Free pocket knife dead


Aug 15, 2004

There's a scare tactic bit on there about intensive screening. I'll let you all know. What's the worse that could happen.

I chose the Transducer Model C.

It seems to be their most popular transducer.


Mar 8, 2005
Disclaimer: This survey is meant for buyers, installers, and users of DFE equipment only. Please note that due to the high incidence of non-customers completing the survey in the hopes of receiving the associated gift, we intensively screen the survey data for validity. Please complete the survey only if you have experience with DFE products.

Or maybe not?


Aug 15, 2004
Originally posted by: Auzner
Disclaimer: This survey is meant for buyers, installers, and users of DFE equipment only. Please note that due to the high incidence of non-customers completing the survey in the hopes of receiving the associated gift, we intensively screen the survey data for validity. Please complete the survey only if you have experience with DFE products.

Or maybe not?

yea. i mentioned that in the op. the 'scare tactic' bit. All we can do is enter our fake emails and hope for the free sh*t to rooooolll in. right?

heck.. it's probably a piece of garbage, too. but if it comes in free. yea, baby. it's for me.

besides... my hopes ride on this knife. my other 'first bargain' post was a t-shirt, and the web link 404'd within like 12 hours. imagine the embarrassment if both crap out.


Feb 15, 2000
All the "intensive screening" has to do is look at thier customer data and see who isn't on it.


Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: yangchu

There's a scare tactic bit on there about intensive screening. I'll let you all know. What's the worse that could happen.

I chose the Transducer Model C.

It seems to be their most popular transducer.

What a great idea, feed them false information in hopes of getting a pocket knife. Who cares about the company trying to benefit their real customers by gathering useful marketing data? Screw the employees who might benefit from increased sales resulting from accurate marketing data? A pocket knife is worth more than moral values anyways.

This general attitude is why this country is going into the crapper. I know, I know, the typically narrow minded will shoot back saying "it's only a pocket knife" or "if they didn't plan on this they are stupid" or "they should screen the surveys better"...all of this meaning "we are human in 2006 and therefore we will take any opportunity to benefit ourselves as long as nobody around us is negatively affected, but we will certainly bitch when the prices are raised due to higher costs." oh yeah, that's right, you guys won't buy anything from these guys anyways, so who cares?

good luck with your pocket knife.



Senior member
Dec 18, 2005
"This general attitude is why this country is going into the crapper".
You think AMERICA is going in the crapper because of THIS?!?!

What about all the other countries with their illegal software, downloads etc etc arent they "Screwing the employees who might benefit from increased sales"

I dont see china going in the toilet over illegal software distribution.


Senior member
May 6, 2004
Originally posted by: djspl
Originally posted by: yangchu

There's a scare tactic bit on there about intensive screening. I'll let you all know. What's the worse that could happen.

I chose the Transducer Model C.

It seems to be their most popular transducer.

What a great idea, feed them false information in hopes of getting a pocket knife. Who cares about the company trying to benefit their real customers by gathering useful marketing data? Screw the employees who might benefit from increased sales resulting from accurate marketing data? A pocket knife is worth more than moral values anyways.

This general attitude is why this country is going into the crapper. I know, I know, the typically narrow minded will shoot back saying "it's only a pocket knife" or "if they didn't plan on this they are stupid" or "they should screen the surveys better"...all of this meaning "we are human in 2006 and therefore we will take any opportunity to benefit ourselves as long as nobody around us is negatively affected, but we will certainly bitch when the prices are raised due to higher costs." oh yeah, that's right, you guys won't buy anything from these guys anyways, so who cares?

good luck with your pocket knife.
you could say im supporting the people who are manufacturing these free knives, so im really just helping america become the best it can be. also im just not interested enough to read through your entire diatribe, so i will just close by saying this: capn crunch is so sweet and tasty.


Nov 27, 2004
What a great idea, feed them false information in hopes of getting a pocket knife. Who cares about the company trying to benefit their real customers by gathering useful marketing data? Screw the employees who might benefit from increased sales resulting from accurate marketing data? A pocket knife is worth more than moral values anyways.

This general attitude is why this country is going into the crapper. I know, I know, the typically narrow minded will shoot back saying "it's only a pocket knife" or "if they didn't plan on this they are stupid" or "they should screen the surveys better"...all of this meaning "we are human in 2006 and therefore we will take any opportunity to benefit ourselves as long as nobody around us is negatively affected, but we will certainly bitch when the prices are raised due to higher costs." oh yeah, that's right, you guys won't buy anything from these guys anyways, so who cares?

good luck with your pocket knife.

Wah, go thread crap elsewhere. Who are you impressing?


Aug 15, 2004
Originally posted by: djspl
Originally posted by: yangchu

There's a scare tactic bit on there about intensive screening. I'll let you all know. What's the worse that could happen.

I chose the Transducer Model C.

It seems to be their most popular transducer.

What a great idea, feed them false information in hopes of getting a pocket knife. Who cares about the company trying to benefit their real customers by gathering useful marketing data? Screw the employees who might benefit from increased sales resulting from accurate marketing data? A pocket knife is worth more than moral values anyways.

This general attitude is why this country is going into the crapper. I know, I know, the typically narrow minded will shoot back saying "it's only a pocket knife" or "if they didn't plan on this they are stupid" or "they should screen the surveys better"...all of this meaning "we are human in 2006 and therefore we will take any opportunity to benefit ourselves as long as nobody around us is negatively affected, but we will certainly bitch when the prices are raised due to higher costs." oh yeah, that's right, you guys won't buy anything from these guys anyways, so who cares?

good luck with your pocket knife.

SWEET! Thank you DJSPL. Seriously. You have presented me with a unique opportunity and have made my day. I very much appreciate your opinion, and do respect it. (and that is the only thing that will save this country from it's downward spiral, tollerance for the opinions of others) All moral and ethical repercussions to our country's future aside, I am actually glad that you stick by your own. As for the opportunity, I feel now that even if this turns out to be a dud deal due to this company's enigmatic 'screening' policy, I have the good fortune to count this post a resounding success in that I was able to provide your riteous indignation with an outlet and justification. Never let that fire go out from your eyes. Always point out and decry injustice wherever you see it. Voice on high to all that will hear that we travel the road to hell in the proverbial handbasket. Of course, when we get to hell.. i'll have a pocket knife to fend off the demons with. But don't worry, I'll have your back.

I sallute you, sir or madame. You have my deepest respects, though we may differ in opinion.


Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: yangchu
Originally posted by: djspl
Originally posted by: yangchu

There's a scare tactic bit on there about intensive screening. I'll let you all know. What's the worse that could happen.

I chose the Transducer Model C.

It seems to be their most popular transducer.

What a great idea, feed them false information in hopes of getting a pocket knife. Who cares about the company trying to benefit their real customers by gathering useful marketing data? Screw the employees who might benefit from increased sales resulting from accurate marketing data? A pocket knife is worth more than moral values anyways.

This general attitude is why this country is going into the crapper. I know, I know, the typically narrow minded will shoot back saying "it's only a pocket knife" or "if they didn't plan on this they are stupid" or "they should screen the surveys better"...all of this meaning "we are human in 2006 and therefore we will take any opportunity to benefit ourselves as long as nobody around us is negatively affected, but we will certainly bitch when the prices are raised due to higher costs." oh yeah, that's right, you guys won't buy anything from these guys anyways, so who cares?

good luck with your pocket knife.

SWEET! Thank you DJSPL. Seriously. You have presented me with a unique opportunity and have made my day. I very much appreciate your opinion, and do respect it. (and that is the only thing that will save this country from it's downward spiral, tollerance for the opinions of others) All moral and ethical repercussions to our country's future aside, I am actually glad that you stick by your own. As for the opportunity, I feel now that even if this turns out to be a dud deal due to this company's enigmatic 'screening' policy, I have the good fortune to count this post a resounding success in that I was able to provide your riteous indignation with an outlet and justification. Never let that fire go out from your eyes. Always point out and decry injustice wherever you see it. Voice on high to all that will hear that we travel the road to hell in the proverbial handbasket. Of course, when we get to hell.. i'll have a pocket knife to fend off the demons with. But don't worry, I'll have your back.

I sallute you, sir or madame. You have my deepest respects, though we may differ in opinion.

Impressive literary blather. Have fun taking advantage of anyone that you don't know, at any opportunity you get. That makes you a great person and really helps our society out as a whole. This Hot Deal is going to really put you on the map.

Are you guys really so narrow minded as to not see the "big picture". Who fricking cares what people in China do? This about YOU and YOUR choices that YOU make. Maybe TRY to be above software pirates in China? I know it's hard when you can easily be so cheap, dishonest and score a free pocket knife.

I'll be proactive, I'll write them an email pointing to this post. Good luck.



Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Headd
What a great idea, feed them false information in hopes of getting a pocket knife. Who cares about the company trying to benefit their real customers by gathering useful marketing data? Screw the employees who might benefit from increased sales resulting from accurate marketing data? A pocket knife is worth more than moral values anyways.

This general attitude is why this country is going into the crapper. I know, I know, the typically narrow minded will shoot back saying "it's only a pocket knife" or "if they didn't plan on this they are stupid" or "they should screen the surveys better"...all of this meaning "we are human in 2006 and therefore we will take any opportunity to benefit ourselves as long as nobody around us is negatively affected, but we will certainly bitch when the prices are raised due to higher costs." oh yeah, that's right, you guys won't buy anything from these guys anyways, so who cares?

good luck with your pocket knife.

Wah, go thread crap elsewhere. Who are you impressing?

Not trying to impress anyone. If anandtech is so concerned about "hot deals" that they think this one is important, then they can deal with me. Then again, maybe Anandtech is a company trying to make money and might see my point. If "hot deals" is so important that "straight up scams" fall into the same category, then obviously I'm the one that doesn't belong here.



Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Originally posted by: djspl
Originally posted by: Headd
What a great idea, feed them false information in hopes of getting a pocket knife. Who cares about the company trying to benefit their real customers by gathering useful marketing data? Screw the employees who might benefit from increased sales resulting from accurate marketing data? A pocket knife is worth more than moral values anyways.

This general attitude is why this country is going into the crapper. I know, I know, the typically narrow minded will shoot back saying "it's only a pocket knife" or "if they didn't plan on this they are stupid" or "they should screen the surveys better"...all of this meaning "we are human in 2006 and therefore we will take any opportunity to benefit ourselves as long as nobody around us is negatively affected, but we will certainly bitch when the prices are raised due to higher costs." oh yeah, that's right, you guys won't buy anything from these guys anyways, so who cares?

good luck with your pocket knife.

Wah, go thread crap elsewhere. Who are you impressing?

Not trying to impress anyone. If anandtech is so concerned about "hot deals" that they think this one is important, then they can deal with me. Then again, maybe Anandtech is a company trying to make money and might see my point. If "hot deals" is so important that "straight up scams" fall into the same category, then obviously I'm the one that doesn't belong here.

Dude, enough with the flame wars...this is a rather common scheme that is posted on Hot Deals....MicroSquash, et al is always giving out freebies for consumer responses. The quality is usually low, but heck its free! If you don't like the Hot Deals forum go elsewhere!


Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Jawo
Originally posted by: djspl
Originally posted by: Headd
What a great idea, feed them false information in hopes of getting a pocket knife. Who cares about the company trying to benefit their real customers by gathering useful marketing data? Screw the employees who might benefit from increased sales resulting from accurate marketing data? A pocket knife is worth more than moral values anyways.

This general attitude is why this country is going into the crapper. I know, I know, the typically narrow minded will shoot back saying "it's only a pocket knife" or "if they didn't plan on this they are stupid" or "they should screen the surveys better"...all of this meaning "we are human in 2006 and therefore we will take any opportunity to benefit ourselves as long as nobody around us is negatively affected, but we will certainly bitch when the prices are raised due to higher costs." oh yeah, that's right, you guys won't buy anything from these guys anyways, so who cares?

good luck with your pocket knife.

Wah, go thread crap elsewhere. Who are you impressing?

Not trying to impress anyone. If anandtech is so concerned about "hot deals" that they think this one is important, then they can deal with me. Then again, maybe Anandtech is a company trying to make money and might see my point. If "hot deals" is so important that "straight up scams" fall into the same category, then obviously I'm the one that doesn't belong here.

Dude, enough with the flame wars...this is a rather common scheme that is posted on Hot Deals....MicroSquash, et al is always giving out freebies for consumer responses. The quality is usually low, but heck its free! If you don't like the Hot Deals forum go elsewhere!

You do know the difference between "consumer" repsonse and "customer" response, right? They are not looking for the general public to fill out fake surveys for a free knife. They are trying to improve their company by looking for feedback from people that have actually bought their equipment. Do none of you work for a "for profit" company? Are you all 12?

I hope your surveys were real convincing, because Mark is looking at them a little closer now. He even offered me a free knife, which I declined.


Senior member
Sep 28, 2003
LOL @ this tread
very entertaining... i just read the Communist Manifesto and I say screw the company with a vengeance and then screw the working class...
screw everyone and smile when you do it cuz chances are someone is screwing you!


Jul 9, 2002
Originally posted by: djspl

You do know the difference between "consumer" repsonse and "customer" response, right? They are not looking for the general public to fill out fake surveys for a free knife. They are trying to improve their company by looking for feedback from people that have actually bought their equipment. Do none of you work for a "for profit" company? Are you all 12?

I hope your surveys were real convincing, because Mark is looking at them a little closer now. He even offered me a free knife, which I declined.

I vote BAN!
Ban Him!


Moffat Cafe

Senior member
Oct 18, 1999
Buy or rent the DVD documentary "Corporation", djspl, and you will realize who is screwing who.
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