For those that got the "Free" mouse at CompUSA Easter Sales...Check Your Cards!

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Senior member
Sep 14, 2002
Originally posted by: salsa086
Valsalva, thanks for nearly making me fall out of my chair laughing!

Please clarify if I miss anything. If I were to order 10 mice I'd go to hell for gluttony. But if I claim someone is gluttonous while browsing forums for hot deals on things I don't really need on my broadband connected computer, while african kids are running around with no shoes on hoping that a grasshopper lands on their forhead for lunch, thats okay right?

who exactly is going to hell for gluttony again?

(oh wait, your church sends some used sweaty shirts to mexico once a month right, or you adopted a kid for 50 cents... I don't care to hear your personal validation... before you start running your pie-hole again, try a little introspection)

Happy Easter!

I think that you miss Valsalva's point entirely, or maybe you're just not being serious. In the context of this situation, the original poster purchased 10 free mice. In the realm of hot deals, this is considered hording. Then, when he gets jacked, he posts this thread saying that we was mischarged. Again, this is in the context of the hot deals forum and society we live if today. Bring up non-sequitor, irrelevent examples such as children in Africa is not only noncontributory but it also makes you look bad and is a waste of your time.



Jul 28, 2001
I haven't post much since I registered this forum. This is the hot deal forum and I take advantage of the forum a lot. IMO, getting 10 mice isn't a problem, is it? You pay what they ad, nothing illegal. I myself didn't get any mice. And if you cant get any, you shouldn't blame others because you was just late.
The last thing, please peace. This is the forum for hot deals, not hot head. Peace out and smile :wine:


Senior member
Jan 5, 2002
I think that you miss Valsalva's point entirely, or maybe you're just not being serious. In the context of this situation, the original poster purchased 10 free mice. In the realm of hot deals, this is considered hording. Then, when he gets jacked, he posts this thread saying that we was mischarged. Again, this is in the context of the hot deals forum and society we live if today. Bring up non-sequitor, irrelevent examples such as children in Africa is not only noncontributory but it also makes you look bad and is a waste of your time.

You are an idiot as well. You and valsalva both get a darwin award for brilliancy.
What if he purchased 10 mice at regular price? Is he hoarding? "No" you say? Is that because it's the offered price by a retailer?.... hmm... since you're the one holding the darwin I'll let you make the connection.

He explicitly posted that someone is going to hell for "gluttony." Perhaps only in the world you and valsalva live in, your eternal divinity is based only on what you do in the context of "the hot deals forum." If thats the case... keep praying!

Happy Easter!


Senior member
Aug 19, 2001
Funny Stuff...........That'll learn ya. Take the one free one and enjoy. $50 for 1265.00 hahahaha


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Flavius
Looks like more than a few of you need to make your way back to the AOL chatroom from which you came...

The guy is giving people a heads up...nothing more. If you didn't do the deal, why not move on and not make such @sses of yourselves.

I sincerely doubt there's a single member on these forums who isn't on the lookout for good deals.

It's all a matter of degree guys...

True. Very true.



Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2002
No the funniest has to be this. I PM'ed him after he did it, but he hasn't fixed it so fair game right?

Originally posted by: TerryMathews

This is America. For those of you without the benifit of our free educational system, that means that capitalism (profit), is both expected and encouraged from all its citizens.

Please note the word "benifit". I thought this was the funniest part of this whole thread. But then irony is lost on many.

Now I remember why I paid for private school. Yes, I paid, not my parent.


Platinum Member
Jul 25, 2000
:music:Sometimes you get what you want, some times you get what you need, but your always gonna get WHAT YOU DESERVE....:music:


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2002
Originally posted by: govtcheez75
Originally posted by: kevin000
Originally posted by: govtcheez75
This is what I get for trying to help people out by posting this? Bashing from people that think I'm greedy?!?

Yeah yeah yeah, you're the victim...

How am I NOT the victim? They did mention "FREE". So getting anything more than 1 makes me a greedy bastard? This is the Hot Deals forum, is it not? Please stop being a hypocrite, because I'm sure you've taken advantage of stores, or dealers in the past.

Never. The only hot deal I got two of was the free Logitech Wireless Keyboard/Mouse and that was by accident. I had two winning pages so one I filled out with my info and the other I posted on this site asking if anyone wanted one. I don't think I have his name any more but if I ever find it I'll let you know. One is enough, maybe two for a friend/sibling/relative but anything more is just plain greedy...


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: labgeek
No the funniest has to be this. I PM'ed him after he did it, but he hasn't fixed it so fair game right?

Originally posted by: TerryMathews

This is America. For those of you without the benifit of our free educational system, that means that capitalism (profit), is both expected and encouraged from all its citizens.

Please note the word "benifit". I thought this was the funniest part of this whole thread. But then irony is lost on many.

Now I remember why I paid for private school. Yes, I paid, not my parent.

Eh, my spelling skills have slacked off somewhat now that I am dependent on the autocheck in Word. College will do that to you.

And, of course it's fair game... But it's not like I could have changed it, being at work and all.


Platinum Member
Apr 8, 2003
First, I think there's a hidden price for posting in these forums. If they become infested with bad attitude, you risk getting them closed. I hope we all realize that we have an obligation to other members to be civil, not for any moral reason but personal. I benefit from this forum and I want to see it successful.

It's funny how everyone complained about "Not another lame CompUSA sale" yet so much controversy can be aroused. Call it an inexpensive lesson, caveat emptor. Especially on the internet, no one wants to give you 100 mouses (mice!!!) for free. On the other hand, we are given advanced publication being members of this forum. Perhaps just an object lesson for the future. Don't overdue the free deals, get a mouse if you need one, possibly just a backup, but user internet scams do not work that way. The way they work is you get 100,000 mice from them then hire a lawyer when they refuse delivery. Ooops, I've said too much... Pulls out MIB hypnosis pen.

EDIT: Spelling correction


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: salsa086
Valsalva, thanks for nearly making me fall out of my chair laughing!

Please clarify if I miss anything. If I were to order 10 mice I'd go to hell for gluttony. But if I claim someone is gluttonous while browsing forums for hot deals on things I don't really need on my broadband connected computer, while african kids are running around with no shoes on hoping that a grasshopper lands on their forhead for lunch, thats okay right?

who exactly is going to hell for gluttony again?

(oh wait, your church sends some used sweaty shirts to mexico once a month right, or you adopted a kid for 50 cents... I don't care to hear your personal validation... before you start running your pie-hole again, try a little introspection)

Happy Easter!

Well, hello, salsa086. I never stated explicitly or implicitly that you would go to hell for gluttony for ordering 10 mice. I don't know where you got that from, but it obviously stems from the hours you spent in Sunday School taking ordinary sentences and making up stories about them to fit your godly agenda. If you actually READ what I wrote, you'll find that I was referring to a particular member of this forum who made rash statements that were grossly inconsistent with the bible -- as a result, i remarked that if he continued acting in such a way, he might end up in hell. There is no relationship at all to ordering 10 mice and going to hell...not even a tangential relationship. Next time, before YOU open your pie-hole, maybe you should actually read what ppl write rather than wish/hope/pray that he/she said something different. But don't assured that the African kids that you speak of are ALL going to hell because none of them have ever hard of Jesus Christ or the other 2/3 of the Trinty, cannot therefore seek salvation, and are going to burn...what a just god you worship.



Senior member
Sep 10, 2001
that was the funniest post I've ever read in my life !! Ever... My jaws are still paining.. ! (Please read ness 1469's post on 2nd page ... My vote for the funniest post ever on AT boards)

And you think it's venom... I wish that CompUSA has FREE 'Sense Of Humor' next Sunday... and please get at least one of those !

Originally posted by: adimiron
Although it was very kind of you to post this warning, I will be laughing for weeks on end. To be completely honest with you, as cruel as it sounds, I hope everything bad that can happen with this, does. (Blah blah blah, bs bs bs, whine cry complain...) Thanks guys, for putting a big grey cloud on my day today!
Sounds like your day would have been pretty grey with all the venom you're spitting. <SARCASM>BTW, I hope your genitals fall off, a bird poops in your eye, and all manner of awful things happen to you! And then I randomly get something I want because of it! Woo!</SARCASM> Grow up. Buy your damned mouse on eBay from a "hoarder" for $3 after shipping. The nature of deals is that they never last forever, otherwise people wouldn't be checking this page all the time. I really feel for you that your order didn't go through, but you're being ridiculous.



Platinum Member
Dec 23, 2002
After reading this thread, I decided to do the only ethical thing - I went to CompUSA and stole 10 mini-mice. That way I get payback from them from screwing the cheesy one over his 10 mice, and yet get 10 really "free" mice for meselfish.

Hope this makes the rest of you as happy as it has made me.


Senior member
Sep 10, 2001
I am actually gonna print this whole thread out... and read it whenever I need a heartful of laugh !

Originally posted by: JJMcKay
Originally posted by: altonb1
Originally posted by: altonb1 Okay, a few observations: 1) govtchees75 is the nick. Funny that he is complaining that he didn't get something free. (No personal attack intended. Just my observation on the nick vs the situation) 2) This banter has gotten highly philosophical and intense. I'd guess many of the lurkers (and members) reading the forum probably will need a dictionary for some of the terms used. 3) This HAS been kinda amusing just because of the incessant arguing. 4) It looks like my order for 50 went through without a hitch. My card was charged correctly and the order is showing in transit. (Got a tracking number, too! Delivery scheduled tomorrow) 5) Anyone wanna buy a mouse? $10 + shipping. Thanks!
Oh yeah...almost forgot... 6) Numbers 4 and 5 were an attempt at humor. I actually didn't order any. I was sleeping when the sale started, and didn't even find out about this problem until I logged in to AT this morning. I just read 3 pages of posts just because this was funny, not because I had any personal interest in the outcome either way.
believe me the humor was not lost on me. definitely got a laugh out of that one.



Platinum Member
Dec 23, 2002
Originally posted by: sonyboy851
Originally posted by: pspada
After reading this thread, I decided to do the only ethical thing - I went to CompUSA and stole 10 mini-mice. That way I get payback from them from screwing the cheesy one over his 10 mice, and yet get 10 really "free" mice for meselfish.

Hope this makes the rest of you as happy as it has made me.

What an imature thing to do. You are not a true anandtecher . Truly unbelievable.

And you should have seen what I looked like with a 10 pack of mice stuffed down my pants. I've not been packing it like that since the 70's!

***DISCLAIMER*** No actual mice were stolen in this attempt at humor ***DISCLAIMER***


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: sonyboy851
Originally posted by: pspada
After reading this thread, I decided to do the only ethical thing - I went to CompUSA and stole 10 mini-mice. That way I get payback from them from screwing the cheesy one over his 10 mice, and yet get 10 really "free" mice for meselfish.

Hope this makes the rest of you as happy as it has made me.

What an imature thing to do. You are not a true anandtecher . Truly unbelievable.

I'm not sure which is worse.. That there are anandtechers who might actually consider doing something like that, or that there are anandtechers STUPID enough to believe everything everyone on this board says.

I swear i have not seen a bigger black hole of logic and reason than this forum. At least there's some minor mental activity present in OT.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Well, I've read a lot of the responses to this thread, and here's the bottom line:
1) A Hot Deal was posted with OBVIOUSLY limited quantities.
2) Some people ordered 10+ mice for whatever reason.
3) I argue that ordering 10+ mice for whatever reason for this particular deal with limited quantities if piss-poor and definitely unethical because it constitues taking more than one's fair share and it screws 9 other people.
4) People who ordered 10+ mice for whatever reason DESERVE to get overcharged, and I hope that all the time/effort expended in getting their money back teaches them a lesson...but I also acknowledge that some ppl on AT aren't that bright and will continue to behave in such a piss-poor fashion. That is certainly your prerogative.

Unfortunately, it seems that most of you don't seem to understand the reductio ad absurdum argument, which is based on the stipulation that at some quantity of mice ordered (e.g. 100, 1000, etc.), the act can then be considered unethical...since the only nonarbitrary acceptable order size is 1, it then follows that ordering more than 1 is unethical. However, whether or not we have a cow about ordering 2 or 3, even though it is unethical, is relative....I personally don't have a problem with ppl ordering a few because I honestly don't blame them (even though I argue that ordering more than 1 is unethical). However, ordering 10, I believe, is absolutely PISS-POOR, and I think many ppl in the HD forum agree -- thus, the act of ordering a quantity of 10 when stock is limited and there is not enough to go around can be considered not only immoral, but REPREHENSIBLE, based on community standards.

However, I do think that all of here DO understand that hot deals are almost always limited by stock and availability. Those of us who have been here a while probably have been jacked at least once (if not numerous times) on hot deals because somebody snatched the last one. Based on the number of ppl here who outright admitted that they hoarded 10+ mice, I would say that many times, hot deals are not available to us because of jerks who take way more than their fair share. I think it violates the good faith of this forum to take more than you entitled to and it is 100% disrespectul to your peers as well as to the original poster of thd deal. I realize that some of you could care less -- and that's fine...after all, it's perfectly okay to behave like a sociopath as long as you don't know you are one.



Senior member
Sep 10, 2001
Why do you bother to keep coming back to this thread. I think there are lots of people who are havin fun reading the posts here.

Stop crying and calling Mom and Pop ! Just don't come back and read this post if you are having problem !

Originally posted by: sonyboy851
This thread needs to be locked. Its getting way out of hand.



Platinum Member
Dec 23, 2002
Just in case the thread is locked, I want to make it completely clear to everyone, so I repeat

***DISCLAIMER*** No actual mice were stolen in my attempt at humor ***DISCLAIMER***
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