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Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
As a newbie to SETI@home, I am surprised to see the GPUs running at 99 % load, core clock and voltage at their maximums, but power consumption at less than 40 % of the board power limit.


Jan 4, 2013
As a newbie to SETI@home, I am surprised to see the GPUs running at 99 % load, core clock and voltage at their maximums, but power consumption at less than 40 % of the board power limit.
I have noticed that temps are far lower than with most other projects, a welcome respite since we've been seeing some daytime temps in the 36°C range.
Last edited:
Reactions: Ken g6


Elite Member
Aug 2, 2003
I hate being so far ahead. Makes it boring. But, we're only 7th across all three leagues.

Sometime around August 15 we should expect another SETI race, in celebration of the WOW! Signal that was recorded....42?... years ago. I think this is another SETI.Germany hosted event. We don't get to race as a team though, they divide up participants by birth sign (Taurus, Aries, etc).


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
Indeed, the wow!-Event is scheduled from August 15 2017 06:00 CEST (04:00 UTC) to August 30 2017 18:00 CEST (16:00 UTC).

The 2016 Wow!-Event page shows rankings by individuals, zodiac, team, country.

Different to Pentathlon, all participants need to sign up individually, apparently.
Reactions: Smoke


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Tony just filled me in on the details. I went to the link in your post "team" and only saw 11 members listed ... and freaked out. We currently have 81 crunchers!

Then it was pointed out that the stats page was showing last year's participants in the "wow!-Event"


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
TeAm's prior participation and results at Wow!-Event:

year .......... rank among teams .... # of TeAm members : # of participants at the event
2016 ............ 14ᵗʰ of 111 (1/8) .................................... 11 : 742 (1/67)
2015 .............. 8ᵗʰ of 136 (1/17) .................................. 14 : 885 (1/63)
2014 .............. 6ᵗʰ of 136 (1/22) .................................. 13 : 838 (1/64)
2013 .............. 6ᵗʰ of 119 (1/20) .................................. 13 : 729 (1/56)
2012 .............. 5ᵗʰ of 83 (1/17) ...................................... 8 : 466 (1/58)


Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
Our team has not been well represented, partly I think because of the requirement to go enter individually. But it is fun if for no other reason than to see all the different countries represented. There was an entry from Antarctica one year, one from Pitcairn Islands, it is very interesting. It would be nice to see Team Anandtech up their participation.

Orange Kid

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Day one almost done and we are off to a great start. Number one out of the gate and staying there.
Gained some ground on the Navy and the Netherlands in the marathon, but they have been out producing us on a daily basis so far this year. Another round of Seti maybe later this year, with the usual anniversary race could make for an interesting finish in this project.
Lets not count our Aliens before all your base are belong to us.

Seti@home..............Day One.............Sprint
1 TeAm AnandTech .............25 .........1,586,728

2 SETI@Netherlands ...........18 ............976,543
3 Crunching@EVGA ............15 ............832,912
4 ....................12 ............722,212
5 OcUK - Overclockers UK ...10 ...........719,542
6 US NAVY .............................8 ...........700,079
7 ................................6 ...........618,353
8 Team Norway ......................4 ...........479,210
9 Ars Technica ........................2 ...........459,747
10 BOINC RUSSIA .................1 ...........448,811

1 SETI@Netherlands .............25 .........159,144,735
2 US NAVY ............................18 .........122,381,745
3 TeAm AnandTech ...............15 .........116,224,069
4 ................................12 ...........97,285,561
5 Team Norway .......................10 ...........88,891,058
6 BOINC RUSSIA .....................8 ...........73,003,842
7 Ars Technica ..........................6 ...........71,153,786
8 Hungary .................................4 ............53,882,141
9 U.S.Air Force .........................2 .............49,765,632
10 SwissTeam.NET ..................1 .............47,184,811

Seti@home.............Marathon.......Day One
1 SETI@Netherlands ...............25 ...........160,164,411
2 US NAVY ..............................18 ...........123,108,232
3 TeAm AnandTech .................15 ...........117,702,233
4 .................................12 .............97,933,112
5 Team Norway ........................10 .............89,390,605
6 BOINC RUSSIA ......................8 ..............73,469,489
7 Ars Technica ...........................6 ..............71,632,056
8 Hungary ...................................4 .............54,241,636
9 U.S.Air Force ...........................2 .............50,123,943
10 SwissTeam.NET ....................1 .............47,402,571

Orange Kid

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
With day two coming to an end, we still hold a good lead and remain in first place has moved from 4th to 2nd with a big push, but will they find the power to close the gap?

Seti@home.........Sprint............Day Two
1 TeAm AnandTech .............25 ............3,257,093

2 ....................18 ............1,998,569
3 SETI@Netherlands ...........15 ............1,909,553
4 Crunching@EVGA .............12 ...........1,699,356
5 OcUK - Overclockers UK ....10 ...........1,395,675
6 US NAVY .............................8 ............1,373,104
7 ................................6 ............1,197,645
8 Team Norway ......................4 ................931,724
9 Ars Technica ........................2 ...............928,965
10 BOINC RUSSIA ..................1 ..............895,682


1 SETI@Netherlands .............25 .........159,144,735
2 US NAVY ............................18 .........122,381,745
3 TeAm AnandTech ...............15 .........116,224,069
4 ................................12 ...........97,285,561
5 Team Norway .......................10 ...........88,891,058
6 BOINC RUSSIA .....................8 ...........73,003,842
7 Ars Technica ..........................6 ...........71,153,786
8 Hungary .................................4 ............53,882,141
9 U.S.Air Force .........................2 .............49,765,632
10 SwissTeam.NET ..................1 .............47,184,811

Seti@home.............Marathon.......Day One
1 SETI@Netherlands ...............25 ...........160,164,411
2 US NAVY ..............................18 ...........123,108,232
3 TeAm AnandTech .................15 ...........117,702,233
4 .................................12 .............97,933,112
5 Team Norway ........................10 .............89,390,605
6 BOINC RUSSIA ......................8 ..............73,469,489
7 Ars Technica ...........................6 ..............71,632,056
8 Hungary ...................................4 .............54,241,636
9 U.S.Air Force ...........................2 .............50,123,943
10 SwissTeam.NET ....................1 .............47,402,571

Seti@home............Marathon...............Day Two
1 SETI@Netherlands .................25 ...........161,105,926
2 US NAVY ................................18 ...........123,792,906
3 TeAm AnandTech ..................15 ...........119,356,385
4 ....................................12 ............98,519,072
5 Team Norway ...........................10 ............89,852,442
6 BOINC RUSSIA .........................8 .............73,912,193
7 Ars Technica ..............................6 .............72,111,148
8 Hungary .....................................4 ..............54,592,752
9 U.S.Air Force .............................2 ...............50,467,810
10 SwissTeam.NET ......................1 ...............47,574,262
Reactions: StefanR5R


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
136 shows that I earned 1.33 times as many points on June 10 as I did on June 9. And that's even though June 9 includes uploads that were computed on June 8, i.e. ~20 additional hours of computation.

From what I understand (as a total newbie to SETI@home), there are two reasons for this:

Right now, my CPU-only hosts have 50 % tasks pending, my GPU-only/mainly have 40 % pending right now. Here are unproven ideas how I could have counteracted this with enough prior knowledge:

Most of my CPU power comes from dual-socket PCs. SETI@home's per-host limit of 100 CPU tasks in progress means that I have only very short queues on these PCs; less than 6 hours worth. If I had known before the race what I know now, I could have launched several clients in parallel, each one using the same % of CPUs, and crunching a several days long queue. That way, the period between download and upload of each task is longer, increasing the chance that a wingman has completed his corresponding task in the meantime.

On the GPU-only/mainly hosts, I could have increased the queue depth similarly. Instead of running one client per host (which schedules 2 tasks per GPU at a time), I possibly should have run 2 or 3 clients per host (each scheduling 1 task per GPU). SETI@home's per-host limit is 100 GPU tasks in progress per GPU.

However, working from a deep task queue is only effective after the next problem was addressed.

There are two ways to get the best performing application version loaded:

a) The standard way: Run each available application, and complete several tasks with each application. SETI@home's scheduler takes note of the client's performance of each application and eventually settles to sending out the best one mostly.

It is evident that this method caused me to run inferior application versions on June 8, and for the better part of June 9.

b) The non-standard way: Know which application version is the best before-hand; enforce running of this version exclusively by means of an app_info.xml.

In contrast to way a), way b) includes the opportunity to run 3rd party builds which you can download from somewhere on the web, if you trust that 3rd party enough, if you are able to manage the pitfalls of switching to an "anonymous platform", and if you know which of the application versions from the now even larger selection of versions is best.

On Windows, the latter two ifs are partially addressed by a 3rd party installer. On Linux, there is no installer, no release announcements, and just sparse documentation.

In my case, mainly lack of trust prevented me from applying way b). (And to a lesser degree lack of knowledge. I had already picked up some info at the beginning of the race thanks to Kiska and others.)

Compared to the 1+3 days of FormulaBOINC sprint, a longer race like the 2 weeks long Wow!-Event will of course be affected a lot less by validation lag. AFAIK, GPU clients will also be a lot less affected by the need to be trained towards the optimum application even if the automatic standard way is pursued. But from what I was told, CPU clients may still seriously under-perform if stock application builds are run instead of 3rd party builds.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
PS, in theory, an alternative to stock builds and 3rd party builds are own builds from downloaded (and possibly modified) source code.


Elite Member
Aug 2, 2003
I was looking through my SETI valid tasks. Good to see some AstroPulse v7 tasks in progress/completed. I'm set to receive those year round for GPU. They pay roughly 3x more than v8 GPU tasks.

I'm winding down on the CPU's, although there is still 7 hours left to go. Staying on with GPUs until the end, but I will be switching to the PrimeGrid one day Birthday Challenge at midnight UTC.
Reactions: Ken g6

Ken g6

Programming Moderator, Elite Member
Dec 11, 1999
I just made it over 200,000 in Seti! Since I started in the low 100,000's a few days ago, that means I did quite a bit.
Reactions: Smoke


Elite Member
Aug 2, 2003
I only hope I make it to the top five for my join date this year. I've been slacking the 16 years I last* joined the SETI project. Must have been a special day, it appears more than 200 people joined the project then. Maybe it's when SETI joined with BOINC?

*I'd joined SETI many times, lol, but could never remember my username password so I'd sign up again. Wasn't too serious then about anything other than "grid something or another" that did cancer research and reported to Oxford university. Shame I can't find stats for that, if there were any.


Jan 4, 2013
Free-DC says I have 470,000, as of when I am not sure, but at least I will break half a million once all's said and done.

Orange Kid

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
25 points and another Gold medal.
Great job everyone and congrats.
Two weeks till the next one and a more normal (?) starting time.

1 TeAm AnandTech ...............25 ..........4,931,892

2 .......................18...........3,445,853
3 SETI@Netherlands ..............15 ..........2,871,958
4 Crunching@EVGA ...............12 .........2,617,077
5 OcUK - Overclockers UK .....10 ..........2,106,660
6 US NAVY ...............................8 ..........2,058,764
7 ..................................6 ..........1,767,245
8 Ars Technica ..........................4 ..........1,416,534
9 Team Norway .........................2 ..........1,387,142
10 BOINC RUSSIA ....................1 ..........1,374,596

1 SETI@Netherlands .............25 .........159,144,735
2 US NAVY ............................18 .........122,381,745
3 TeAm AnandTech ...............15 .........116,224,069
4 ................................12 ...........97,285,561
5 Team Norway .......................10 ...........88,891,058
6 BOINC RUSSIA .....................8 ...........73,003,842
7 Ars Technica ..........................6 ...........71,153,786
8 Hungary .................................4 ............53,882,141
9 U.S.Air Force .........................2 .............49,765,632
10 SwissTeam.NET ..................1 .............47,184,811

Seti@home.............Marathon.......Day One
1 SETI@Netherlands ...............25 ...........160,164,411
2 US NAVY ..............................18 ...........123,108,232
3 TeAm AnandTech .................15 ...........117,702,233
4 .................................12 .............97,933,112
5 Team Norway ........................10 .............89,390,605
6 BOINC RUSSIA ......................8 ..............73,469,489
7 Ars Technica ...........................6 ..............71,632,056
8 Hungary ...................................4 .............54,241,636
9 U.S.Air Force ...........................2 .............50,123,943
10 SwissTeam.NET ....................1 .............47,402,571

Seti@home............Marathon...............Day Two
1 SETI@Netherlands .................25 ...........161,105,926
2 US NAVY ................................18 ...........123,792,906
3 TeAm AnandTech ..................15 ...........119,356,385
4 ....................................12 ............98,519,072
5 Team Norway ...........................10 ............89,852,442
6 BOINC RUSSIA .........................8 .............73,912,193
7 Ars Technica ..............................6 .............72,111,148
8 Hungary .....................................4 ..............54,592,752
9 U.S.Air Force .............................2 ...............50,467,810
10 SwissTeam.NET ......................1 ...............47,574,262

Seti@home............Marathon...............Day Three
1 SETI@Netherlands ..................25 .............162,038,173
2 US NAVY ..................................18 ............124,453,683
3 TeAm AnandTech .....................15 ............121,009,430
4 .....................................12 ...............99,064,166
5 Team Norway ............................10 ...............90,287,533
6 BOINC RUSSIA ..........................8 ................74,380,474
7 Ars Technica ...............................6 ...............72,576,880
8 Hungary ......................................4 ................54,962,637
9 U.S.Air Force ..............................2 .................50,782,472
10 SwissTeam.NET .......................1 .................47,728,653


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2016
I can't help it --- I'm still marveling at the distance that we have put between us and the next ranks.
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