Free CDROM - 1200 photos from Israel +s&h

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Nov 25, 2001
The problem with these kinds of posts (as well as the "Free Holy Bible" posts) IMHO is that they're controversial by nature. It's the equivalent of posting "FREE Abortions" or "80% off Satanic Bibles."

They're plenty of people who are pro-Israel just as there are plenty of folks pro-Palestine. While it seems harmless, there's going to be people who insist on politicizing these kinds of posts.

Personally, I don't mind the yelling back and forth - it's rather amusing, but apparently the mods do. So maybe people should consider carefully before posting something controversial in a "hot deals" forum, especially one that revolves mostly around computers and high-tech gear.



Apr 25, 2000
Free photos of a vibrant nation, its land and its people- other than those Americans see on their evening news- those select images of menacing soldiers and rock-throwing children...which do not even come close to telling the full story, but which make for good press.
I'd call this a good deal...and something that should not be locked -there is no proselytizing here.
Oh, and by the way Israel is real... but Isreal aint...


Senior member
Apr 5, 2001
Sigh, when oh when will some of you people learn??
Why is Israel any less legitmate than any other nation? Didn't we conquer the Indians and then the British for our land?? Didn't the Arabs themselves plow through many African, Asian, and European countries-conquering all in their paths before they were stopped at one of the Eauropean countries (Spain or France-I forget which one) in Mohamad's time??
As a matter of fact, if you really want to know, the Jews were in Israel waaaay before the Arabs even existed back in the First temple era. After that Israel repeatedly was owned by th emain empires of the world with some Jews being a constant almost always living in Israel as a minority (with the exception of 70 years right after the destruction of the first temple) while Persians, Mediites, Babylonians, Syrian-Greeks, Romans, Christians, Islamic Arabs, Turks, and finally the British. Only when they force the British to leave did the state of Israel get formed by the Jews-it was not even owned by the Arabs then!!!!
So if you really want to know who is legitimate-Israle is the most legitimate of all the nations today (with the exception of the Great Britain-who was never owned by anyone but the British). The Jews were merely going back to where they used to be all along-surely they have a more legitiamte claim than the Arabs who were there many centuries after the Jews and were not even owning the land when the British left.
So much for legitimacy. Now to take apart the next anti-Israel post-

Dude, Israel has done a lot of bad things, but it is the home world for some people.

Name one thing. Easy statement to say-name one.

$7 shipping for some pictures with soldiers pissing on the wall or something like that is totally stupid.

as someone said before, the soldiers are praying and I find your words rather crass.

IDF is suck.

I don't really believe it is necessary to reply to that one.

Lastly, because I am sure some of you will bring this up-the episode of the "Sharon massacre " in 1982. This is one of the most distorted lies and propoganda I have ever seen. these are the real facts and I quote them word for word from the editor of Arutz-7:
He was Defense Minister of Israel at the time when Christian Arabs in Lebanon massacred 900 Moslems. He was blamed for "indirectly allowing it" to happen. He was never blamed for actually having a hand in it, nor was Israel responsible for the continuing warfare at the time between the two groups. For some reason, the actual perpetrators of the cruel massacre are always forgotten, and only the Israelis, who happened to be in Lebanon at the time fighting to defend their northern border, are always remembered.

You may also want to think about the fact that he is trying to fight a war and defending his country against the Hizbullah bombings and anything he does there is frought with peril. If he mistakenly does not realize that an internal massacre between two Arab groups is about to happen does that mean he massacred them?? Indeed had he tried to stop one group, he would have been blamed for massacring them.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2001
i started the original post and am wondering, don't you people have anything better to do than to flame?

this is a hot deal, not only to jews, but to people of other religions as well.

to say anything about the IDF or Israel, should be put in OFF TOPIC

i have had on my flame resistant suit on since the beg. and it is now time for a new one.



Senior member
May 29, 2001
I have just read the original locked thread and this one here, and I am shocked at some of the things posted.

This is a cd of pictures. I presume that it is full of beautiful landscapes and historical landmarks. If this was a cd composed of pictures of Germany, France, Russia, or England, would we be seeing comments about not being interested in the CD because of Germany's part in WWI or WWII, or France for the storming of the Bastille or for being Socialist, or Russia being Communist? No, we wouldn't. Nor would we say that a cd of beautiful landscapes from Lebanon should be banned because they hijacked planes in the 1970-80's and killed innocent American travelers.

I do not like what either side is doing in Israel. The bottom line there is that they need to stop the violence and find a mutually acceptable agreement that would allow for a palestinean state with free access to the holy sites. I don't presume to try and outline any form of solution here, but I do have a very deep understanding of the situation. And the best way to put it is that the situation is very complicated.

If you think the cd sucks then find a polite way to say that you don't like what is going on in Isreal in any way and thus think that this is not a hot deal.


Dec 27, 2001

<< Lastly, because I am sure some of you will bring this up-the episode of the "Sharon massacre " in 1982. This is one of the most distorted lies and propoganda I have ever seen. these are the real facts and I quote them word for word from the editor of Arutz-7:
He was Defense Minister of Israel at the time when Christian Arabs in Lebanon massacred 900 Moslems. He was blamed for "indirectly allowing it" to happen. He was never blamed for actually having a hand in it, nor was Israel responsible for the continuing warfare at the time between the two groups. For some reason, the actual perpetrators of the cruel massacre are always forgotten, and only the Israelis, who happened to be in Lebanon at the time fighting to defend their northern border, are always remembered.

You may also want to think about the fact that he is trying to fight a war and defending his country against the Hizbullah bombings and anything he does there is frought with peril. If he mistakenly does not realize that an internal massacre between two Arab groups is about to happen does that mean he massacred them?? Indeed had he tried to stop one group, he would have been blamed for massacring them.

Although I'd love to sit all day and discuss this issue, I just have to put in my two cents here... Sharon has never been convicted of this massacre because he had the main witness testifying against him assassinated a few months ago. Welcome to Mr. Ariel "I'm a good guy" Sharon... He does nothing to defend his country. Shelling and shooting at kids defending their streets with stones isn't defending. There's a difference.


May 28, 2001

<< Sigh, when oh when will some of you people learn??
Why is Israel any less legitmate than any other nation? Didn't we conquer the Indians and then the British for our land?? Didn't the Arabs themselves plow through many African, Asian, and European countries-conquering all in their paths before they were stopped at one of the Eauropean countries (Spain or France-I forget which one) in Mohamad's time??
As a matter of fact, if you really want to know, the Jews were in Israel waaaay before the Arabs even existed back in the First temple era. After that Israel repeatedly was owned by th emain empires of the world with some Jews being a constant almost always living in Israel as a minority (with the exception of 70 years right after the destruction of the first temple) while Persians, Mediites, Babylonians, Syrian-Greeks, Romans, Christians, Islamic Arabs, Turks, and finally the British. Only when they force the British to leave did the state of Israel get formed by the Jews-it was not even owned by the Arabs then!!!!
So if you really want to know who is legitimate-Israle is the most legitimate of all the nations today (with the exception of the Great Britain-who was never owned by anyone but the British). The Jews were merely going back to where they used to be all along-surely they have a more legitiamte claim than the Arabs who were there many centuries after the Jews and were not even owning the land when the British left.
So much for legitimacy. Now to take apart the next anti-Israel post-

Dude, Israel has done a lot of bad things, but it is the home world for some people.

Name one thing. Easy statement to say-name one.

$7 shipping for some pictures with soldiers pissing on the wall or something like that is totally stupid.

as someone said before, the soldiers are praying and I find your words rather crass.

IDF is suck.

I don't really believe it is necessary to reply to that one.

Lastly, because I am sure some of you will bring this up-the episode of the "Sharon massacre " in 1982. This is one of the most distorted lies and propoganda I have ever seen. these are the real facts and I quote them word for word from the editor of Arutz-7:
He was Defense Minister of Israel at the time when Christian Arabs in Lebanon massacred 900 Moslems. He was blamed for "indirectly allowing it" to happen. He was never blamed for actually having a hand in it, nor was Israel responsible for the continuing warfare at the time between the two groups. For some reason, the actual perpetrators of the cruel massacre are always forgotten, and only the Israelis, who happened to be in Lebanon at the time fighting to defend their northern border, are always remembered.

Lets take this to off topic, then we can start flaming! U start it, and i will take it over (no pun intended)!


Senior member
Apr 5, 2001
Sharon has never been convicted of this massacre because he had the main witness testifying against him assassinated a few months ago..

Easy thing to say-I can easily say Arafat had the witness assassinated because he wanted to make it look like Sharon did it?? I don't really believe either of those things and since you don't really know-you have no proof-please don't say it as fact.

Welcome to Mr. Ariel "I'm a good guy" Sharon... He does nothing to defend his country

Hmmm I suppose Barak was better trying to make peace with people that the more concessions you give them the more violent they become to get more. Yeah I guess Sharon does "nothing" huh??

Shelling and shooting at kids defending their streets with stones isn't defending. There's a difference

You bet there's a difference. A huge difference between shooting kids that are either trying to get you killed by throwing stones at you while you are enemy fire or beign used as shields by known murderers to continue their mass murder. This is tremendously different than the PA militant groups who target civilian sites like a Sbarro Pizza shop or a teen movie theater to put a bomb and kill 20-30 people wounding or maiming countless others. Right Mohamed-huge difference.

And as far as you pyaralii, I have no wish to take up the gauntlet. If you post something that I disagree with, and I see it-I will post if not I won't. I consider this to be of extreme impI only respond to attacks on a good decent nation-I will not start an attack against you. Sounds familiar doesn't it??


Senior member
Apr 5, 2001
BTW-for you guys who want a balanced view of things-you are already reading the Arab side of the story through CNN, NY Times and a bunch of others. You can get the other side of the story by going to or . You can get email news from the first website as well without having to go to them daily. That site also has a link to the Arab and palestinian press so you really can see what's going on.
if you read both sides of the story, you will probably have a more balanced view of what is happening there..



Senior member
Oct 12, 1999
babylon5, can you give your impressions once you get it? Quality of pictures, both technically and in term of content.


Dec 12, 2000
who needs to visit isreal when u can get the CD! see all the scenes without the danger! cheap vacation plan fo sheezy


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2001
It amazes me how something that occured before the majority of us were even born can have such an affect on our lives. I am 32 and whatever happened between Isreal and the Palestines (Yes I do know what happened) happened before I was born, so why is there 12 year old palestinians killing themselves and others instead of out playing ball or riding bikes or something a 12 year old would normally do in other places in the world. I mean, you can't honestly believe the palestinian kids know and understand why they are even fighting. For them it is normal to see people getting killed on the streets and that needs to stop otherwise there will never be peace in Isreal or Palistine.

BTW thanks for the hot deal. Ordered the CD and plan to use it for educational purposes.


Golden Member
Jul 16, 2001

<< who needs to visit isreal when u can get the CD! see all the scenes without the danger! cheap vacation plan fo sheezy >>

Thats the common view of many,but the facts are that most all of Israel is as safe or safer than many areas here in the US.These photos are a hot deal,but could never capture the true beauty of that nation in fullness...


Aug 2, 2001
Israel doesn't realize that killing innocent Palestinians is wrong, and that will never result in any peace. All Israel talks about is obtaining peace but it continues to occupy new land, and create new setttlements which Israel pays jews to live in by paying those jews to fly in and move from foriegn countries. U ask why should you care? Everyone who pays taxes should care, because Israel uses American money and American military equipment to oppress the Palestinian people. I happen to be a proud American, and do not appreciate these leechies using my hard earned money to kill people who rightly belong in that area.

And check this out, I think it will surprise everyone about how honest and fair Israel is.

And this is even more eye-opening. I don't mean to post this on this forum, but I think everyone should know who was actually behind 9-11.


Aug 2, 2001
Shmuel, you are wrong. The news on CNN and other similiar news stations does not cover the Arab side of it. Everyone knows that the news here is totally Israel baised.
The writers, the producers, and even Ted Turner himself is jewish, and your telling me that it will give non baised news of the middle east, puleeze. I think the American people are smarter then that.


Jul 7, 2001
even Ted Turner himself is jewish

back that up. oh wait, you can't because it's not true.


Apr 19, 2001
be warned, the Iraeli government does distribute "free" propeganda, and disallows free speech


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2001

<< Shmuel, you are wrong. The news on CNN and other similiar news stations does not cover the Arab side of it. Everyone knows that the news here is totally Israel baised.
The writers, the producers, and even Ted Turner himself is jewish, and your telling me that it will give non baised news of the middle east, puleeze. I think the American people are smarter then that.

Sorry dude you are the wrong one. Try visiting those other sites and see how much they differ from the our American news. USA may be pro Isreal in a lot of ways, but its news media certainly isn't. There is so much bias in the news it isn't funny. And most of it is unintentional, its just a result of having mostly liberals working in the media.

BTW, I appreciate this hot deal, I think my brother would like this for his birthday. Thanks!


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999

<< even Ted Turner himself is jewish >>

It is very simple to find out that Turner isn't Jewish. Just do a search for why Jane Fonda filed for divorce. Turner does not believe in God.

Thanks for the link for the cd, I jumped on it.



Junior Member
Jan 20, 2002
The point that much of the bias is unintentional is very important. The knowledge possessed by most people, even in the media, of the conflict and its roots pretty much begins and ends with the latest suicide blast. And that is rarely an unflawed lens for representing, understanding, and judging the actions of individual men or women let alone whole peoples.


Mar 25, 2002
Thanks Inacomputer. I've never been there and would like to have some high quality photos of Israel to see what the land really looks like. I do hope these are high quality enough to warrant the $7.

All the other squabbling on this really should move to off-topic.
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