explained. Then we find out Russia has hacked democratic organizations and seeded fake news into US social media to help Trump win. Then we have Trump dishonestly denying that they have done this. Then we see this dossier compiled by a respected MI-6 operative which contains numerous specific allegations about Trump being blackmailed by Putin and of colluding with the Kremlin during his campaign. Then we hear Trump defending Putin in response to a softball question from a fellow conservative asking him to condemn Putin's assassination of political opponents. All he had to do was condemn these killings and it might have reassured people, but he just couldn't do it. Then we hear that at least part of the Steele dossier has been verified by the CIA through analysis of intercepted communiques. Now we discover that his National Security Adviser, before Trump took office, promised the Russian ambassador that Obama's sanctions against Russia for the hacking would be rescinded. Forget about the fact that Flynn lied about it. Why was this promise made at all?

We aren't quite there with impeachment yet, but we could be there soon. It isn't premature to start discussing it now. I don't say this lightly, and it has nothing to do with disagreeing with Trump's policies. I disagreed with nearly all of Bush's policies, and never thought for one second that impeachment was appropriate.

We're pretty much in agreement and I've read a bit on how impeachment was used and it's pretty wild.

Certainly there are real reasons other than people against the ban saying "Impeach Trump" as a basis but suppose someone wanted to do so and used loose standards and ran with it. At that point we're talking removal for unpopular policy (no I'm not suggesting this will happen) and I should not be surprised if the SCOTUS sticks it's nose into the mess. It would be hard to argue that the process of impeachment was meant to be used to enable Congress to remove a President for virtually any excuse.

Never has happened but in today's world? I don't know.


Oct 18, 2013
Nah, I like agent00f. He may be snarky and passive-aggressive, but underneath that he actually makes real arguments, something the "John Oliver said so, case closed" Reddit/upvote-tier crowd isn't even capable of. One of the better left-wing posters on this forum.

What argument(s) do you think he has made? I see him disagree a lot, but I do not see arguments made.

He does two things most of the time.

If he is not responding to someone, he will make claims based on assumptions that group x is filled with stupid people. From that presupposition he will say that people like that are beyond help and should be marginalized.

If he is responding to someone, he will label them as something, and summarily dismiss all arguments made as undeserving because of label x. If challenged he will also do the aforementioned and claim that the person challenging him is beyond help because of label x or label y.

Its possible I have missed the times he has made real arguments.


Feb 24, 2009
I don't know what's so hard about this. If you want to talk about something that someone said, how can we do that without some kind of direct quote or link? You come on here saying that the left is going tea party crazy, and you don't post anything to support it.

Probably somewhere someone said something like what you're suggesting they might have said, but if it's that hard to dig up a link or a story, maybe not enough of people are saying it to make it worth discussing.

You're intellectually stunted and afraid to stand up for what you think is right. So you try to sell yourself as a neutral observer. A critic who views the battlefield from above with clinical, dispassionate analysis. You think this makes you sound savvy and wise, but it makes you sound phony and ridiculous. It's the laziest approach available since it's not necessary to evaluate the quality of the arguments being made, you just need to find something objectionable about the views or actions of a group and they can be dismissed as 'no better than all the other groups'.

You've been doing this act for a while. It's quite tiresome.
You my friend, finally nailed his act.


Jun 9, 2016
What argument(s) do you think he has made? I see him disagree a lot, but I do not see arguments made.

He does two things most of the time.

If he is not responding to someone, he will make claims based on assumptions that group x is filled with stupid people. From that presupposition he will say that people like that are beyond help and should be marginalized.

If he is responding to someone, he will label them as something, and summarily dismiss all arguments made as undeserving because of label x. If challenged he will also do the aforementioned and claim that the person challenging him is beyond help because of label x or label y.

Its possible I have missed the times he has made real arguments.

Here's an argument I made concerning the sampling limitations of a study:

Notice you predictably didn't understand it, predictable due to insufficient cognitive facilities plus insufficient recognition of the previous fact, then resorted to worthless blustering about some irrelevance. In fairness this is not unique to you and if anything rather ubiquitous among unlearned & incurious people. Facts and reason are evidently beyond them.

It's one of these facts that such people have been through a battery of educators who've suffered their traits, and therefore I have zero confidence that they can be taught, nor the inclination to in any case.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
We live in a "gonzo" age. Nothing is good enough just as it is. So people feel they have to exaggerate everything as far as they can to have any impact. Of course people don't realize it has exactly the opposite effect.

I was sitting in a waiting room the other day and some lady was blathering about Trump to other people sitting nearby. I could tell the other people were pretty fairly in agreement with the usual "Trump is not presidential, blah blah" stuff. Very few actually dispute this.

But, typical 'gonzo' age: she continues with Trump is Hitler blah blah blah and I just see the others turn their heads and tune her out almost immediately.

People that resort to taking everything to lame extremes don't realize that what they are really saying is they think their audience is stupid. Their fellow diehard liberals that eat such shit up granted, probably are. But it says "You're too stupid to understand what I'm saying as bad, so I've got to make it BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD for you to *REALLY* get how BAAAAA.... D this is.

So the gotos are just anything that already has that level of bad, and of course Hitler is the easiest go-to of all.

I think a lot of people (well I hope MOST people, but not so sure these days) instantly spot when people go gonzo and dismiss them. Anything said after you've played the extreme nutter card can just be dismissed. But people still think it's an effective way of presenting a case against their political foes.

Good luck, OP but you're just going to get a lot of 'NUH-UHS!" and "B-b-but the other side.." from your observations. The good news is, if one tunes out the 8-9 or so carbon copy leftloons on this forum that spout a lot of volume here, but very little actual substance, you realize that many other people are thankfully more stable and rational.


Jun 9, 2016
We live in a "gonzo" age. Nothing is good enough just as it is. So people feel they have to exaggerate everything as far as they can to have any impact. Of course people don't realize it has exactly the opposite effect.

I was sitting in a waiting room the other day and some lady was blathering about Trump to other people sitting nearby. I could tell the other people were pretty fairly in agreement with the usual "Trump is not presidential, blah blah" stuff. Very few actually dispute this.

But, typical 'gonzo' age: she continues with Trump is Hitler blah blah blah and I just see the others turn their heads and tune her out almost immediately.

People that resort to taking everything to lame extremes don't realize that what they are really saying is they think their audience is stupid. Their fellow diehard liberals that eat such shit up granted, probably are. But it says "You're too stupid to understand what I'm saying as bad, so I've got to make it BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD for you to *REALLY* get how BAAAAA.... D this is.

So the gotos are just anything that already has that level of bad, and of course Hitler is the easiest go-to of all.

I think a lot of people (well I hope MOST people, but not so sure these days) instantly spot when people go gonzo and dismiss them. Anything said after you've played the extreme nutter card can just be dismissed. But people still think it's an effective way of presenting a case against their political foes.

Good luck, OP but you're just going to get a lot of 'NUH-UHS!" and "B-b-but the other side.." from your observations. The good news is, if one tunes out the 8-9 or so carbon copy leftloons on this forum that spout a lot of volume here, but very little actual substance, you realize that many other people are thankfully more stable and rational.

OP et al must feel proud that they so reliably carry water for all these sorts like import_taj and so on.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
^ LOL as if it wasn't as predictable as all hell the single most reliable example wouldn't present himself like clockwork. Cue his little shadow, vic grey...


May 15, 2000
We live in a "gonzo" age. Nothing is good enough just as it is. So people feel they have to exaggerate everything as far as they can to have any impact. Of course people don't realize it has exactly the opposite effect.

I was sitting in a waiting room the other day and some lady was blathering about Trump to other people sitting nearby. I could tell the other people were pretty fairly in agreement with the usual "Trump is not presidential, blah blah" stuff. Very few actually dispute this.

But, typical 'gonzo' age: she continues with Trump is Hitler blah blah blah and I just see the others turn their heads and tune her out almost immediately.

People that resort to taking everything to lame extremes don't realize that what they are really saying is they think their audience is stupid. Their fellow diehard liberals that eat such shit up granted, probably are. But it says "You're too stupid to understand what I'm saying as bad, so I've got to make it BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD for you to *REALLY* get how BAAAAA.... D this is.

So the gotos are just anything that already has that level of bad, and of course Hitler is the easiest go-to of all.

I think a lot of people (well I hope MOST people, but not so sure these days) instantly spot when people go gonzo and dismiss them. Anything said after you've played the extreme nutter card can just be dismissed. But people still think it's an effective way of presenting a case against their political foes.

Good luck, OP but you're just going to get a lot of 'NUH-UHS!" and "B-b-but the other side.." from your observations. The good news is, if one tunes out the 8-9 or so carbon copy leftloons on this forum that spout a lot of volume here, but very little actual substance, you realize that many other people are thankfully more stable and rational.

I hear what you are saying and I agree, hyperbole doesn't do anyone any favors. However, I do wonder how people would review and criticize Hitler's actions before he started killing people and if they weren't aware of what the future was going to be with him in power. That is, how do people discuss a Hitler in the making without referencing Hitler?


Aug 24, 2004
I hear what you are saying and I agree, hyperbole doesn't do anyone any favors. However, I do wonder how people would review and criticize Hitler's actions before he started killing people and if they weren't aware of what the future was going to be with him in power. That is, how do people discuss a Hitler in the making without referencing Hitler?
Things are similar in some ways to Hitler's time. We have an increasing nationalistic population that only wants to hear what it wants to hear. We have opportunistic leaders backed by war mongering corporations. We have a total moral decline in every single way. We have countries grouping together into little blocks. So things are crazy in this crazy world.


May 15, 2000
Things are similar in some ways to Hitler's time. We have an increasing nationalistic population that only wants to hear what it wants to hear. We have opportunistic leaders backed by war mongering corporations. We have a total moral decline in every single way. We have countries grouping together into little blocks. So things are crazy in this crazy world.

When do comparisons become foreshadowing?


Aug 24, 2004
When do comparisons become foreshadowing?
Without even comparing things to Hitler, one can see that there has been a certain narrative being pushed down on society ever since 9/11. We've been shown that a certain boogeyman is out there and we must arm ourselves and fight this boogeyman. That we need to secure ourselves, etc. This sort of thinking automatically puts a barrier between humans and leads to all sorts of problems. The thing is, these problems are manufactured for the most part. Probably just like times of WW2 and Hitler. The ruling class's interests don't align with the average person's. Just like there was propaganda during Hitler's time against certain groups, we have it today as well.

People like Milo, Alex Jones and many others (alt-right media, etc) are constantly pushing fear propaganda. They want you to be scared of your fellow man. And of course this creates mistrust and thus even anger among people. That leads to rise of powerful ruling class elites in various forms - military, corporations, politics, etc.

All of that is happening right now.
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May 15, 2000
Without even comparing things to Hitler, one can see that there has been a certain narrative being pushed down on society ever since 9/11. We've been shown that a certain boogeyman is out there and we must arm ourselves and fight this boogeyman. That we need to secure ourselves, etc. This sort of thinking automatically puts a barrier between humans and leads to all sorts of problems. The thing is, these problems are manufactured for the most part. Probably just like times of WW2 and Hitler. The ruling class's interests don't align with the average person's. Just like there was propaganda during Hitler's time against certain groups, we have it today as well.

People like Milo, Alex Jones and many others (alt-right media, etc) are constantly pushing fear propaganda. They want you to be scared of your fellow man. And of course this creates mistrust and thus even anger among people. That leads to rise of powerful ruling class elites in various forms - military, corporations, politics, etc.

All of that is happening right now.

Yeah, that's pretty standard MO for the U.S. since its inception. We've been demonizing those that aren't like use forever, not once has it lead to a Hitler moment.


Aug 24, 2004
We're talking about authoritarian power and the way that certain groups are treated rather than the other things that Hitler did.

The way the guy was signing these "Executive Orders" was like he was the ruler of the land and that was all there was to it. He didn't waste any time in showing his power.


May 15, 2000
We're talking about authoritarian power and the way that certain groups are treated rather than the other things that Hitler did.

The way the guy was signing these "Executive Orders" was like he was the ruler of the land and that was all there was to it. He didn't waste any time in showing his power.

No. Trumps EO signing really hasn't been different that what past presidents have done. Where trump shines is his level of amateurishness and if we are being honest, that's to be expected.


Aug 24, 2004
Of course. The people wanted an amateur no matter how inexperienced. They wanted an "outsider" to come in and change things around. Now if you consider a billionaire to be an outsider, I don't know what to say to that.

Your right about the EO's. I believe Obama signed a few of those himself and so did the guy before him.


Nov 11, 1999
Yeah, that's pretty standard MO for the U.S. since its inception. We've been demonizing those that aren't like use forever, not once has it lead to a Hitler moment.

We haven't had quite the convergence of circumstance, propaganda & personality to make it possible. When we needed a charismatic personality at the top we got FDR. Other countries weren't so lucky.

Authoritarians generally exploit crisis. Without one they sputter like the Klan in the 20's. What's different about today is the well cultivated sense of crisis when there really isn't one. Trumpsters seem convinced that America is going to Hell in a hand basket when that's not really true at all. So they're willing to grant extraordinary leeway to the guy who convinced them that there is a crisis, Donald Trump.


Aug 24, 2004
We haven't had quite the convergence of circumstance, propaganda & personality to make it possible. When we needed a charismatic personality at the top we got FDR. Other countries weren't so lucky.

Authoritarians generally exploit crisis. Without one they sputter like the Klan in the 20's. What's different about today is the well cultivated sense of crisis when there really isn't one. Trumpsters seem convinced that America is going to Hell in a hand basket when that's not really true at all. So they're willing to grant extraordinary leeway to the guy who convinced them that there is a crisis, Donald Trump.
Yes, first give the people the sense that there is a problem - whether real or not - and then offer them a way out of that problem.

The gullible sheep are then further frightened by the media which works together with the government/elites. This way, they look to leaders like Bush and Trump to solve their problems. Whether that means going to war or not, they want that problem solved and only their great leader will do that.

We need to remember that the media has played a key part in spreading the fear propaganda ever since 9/11.


Nov 11, 1999
Yes, first give the people the sense that there is a problem - whether real or not - and then offer them a way out of that problem.

The gullible sheep are then further frightened by the media which works together with the government/elites. This way, they look to leaders like Bush and Trump to solve their problems. Whether that means going to war or not, they want that problem solved and only their great leader will do that.

We need to remember that the media has played a key part in spreading the fear propaganda ever since 9/11.

The right wing noise machine plays the media the way Carlos Santana plays the guitar. Trump has outdone even them. Some are apparently waking up to the fact that they're being played. If they were more cooperative at this point Trump could make post-truth into reality.


Oct 18, 2013
Here's an argument I made concerning the sampling limitations of a study:

Notice you predictably didn't understand it, predictable due to insufficient cognitive facilities plus insufficient recognition of the previous fact, then resorted to worthless blustering about some irrelevance. In fairness this is not unique to you and if anything rather ubiquitous among unlearned & incurious people. Facts and reason are evidently beyond them.

It's one of these facts that such people have been through a battery of educators who've suffered their traits, and therefore I have zero confidence that they can be taught, nor the inclination to in any case.

And there it is. I'm not smart enough. Got it kiddo.
Dunning–Kruger rinse and repeat...
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