For those that got the "Free" mouse at CompUSA Easter Sales...Check Your Cards!

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Junior Member
Apr 21, 2003
There's a great distance between trying to profit and trying to help others. I'd think that would play heavily in anyone's argument that also involves the word "morality."

It doesn't because ordering 9 extra mice for your friends infringes on the right of 9 people to get a single mouse for themselves...there aren't enough mice to go around, and therefore, it is very poor-form to take more than your fair share.

But if those 9 mouses are going to 9 individuals, then it's simply a wash. 9 other individuals who want mouses are getting them. No one is arguing that they want to keep mouses for themselves to hoard or sell. You fail to see this distinction, apparently.

What is the limit of fair share? Ordering a single mouse supercedes the right of someone else to buy that same one. Is 5 ok? How about 3, if I have 3 computers? Even at 1, someone else still loses out.

I'm glad you ask. Here are my stipulations:
1) Ordering 1 is acceptable because you have every right to 1 mouse that the next guy does
2) perhaps 2 or 3 would be okay too, only because it is difficult to argue against.
3) It is NOT okay to order 10,000 mice such that nobody gets a single one, REGARDLESS of your "good intentions." Therefore, there MUST be a limit to the number of mice you can order before it becomes unethical, REGARDLESS of your reasons.
4) I argue that that particular limit is way less than 10. There are almost no legitimate reasons for why someone should be able to order 10 mice if 9 other ppl would get jacked in the process.
5) If someone orders more than his "fair share," then he absolutely 100% deserves to suffer consequences directly related to his moral transgression. This includes, but is not limited to, a) getting flamed on AT, b) getting overcharged by a LOT, c) having to call compUSSR and CC, and d) going over CC limit, etc. This stipulation is based on the principles of justice and Karma.

1) fine, I've not argued that in the slightest
2) I agree there, for personal use, 2-3 is fine
3) we're not talking about 10,000, or even 1,000, or even 100. We're talking about 10. Again, if 2-3 for personal use are kept, and 7-8 are given to 7-8 other distinct individuals, then the rights of others are not infringed. 1 person receives their "entitled mouse" and the buyer has his few for use on his few computers. There is still a ridiculously large difference between the numbers you are throwing around and actual reality, and that still doesn't include your disregard for intent. Or the laws of supply and demand.
4) I don't agree that the limit is less than 10...the means by which you come up with this "number" (or lack thereof) are at once arbitrary and nonexistant. By stating that there are almost no good reasons, you admit that there are some...what are they?
5) By setting fair share arbitrarily, based on your opinions, and then attacking others, you are putting yourself above the rights of other members of this board. You are infringing on their rights at that point. And I certainly don't agree with your "stipulation based on the principles of justice and Karma," which you fail to explain fully.

I will have quite a chuckle at you tomorrow when my order goes through normally, my CC is not overcharged, and no calls are required. And I will certainly think of you when I hand out the mouses to my family and friend as mentioned in an earlier post.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: govtcheez75
Well...I guess if by "jacking" 9 people I don't know, I help out 10 people that I DO know, I'm doing OK. I'm sure no one else on this forum would do that. I'm sure they're always looking out for the likes of me and you over their immediate friends and family.
You need a reality check.

By that argument, you should be able to order 100 mice as long as you know 100 people whom you could help out.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: adimiron
If the rights are equal only in a case of 1 mouse, then you are telling me that no one should buy a mouse for another person. Even if asked. If mom wants a mouse, she has to order it herself. That's ridiculous.

Strictly speaking, it would be inappropriate to order more than 1 mouse. However, I don't see you people capable of seeing that point, so I won't even bother. It's not ridiculous.

And my "smoke screen" is hardly tangential. You've yet again suggested that a socialist solution is the only moral and ethical one.

What's ridiculous is your comment about socialism...absolutely psychotic.

It is karma because by being unpleasant, it affects your everyday life. So you pay in other places, simply because you cannot see past your supposition that people are trying to help their friends. That's what that actually says.

Yeah, your logic still doesn't make any sense. Your conclusion does not follow at all from your premises. Good grief.

Actually, it does. If you are bantering on about morals and karma and getting what one deserves, and your reaction to this makes others dislike you, then the obvious inference is that you are getting what you deserve for being unpleasant.

That's not so hard to read.[/quote]

Your agument:
1) bad karma because being unpleasant affects everyday life.
2) pay in "other places" (no link to statement #1)
3) reaction to this makes others dislike you (no link to statemnts 1 or 2)
4) then i somehow get what i deserve. (very weak link to half of statement 1)

Your argument is 100% non sequitur.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
3) we're not talking about 10,000, or even 1,000, or even 100. We're talking about 10.

If you stipulate that it would be inappropriate to order a certain quantity of mice (be it 1,000 or 10,000) regardless of your intentions, it then follows that there *IS* a finite number at which point we say "immoral"...this refutes the "10" is okay but "10,000 is not" because the cutoff is arbitrary. The conclusion that more than 1 is immoral follows by reductio ad absurdum.

Again, if 2-3 for personal use are kept, and 7-8 are given to 7-8 other distinct individuals, then the rights of others are not infringed. 1 person receives their "entitled mouse" and the buyer has his few for use on his few computers. There is still a ridiculously large difference between the numbers you are throwing around and actual reality, and that still doesn't include your disregard for intent. Or the laws of supply and demand.

The right for an individual to place a large order with the intention of giving them away does NOT supercede the right of other individuals to order one for themselves independently. Because the demand greatly surpassed supply for this deal, the "right" of an individual to order for his friends/family replaced the right of certain persons to get the deal for themselves. That is why it was inappropriate. The analogy is somebody reserving the first 5 rows of a movie theater for his "friends" when the movie is sold out.

4) I don't agree that the limit is less than 10...the means by which you come up with this "number" (or lack thereof) are at once arbitrary and nonexistant. By stating that there are almost no good reasons, you admit that there are some...what are they?

You raise a valid point, but I will address it. The limit of less than 10 is an argument of consistency and is established by community standard. If an object is sold out within hours, almost all reasonable people would have a problem with some guy hoarding 10 of them, regardless of his intentions. You could MAYBE argue that ordering a few is "poor form," but ordering 10 is just ridiculous....because there aren't enough to go around. This is not a matter of opinion like you is a matter of the precedent and standards established by the hot deal community....and the opinion of MANY people on this forum have been rendered already -- that ordering 10 is more than your fair share.

By setting fair share arbitrarily, based on your opinions, and then attacking others,

Your agument is invalid because I have not set "fair share" arbitrarily, but based on community standards. Unbiased posters to this thread (i.e. they didn't order 10 for themselves already) all agree that 10 is way more than "fair share." I am not the sole party expressing this opinion.

I will have quite a chuckle at you tomorrow when my order goes through normally, my CC is not overcharged, and no calls are required. And I will certainly think of you when I hand out the mouses to my family and friend as mentioned in an earlier post.

That is completely irrelevant. I honestly don't care if you get overcharged or not... one day you will get jacked on a hot deal because somebody else hoarded YOUR deal...and if that doesn't bother you than that's perfectly okay. If you don't mind getting jacked by hoarders like yourself than at least you are being consistent. But for most people here, we don't like getting jacked by hoarders.



Senior member
May 20, 2000
People that actually spent time on arguing are retarded... stop getting worked up

I ordered five. They have already authorized the charge, but will they really charge? Who knows, and I won't be losing sleeps over this crap...

If they charge the full amount, I'll just wait 'til they deliver the stuffs THEN go dispute the charges using the order confirmation email.

If they cancel the orders - o well, better luck next time.


Senior member
Sep 14, 2002
Originally posted by: MechanicalMan
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut

My god you're dense. I think everybody here knows exactly why you posted this thread -- because you wanted to whine to use that you got overcharged. Then you got a buncha responses telling you that you got what you deserved. You did. And you were greedy. Nobody except for that guy with no reading comprehension and that other guy who doesn't read the bible pities you. Deal with it. People like you are an abomination to the hot deals forums. Not only are you greedy and selfish, but you're probably also a jerk in real life, based on your intention to "rip" the CSR who picks up the phone. Don't worry, I won't lose any sleep over you....cuz one of these days, YOU will get shafted in a hot deal for the very same reason you shafted 9 other people. Have fun calling compUSSR...and your credit card company...and your mom...and your babysitter...etc.


Settle down, dude. I haven't seen you this upset since you knocked over the money changers' tables and drove them out of the temple.

So now he's Jesus?



Jan 28, 2000
You guys are great screw eveybody out of a deal on Easter. Your getting what you deserve good
luck getting your money back.


Senior member
Jul 24, 2002
I wasn't getting greedy. I paid $9.40 for 10...and I was going to give them away to my friends in school. I was NOT going to ebay them off or try to make a profit. Wouldn't you like it if your friend saw a great deal, and helped you out by getting an extra one for you? I have a tiny mouse, and use it with my laptop, and when I do...someone from school always asks me, "where did you get that? I would love to get one". I was looking out for them. I didn't order 99 or 100 of these like some people. I order 10, because I didn't want them to be "sold out" for everyone else that might want to get in on this deal. Please refrain from judging other people if you don't know them.

Save your breath, there are certain factions here, usually lazy couch sitting do nothing useless lumps of fat waiting for the government to hand them a dollar for every ounce of balls they have for expecting to be paid for dragging this country down...oh wait a minute...your nick is...



Senior member
Jul 24, 2002
>>you are all crazy!!

There should be a whole forum devoted to the "ethics of hot deal pillaging." It wouldn't be very long - the arguments are always the same. The only thing that changes are the nicks of the self-appointed keepers of the faith.

1. WAAAAAH, I didn't get any, you suck
2. There is some inherent right to the hot deal that consumers have
3. You'll spoil it by ordering more than your "fair share"
4. I set the rules becuase my opinion actually means something
5. I have been around for years, made a living at exploiting deals going back a year before Value America, and my wisdom and experience actually make my opinion worth something. (always a favorite)
6. Greed is good
7. Greed is bad
8. If you orderd more than me you are greedy, less than me, you are stupid

Feel free to add some...maybe we can post them and avoid all the wasted time in the future...we can develop cute acronyms for common ones (WIDGAYS for #1)


Senior member
Mar 11, 2003
You should really stop bashing this guy, I mean come on, his friends wanted the mice too, and maybe he thought it would just be easier to get one big order. In the end, he ends up saving CompUSA shipping and prevents wasting packing materials. Maybe his friends don't even have credit cards, who knows. I'm 15 and have a paypal card, but not many of my friends have one. I also know I'd be pretty pissed if they charged me 250 more than the reciept said. There's no reason to bash someone if you don't even know the whole story.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: mra
A lot of people who ordered more than a couple deserve this. CompUSA should have had a limit of 2 or 3.

Instead lamers ordered 20 to 50 thinking they can just eBay them. Those scumbags.

Hear, hear!


Senior member
Nov 9, 2001

10 is not really that bad... shoot, I could have found homes for 10 of them pretty fast. My kids, parents, sister, mine...

We really shouldn't lynch him for ordering 10.



Jun 11, 2001
I believe that it would only really come down to this: CompUSA's Online pricing and availability

Online pricing and availability:
Prices, specifications and availability of products are subject to change without notice. Due to the unpredictable nature of the computer market, descriptions may not reflect current technical information. Any typographical, photographic or specification error in product, pricing or offers is subject to correction.

Internet orders generate an automatic confirmation and response e-mail. These automatic confirmations and response e-mails are subject to correction prior to shipment due to errors, changing market conditions, product discontinuation or unavailability, typographical errors, or any other reason. Our internet pages are an invitation for you to make us an offer to buy the items described; our shipment constitutes our accept of your offer.

All orders placed over $2,000 (US) must obtain pre-approval with an acceptable method of payment, as established by our credit and fraud avoidance program.

We will notify you of any corrections or changes and ask for your approval before we complete your order. We will not complete your order until we have your approval. We reserve the right to limit sales, including the right to prohibit sales to resellers, even after we have received and confirmed your order. Published prices do not include shipping, sales tax and insurance. Proof of purchase and postage may be required for rebates.

Promotional Codes
Promotional codes are not valid with any other special offers, gamefixx member discounts, or on in-store pick-up orders.

CompUSA?s Retail Store Low Price Guarantee.
*We'll match any legitimate price from any local authorized retail store on every product we sell, either at the time of purchase or within the following 14 days. Our low price guarantee pertains to all new, factory-sealed products of the same brand and model number that are available and in-stock at any local authorized retail store. Our guarantee does not apply to competitors' one-of-a-kind or other limited-quantity offers, special financing, installation, online competitors, rebates or when a bonus or free offer is included in the purchase. *Some restrictions apply.
*Training Classes: Training class pricing may vary in Hawaii. Contact local store for details. does not offer a low price guarantee.


Jan 9, 2003
Matthew 5:22 (KJV)
5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.


Senior member
Mar 11, 2003
It's just mice. He got in on a good deal, or what was perceived to be one. I'm pretty sure if they were selling hard drives for dirt cheap alot of us would have jumped on it and tried to buy enough to replace the hard drives in every computer we own. When I see a really good deal I try to get more than one, for myself and then for friends or family whom I know will want it. I don't see why because he was good enough to let us know that compusa is doing this there is such a long thread.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2002
Well, I did, after holding for quite a while; the CSR on the line said the mouse was a "pricing mistake" and they would be in the process of fixing it.

Liberally they're either going to cancel all the orders, or charge us whatever the hell they want. CS is stormed right now, and I suggest putting in a word to have your order cancelled before it rains bloody bills.


Junior Member
Apr 21, 2003
You think he is greedy? I placed exactly 25 orders of 99 mice within the first 10 minutes of this deal being posted at this forum. If it doesn't do through, so what. If it does go through, I will sell them and buy myself a new car. Everybody complaining is just upset they didn't get in on the deal. You snooze, you loose (literally in this case b/c this deal occurred late at night).

BTW- My card has not been charged and has 100% on-line protection, so I am not concerned about excessive charges.


Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
I just called. The hold was not too bad, about 7 minutes. The CompUSA rep said that they really didn't have an explanation on this matter, and that I should be receiving an email this afternoon explaining what's going on.
I also called my bank, and they said that the charge will likely be posted tommorrow if it does get posted at all, and then I can call back immediately and get credited back while they fight the charge.

Originally posted by: Parasitic
Well, I did, after holding for quite a while; the CSR on the line said the mouse was a "pricing mistake" and they would be in the process of fixing it.

Liberally they're either going to cancel all the orders, or charge us whatever the hell they want. CS is stormed right now, and I suggest putting in a word to have your order cancelled before it rains bloody bills.



Jun 18, 2002
Originally posted by: govtcheez75
Originally posted by: kevin000
Originally posted by: govtcheez75
This is what I get for trying to help people out by posting this? Bashing from people that think I'm greedy?!?

Yeah yeah yeah, you're the victim...

How am I NOT the victim? They did mention "FREE". So getting anything more than 1 makes me a greedy bastard? This is the Hot Deals forum, is it not? Please stop being a hypocrite, because I'm sure you've taken advantage of stores, or dealers in the past.

I've taken advantage of stores sure, but not my fellow AT'ers. You should have left some for them to grab instead of taking them all for your greedy self. I mean that's just having respect. You'd so be voted of the Hot Deal island next tribal council..
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