Free Office Pro 2007 and Office Groove 2007

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Golden Member
Oct 14, 2000
Man, just was checking the price of Office 2007 on Amazon. Makes me wish I had attended the Tampa event.


Jul 2, 2004
Went to the one in LA. Got there around 8:10am, and the line was ridiculously long. At around 8:45am, the staff told us to just go in and get our goodie bag, and get our badge later.

Stuff in bag:
MS pen
Vista Eval disk
Evaluation form (basically your ticket for the free Office 2007 Pro and Groove 2007, and a MS t-shirt)
Usual flyers and demo disks

I was one of the luck few who won a white MS Zune 30GB at a drawing. Yeah!

Keynote was not bad. Went to the developer track, kinda boring. Breakfast was ok, typical danish, muffin, bagel, coffee, juice, etc. Lunch was horrible. Even food from airline is better.


Jul 2, 2004
The Vista was in the bag. Since you didn't get the bag, you didn't get Vista. However, it's only an evaluation disk, so you didn't miss much.

Originally posted by: coolVariable
Just got back from the one in Los Angeles.
Got there on time ... there was an endless line.
Turned out - I probably should have gotten there a little later - maybe 8:15 instead of 7:45. The line was much shorter then.

Got a badge and my sticker was placed on the questionnaire for the overall even experience. I was told to turn that in at the end of the day.


Keynote was ok.
Decision Maker track had a horrible presenter from MS.
At 12 noon I went to the desk and exchanged my questionnaire for the Resource Kit (Product Keys, CD/DVD of something and download instructions.)

No WinVista
Too bad, people here at give me hope, I might be able to sneak one or get one in the bag.

Maybe they only hand it out to certain tracks?

Could those that did receive WinVista in their bags reply what they registered as?

IT Pro
Decision Maker

Am I missing any?



Sep 24, 2003
Hey Mango, are you saying you get a copy in either of those kits that say Ready For A New Day? One says Partner Reference and the other is Lunch 2007. Both contained the same stuff? I'm going to the San Francico event next week. Any suggestions?


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Originally posted by: nlkccom
The Vista was in the bag. Since you didn't get the bag, you didn't get Vista. However, it's only an evaluation disk, so you didn't miss much.

Originally posted by: coolVariable
Just got back from the one in Los Angeles.
Got there on time ... there was an endless line.
Turned out - I probably should have gotten there a little later - maybe 8:15 instead of 7:45. The line was much shorter then.

Got a badge and my sticker was placed on the questionnaire for the overall even experience. I was told to turn that in at the end of the day.


Keynote was ok.
Decision Maker track had a horrible presenter from MS.
At 12 noon I went to the desk and exchanged my questionnaire for the Resource Kit (Product Keys, CD/DVD of something and download instructions.)

No WinVista
Too bad, people here at give me hope, I might be able to sneak one or get one in the bag.

Maybe they only hand it out to certain tracks?

Could those that did receive WinVista in their bags reply what they registered as?

IT Pro
Decision Maker

Am I missing any?

Damn - still would like to know why I didn't get a bag - you would think they try to schmooze the decision makers more than regular IT people.
I will be the one making the decision when and whether to upgrade to office 2007 and/or vista in our small business, so they better be nice to me ...


Platinum Member
Dec 23, 2003
Originally posted by: nlkccom
The Vista was in the bag. Since you didn't get the bag, you didn't get Vista. However, it's only an evaluation disk, so you didn't miss much.

Went to the LA event too and got the bag and Office 2007 Pro.

I even got a chance to speak to one of the Microsoft people and he said that the Vista evaluation copy is an actual legit full version of Vista Ultimate so I woudn't throw it out... just in case.

I haven't installed it yet to confirm it, but that's what I was told. He was one of the MS training people that my buddy knows.


Jul 2, 2004
Could it be just an evaluation version of Vista Ultimate, but with the correct key, it can be activated as a legit full version?

Originally posted by: usernamemax20charact
Originally posted by: nlkccom
The Vista was in the bag. Since you didn't get the bag, you didn't get Vista. However, it's only an evaluation disk, so you didn't miss much.

Went to the LA event too and got the bag and Office 2007 Pro.

I even got a chance to speak to one of the Microsoft people and he said that the Vista evaluation copy is an actual legit full version of Vista Ultimate so I woudn't throw it out... just in case.

I haven't installed it yet to confirm it, but that's what I was told. He was one of the MS training people that my buddy knows.



Mar 24, 2001
If anyone wants to go to the Greensboro, NC event there is still openings as a developer. Does it matter what you sign up as to get the software? This session runs in the afternoon, can I still go in the morning sessions even if they are listed as full?

If you want to carpool to Gboro from Winston-Salem let me know.



Golden Member
Jul 30, 2002
Originally posted by: nlkccom
Could it be just an evaluation version of Vista Ultimate, but with the correct key, it can be activated as a legit full version?

That's what it sounds like. From what I have read, I believe that ALL copies of Vista, be they full versions or trials, are the same code, and that the CD-Key determines the specific version.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
The evaluation version of vista is not the RTM version it is RC1. At least that was what was in my freebie bag.


Feb 28, 2002
Originally posted by: dukeharsha
If anyone wants to go to the Greensboro, NC event there is still openings as a developer. Does it matter what you sign up as to get the software? This session runs in the afternoon, can I still go in the morning sessions even if they are listed as full?

If you want to carpool to Gboro from Winston-Salem let me know.


I hope so(and expect so) since a few of us signed up for this in Harford CT. It's an afternoon onlt session. I have yet to hear from anyone who just went to the afternoon one ONLY.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Omniprezent
Originally posted by: dukeharsha
If anyone wants to go to the Greensboro, NC event there is still openings as a developer. Does it matter what you sign up as to get the software? This session runs in the afternoon, can I still go in the morning sessions even if they are listed as full?

If you want to carpool to Gboro from Winston-Salem let me know.


I hope so(and expect so) since a few of us signed up for this in Harford CT. It's an afternoon onlt session. I have yet to hear from anyone who just went to the afternoon one ONLY.

I went to one of the smaller "Microsoft Across America" ones, and had signed up for
both morning and afternoon sessions because of interest in the different content areas.

At my event they didn't really keep check of who went in and out of the auditorium.
As it happens the morning session was over-full and there were a few dozen people
standing lining the walls and sitting on the floor in open spaces et. al.

I suspect that unless they're being very strict about attendees at your venue you could
certainly walk in and audit the session, though if the crowd is so extreme that it exceeds
the safe capacity of the room I expect they'll start to screen people more carefully to
save capacity for the registrants.

As for the software, you could go to a part of any one session and then still
get the software after you'd been there "a while" not necessarily for the whole event.
Moreso with the afternoon session since I'm sure anyone who was there for
the morning session only would've already exchanged their card for the software
sometime after the morning session ended and before the afternoon one got too
far along.


Jul 21, 2006
can we still get the office if we just sign up for the afternoon 1-5 pm one ? cause i can't go to the morning ones


Jan 5, 2003
I'm signed up for a morning track. if I sign up for an afternoon one as well, does that mean I get two Office 2007 keys, or just one?


Apr 27, 2001
Just got back from DC Launch Event...

- Lines, crowds, as expected...
- Some Keynote speaker said you couldn't "cash in" your feedback form till 2pm
- No problems getting my "Resource Kit" during lunch
- You just exchanged your red eval form for a shirt and resource kit (which has keys)
- Overall effort and impressions were positive
- Vista looks great, but all the demo's used lots of back-end software
- Really pushing Office 2007 (and the back-end servers)
- Food was decent and plentiful (considering it was way overbooked)
- Developers need to learn .Net 3, several new foundation api's, XAML
- No need to rush out and get Vista, but you will sooner or later

Overall I liked this launch more than previous M$ rollouts. They seem very confident in the new software, secure, stable, etc. Actually a little LESS hype and hard-sell this time, which should lessen the blow when people find out it doesn't work! (joke) Seriously, hats off to M$ (once again), its an amazing accomplishment and should provide the foundation to drive our tech economy for another 10 years.

I'm sure there will be a negative news story, maybe even today, of people's "woe's" with Vista. Gawd, how long did we hear that crap with XP. Like a news reporter could even cover a tech story like this anyway.



Jul 28, 2002
Originally posted by: PDS
Just got back from DC Launch Event...

- Lines, crowds, as expected...
- Some Keynote speaker said you couldn't "cash in" your feedback form till 2pm
- No problems getting my "Resource Kit" during lunch
- You just exchanged your red eval form for a shirt and resource kit (which has keys)
- Overall effort and impressions were positive
- Vista looks great, but all the demo's used lots of back-end software
- Really pushing Office 2007 (and the back-end servers)
- Food was decent and plentiful (considering it was way overbooked)
- Developers need to learn .Net 3, several new foundation api's, XAML
- No need to rush out and get Vista, but you will sooner or later

Overall I liked this launch more than previous M$ rollouts. They seem very confident in the new software, secure, stable, etc. Actually a little LESS hype and hard-sell this time, which should lessen the blow when people find out it doesn't work! (joke) Seriously, hats off to M$ (once again), its an amazing accomplishment and should provide the foundation to drive our tech economy for another 10 years.

I'm sure there will be a negative news story, maybe even today, of people's "woe's" with Vista. Gawd, how long did we hear that crap with XP. Like a news reporter could even cover a tech story like this anyway.


thanks for the run down...

you should be a journalist..

enjoy those onions...



Jan 5, 2002
You forgot the "Are you a Govt Employee?" question.

If you answer yes, you get nothing at all. They wouldn't even give me a bag to put all the crap fliers they handed me.

What a lame, stupid rule.


Apr 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Ammocan
You forgot the "Are you a Govt Employee?" question.

YES!!! My gawd that was annoying. There were signs everywhere warning you about "gifts" and "ethics" for gov employees. They even handed you a flyer during registration.

That sux you got nothing for being honest!


Oct 19, 2000
I attended the IT Pro track at Louisville, KY this morning, and it was a very positive experience. I'll note some of my thoughts akin to what PDS did:

  • Got there a little after 7am, event started at 8am. Very easy getting in.
  • Lots of refreshments such as muffins and fruit. All kinds of juices as well as canned soda, with all the glasses and ice you could use . This event was at a Hyatt, and the staff there did an excellent job of keeping everything cleaned and organized.
  • The room I was in held, at my guess, around 300-400 people, although there were people standing against the walls by the time it started. Definitely a full house.
  • Was "lectured" by Matt Hester, a very entertaining and refreshing speaker. One of his best comments was when explaining the eval sheet, that if we voted a 1 on any category (meaning it was very bad), that we'd essentially be telling him he was worse than Windows ME. That got a GREAT laugh. Some of the best humor is when someone pokes fun at themselves.
  • Went over Vista and the deployment options, single images, how to specify updates and drivers, etc. for the first part of the class. He also showed a bit of the graphical wiz-bang stuff of Vista, but only spent 10-15 minutes on it.
  • Middle part of class was over Exchange 2007, and while I've never used it, the crowd seemed delighted with the new features and layout.
  • Last part of class was finishing up Exchange with a couple of demos, going over the new Office breifly (showcasing the ribbon), then he showed some new local group policy entries with Vista.
  • No problems with crashing or anything, but explorer did have to restart once on one of his laptops when he tried to open his pictures folder. To his credit, though, he had a couple instances of Office running, as well as 3 virtual machines. He took this opportunity to show how Vista will isolate the problem, and restart the component that failed without having to restart the entire computer. Worked beautifully.
  • There was a slight issue with a program I believe was called Forefront, but it was still beta and will not be out for another couple of months, so no biggie. He was a bit embarrassed it seemed .
  • At the end was an awesome demo of the speech recognition in Vista. I was actually amazed at what this could do. The command "Show Numbers" is a fantastic idea. If you don't know what I'm talking about, try it out for yourself by going to a webpage with a ton of links and saying that command.

All in all, a great presentation, and I'm pleased with the direction that Microsoft is heading. I was able to get my Office/Groove keys fairly quickly, and was out of the parking garage and on my way home by 12:30pm. I'm glad I signed up!! :thumbsup:


Platinum Member
Dec 23, 2003
Has anyone had a chance to install their (evaluation) copy of Vista to see whether it's a real full version or not? I probably won't be able to do it until some time this weekend at the earliest.

Just wondering if what the MS employee (and my buddy's friend) told us was true, that MS actually put a real (not eval.) version of Vista Ultimate in the bags they were giving away and just said it's an eval. copy.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2001
Originally posted by: blurredvision
I attended the IT Pro track at Louisville, KY this morning, and it was a very positive experience. I'll note some of my thoughts akin to what PDS did:

  • Got there a little after 7am, event started at 8am. Very easy getting in.
  • Lots of refreshments such as muffins and fruit. All kinds of juices as well as canned soda, with all the glasses and ice you could use . This event was at a Hyatt, and the staff there did an excellent job of keeping everything cleaned and organized.
  • The room I was in held, at my guess, around 300-400 people, although there were people standing against the walls by the time it started. Definitely a full house.
  • Was "lectured" by Matt Hester, a very entertaining and refreshing speaker. One of his best comments was when explaining the eval sheet, that if we voted a 1 on any category (meaning it was very bad), that we'd essentially be telling him he was worse than Windows ME. That got a GREAT laugh. Some of the best humor is when someone pokes fun at themselves.
  • Went over Vista and the deployment options, single images, how to specify updates and drivers, etc. for the first part of the class. He also showed a bit of the graphical wiz-bang stuff of Vista, but only spent 10-15 minutes on it.
  • Middle part of class was over Exchange 2007, and while I've never used it, the crowd seemed delighted with the new features and layout.
  • Last part of class was finishing up Exchange with a couple of demos, going over the new Office breifly (showcasing the ribbon), then he showed some new local group policy entries with Vista.
  • No problems with crashing or anything, but explorer did have to restart once on one of his laptops when he tried to open his pictures folder. To his credit, though, he had a couple instances of Office running, as well as 3 virtual machines. He took this opportunity to show how Vista will isolate the problem, and restart the component that failed without having to restart the entire computer. Worked beautifully.
  • There was a slight issue with a program I believe was called Forefront, but it was still beta and will not be out for another couple of months, so no biggie. He was a bit embarrassed it seemed .
  • At the end was an awesome demo of the speech recognition in Vista. I was actually amazed at what this could do. The command "Show Numbers" is a fantastic idea. If you don't know what I'm talking about, try it out for yourself by going to a webpage with a ton of links and saying that command.

All in all, a great presentation, and I'm pleased with the direction that Microsoft is heading. I was able to get my Office/Groove keys fairly quickly, and was out of the parking garage and on my way home by 12:30pm. I'm glad I signed up!! :thumbsup:

Went to the same on in Philly.
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