Free "In God We Trust" Poster and other free stuff

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Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2001
HEADS UP FOLKS....Ive seen this type of thread before....what always happens is a child(thats valsalva) attacks religion...That is exactly the reason why my sig has that very simple statement...if you choose not to believe, you have made your choice, why do you hang around the religious deals and take cheap shots??? I had to put valsalva on my ignore list because of the nasty little comments that were sent to me...Im sure this thread will get locked due to the childish behavior of a few...or maybe just one

Thanks for the post FrugalGuy


Oct 10, 2000
I think a little summmary is in order:
Guy 2 : GOD BAAD
Guy 1: GOOD
...and so on....

Either i think breweyez sorta missed on this one. I didnt see any attacks on religion, the other kid was merely stating that gov't should stay clear of it, otherwise were in big mess.


Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2001
76 would have to see the large amount of posts that were for religious stuff(bibles,books,etc..) to understand what Im talking about....this guy(child) attacks anything that has to do with religion


Senior member
Jun 29, 2002
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
You would even be alive in the US as most people came here to the US to escape religious persecution.

Right, because the residents of their former homeland were sick of the bible-thumping and puritanical beliefs just as much as we are now in the 21st century.

I'm also a bit disturbed by how the poster depicts an American bald eagle on the same poster as "In God We Trust," which somehow associates patriotism with a belief in God. In fact, the word "God" all over over currency, courthouses, city halls, etc., seems to imply that there is no place for other religious belief systems, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc. I have yet to see "In Vishnu We Trust" inscribed on any coins. By sending for this poster, you are fostering the notion that this is nation for Christians. I believe that makes it a cold deal, and I would like to express that opinion. Thank you.


I am not disturbed by it at all. If you don't like hat this country stands for and did stand for, please feel free to find a better one. This is a "free" country and you can worship whomever you please or no one at all. The founding fathers came here so they could exervise their religion freely, not have to follow the English Church only. The reason God is on so many things is because most of the founding fathers were christians. And I hope today, someone does a survey and finds that most Americans are as well. We just happen to hear from the non- christian people because they like to make their point know to all. Ok we know where you stand, now go home.

Thank you,

And In God I trust Forever!



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
I am not disturbed by it at all. If you don't like hat this country stands for and did stand for, please feel free to find a better one.

Since when did this country stand for God?

The founding fathers came here so they could exervise their religion freely, not have to follow the English Church only. The reason God is on so many things is because most of the founding fathers were christians.

May I remind you that the so-called founding fathers owned slaves themselves, and that the country was not as religiously diverse back in 1776 than in 2002, where you have people from non-God-worshipping faiths. Times have changed, and I feel that it is absolutely farcical to believe that with "God" scribbled everywhere and officiall sanctioned by the government, that people can feel 100% comfortable practicing non-"God" religions.

And I hope today, someone does a survey and finds that most Americans are as well. We just happen to hear from the non- christian people because they like to make their point know to all. Ok we know where you stand, now go home.

Most Americans ARE Christian, but that does not give the government right to make it the official religion of the United States and slap "God" on all official buildings and currency. And on the contrary, we usually hear from the Christians more than the most of us have learned by opening our doors on Sunday mornings. Finally, it might interest you to know that I am home right now, so I don't need to go there. Thanks for your concern.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: breweyez
HEADS UP FOLKS....Ive seen this type of thread before....what always happens is a child(thats valsalva) attacks religion...That is exactly the reason why my sig has that very simple statement...if you choose not to believe, you have made your choice, why do you hang around the religious deals and take cheap shots??? I had to put valsalva on my ignore list because of the nasty little comments that were sent to me...Im sure this thread will get locked due to the childish behavior of a few...or maybe just one

Thanks for the post FrugalGuy

I am insulted by your personal attack, BrewEyez, and I think you know that comments of that nature are not appropriate in this forum. If you care to read my replies in this thread, you will find that I have made no such "attacks" on religion, and I would like you to acknowledge this fact and retract your false statement. Furthermore, I fail to see how you can accuse me of being a "child," as it should be obvious to you, from my syntax and diction, that I am not one. Finally, I believe that it's the nasty, baseless posts like yours that really cause these threads to be locked. If you read what you wrote, you made absolutely no contribution to the thread, you made several statements based on your unjustifiable opinion (versus reality), and resorted to flaming me and others as well.



Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: breweyez
HEADS UP FOLKS....Ive seen this type of thread before....what always happens is a child(thats valsalva) attacks religion...That is exactly the reason why my sig has that very simple statement...if you choose not to believe, you have made your choice, why do you hang around the religious deals and take cheap shots??? I had to put valsalva on my ignore list because of the nasty little comments that were sent to me...Im sure this thread will get locked due to the childish behavior of a few...or maybe just one

Thanks for the post FrugalGuy

I am insulted by your personal attack, BrewEyez, and I think you know that comments of that nature are not appropriate in this forum. If you care to read my replies in this thread, you will find that I have made no such "attacks" on religion, and I would like you to acknowledge this fact and retract your false statement. Furthermore, I fail to see how you can accuse me of being a "child," as it should be obvious to you, from my syntax and diction, that I am not one. Finally, I believe that it's the nasty, baseless posts like yours that really cause these threads to be locked. If you read what you wrote, you made absolutely no contribution to the thread, you made several statements based on your unjustifiable opinion (versus reality), and resorted to flaming me and others as well.


There is absolutely NO REASON to discuss religion in this thread whatsoever. This is a Anandtech Hot Deals Forum, not Valsalva's Hot Deals forum. If you don't like the deal, pass it up. Don't crap the thread. How many times must the crapping go on before we start seeing bans and the like for violations of rules? It's in the Forum Rules for crying out loud, here's a snippit:

<<What about COURTESY?

No thread crapping. If the subject matter of a deal does not interest you, do not post negative comments about it, or about other members, in the thread.

Possibly the worst examples we have had of this have been in posts for free religious items, such as bibles, etc. If you want to discuss religion, or any other such non-computer topic, do it in our Off Topic forum. The discussions in that forum cover a wide range of topics, but needless flaming and rude, mean-spirited posts are not welcome there, either.

So take it to Off Topic if you want to discuss religion, this is the eleventy billionth time this has been said in religious threads, and because of ignorant people who disregard forum rules and suggestions of others these threads get locked. The threads shouldn't get locked, the people should get the boot.



Feb 3, 2001
listen children, enough is enough. please scroll up and look at the darkened blue bar at the top of all these posts. interestingly, it reads "Hot Deals." that is to say, it does not read any of the following:

religious discussion group
political discussion group
constitutional law discussion group
jacka$$ meeting forum

so please keep the discussion to hot deals...

but, since i've been riled up, i'll say this: unless you're ready to back up what you've got to say with support, please don't put forth mindless propositons. it simply is unproductive for one moron to say, out of the clear blue, that "[such and such] is an abomination to the so-called separation of church and state..." followed by successive ignoramuses who simply refute by saying "that's not true, you're dumb" or something to that effect.

as a constitutional law scholar, i can tell you that both sides have sound arguments. however, what you accept depends on where you're coming a nutshell:

if you're a strict textualist- look no farther than the First Amendment; it is easily parsed into two clauses, one commonly known as the establishment clause (which is at issue here). the bill of rights applies to the federal government; essentially, the first ten amendments each limit the federal government's power to protect individual rights. the first amendment, in part, reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." whether printing "In God We Trust" constitutes the "mak[ing of a law] respecting [the] establishment of religion" will not be settled in the AnandTech Hot Deals forum; it will be settled (surprisingly!) before the Supreme Court.

if you're a "historical gloss" kind of guy- you will look at all of the founding father's writings and gather from them the general idea that they were all "Godly" folk. if not, they certainly put on such a good act they could have commanded top dollar in Hollywood today. the term, "historical gloss" generally refers to the fact that although the law may say one thing, historical practices have layed a "gloss" so to speak onto the law for so long that it would be just plain silly to abandon the practice.

if you read very liberally- the [anti]-establishment clause prohibits all of this. as a matter of fact, it prohibits the president from swearing on a Bible at his inauguration. this reading affords the First Amendment its most expansive view, namely, that it does not just prohibit the establishment of any one religion, but the advocation of any religion.

in the end, it matters not which viewpoint we adopt. unless your last name happens to be Rehnquist, Scalia, Kennedy, O'Connor, Thomas, Breyer, Souter, Ginsberg or Stevens (and you also happen to serve on the Supreme Court bench), your opinion will do little more than sway one mindless cretin this way or that. most people that have firmly established views are unlikely to waver.

as for me, i predict that this will eventually in some form or another, make it to the supreme court. based on the complexion of the current Supreme Court, for example, the ninth circuit ruling that the pledge could not be recited at a public school will be shot down. the pledge used to be mandatory; a supreme court case struck that. now it is absolutely voluntary...students are allowed to leave the room during the pledge if they prefer. in light of this, i cannot fathom the ninth circuit's ruling being upheld.

in any case, thanks to the original poster- i think this is indeed, a "hot deal" and nothing more.


Nov 25, 2001
While phhnyc has some good points, the bottom line is that "hot deals" like this are just another veiled attempt to proselytize (or witness), especially considering there's always free religious paraphernalia - you don't even have to look that hard.

It's akin to the people that announce every Friday that Amazon has another "Friday Sale" going on and oh lookie there's a $.49 Teflon frying pan or whatever. It's a given. So the problem is really the ulterior motive of the poster. I mean, look at his own sig - he's proud of promoting religious "deals." It's not so much that he's pointing out that there's a free poster, it's that he gets to interject God into the forum and in doing so he's started yet another flame war.


Oct 10, 2000
well i for one dont mind the arguing here
its very educational in my mind take phhnycs post for example - its very insigtfull if you ask me

thanks phhnyc


Platinum Member
Nov 14, 1999
Good catch, FrugalGuy

Go away, thread crappers. Take your bullsh1t to OT forum.



Jul 12, 2001
I'm also a bit disturbed by how the poster depicts an American bald eagle on the same poster as "In God We Trust," which somehow associates patriotism with a belief in God. In fact, the word "God" all over over currency, courthouses, city halls, etc., seems to imply that there is no place for other religious belief systems, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc. I have yet to see "In Vishnu We Trust" inscribed on any coins. By sending for this poster, you are fostering the notion that this is nation for Christians. I believe that makes it a cold deal, and I would like to express that opinion. Thank you.

Grow up and stop Trolling this thread.:|

Get your A$$ to OT heathen or should throw you to the Mods for trolling around this thread this is not OT so your religous bias or lack there of makes no darn difference. If you do not have anything nice to say about something free then keep moving along to another thread. regardless of what it is it is FREE which in most peoples books is a hot deal. PERIOD!

and I would like to express that opinion.

OK you expressed it... move along


Jul 12, 2001
It's akin to the people that announce every Friday that Amazon has another "Friday Sale" going on and oh lookie there's a $.49 Teflon frying pan or whatever. It's a given. So the problem is really the ulterior motive of the poster. I mean, look at his own sig - he's proud of promoting religious "deals." It's not so much that he's pointing out that there's a free poster, it's that he gets to interject God into the forum and in doing so he's started yet another flame war.

Now why would he want to start a flame war? that is ubsurd... why are you afraid

and in doing so he's started yet another flame war.
the trolls who cannot wait to bash God are the trouble makers... you can see where this started to get bad... by bashing God. This is HoT Deals folks not Threadcrapping OT forum. Like I said before if you do not like what you see move along. Wanna Bash God goto OT and revive an old thread there is plenty!

There is absolutely NO REASON to discuss religion in this thread whatsoever. This is a Anandtech Hot Deals Forum, not Valsalva's Hot Deals forum. If you don't like the deal, pass it up. Don't crap the thread. How many times must the crapping go on before we start seeing bans and the like for violations of rules? It's in the Forum Rules for crying out loud, here's a snippit:


loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Vasalva, didn't you get banned for awhile for crapping all over another thread in Hot Deals? You think you'd learn...


Jul 3, 2000
To each his own. I happen to like it and I believe in it. Those of us brought up in catholic or christian school or others like it know what seperation of church and state means. Sit down and be quiet or more homework ha ha. Come on everyone we have something called FREEDOM. ok ok sorry. thanks frugalguy I picked one up. they had some cool stuff.



Feb 25, 2002
Wow this is nice. I liked reading about the group and their cause. I also really liked the poster, it looks very nice. I am also requesting the book covers and bookmark. Excellent items. Thanks Frugal Guy.

Yes please, stop the arguing. No need to throw hate and argument around.



Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2001
hey valsalva.......I bet if we take a look at all 367 posts youve made in the past....we will see quite a few thread crapping & religion bashing posts...I got sick of seeing them a long time ago...I am still wondering why anyone would come here when there so "appalled"


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
You guys absolutely crack me up. I love you guys!!!
I mean you have people who reply to this thread to tell me that I'm off-topic, or that I'm "trolling," yet your posts constitute exactly the same thing!!! Now that I think about it, nobody seemed to have a problem with the "jeebus" reply or the "bible thumpers" reply, which were written by other people...are you perhaps fearful that my statements have merit? Again, I do not believe this is a hot deal, and I am expressing an opinion why in a respectful manner. This is acceptable and encouraged on AT, just as if someone posts a hot deal, and someone else points out that the company has a reseller rating of 1.2. It's not threadcrapping or trolling. Please do not let your religious beliefs cloud your better judgement.

Finally, this is a friendly reminder that those of you who insist on replying to this thread for the sole purpose of stating that other people's posts are off-topic or inappropriate, your post is just as off-topic and inappropriate, and is even less contributory.

Have a nice day!




Senior member
Oct 22, 2000
the way things are going we will probably get rid of "in god we trust" and replace it with "in bush we trust".
The god on everything in the U.S is a basic non secular god, not jesus, not rah, not anything, but meaning what ever you want it to mean. The only problem I see that might happen is if and when the goverment starts telling people which god it stands for.
As for the post about the founding fathers being christians, most were christian in name only. But if you read many of their personal writtings you will see that many question the whole idea of religion. Jefferson went to church occasionally but in many of his communications , letters and books, actual sounded more like a agnostic. The founding fathers were not bible thumpers, not by todays standard. I think they did a good job.
The poster does look good.


Senior member
Apr 17, 2001
ValsalvaYourHeartOut ? You should stop picking on these folks that claim to be religious and trust in God.
You are interfering with some of their following activities that demonstrate their religious sincerity:

Lying to Microsoft about being a reseller so they can save money on Microsoft products like XP.

Lying on surveys so that they can get something free.

Lying that they received coupons in the mail when actually they got them here.

Lying that copies of coupons are originals to get $ off.

Lying that they are a student so they can buy discounted academic software.

Lying and price matching grey market products to get money back.

Lying and price matching shady/phoney internet prices to get money back.

Lying to AMEX price guarantee that they found a product at a lower price AFTER they purchased that product so that they can get free money.

Lying to Verizon about receiving a letter so that they can call about DSL service and get $10.

Which of the following is more accurate?
--"In God we trust"

sale-70-410-exam    | Exam-200-125-pdf    | we-sale-70-410-exam    | hot-sale-70-410-exam    | Latest-exam-700-603-Dumps    | Dumps-98-363-exams-date    | Certs-200-125-date    | Dumps-300-075-exams-date    | hot-sale-book-C8010-726-book    | Hot-Sale-200-310-Exam    | Exam-Description-200-310-dumps?    | hot-sale-book-200-125-book    | Latest-Updated-300-209-Exam    | Dumps-210-260-exams-date    | Download-200-125-Exam-PDF    | Exam-Description-300-101-dumps    | Certs-300-101-date    | Hot-Sale-300-075-Exam    | Latest-exam-200-125-Dumps    | Exam-Description-200-125-dumps    | Latest-Updated-300-075-Exam    | hot-sale-book-210-260-book    | Dumps-200-901-exams-date    | Certs-200-901-date    | Latest-exam-1Z0-062-Dumps    | Hot-Sale-1Z0-062-Exam    | Certs-CSSLP-date    | 100%-Pass-70-383-Exams    | Latest-JN0-360-real-exam-questions    | 100%-Pass-4A0-100-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-300-135-exams-date    | Passed-200-105-Tech-Exams    | Latest-Updated-200-310-Exam    | Download-300-070-Exam-PDF    | Hot-Sale-JN0-360-Exam    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Exams    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-JN0-360-exams-date    | Exam-Description-1Z0-876-dumps    | Latest-exam-1Z0-876-Dumps    | Dumps-HPE0-Y53-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-HPE0-Y53-Exam    | 100%-Pass-HPE0-Y53-Real-Exam-Questions    | Pass-4A0-100-Exam    | Latest-4A0-100-Questions    | Dumps-98-365-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-98-365-Exam    | 100%-Pass-VCS-254-Exams    | 2017-Latest-VCS-273-Exam    | Dumps-200-355-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-300-320-Exam    | Pass-300-101-Exam    | 100%-Pass-300-115-Exams    |    |    |