Fox News: Are they REALLY Fair and Balanced?

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Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Fox news is slightly right-off-center, with just about all the other news sources in the media ranging from left-of-center to disgustingly liberal. Fox brings a nice alternative to the ever so popular gun grabbing politically correct media crowd.... and the ratings confirm it. They've just overtaken CNN as the number one rated news source, their formula is working.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I used to watch O'Reily just about every day, but now I usually can't stand his conservative babble.


Jun 5, 2001

<< FoxNews is slightly bias towards the right. But to that I can only say: about damned time. Someone needs to give competition to the Clinton News Network. >>

Lets get some honesty here. Fox is the ONLY network that makes damn sure they balance out the opinion when guests are on. O'Reilly for example has been labeled a conservative even though he is

1. Against the death penalty
2. Against SUVs
3. Favorite politician is Robert Kennedy.

And every time O'Reilly has been accused of conservative bias, he puts the moron on the show, its always a rabid liberal and O'Reilly utterly destroys them with factual evidence, and more importantly, his balance of guests. THATS the difference between the big 3, CNN, and MSNBC, a Balance of viewpoints.

FoxNews isn't #1 because its a conservative, its #1 but it has a BALANCE of opposing viewpoints and Liberals just can't stand that.

Liberals got their way in the news for alomst 10 years. It was so bad, that a vetern of NBC, NOT a republcan, had to come out with a book and talk about the Liberal Bias of the three networks with quotes from powerful people in the business. Bernie Goldberg has exposed them. Writing that he's never voted for a Republican for elected office, Goldberg exposes the bias he witnessed first hand during the nearly three decades he spent at the network. Link

Goldberg zeros in on CBS NEWS anchor Dan Rather and current CBS NEWS President Andrew Heyward, who is quoted as saying: "Look Bernie, of course there's a liberal bias in the news. All the networks tilt left."

Now liberals tried to discredit this guy but they couldn't. They tried here and they couldn't. In fact, some liberals here even ADMITTED the bias is real but blew it off.

In fact, the big three's main guys for Nightly news are so biased (especially Dan Rather) that there are site EVERYWHERE quoting these guys.

Liberals have had their way with the big media for so long they have forgotten there are other points of view. Foxnews simply gave those points of view airtime.

And I welcome All screaming Liberals in here to grab some DIRECT QUOTES not opinions about FoxNews to back up their BS about conservatiave bias.

I have real money only 10% of liberals whining about Foxnews have actually watched it.



Jul 1, 2001


<< FoxNews is slightly bias towards the right. But to that I can only say: about damned time. Someone needs to give competition to the Clinton News Network. >>

Lets get some honesty here. Fox is the ONLY network that makes damn sure they balance out the opinion when guests are on. O'Reilly for example has been labeled a conservative even though he is

1. Against the death penalty
2. Against SUVs
3. Favorite politician is Robert Kennedy.

And every time O'Reilly has been accused of conservative bias, he puts the moron on the show, its always a rabid liberal and O'Reilly utterly destroys them with factual evidence, and more importantly, his balance of guests. THATS the difference between the big 3, CNN, and MSNBC, a Balance of viewpoints.

FoxNews isn't #1 because its a conservative, its #1 but it has a BALANCE of opposing viewpoints and Liberals just can't stand that.

Well, I didn't want to mention the O'Reilly factor by name, because I didn't want it to mess with the results of the poll. Hell, the "no, their coverage seems fair" option was winning until someone brought O'Reilly up!

Almost anyone who's seen that show can agree that O'Reilly has a strong conservative slant on his opinions. Although he tries to always tries to put an opposing viewpoint on his show, that person never seems to be a very good debator, and O'Reilly DOES make an ass out of them by showing how unprepared they are. And, in the rare occassion that someone catches O'Reilly on a point, he usually does a good job of damage control and quickly changes the topic. Not to mention that, since he gets to announce commercial breaks, he ALWAYS gets the last word in.

Anyway, it's an interesting show, but it is only one of many. Don't let it influence your vote too much.


Jun 5, 2001

<< Well, I didn't want to mention the O'Reilly factor by name, because I didn't want it to mess with the results of the poll. Hell, the "no, their coverage seems fair" option was winning until someone brought O'Reilly up! >>

Your funeral

<< Almost anyone who's seen that show can agree that O'Reilly has a strong conservative slant on his opinions. Although he tries to always tries to put an opposing viewpoint on his show, that person never seems to be a very good debator, and O'Reilly DOES make an ass out of them by showing how unprepared they are. And, in the rare occassion that someone catches O'Reilly on a point, he usually does a good job of damage control and quickly changes the topic. Not to mention that, since he gets to announce commercial breaks, he ALWAYS gets the last word in. >>

What a shocker. Not only can you not provide a single specific example, you utterly dismiss his viewpoints:

1. Against the death penalty
2. Against SUVs
3. Favorite politician is Robert Kennedy.

<< Anyway, it's an interesting show, but it is only one of many. Don't let it influence your vote too much. >>

Its quite obvious you have not watched the show at length to form an opinion if you didn't know his slants toward enviromentism, against the death penalty and who his favorite politicians are


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 1999
my opinion of Fox News is that it designed to appeal to News Junkies vs. people who watch the news casually. Apparently these new junkies lean to the right, and b/c they are devoted to Fox News, Fox News is devoted to them (which is not a bad thing) If all of a sudden this group were to lean to the left, I have no doubt in my mind Fox News would move left. Balance is the least of their concern, and they need to repeat the slogan at naseum only b/c it's obvious they aren't balanced. If they were balanced, they woudln't spend so much of their own precious ad time trying to convince us.

what I would like to see is crossfire type of news coverage. that would fun and "balanced," like a verbal wrestling match


Jan 25, 2000
Yeah, they are fair and balanced...
Between the Talibanesque extreeme right wing, and the "We like Bill Clinton's policies, but hate to admit it" moderate right wingers.


Jun 5, 2001

<< my opinion of Fox News is that it designed to appeal to News Junkies vs. people who watch the news casually. Apparently these new junkies lean to the right, and b/c they are devoted to Fox News, Fox News is devoted to them (which is not a bad thing) If all of a sudden this group were to lean to the left, I have no doubt in my mind Fox News would move left. Balance is the least of their concern, and they need to repeat the slogan at naseum only b/c it's obvious they aren't balanced. If they were balanced, they woudln't spend so much of their own precious ad time trying to convince us. >>

And here is yet another person claiming the bias without a shred of evidence to back it up.

Please, if you want to be taken seriously, at least have something besides your own opinion backing up your accusation.

<< what I would like to see is crossfire type of news coverage. that would fun and "balanced," like a verbal wrestling match >>

Now its painfully obvious you have never watched Foxnews and you are just repeating what others with your point of view have said.

Fox does EXACTLY what you are talking about with almost every show.

The O'Reilly Factor
Hannity and Colmes
Fox News Watch

just to name a few. Try watching what you are judging next time before you judge it.


Jun 5, 2001

<< Yeah, they are fair and balanced...
Between the Talibanesque extreeme right wing, and the "We like Bill Clinton's policies, but hate to admit it" moderate right wingers.

LOL!!! As usual Supertool you are true to form. Heavy on the accusations with a shred of evidence. I could set my watch you to you


Jan 25, 2000
The only show on fox that even attempts to be fair and balanced is Hannity and Colmes.
Beltway boys sorta tries, they have one GOP party line pusher, and one moderate democrat who sides with Bush half the time.
Although now they got Gretta, who appears so far to be left leaning. Maybe she'll balance things out a little bit.
Mostly Fox is tabloid style news. They spend more time bitching about other news channels then delivering the news.


Golden Member
Aug 24, 2000


Fox does EXACTLY what you are talking about with almost every show.

The O'Reilly Factor
Hannity and Colmes
Fox News Watch

just to name a few. Try watching what you are judging next time before you judge it.

You have to be kidding me. O'Reilly is fair and balanced?? Just because he is against the death penality and his favority politician is Bobby Kennedy (and he does not like Bobby Kennedy for his policy. He likes B. Kennedy because of his style, and how he went after the mob) does not make him independent!! 95% of the time, the talking points section at the start of the show has a clear conservative viewpoint. And how many Fox News consultants and political commentators that they have on the shows are liberal?? Elanor Cleft?? Who else??
And for Hannity and Colmes, how do you call that fair and balanced?? Placing Sean Hannity (loud, good debate skills) along side Alan Colmes (weak) is fair?? I've seen so many times, after a eloquent, well put liberal policy statement by a guest, they will cut to Hannity and he'll say (shaking his head) "nooo, you're just not right" and they will cut to break. That never happens with Colmes.
Has every episode in the past few weeks been dedicated to the Enron scandel?? Has Colmes been screaming bloody murder every show about this??? No!!! But thats what happened every day for monthes with the Clinton scandel!!! Is that Fair and Balanced??


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 1999
god texmaster you need to be less combative and take yourself a lot less seriously. you haven't proven a single thing you've said with articles. you said this is what o'reilly thinks about these 3 issues so therefore he MUST be liberal. you haven't proven that he thinks this way or even pointed to where he said this himself (and really adequate proof would be from a 3rd party b/c obviously quoting him for proof is as stupid as quoting the Bible for proof in a debate about the validity of Christianity) I'm not sure why I'm wasting my time with this since first you are (1) insulting (2) you haven't proven anything (3) I could prove it and you wouldn't even be capable of changing your mind on this or any other issue, regardless of whatever proof I delivered, but why the heck not. I'll probably not go back and forth though.

here is clips from the Atlanta newspaper:


CNN loses ratings lead over rival Fox News

Atlanta Journal-Constitution Staff Writer

Despite new bosses, improved on-air promotions and new anchors, CNN has lost its ratings lead over rival Fox News Network.

Fox beat CNN in prime time during the November ratings period. CNN, however, beat Fox for all-day numbers. MSNBC finished third in both cases, according to Nielsen Media Research data provided by the networks. The results underscore a lesson for CNN: When the biggest news happens, CNN wins. But as news tapers off, CNN's viewers drift away in big numbers, while more Fox viewers stick around.

CNN easily outdistanced its competition after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. CNN executives used the spotlight to launch two of their biggest new anchors: Aaron Brown and former Fox anchor Paula Zahn.

The move paid off initially. Aided by war and anthrax news, Zahn bested Fox's once overwhelmingly dominant morning lineup. For November, she edged out Fox in ratings. Brown also won his time slot.

But in one of the biggest battles -- the rivalry between talkmeisters -- Fox's Bill O'Reilly easily beat CNN's Larry King. Among flagship business shows, "Moneyline With Lou Dobbs" tied Fox's "Your World With Neil Cavuto." Both easily outdistanced CNBC's "Business Center."

notice how they say CNN gets more ratings around big news events and then tapers off while Fox viewers stick around. this supports what I say.


here is a quote that supports what i say:

"One thing that Fox News offers, which its competitors are a little less likely to offer, is that its reporters are more opinionated," says Jamie Rhind, media director of Avrett Free & Ginsberg.
"It?s more than reporting. They have taken a stance on issues. Perhaps people want that from newscasters now and not just the news."



"Fox News, which is best known for its outspoken primetime host, Bill O?Reilly, and its reputation for being considerably right-of-center, has edged past CNN among households." - Kevin Downey is a staff writer for Media Life.


here are some interesting stats:

"Fox's viewers typically live in the "red" states. On average they're 57-year-olds who make $57,880 a year, the highest income of any viewership except CNBC. These viewers consider themselves religious"

that audience clearly leans to the right

the problem is that now they are shooting themselves in the foot. Their editorial slant makes Democrat candidates treat them worse :

"When Al Gore announced Joseph Lieberman as his running mate, Mr. Lieberman made the rounds to all of the various television news outlets except Fox News. Fox was told by a campaign spokesman that it had been left out of the loop because it had "a certain editorial predisposition and because of that you will sometimes be left out.""

it's a spiral, Democrats avoid Fox News b/c it's conservative, people perceive Fox News to be more conservative b/c of the lack of these individuals in balance with others, etc

finally re: O'Reilly as a crossfire show, I'll be honest. O'Reilly is a coward, only chooses guests he know he can dominate and when he loses on an issue , he skirts the issue, goes to commercial. He is an entertainer and nothing more, and he knows it. I A crossfire is too equally matched invidiuals, both regulars on the show. If you think this is crossfire, we are thinking very different things.

Here's a suggestion, lead by example. instead of adopting a combative insulting tone with me or anyone else, actually put up proof of what you say. instead of whining i have not provided proof, actually provide proof yourself so that I look stupid (you're a smart guy and you could do this I am sure if you put your mind to it)

instead now you look a little stupid for demanding proof without providing it in any real way (and for me providing it from multiple sources), and that is disappointing to me b/c then we have to resort to flinging insults (little different than monkeys flinging feces IMO) which seems like such a waste of time to me.


Jan 20, 2001
1. Against the death penalty
2. Against SUVs
3. Favorite politician is Robert Kennedy.

Oh, I thought the liberal litmus was still tree-hugging and pillow-biting.

Let's see if this works . . . the Vatican.
The Pope is definitely against the death penalty (and abortion).
I'm not sure about his position on SUVs (but the Pope-mobile definitely makes him a leaner).
The Pope . . . well he's definitely Catholic.
Is the Pope a liberal, too?

What TRUE Republicans believe . . short version.

The long-version (with links to full text)

As an ex-FOX watcher, I think the network attempts impartiality in some respects. But ultimately they are trying to make a business out of news like everybody else which means you've got to bring something new to the table. In their case, it is borderline tabloid/sensationalism. I am ex-FOX since Friday night when Pat Robertson had the incredible gall to call Islam a religion that worships a god evolved from one of six genies which were contemporaries to Mohammed. I don't think you can claim to be fair and balanced just b/c you broadcast the views of multiple idiots.

And here is yet another person claiming the bias without a shred of evidence to back it up.

Uhh, remember Newt's book advance from Rupert?
One of the early morning talking heads at Fox described the Taliban as Marxist . . . the Communist Manifesto is a half-hour read but I doubt she had a clue about what was coming out of her mouth.
Compare promo/intros on the major news networks versus Fox . . . Fox looks like head cheerleader on the Bush War Machine.
Barry Lin (Americans for the Separation of Church and State) rarely peeps on FOX but Falwell and Robertson essentially provide daily face time. Then again Barry Lin probably is actually a CHRISTIAN minister who believes in spreading the good news versus vitriol and hatred.


Oct 31, 2000
All I know is you're expecting the creators of "When Animal's Attack, World's Scarriest Police Chases I - XVII, Temptation Island, Who Wants to Marry a Millionare, and Who Wants to Marry a Prince to be "fair and balanced?"


Dec 4, 2001
If the White House headed an Enron investigation, they would still be more fair and balanced than Fox News.
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