Forget John Romero - XBox360 and PS3 ARE *Doomed*


Mar 9, 2000
Sorry guys, but i couldn't resist a real update ... from a couple of weeks ago. Forget Romero ... OK ... this is what Gabe Newell says:
Getting on to the topic of Orange Box, the question of why Valve's development studios aren't handling the PS3 release came up. While Newell explains that the team's goal has been to create "a framework where all you need to do is recompile for each of those three platforms," the PS3 version was still outsourced to an EA team. The reason for this is that Newell believes the "[PS3 is] a waste of everybody?s time." He continues: "Investing in the Cell, investing in the SPE gives you no long-term benefits. There?s nothing there that you?re going to apply to anything else. You?re not going to gain anything except a hatred of the architecture they?ve created."

The interview continues to discuss the progression from single- to multi-core architecture, the impending mass-market boom of multi-core, and the advent of "discrete physics cards, like Ageia?s PhysX"?the last of which Newell notes as a "horrible idea" as the "decisions [?] on my CPU have to sit around until they are resolved on the PPU and GPU, and you end up with a physics decelerator."

The entire interview series is a worthwhile read if you want to hear the thoughts of one of the industry's leading figures.

the whole interview:



more news

is seems Sony has taken a novel approach to explaining WHY the PS3's perception and sales are in the crapper:

They Blame "ME"!

i understand i may have to go into the witness protection program and may not be posting as apoppin anymore ... evidently they have a huge contract with some Ninja Turtles.

in SMALL part

The Toughest Job in Video Games: Sony PR

Noting the PS3's unique approach, how do you deal with negative consumer perceptions from a public relations perspective?

That's kind of a tough question to answer. I am pretty sure if you asked just about any real gamer out there if they would like to have a PS3, their answer would be a resounding "Yes!" I think a lot of this goes back to the proliferation of the Internet, where a very vocal minority can make a lot of noise and potentially alter perceptions of the masses, whether they are accurate or not. A lot of this, naturally, is driven by the media who seem focused on taking swipes at us lately, without taking in the full picture. It is funny, but I remember people bagging on the original PlayStation when it first came out, and look where it ended up. Our biggest job over here is to continue to push out information on PS3 and our other systems and remind people that there are things you can do on our platforms you simply can't do on our competitor's. It is all about explaining those points of differentiation, particularly the value over the lifetime of the system, that is key in selling any Sony product.

Are some of those [negative] perceptions justified, assuming you feel they exist? Why or why not?

A lot of the perceptions are not justified and seem fueled by people who don't have all the facts or have some kind of axe to grind. I think you would be hard-pressed to find anyone who wouldn't say PS3 is an amazing piece of technology. Yeah, the price of PS3 is higher than other system, but look at what you get - the Cell processor, Blu-ray Disc, built-in hard drive, HDMI 1080p, Wi-Fi, the SixAxis. That is a lot of truly cutting-edge technology in one box. It is funny how myopic people can be when a new system comes along. They seem to forget that launching a truly next-generation gaming platform is never easy and it never has been. I like to say it is like birth: "The actual labor may not be all the pretty, but the result is pretty darn amazing."

But, as a gamer, I like to concentrate on the gee whiz factor when something new launches. No matter who's platform it is, I look at what is truly new and exciting. I am confounded by people who say they are true gamers but all they do is look for the negatives in a system, or a company, or in the industry in general. Some media, in particular, are just too easily caught up in all the bashing. It feeds on itself, and to what end? How do you benefit the real gamer by bashing on something? These are very smart people who can see through most of the BS.

Sure, there were some perceptions on PS3 that were justified. For example, we didn't have nearly enough hardware at launch to meet consumer demand. That was difficult for all of us and contributed to a tough climate with press and analysts. That's behind us now, but a bit of that still lingers. Frankly, I have stopped talking to media about the launch and am now really just focused on the games. </blockquote>

OK ... got that ... it is MY Fault the PS3 sales are Crap

maybe Sony should just send me a PS3 ...

and give away 100,000 units

sorry ... you are stuck with me

OK ... again ... now for "fair and balanced" reporting
PS3 upscales games and DVDs

Sony has, within the last few minutes, released details of the 1.80 PS3 firmware upgrade.

By far the most impressive feature of the update is the promise of upscaled Playstation 1 and Playstation 2 games, as well as the upscaling of standard DVDs, all the way to 1080p. 1080p has recently been marketed as 'full HD'.

It should be noted that the upscaling will only work via a TV HDMI based connection to your PS3.

Also in this comprehensive update to PS3?s already upgraded capabilities, version 1.80 also allows users to utilise Remote Play on their PSP across the internet, allowing them to access their PS3 anywhere in the world where a broadband internet connection is available.

The use of Remote Play requires a powered up PS3 with Version 1.80 as well as PSP firmware version 3.50 which will be available at the end of May.

This new firmware also allows users on a home network to view and play media content such as images, music and video stored on their DLNA3 (Digital Living Network Alliance) enabled devices, such as PCs and laptops elsewhere in the house, via their PS3, allegedly reinforcing PS3?s credentials as a home entertainment hub.

A 'host' of other enhancements include the ability to print photo images stored on PS3?s hard disk or inserted storage media to a selection of Epson printers.

Playstation 3 owners will be able to upgrade their PS3 with the latest Version 1.80 firmware from tomorrow, 24th May 2007</blockquote>

Updated and title changed -- the LATEST:here's what you do when you can't sell your PS3

Sony PS3-based PSX appears on the horizon

The PS3 cell processor is more powerful than an Xbox 360 CPU claims Vijay Pande, Associate Professor of Chemistry at Stanford University and Folding@home program lead.

An Australian technology website has suggested that a revised Playstation 3 could be less than 18 months away, citing "a Sony insider" as its source.

The Smarthouse report refers to the proposed machine as a "Playstation 4", but goes on to state that it will be based on the same chipset as PS3, differing from the current model only in the "drive bay and attachment area".

According to the source, it will also include a software suite for managing streaming of content to TVs and hi-fis, and feature improved output.

This sounds sneakily similar to the previous home-entertainment version of the PS2 - the PSX. We wouldn't hold up hopes of seeing it anywhere but in Japan ....</blockquote>

*admission of DEFEAT*

... the article continues [if you can stand it ...]
DigiTimes reports that the Xbox 360 will be equipped with the belated 65nm Xenos GPU later this year, with production of the new graphics chips scheduled for May.

For those of you undecided about the Elite, a newer, cooler, and cheaper Xbox 360 Elite should be here in the Autumn
, and you should probably hold off until the new units are available. Though knowing which CPU/GPU combination is within your box prior to purchasing it may prove more difficult than your decision to buy one.</blockquote>

Xbox360-II ...

another *admission* that the xbox is too G-D SLOW
--for future games ... Sorry current 360 owners

finally ... *good news for consolers* ... same article<blockquote>quote:
ALTHOUGH THE WII is proving so popular that machines are still in short supply, Nintendo is promising a raft of new games for the system, which should ensure its popularity excels even further.

Nintendo of Japan has revealed its line-up of first party releases for 2007 on the Wii, with the majority of the company?s previously announced titles all still scheduled for this year, including Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

The console's library currently stands at about 44 games, and Nintendo worldwide president Satoru Iwata said that an additional 45 Wii games currently in production will be available for consumers during the second quarter of 2007.</blockquote>

what should i change this topic's title to?

i originally posted this in "games"
-sorry for the x-post but many SW people never visit here

but it's real place is *here* because of the things he says on future PC HW just blowing-away the consoles ... assuming they are gonna get powerful and cheap ... let him talk for himself:

is this a repost? ... i didn't see this here
2. Tell us what do you think of the current conditions of the videogame industry? What bad and cool things are happening today?

JR: I?m so happy that gaming has gotten so huge! As a species, with the technology that we?ve developed I would be very sad if gaming had not progressed very far during the past 30 years. But it has and we have an incredible range of games to play now so I?m not down on the industry at all - never have been, in fact. Good things happening today are the emergence of truly amazing MMORPG?s that can take over your entire life like no other game in history could - it?s an awesomely compelling category to be in and is one that?s immune to software piracy which has plagued the industry since its start. Bad things in the industry continue to be too many bad clones of great games. The casual gaming scene exploded like crazy but it?s due for a settling down. Same goes for mobile which is a huge, huge space and is only going to get bigger as it moves through its various phases of growth to be one of the biggest segments in the gaming industry.

3. Where is it all going? What do you see happening in the next five years and beyond?

JR: Right now MMOs, mobile and PC episodic are really polarizing into the newest most important segments in gaming. Next-gen console is big but its future isn?t too bright with the emergence of cheap PC multi-core processors and the big change the PC industry will go through during the next 5 years to accommodate the new multi-core-centric hardware designs. My prediction is that the game console in the vein of the PS3 and XBOX 360 is going to either undergo a massive rethink or go away altogether. The Wii has the perfect design for a console that doesn?t pretend to be a PC and is geared more toward casual gamers than hardcore gamers. The hardcore gamers are going to either be playing on their PCs or a new PC-like platform that sits in the living room but still serves the whole house over wifi, even the video signal.

4. What can you say about your new company and project? Why all the secrecy?

JR: I can say that we?re making a PC MMORPG but can?t remark on specifics because we believe we?re creating something that?s the first of its kind and we want to be first to market with it.</blockquote>

read the whole interview

evidently there was some hate mail ... so he clarified:

April 11 update
I?m not the only one that?s predicting the end of the console. ATI definitely knew the writing was on the wall regarding video adapters when they sold to AMD. Why? Because the multi-core systems of the future will utilize the on-board-cores to handle video; no need for a separate adapter. It?s already happened to audio in a limited fashion with on-board audio chips (great quality vs. onboard video) and will continue to transform when multi-core hits. Instead of buying the Creative X-Fi Gamer audio adapter you?ll probably be buying the software instead or else it?ll become a built-in driver courtesy of Microsoft?s latest OS. What does this mean for console? It means PCs that are cheaper because they?re based on a solid foundation of several inexpensive CPU cores and the hardware will begin to rely on software to control them for many different functions which include audio and video. When hardware design reaches this stage the expensive custom chip development of consoles becomes a risky ROI.

Who else is predicting the end of console? Well, here?s an article just 5 days old I just became aware of while reading Digg links to my interview. Now, I agree with the prediction for the Playstation and XBOX console timelines (maybe one more generation) but not Nintendo. Why? Because if you want to play Mario, Zelda, Starfox, Wario, Donkey Kong, etc. you?ll only be able to do it on a Nintendo system be it handheld or console.

Nintendo?s power is in their IP and they own a universe of their making in which most of us are gladly a resident. In terms of handheld systems, no one has been able to achieve their success in almost 20 years. So I?ll leave Nintendo out of the doom & gloom of console because they separate themselves from the technology path that Microsoft?s gaming division and Sony have been following.

Nintendo knows that game design is more important than the hardware you run it on and that you need just enough visual flash to interest the buyer but don?t focus on the flash - focus on the fun.</blockquote>


now that's a refreshing PoV and one i am somewhat inclined to agree with ... the consoles will *never* keep up ... and it's way too early to think of xb0x720 and PS4

[italics and bold and underlining, mine ... sorry]


Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2002
Everyone?s a prophet....

EDIT: Oh and this is coming from the guy who said Daikatana was going to be the best thing ever. Maybe it will happen but I doubt it.


Mar 9, 2000
did you read the interview

or are you one of the *hate mailers* that read only the titles of threads?

why the heck would anyone want an expensive console "PC wannabe" when a cheaper, multi-purpose PC offers better gaming and *much* better graphics?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
There was probably a time I knew who this guy was and cared what he thought......

His comments are pretty silly though, since both the console and PC are converging into his "vision" of future multimedia/gaming. Its actually Gates' vision and certainly nothing new. What he's advocating isn't the PC or the console, its a uniform platform, and the console has the clear advantage there right now.

But look at the difference between the two, PC vs. console. The lines have been greyed even more from the last generation of consoles. Full multimedia and online features in this latest generation and what's the difference? Mandatory KB and mouse support? The guts have been PC parts for some time and even moreso this time around. PS3 and XBox360 are selling at a loss, but consoles are still cheaper than a similarly performing gaming PC. If/when a multi-core PC can be sold for the price of a console he might have a point, but at that point the lines will be indistinguishable besides the software they support.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: apoppin
did you read the interview

or are you one of the *hate mailers* that read only the titles of threads?

why the heck would anyone want an expensive console "PC wannabe" when a cheaper, multi-purpose PC offers better gaming and *much* better graphics?

Maybe because you can get one for 400 bucks?



Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: MyStupidMouth
Originally posted by: apoppin
did you read the interview

or are you one of the *hate mailers* that read only the titles of threads?

why the heck would anyone want an expensive console "PC wannabe" when a cheaper, multi-purpose PC offers better gaming and *much* better graphics?

Maybe because you can get one for 400 bucks?

what can you do on it ... really ... now?

beside game?

and Romero is talking the near-future

it looks like we are gonna see a *leap* in PC graphics and you console guys are gonna feel so left out

it's about time someone predicted the end of the "PC wannabe" consoles


i am putting my money on the PC ... you can have your console


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Funny thing is one of the "other really important guys in PC gaming" predicted the exact opposite. In fact, he and his company have been developing their games on the consoles first (the Unreal 3 Engine guys). If you haven't noticed, games that have been traditionally released, and at one point reserved, for the PC "platform" have been hitting the consoles first (Call of Duty 3, Gears of War, GRAW 2, R6: Vegas, etc.) with only tacit plans to bring them to the PC. But this trend started with Halo years ago.....

If Blizzard decided to release WoW on the 360 or PS3 tomorrow this guy wouldn't have a leg to stand on. What IP exclusive titles does the PC have again? As for what one of the consoles can do....they can do what 90% of PC users do with their PCs nowadays: check e-mail, view web pages, watch movies, download music, view photos and play video games.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: MyStupidMouth

I punch face

apoppin = dumbass
for someone completely incoherent,

you are not one to talk

punch your own face

at least John Romero has something interesting to say ... you are just stupidly and rudely trolling

John Romero is talking about the "near-future" ... based on HW pricing trends and their superiority over the consoles 'fixed HW'

as i said ... "refreshing"

and controversial



Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Romero should work on developing a PC only game that can revive PC gaming before he makes such bold statements.

In the past six months since getting my 360, I have gamed 99% on the 360.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Matt2
Romero should work on developing a PC only game that can revive PC gaming before he makes such bold statements.

In the past six months since getting my 360, I have gamed 99% on the 360.
Romero goes back and forth with his statements thats why i dont even care what he says anymore.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Matt2
Romero should work on developing a PC only game that can revive PC gaming before he makes such bold statements.

In the past six months since getting my 360, I have gamed 99% on the 360.

again ... the future

next year with built-from-the-ground-up DX10 titles - even better than Alan Wake that are *recommended* for quad core


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Matt2
Romero should work on developing a PC only game that can revive PC gaming before he makes such bold statements.

In the past six months since getting my 360, I have gamed 99% on the 360.

again ... the future

next year with built-from-the-ground-up DX10 titles - even better than Alan Wake that are *recommended* for quad core

And Consoles will still be around like it or not.
Jan 31, 2002
When John CARMACK says this, I might give it a little more weight.

Until then, I have one word: "Daikatana."

That is all.

- M4H


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Originally posted by: MercenaryForHire
When John CARMACK says this, I might give it a little more weight.

Until then, I have one word: "Daikatana."

That is all.

- M4H


I posted this in the other thread. Daikatana was the biggest joke aside from Duke Nukem Forever.

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Matt2
Romero should work on developing a PC only game that can revive PC gaming before he makes such bold statements.

In the past six months since getting my 360, I have gamed 99% on the 360.

again ... the future

next year with built-from-the-ground-up DX10 titles - even better than Alan Wake that are *recommended* for quad core

And a pc system that can play that title will cost much much more money than a console. Sorry but console's have been displacing pc's for gaming for a while.

Go to the game store and the pc game area is non-existent or very small compared to the console area.

Game Developers make much more money from console game sales than do their pc titles.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: MyStupidMouth
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Matt2
Romero should work on developing a PC only game that can revive PC gaming before he makes such bold statements.

In the past six months since getting my 360, I have gamed 99% on the 360.

again ... the future

next year with built-from-the-ground-up DX10 titles - even better than Alan Wake that are *recommended* for quad core

And Consoles will still be around like it or not.

first, thanks for taking that out of your sig

i am just the *messenger* ...

i am SO TIRED of seeing over-the-years, many "PC Gaming is Dead" threads
--and those got "hot"

i think it is nice to use someone that is somewhat respected - that uses a little logic - to show the *alternate* future of consoles

personally, i think you are right in many ways ... MS and Sony have invested Billions into the console ... it is not going away quickly - if ever

it just means the PC isnt' going to be a "pushover" .. nor lose more 'share' to the consoles

IF we really do get cheap HW *expect the resurgence of PC gaming*
-it will regain it's former place

probably alongside the consoles

... so maybe it is really win-win

my personal PoV


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: MyStupidMouth
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Matt2
Romero should work on developing a PC only game that can revive PC gaming before he makes such bold statements.

In the past six months since getting my 360, I have gamed 99% on the 360.

again ... the future

next year with built-from-the-ground-up DX10 titles - even better than Alan Wake that are *recommended* for quad core

And Consoles will still be around like it or not.

first, thanks for taking that out of your sig

i am just the *messenger* ...

i am SO TIRED of seeing over-the-years, many "PC Gaming is Dead" threads

and those got "hot"

i think it is nice to use some that is somewhat respected - that uses a little logic - to show the *alternate* future

personally, i think you are right in many ways ... MS and Sony have invested Billions into the console

it just means the PC isnt' goig to be a "pushover" ..

IF we readdy do get cheap HW *expect the resurgence of PC gaming*

probably alongside the consoles

... so maybe it is really win-win

my personal PoV
PC wont die, you dont have anything to worry about man. Im just giving you hard time.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: apoppin
so the question is now

... "why"

did i do anything personally to offend you?

if so, let me apologize in advance

lol not at all.
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