Fortress Forever Vs. Team Fortress 2


Senior member
Apr 10, 2006
Well, I read on another forum that TF2 was delayed until Q1 2007 ( not sure of the validity of this). This got me looking back at TFC, so I loaded it up and played and every single server I played on, people were talking about Fortress Forever and how much better it was goign to be than TF2.

Of course neither game is out, although FF is slated to be out anytime now according to their DEVs, so it is all just speculation as to which is better. However, after looking at the screenshots for FF I must say that I find myself personally being drawn more to that now, than TF2. Do not get me wrong, I love the look of TF2 as well, but FF seems to draw more from what made TF and TFC great. What do you think?


Dec 11, 2000
The last in game video I saw for TF2 got me pretty pumped. To be honest I was never a huge fan of TFC, it just didn't "feel right." I played Q1 TF quite some time and just didn't get the same enjoyment out of TFC when it rolled around. FF looks decent, but to me is just another TFC. TF2 looks like it might be completely fleshed out and bring back some of the old Q1 TF thrills, to me, at least.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2004
My excitement meter for TF2 is about 90%. Fortress Forever? Maybe about 5%.

I just don't see the appeal in FF. Like, pretty close to zero.


Senior member
Apr 10, 2006
So what is the appeal for you? For me, it is adhering to the core gameplay of TFC, with updated graphics. One thing that upsets me about TF2 is no gibs, I mean comon, what satisfaction is there in the rocket or shiper shot if your body does not blow into a few bloddy gibs??


Jun 27, 2004
Originally posted by: 6StringSamurai
So what is the appeal for you? For me, it is adhering to the core gameplay of TFC, with updated graphics. One thing that upsets me about TF2 is no gibs, I mean comon, what satisfaction is there in the rocket or shiper shot if your body does not blow into a few bloddy gibs??

And you think it won't because of a few pre-release videos?

I can't even remember the details about what FF is without looking it up.. shows how much I think about it too. I am *very* excited about TF2 though!

Edit: nope, not interested in FF.


Senior member
Apr 10, 2006
Originally posted by: supafly
Originally posted by: 6StringSamurai
So what is the appeal for you? For me, it is adhering to the core gameplay of TFC, with updated graphics. One thing that upsets me about TF2 is no gibs, I mean comon, what satisfaction is there in the rocket or shiper shot if your body does not blow into a few bloddy gibs??

And you think it won't because of a few pre-release videos?

I can't even remember the details about what FF is without looking it up.. shows how much I think about it too. I am *very* excited about TF2 though!

Edit: nope, not interested in FF.

According to the steampowered forums it has yet to be decided. Seriously tho, I am not trying to talk down TF2 nor am I trying to talk up FF. I do however think one will seriously overshadow the other in terms of community support. One will have the majority of the following and the other the minority. And it could be TF2 OR FF, no way to predict that at this point.



Senior member
Mar 13, 2004
I'm curious to know just how many people even knew of FF before this topic was posted.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Originally posted by: LanceM
I'm curious to know just how many people even knew of FF before this topic was posted.

Not me... and that's why FF will be the minority. Nobody knows about it but everybody has seen TF2 stuff. Plus you get portals with it, so actually it's increadibly easy to predict which will have the larger support


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Wow FF looks pretty awesome but I'm still pumped about TF2. There's nothing wrong with playing both


Jan 23, 2001
I look forward to playing TF2 for that alternative perspective, but in the end FF is the type of game you go back to again and again.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
I was loosely following FF mostly due to the lack of any other TF game on the horizon. I was very happy to see TF2 announced and don't really plan to look at FF again. If word of mouth drums up FF again I may check it out in the future.

In the mean time BF2 offers my multiplayer fix.


Senior member
Dec 1, 2000
but is TF2 going to have medics? That class is suspiciously missing from all the videos.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
Originally posted by: manno
but is TF2 going to have medics? That class is suspiciously missing from all the videos.

Both Medic and Pyro were shown in the class introduction movie last month. They were only missing from the shaky cam footage from last week. They're in the game.


Jun 27, 2004
I hope this will put the medic/pyro issue to bed: POSTED: 8/25/2006 7:34 PM

GI: You?ve said you?re bringing back the original nine classes. What about new classes?

Lombardi: Yeah, what we?re doing is we?re bringing back the original nine and we?re updating all of them and augmenting a couple of them. The most radical change will be to the medic, in terms of his capabilities and his offensive and defensive behavior. Some, like the heavy, will remain very faithful to the originals. Then there are some in between that have varying degrees of tweaks.

We looked at and talked about the commander class when we originally talked about TF2, and there was a good idea there about having somebody who was off the battlefield who could assist or give orders or that type of thing and we?re still struggling to come up with the right place for the things that we want to do there. There won?t be a commander class, per se, in that that?s the boss and they?re giving you orders. But we do still think it would be cool to have somebody who?s the eyes and ears of the team and was a different role there. So we?re experimenting with that and some other classes. Whether or not those make version one or release subsequently is still to be determined.

GI: Are most of the classes going to retain the same feature set they had in Team Fortress Classic?

Lombardi: Again, the medic is completely overhauled, and some of them are very faithful. That?s true both in terms of offensive and defensive arsenal as well. In some cases we really saw some opportunities to really leverage the Source engine and to change stuff up. You saw a little bit of that there in the demo with some of his new capabilities, some of the ways he?s able to better interact using that technology. The medic was something that Robin Walker, who?s the co-creator of Team Fortress as you know, was always a class that he frustrated with and felt like the way it had been executed on wasn?t what he and John really had in their brains. So they?ve taken a lot of time on that to change that up, and as you?ve probably noticed that?s one surprised that we?re keeping for later to reveal what that?s going to be about.

They were probably not in the video because it was not an official trailer for a released / soon-to-be-released-any-second game and they are either still working on them, or keeping them a secret for now.


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: 6StringSamurai
So what is the appeal for you? For me, it is adhering to the core gameplay of TFC, with updated graphics. One thing that upsets me about TF2 is no gibs, I mean comon, what satisfaction is there in the rocket or shiper shot if your body does not blow into a few bloddy gibs??

You mention adhering to the core of TFC. This is exactly what I don't want. I don't really feel like TFC adhered to the core of the original Q1 TF and as such never really liked it as much. I'm hoping TF2 goes back to the original TF style.


Mar 1, 2000
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Originally posted by: 6StringSamurai
So what is the appeal for you? For me, it is adhering to the core gameplay of TFC, with updated graphics. One thing that upsets me about TF2 is no gibs, I mean comon, what satisfaction is there in the rocket or shiper shot if your body does not blow into a few bloddy gibs??

You mention adhering to the core of TFC. This is exactly what I don't want. I don't really feel like TFC adhered to the core of the original Q1 TF and as such never really liked it as much. I'm hoping TF2 goes back to the original TF style.

heh well being that TFC was for a Valve game, and TF2 is coming out by Valve using the developers from TFC I'd be willing to bet TF2 will be more like TFC than TF.



Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Homerboy
Originally posted by: TheVrolok
Originally posted by: 6StringSamurai
So what is the appeal for you? For me, it is adhering to the core gameplay of TFC, with updated graphics. One thing that upsets me about TF2 is no gibs, I mean comon, what satisfaction is there in the rocket or shiper shot if your body does not blow into a few bloddy gibs??

You mention adhering to the core of TFC. This is exactly what I don't want. I don't really feel like TFC adhered to the core of the original Q1 TF and as such never really liked it as much. I'm hoping TF2 goes back to the original TF style.

heh well being that TFC was for a Valve game, and TF2 is coming out by Valve using the developers from TFC I'd be willing to bet TF2 will be more like TFC than TF.

Did any of the original TF team work on TFC? I don't believe they did, and I had heard at one point that they were recruited for TF2. Now, this was yeaaaars ago and that's what sparked my interest. Who knows if that's still the case.



Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: supafly
Lombardi: Again, the medic is completely overhauled, and some of them are very faithful. That?s true both in terms of offensive and defensive arsenal as well. In some cases we really saw some opportunities to really leverage the Source engine and to change stuff up. You saw a little bit of that there in the demo with some of his new capabilities, some of the ways he?s able to better interact using that technology. The medic was something that Robin Walker, who?s the co-creator of Team Fortress as you know, was always a class that he frustrated with and felt like the way it had been executed on wasn?t what he and John really had in their brains. So they?ve taken a lot of time on that to change that up, and as you?ve probably noticed that?s one surprised that we?re keeping for later to reveal what that?s going to be about.

Actually, that's one of the biggest issues with TF2. Everyone wants to know exactly what this medic overhaul means because, for a lot of the gamers, the medic class was great the way it was. Conc jumping rocked, the axe was cool (QWTF), etc. If I read into this, I think they want to nerf the medic out of his offensive role, get rid of conc jumping, slow him down and make him more utility based, healing and keeping people alive like BF2. That is just an assumption, a gut reaction on how gaming has changed based on the years, but it is deffinitely a fear and I'd love to know what this overhaul actually ends up being.


Senior member
Mar 27, 2003
I'm more interested in TF2. I like how the mods Valve has acquired tend to slowly evolve, with continually updated maps, models, and gameplay. I think the stuff we see them doing with CS:Source and DoD:Source is great---note, I'm not some diehard clanner crybaby who gets his panties in a wad at a minor gameplay change. In other words, I want a game that grows.

That and I think the direction they've taken the art in TF2 is fantastic, while still maintaining the original roles.


Mar 1, 2000
Let us not forget that once TF2 hits, there will be SWARMS of modders hacking away at it to make it "better" if not simply different than the boxed version. To some extent, I'm pretty sure FF will end up dying by the wayside pretty quickly as modders would rather take the game itself and adjust it and change it to their liking.


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: skace
Originally posted by: supafly
Lombardi: Again, the medic is completely overhauled, and some of them are very faithful. That?s true both in terms of offensive and defensive arsenal as well. In some cases we really saw some opportunities to really leverage the Source engine and to change stuff up. You saw a little bit of that there in the demo with some of his new capabilities, some of the ways he?s able to better interact using that technology. The medic was something that Robin Walker, who?s the co-creator of Team Fortress as you know, was always a class that he frustrated with and felt like the way it had been executed on wasn?t what he and John really had in their brains. So they?ve taken a lot of time on that to change that up, and as you?ve probably noticed that?s one surprised that we?re keeping for later to reveal what that?s going to be about.

Actually, that's one of the biggest issues with TF2. Everyone wants to know exactly what this medic overhaul means because, for a lot of the gamers, the medic class was great the way it was. Conc jumping rocked, the axe was cool (QWTF), etc. If I read into this, I think they want to nerf the medic out of his offensive role, get rid of conc jumping, slow him down and make him more utility based, healing and keeping people alive like BF2. That is just an assumption, a gut reaction on how gaming has changed based on the years, but it is deffinitely a fear and I'd love to know what this overhaul actually ends up being.

Agreed completely. I'll miss the old medic. Conc jumping from one side of 2fort4 to the opposing rooftop and grabbing the flag then conc jumping out the elevator on the backside of the basement ftw, all while swinging the disease axe. I'd take the offensive medic for flag capping over the scout anyday. Maybe that was the problem? Too bad, the medic was by far my favorite class in Q1 TF.


Jun 27, 2004
Originally posted by: skace
Originally posted by: supafly
Lombardi: Again, the medic is completely overhauled, and some of them are very faithful. That?s true both in terms of offensive and defensive arsenal as well. In some cases we really saw some opportunities to really leverage the Source engine and to change stuff up. You saw a little bit of that there in the demo with some of his new capabilities, some of the ways he?s able to better interact using that technology. The medic was something that Robin Walker, who?s the co-creator of Team Fortress as you know, was always a class that he frustrated with and felt like the way it had been executed on wasn?t what he and John really had in their brains. So they?ve taken a lot of time on that to change that up, and as you?ve probably noticed that?s one surprised that we?re keeping for later to reveal what that?s going to be about.

Actually, that's one of the biggest issues with TF2.

That wasn't (yet) the issue in this thread or several others posted here and on the Steam forums... here people just wanted to know if the medic will return. I provided an answer for that. In what form he will return is unknown, but he will return. I too am interested in seeing what will happen, but I can wait. Hell, I've been waiting since 1999 for this game



Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: supafly
That wasn't (yet) the issue in this thread or several others posted here and on the Steam forums... here people just wanted to know if the medic will return. I provided an answer for that. In what form he will return is unknown, but he will return. I too am interested in seeing what will happen, but I can wait. Hell, I've been waiting since 1999 for this game

Hehe yea, I was just jabbing at the irony of stating "I hope this will put the medic/pyro issue to bed" and then bringing up the biggest issue to do with the TF2 medic class


Jun 27, 2004
Originally posted by: skace
Originally posted by: supafly
That wasn't (yet) the issue in this thread or several others posted here and on the Steam forums... here people just wanted to know if the medic will return. I provided an answer for that. In what form he will return is unknown, but he will return. I too am interested in seeing what will happen, but I can wait. Hell, I've been waiting since 1999 for this game

Hehe yea, I was just jabbing at the irony of stating "I hope this will put the medic/pyro issue to bed" and then bringing up the biggest issue to do with the TF2 medic class

I guess I should have said "I hope this will put the medic/pyro appearance issue to bed" then.
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