For those of you in management positions...

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Mar 31, 2001
Originally posted by: kranky
The worst I personally was involved in was having to fire a guy for sleeping repeatedly, and firing another guy for setting records that will never be broken for being slow. One assignment required putting DB-9 connectors on some four-wire cables. He took a week to do 30 of them. It took months to fire him because he kept claiming I was out to get him because he was a minority.

Two incidents I wasn't directly involved in...

A secretary grabbed another employee's CC number from an expense report and used it to buy jewelry and pay for a family vacation in Florida. I don't think she had enough understanding of how CCs work to even anticipate that the bill for the deposit for the hotel room would arrive even before she got to FL, nor that it would be trivially easy to link the CC transaction to her. Cops arrested her right in the lobby of the hotel in front of her husband and kids. She was thoughtful enough to be wearing the jewelry to make it a lot easier to wrap up the investigation.

At another job, I saw the president confront the VP of sales when he came back from lunch staggering drunk (again). The president told him to clean out his desk, the VP insisted he wasn't drunk, and the president sucker-punched him right in the face. He slumped to the floor out cold.

no lawsuit?


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Originally posted by: kranky
A secretary grabbed another employee's CC number from an expense report and used it to buy jewelry and pay for a family vacation in Florida. I don't think she had enough understanding of how CCs work to even anticipate that the bill for the deposit for the hotel room would arrive even before she got to FL, nor that it would be trivially easy to link the CC transaction to her. Cops arrested her right in the lobby of the hotel in front of her husband and kids. She was thoughtful enough to be wearing the jewelry to make it a lot easier to wrap up the investigation.

WOW. Owned hardcore. You've GOT to give us more background on this woman... she sounds like a real winner.
Jun 19, 2004
I'm a store manager, but I have no employees under me yet so I only manage myself. So far I've found myself:

1. Napping on the job
2. Neffing on the net
3. Stealing office supplies
4. Taking unusually long bathroom breaks

I'm going to give myself a verbal warning first, then a written one. If I still don't clean my act up I'll have to can my ass!


Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: MisterJackson
I'm a store manager, but I have no employees under me yet so I only manage myself. So far I've found myself:

1. Napping on the job
2. Neffing on the net
3. Stealing office supplies
4. Taking unusually long bathroom breaks

I'm going to give myself a verbal warning first, then a written one. If I still don't clean my act up I'll have to can my ass!



Diamond Member
May 3, 2005
Originally posted by: yukichigai
I've never caught anyone doing anything, but there was an "incident" at my summer job once. Lemme 'splain....

My summer job was an awesome job; work wasn't too hard and wasn't too easy, and the pay was great. We also had internet access that was unmonitored, until one abrupt Monday when a very thorough content filtering system greeted everyone as they logged in for the day. There hadn't been any discussion of adding any such system before, no memos; nobody knew where it came from. Eventually it came out that someone working in a department got caught looking at something they shouldn't have.

Flash back to a few months before. A gentleman working for a similar (but different) agency was caught looking at pornography during work hours. It gets worse: this guy was working at the front desk and his monitor was in full view of about half the people who came in. It still gets worse: this guy wasn't just looking at any run-of-the-mill porn, he was looking at hardcore gay porn. Now it gets unbelievably worse: he wasn't looking at just any hardcore gay porn, but hardcore gay child porn. When this rocket scientist was caught he tried to weasel out of it with the winner line, "I'll try to be more discreet in the future." Yeah, so very fired.

Flash forward to the friday before the content filtering system went up. Guess who had started working at our agency recently. Guess who was looking at porn during work hours. Guess what kind of porn it was. And for a bonus, guess what same genius line he delivered when he got caught. I mean there are stupid people, and then there are stupid people.

So in short, a pedophile ruined the internet at work. I'd call that pretty bad.

I would have so shot him in the knee if I caught someone doing that.. That'd be cool, if I was walking into a bank or whatever, and an employee was watching child porn, gay or not. I'd turn around, grab a baseball bat from the trunk and kill him/her, right then and there.


Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: kranky
The worst I personally was involved in was having to fire a guy for sleeping repeatedly, and firing another guy for setting records that will never be broken for being slow. One assignment required putting DB-9 connectors on some four-wire cables. He took a week to do 30 of them. It took months to fire him because he kept claiming I was out to get him because he was a minority.

30 over a week??? how did he blow the rest of his time? I'd be soooo bored if I was that slow.....


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
A transporter, at the hospital where I used to work, was fired for stealing Vancocin from the pharmacy. That's a really weird drug to steal if you're going to be stealing drugs.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: SacrosanctFiend
A transporter, at the hospital where I used to work, was fired for stealing Vancocin from the pharmacy. That's a really weird drug to steal if you're going to be stealing drugs.

Well they shouldn't have blown his car up.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
darkxshade, there was no lawsuit.
jbourne77, Only a little more to tell. She bought the jewelry over the web and had it shipped to her home address (duh). The cops in FL ended up letting her go because of some jurisdictional thing and the hotel booted them out. The clincher was she showed up for work the next Monday as if nothing had happened. Ten minutes later she was cleaning out her desk. Sad, really. It was probably the best job she ever had and she threw it away.
Accipiter22, he simply moved at a snail's pace. He was always sitting there working, just at a pace at which motion was barely detectible to the eye.

Originally posted by: MisterJackson
I'm a store manager, but I have no employees under me yet so I only manage myself. So far I've found myself:

1. Napping on the job
2. Neffing on the net
3. Stealing office supplies
4. Taking unusually long bathroom breaks

I'm going to give myself a verbal warning first, then a written one. If I still don't clean my act up I'll have to can my ass!

Can your ass? Sounds like the problem is your ass is in the can too much already!



Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Originally posted by: kranky
jbourne77, Only a little more to tell. She bought the jewelry over the web and had it shipped to her home address (duh). The cops in FL ended up letting her go because of some jurisdictional thing and the hotel booted them out. The clincher was she showed up for work the next Monday as if nothing had happened. Ten minutes later she was cleaning out her desk. Sad, really. It was probably the best job she ever had and she threw it away.

Is credit card fraud no longer a federal matter?

No wonder ID theft is skyrocketing in this country... on the rare occassion they're able to catch one of these bottomfeeders, they cut them loose!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: markgm

Federal pound me in the ass prison. It's from Office Space.


I sooooo shoulda' got that one. As an OS triple-copy owner, I need to go hang my head in shame over by the fax machine!



No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
man I got you all beat.

So I worked at this valet company at a reasonably upscale outdoor entertainment center type place. There was these 2 women, probably late 20's, that would come in EVERY Friday night, driving some ghetto 90's caravan. They would both come at about 9pm, leave at about 1am, drunk as sht, and would NEVER EVER EVER EVER TIP, even though they were pretty demanding/asshole-ish/etc. So one day, one of the valets, let's call him Doug, decided to wage his own personal jihad against them. He would NOT relieve himself the whole night, wait until they came, and then take his car out, and pissed on the back tires. This trend continued for a few weeks. And then Doug thought to himself "wait, what the fvck am I doing?" So, Doug started pissing on the backseat of the caravan. Not just in the backseat, but in the babyseat located in the backseat. And he did this every weekend. The new valets would get the car to bring back, and he would be like "like the smell in the car?" This continued about a good half a year, and then they stopped valeting. Seriously, the smell was SO BAD that you had to drive with your head out the window.


Sep 10, 2003
Originally posted by: NeuroSynapsis
man I got you all beat.

So I worked at this valet company at a reasonably upscale outdoor entertainment center type place. There was these 2 women, probably late 20's, that would come in EVERY Friday night, driving some ghetto 90's caravan. They would both come at about 9pm, leave at about 1am, drunk as sht, and would NEVER EVER EVER EVER TIP, even though they were pretty demanding/asshole-ish/etc. So one day, one of the valets, let's call him Doug, decided to wage his own personal jihad against them. He would NOT relieve himself the whole night, wait until they came, and then take his car out, and pissed on the back tires. This trend continued for a few weeks. And then Doug thought to himself "wait, what the fvck am I doing?" So, Doug started pissing on the backseat of the caravan. Not just in the backseat, but in the babyseat located in the backseat. And he did this every weekend. The new valets would get the car to bring back, and he would be like "like the smell in the car?" This continued about a good half a year, and then they stopped valeting. Seriously, the smell was SO BAD that you had to drive with your head out the window.


Remy XO

Golden Member
Jun 29, 2005
I'm the network administrator and I caught one of you looking at this site Anandtech and youre about to get fired.


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Remy XO
I'm the network administrator and I caught one of you looking at this site Anandtech and youre about to get fired.

I remember the days of when what I did was monitored. It's nice to work for a place where it's all IT folks, so no one has the time to really care unless you're viewing sites that are really really bad.

At one job I had a team that went floor to floor doing desktop replacements on third shift. I couldn't find one of the guys so I went up a floor and found him asleep in some cubical, had to fire him because even after he was caught once, he did it again.

At another job I had to keep home directory space under control. One guy backed up all his porn to his network drive. When we called him he denied that he had *anything* on the drive, let alone porn. So we started to describe the pictures to him and he said "omg, you guys are able to see our files?" Nothing happened, we just asked him to not store the stuff on the server.

At another job my manager would come by the site I did IT at because he wanted to escape the VP in the building downtown. He always was on a desktop that you could never see the monitor and he took the machine off the domain. When I logged into it everything was erased on it, so I knew he had to be looking at porn. I shared out his cache and then when he came in the next day I just backed up his cache every couple of hours. It was loaded with porn. When I finally left the job I put the contents on the computer's desktop but never said a word.


Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: markgm
Originally posted by: Remy XO
I'm the network administrator and I caught one of you looking at this site Anandtech and youre about to get fired.

I remember the days of when what I did was monitored. It's nice to work for a place where it's all IT folks, so no one has the time to really care unless you're viewing sites that are really really bad.

At one job I had a team that went floor to floor doing desktop replacements on third shift. I couldn't find one of the guys so I went up a floor and found him asleep in some cubical, had to fire him because even after he was caught once, he did it again.

At another job I had to keep home directory space under control. One guy backed up all his porn to his network drive. When we called him he denied that he had *anything* on the drive, let alone porn. So we started to describe the pictures to him and he said "omg, you guys are able to see our files?" Nothing happened, we just asked him to not store the stuff on the server.

At another job my manager would come by the site I did IT at because he wanted to escape the VP in the building downtown. He always was on a desktop that you could never see the monitor and he took the machine off the domain. When I logged into it everything was erased on it, so I knew he had to be looking at porn. I shared out his cache and then when he came in the next day I just backed up his cache every couple of hours. It was loaded with porn. When I finally left the job I put the contents on the computer's desktop but never said a word.

*waits for that manager to post in this thread*


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2000
this happened recently at the hospital I work at. A different dept head was caught changing time cards. She was cutting off a few minutes here and there on most of her subordinates to make her dept's productivity look better.
what a b!tch!

funny thing is we were suprised she was fired it seemed like something our cappy CEO would promote her for.


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2000
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: boredhokie
Originally posted by: waggy
i was working as a supervisor of computer operations. we had one guy that worked over night alone.

on the night shift its really slow. all he would do is print out reports and set them on the desk for people to get. We had a machine that shook the papers even. Well i got a call from the security company saying i might want to start checking in on the night guy time. They said he was doing something odd to the machine.

So one night i went in to work and heard the machine buzzing and walked in. He had his pants down around his ankles with his dick in the machine wrapped in a rag! ha had been having the machine get him off.

Poor kid got so embarrassed when we had a meeting with my manager over it (a 35yr old women_) heh. we didn't fire him for that but about 2 months later we caught him having phone sex and chatting on a pedophilia IRC channel (had logs of it).

Do you have a model number for this vibrating machine?

haha no idea what number it was. it had a V shape where you put the papers in and it vibrited at a high rate of speed.
You mean the jogger...


Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Otaking
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: boredhokie
Originally posted by: waggy
i was working as a supervisor of computer operations. we had one guy that worked over night alone.

on the night shift its really slow. all he would do is print out reports and set them on the desk for people to get. We had a machine that shook the papers even. Well i got a call from the security company saying i might want to start checking in on the night guy time. They said he was doing something odd to the machine.

So one night i went in to work and heard the machine buzzing and walked in. He had his pants down around his ankles with his dick in the machine wrapped in a rag! ha had been having the machine get him off.

Poor kid got so embarrassed when we had a meeting with my manager over it (a 35yr old women_) heh. we didn't fire him for that but about 2 months later we caught him having phone sex and chatting on a pedophilia IRC channel (had logs of it).

Do you have a model number for this vibrating machine?

haha no idea what number it was. it had a V shape where you put the papers in and it vibrited at a high rate of speed.
You mean the jogger...

no I mean the 'stranger'


Jun 15, 2001
When I was a crew leader at McDonald's, a girl I was training was offering... herself... in exchange for shelter for her kids.

No one took the offer. I think she ended up getting fired for that.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2001
Originally posted by: darkxshade
I once caught an employee actually doing his work.

True story. :Q

I actually misread that post and clicked that god damned smiley 3 times.


Platinum Member
Dec 27, 2003
Fired one employee for stealing a 250 dollar gift card.

Fired one employee for showing up consistently late for work, and swearing in front of customers

Fired one employee for stealing random little crap

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