For the Vodka drinkers: Filter your cheap stuff with Brita filter....

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Senior member
Dec 9, 2000
Originally posted by: AStar617

Hmm, someone's panties seem to be in a bunch after his bright idea was challenged... Go make yourself a Stoli Razz & Sprite, I'm sure you'll feel better

It's funny you mentioned that, I had one of those just last night. After the Stoli Razz was gone, we used Absolut Currant with that new Berry 7UP. It was quite good.

Back On Topic.................... thanks OP, I will surely try this seeing as how I gave up cheap vodka cause of the hangovers I had.



Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Helical
I wonder if it works for Tequila....

Oh my god, the potential... this sets my heart all a-flutter.
I'm going to go by Albertson's after school and pick up some dirt-cheap Tequila and Vodka, plus some extra filters. You know the Tequila: It just comes in a bottle that says "Tequila". Really, really creepy.

Anyway, it's all for science.


Senior member
Feb 18, 2002
I'm going to go by Albertson's after school and pick up some dirt-cheap Tequila and Vodka, plus some extra filters. You know the Tequila: It just comes in a bottle that says "Tequila". Really, really creepy.
Ya, I'd be interrested in your findings on the teuqila for sure. I remember back in High School getting ahold of a bottle of the Albertsons brand and paying for it for a few days....


Senior member
Sep 30, 2004
Originally posted by: yukichigai
Originally posted by: Helical
I wonder if it works for Tequila....

Oh my god, the potential... this sets my heart all a-flutter.
I'm going to go by Albertson's after school and pick up some dirt-cheap Tequila and Vodka, plus some extra filters. You know the Tequila: It just comes in a bottle that says "Tequila". Really, really creepy.

Anyway, it's all for science.

Heh I was thinking about the same thing with buying the Albertsons brand, tell me how it works out.


Golden Member
Aug 22, 2001
As to the testers of this experiment, I quote William Shatner:

"GET A LIFE, will you people? I mean, for crying out loud....................... I mean, how old are you people? What have you done with yourselves?"



Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2003
Originally posted by: chuck2002
I'm going to go by Albertson's after school and pick up some dirt-cheap Tequila and Vodka, plus some extra filters. You know the Tequila: It just comes in a bottle that says "Tequila". Really, really creepy.
Ya, I'd be interrested in your findings on the teuqila for sure. I remember back in High School getting ahold of a bottle of the Albertsons brand and paying for it for a few days....
Well I'll tell you what I can, but I know for a fact that I don't have the best taste when it comes to alcohol. Nonetheless I do have guinea pi--- err, friends who have good taste, and with the lure of free alcohol who can resist? Besides, I'm not completely dull in the tastebuds myself.

I should get Greg up here from Vegas. He's a total Rum nut, loves it to death. Rum seems like another likely candidate for filtration.

One of these days I'm going to have to get out some of the water-absorbing crystals they use in fertilizer and toss two in a bottle of Everclear. Behold, 200 proof liquor!


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2001
This would indeed be a good test for tequila. The better tequilas are 100% agave, while the lesser ones are not. There's more to it than just filtering. Nevertheless, this could be great if it works!


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2001
Vodka = no flavor
Tequila = yummy

Nasty Brita could take out yummy flavor.

Much testing is in order.


Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2000
It might make it taste better but does it take away the nasty headache / hangover. I Find with the good stuff it may taste a little better but the best part is that there seems to be less of that achey hangover effect as the cheap stuff gives. I could care less about the taste because I'll be gulping it down anyway.


Platinum Member
Sep 12, 2002
Nothing less than Grey Goose touches my lips.. watch a study later show that Vodka filtered with a Brita filter causes cancer. :disgust::beer:

Nice find, but too much work to drink. You can filter then mix your vodka, I'll have a few done before you get started.


Diamond Member
May 11, 2003
Originally posted by: yukichigai
Originally posted by: Helical
I wonder if it works for Tequila....

Oh my god, the potential... this sets my heart all a-flutter.
I'm going to go by Albertson's after school and pick up some dirt-cheap Tequila and Vodka, plus some extra filters. You know the Tequila: It just comes in a bottle that says "Tequila". Really, really creepy.

Anyway, it's all for science.

Yes, be sure to let us know how it works. Maybe I'll finally be able to use up that horrible Albertson's that's been sitting around for ages :Q


Platinum Member
Jul 16, 2002
Brita uses activated carbon to remove organics from water. Ethanol is an organic that is bound to activated carbon. Granted, some of the compounds that make for nasty vodka are also bound, but what you are effectively doing is two things:

1) Decreasing alcohol content of said drink

2) Exhausting your activated carbon and Brita filters are pretty expensive.

So, the vodka will be weaker, it will taste better, but you may only be able to use the filter once or twice effectively.


Senior member
Jan 26, 2001
I think that when you spend $15 on a filter to save $12 in alcohol the point is not to save money. I think the idea is to have some fun with your friends. I am throwing a party this Saturday and this would be terribly fun to try. I totally dig the self-deprecating humor toward science.

If anyone wants to try brutally tough alcohol go to a "high class" Italian restaurant and order a drappa (or grappa as it might be spelled). The stuff is grain alcohol and really awful to the nose and tongue.

Original Poster: Thanks. This link and walk-through guide is really funny and I think it looks like a good time waiting to happen.



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: yukichigai
I'm going to go by Albertson's after school and pick up some dirt-cheap Tequila and Vodka, plus some extra filters. You know the Tequila: It just comes in a bottle that says "Tequila". Really, really creepy.

Anyway, it's all for science.

When I was 21 getting ready to turn 22 and going to school in Phoenix, I had some sun induced pre-cancer removed from my lower lip area and had to have my jaw wired shut for proper healing.

Needless to say my mom sent me a blender so I could eat.

5 days after my surgery and on my 22nd bday, I went to albertsons and bought 3 of the cheap 1/2 gallons of no name brand rum and some daquirri mix and invited my friends over for a drink. I figured at least I can drink still.

Well i ended up puking like a madman through a wired jaw, it was so funny, i was laughing and puking and everyone else was laughing. Luckily I hadn't eaten any solid foods in a few days so the chunk stoppage factor at my teeth was greatly reduced.

The weird part of the whole deal is that my lip healed extremely fast according to the Dr who was documenting my recovery for a medical journal paper.

unbeleivable but true.


Senior member
Jan 26, 2001
You would think that if the difference between cheap Vodka and good Vodka was a brita water filter, the guys making the cheap Vodka would just run it through a brita filter and sell it for more...
No, the primary difference between a cheap vodka and an expensive one is marketing. The products themselves are identical.

This 'study' was just a group of folks sitting around reinforcing each others' perceptions and prejudices, swilling vodka, not a true double-blind experiment. It is of zero value.

The U.S. government, which as we all know, is always right, defines vodka in its regulations as "neutral spirits distilled from any material, at or above 190 proof, reduced to not more than 110 proof and not less than 80 proof and after such reduction in proof...(with vegetable charcoal for at least 8 hours) to be without distinctive character, aroma, or taste."

In other words, vodka has already been filtered far more effectively than a Brita could manage & there ain't a lick of difference between the cheapest swill on the market and the most expensive imported luxury "little water", other than the fact that the expensive stuff comes in a glass bottle (unlike a plastic jub which might impart a little flavor). When alcohol comes off a column still that highly fractionated it has no distinctiveness, regardless whether it is made from rye and potatoes or from byproducts of oil refinery or wood pulp (which, BTW, does happen). Unless there is something seriously wrong with the manufacturer's equipment (in which case the taste probably should be the least of your concerns), vodka is vodka.

Generally, at least in the U.S. market, vodka is subsequently cut with distilled water, which also lacks character. However it is true that you could use water from other sources that might have more impurities (and hence, more taste, good or bad), but even carving the water off a glacial in Svalbard isn't going to add too much to the cost of the product. Certainly not enough to account for the 15 fold price delta between some $50 a fifth "super-premium" bottle and the $8 per handle stuff that you buy in the 1.75 liter carafe at the grocery store.

High end vodkas are a perfect example of a Veblen Good, a commodity whose demand increases as its prices increases because of the band wagon effect, snob appeal and people's erroneous assumption that if something is more expensive it must be better. People respond far more effectively to marketing than they do to actual differences between products. How else do you account for the fact that Bud, Miller & Coors account for more than 3/4ths of the beer sold in the USA (48-18-10%), despite the fact that they are some of the worst tasting Eselurin on the planet, and relatively expensive to boot.

Vodka is just an ethanol delivery vehicle, anyway, for people who don't want interesting textures and flavors, just grog. It is best consumed in large gulps straight out of the freezer, as it is in Russia, to minimize the nasty flavor inherent in ethanol and maximize its medicinal properties. At that temperature whatever modest difference there arguably are between different products are eliminated.

Unlike these folks, I have done double blind tests on repeated occasions with vodka and drinks made with vodka and NO ONE has ever been able to distinguish the Stoly from the 'Park & Shop' vodka. With one exception. We were making vodka & tonics once and a friend accidentally swallowed the lemon wedge in his haste to consume the vodka. He said that particular belt was somewhat less good, even though it was made from the expensive vodka.

Personally, my days of 'drinking-for-effect' are largely numbered (unless my liver enzyme levels decrease), so I stick to single malt Scotch whisky and an occasional Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster to clear the cobwebs out of my skull.

If you are interested in this topic you can read the erudite ramblings about this article over at Slashdot.


Senior member
Feb 18, 2002
good story commOdog. The Albertsons will do it to ya. Wonder if the filter could have saved ya....


Senior member
Feb 18, 2002
Alls I can say is don't knock it till ya try it. I got out the old Taakka and the brita and commenced to filtering. After 5 runs through the filter, there is a noticable difference between the filtered specimen and the original. The filtered is much more drinkable with much less bite. It still tastes like vodka, just easier to stomach straight.
Believe what you want about this, but I am living proof that it is plausable and it works well enough that I will be buying another brita filter the next time I come home with a handle of the cheap stuff.

Also, there is a difference in quality between brands of alcohol- be it beer or liquor, and if you believe it is all marketing hype, you are mistaken in my book. Having had hangovers from Albertsons brand booz and natty light beer, I can attest that I feel worlds better the next day when I shell out for the good stuff. It remains to be seen weather or not this filtering technique does anything more than make the booz more paletable.



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2004
You would think that if the difference between cheap Vodka and good Vodka was a brita water filter, the guys making the cheap Vodka would just run it through a brita filter and sell it for more...

But the problem is the cheap vodka is already notorious for being terrible. They would never sell anything.


Senior member
Jan 13, 2002
Paraxis, you obviously don't drink enough vodka.
How about you make an experiment, go and get a bottle of some cheap vodka, and another bottle of something more expensive, such as Greygoose or Skyy. Then, one weeknight, have a few shots of the good kind. Not TOO many shots, (if you know your limit, stay to it). Get to the point where you're not s*t faced, but you're not sober anymore. Then see how you feel the next morning. You should feel pretty normal. Then, a day or two after, get the cheap stuff, and do the same (note how many shots it takes to get you to the same point). Then see how you feel the next morning, or during that night.

To make a long story short, there IS a difference, and if you were a vodka drinker you'd know. Often at bars I don't look at what vodka they're putting into my drink (whether its a martini, or a screwdriver, etc) but as soon as it hits your lips you can taste if its something cheap or if its the good stuff.


Senior member
Mar 23, 2002
Geeeezzz, just thinking about how great this will taste makes my mouth water. Uh, but wait a minute. I have a question for all you alcohol aficionados. Through this filtering process, are you just hiding the bad quality by removing "odor" or are you really making it better? In other words, are you pretending that it is better because it no longer has that smell/taste? If there is a general consensus that the filtering really does improve the "quality," then I'm gonna be drunk for the rest of the year.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Jehovah
Originally posted by: marcello
I wonder if it dilutes the alcohol content, because that would make it a practically worthless discovery

Probably not. You've no idea what ramifications this has for us simple college folk. Hottest deal I've seen on theses forums. Ever. :thumbsup:

Yeah no joke bro, McCormick vodka is 9.99 for a HANDLE of it. It literally smells like rubbing alcohol, you can only drink it when it is almost frozen and after a long night of drinking. I might try this out lol
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