Free Vegetarian Starter Kit from PeTA

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Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2000
Good golly Miss Molly...... just watched the video "Meet your Meat"....
I think it's time to go total vegan now. :Q

I can't condone what goes in in the greater majority of those places....
I hope you people ordering "veal" know what those cows wenth through....
I was in your place once... I used to like veal. Good heavens.....

Nobody ever complained about the rough treatment of a head of lettuce. And our canine teeth are better for puply carrots than tearing meat. As one expert said... walk up to a cow and take a bite.... how much do you actually get? Another one stated that our jaws are akin to that of plant-eating animals. Generally flat teeth for chewing (not swallowing whole) not good for tearing, and a jaw that moves in circles. (Meat eaters like dogs & cats jaws will only move straight up & down...)

Whoa.... hope you guys have an open mind. Of course, many don't.



Senior member
Nov 30, 2000
PETA is most definitely the organization i hate most -- first bullsh*t billboards on the highway with ridiculous religious messages about not eating meat -- then they show up at Woodstock last summer... they decide to hand out 250000 candles to all who attended woodstock -- what do you know -hand out 250000 candles to drunk and stoned people -- what do you get? FIRE!! and riots and goodbye and crowds and no chili pepppers and no lenny kravitz and no tribute to hendrix .f*ck em!... they've got to be the dumbest organized lobby group in the world


Golden Member
Oct 30, 2000
heres my take on it...and im definetly not preaching..
i feel bad for animals..i admit it. in feeling bad, i have found a middle ground in my life that has to deal with these feelings so i decided 8 years ago that i didnt need to eat meat to survive. so i dont. i dont think anyones needs it to survive but its not my decision what everyone else eats i just know what goes in my body. now i am very rational about this...if someone ever gave me the hypothetical queston of"if you had to et an animal what would you eat?" i would defintely say id rather eat a cow than eat fish, like so many vegetarians that do it for health reasons still do. reasons being that cows are bred specifcally for food while most fish arent. fish are not a sustainable food source for us, hence the need to regualte fishing boats and such. so i guess im more environmentally aware than animal friendly, call me a murderer go ahead! on the subject of leather, well, i cant afford to dish out 150 bux and mail order vegetarian doc martens from england either. so i have to swallow my morals and buy cheap 25 dollar hiking boots or something. i try to stay away from all that stuff but sometimes life throws you a few punches and you have to deal. every last vegetarian and vegan here is gonna think im a hypocrit, but im just realistic. i dont eat any meat or fish and try my best to stay away from cheeses. but i have to survive somehow and when i can afford the real vegetarian way i will cook my own meals and spend 150+ on shoes but just not right now!

anytime you wanna hang out, just come one over. i wont have burgers but yes..there will be beer, and lots of it!



Senior member
Jan 17, 2001
HeHe, if God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat...

down with PETA - they gibb0rz me gaz


Dec 31, 2000

One point....the best non-animal protein source is soy Its the only complete protein that isnt animal meat. Good post tho (even tho we are totally off-topic)


Dec 31, 2000

You're better off eating certain kinds of fish by far than you are eating beef. There is a reason why the Japanese used to be the healthiest (not so anymore because of bullsh*t like McDs)....eating lots of fish. Good source of Omega3 which nobody gets enough of in this culture.


Oct 9, 1999
I think I'm going to order several then throw them out. Take those donation dollars and flush them!

Fingers: Throwing McD's hamburgers at PETA protesters?!?! LMAO!! Now, THAT'S funny!

If we weren't meant to eat meat, then we wouldn't have the teeth or the digestive tract for it. Fact is that meat digests better in our systems than vegetables (or do you think massive amounts of gas are normal?), and only meat contains all necessary amino acids in one source. You idiot veggies need to get your facts straight before spouting off about the "evils" of eggs and such. LOL!

I love animals -- preferably MEDIUM WELL!

For those of you who are still having a problem understanding

So tell us: How NAIVE are you?

And, BTW, I belong to the World Wildlife Fund, the National Audobon Society, and The Nature Conservancy so I'm not someone who is unfamiliar with environmental issues. PETA is comprised of freaks, however.


Jan 3, 2001
I think that everyone is taking this thing too serious. People bashing PeTA.
They are not saying that we should all eat veggies . . . but stop abusing animals with painful deaths.
Personally, I am not going to give up meat, but it would make me feel a little easier knowing that animals were put to death in a painless manner before turning into my food.
I still like the girls that would rather be naked than wearing fur . . . they rock.



Jan 19, 2000
LizReed, you are an a*s for wasting my hard-earned money. F*ck yeah I donated to PETA. They want McDonalds to raise chickens cruelty-free. WHAT THE H*LL IS WRONG WITH THAT? The fricken sandwich still tastes the same--but it goes down a helluva lot easier when the chickens are raised humanely. You suck. I wanna rip your balls off and shove so far down your throat. Mmm, that'll be the best meat you ever ate.


Nov 25, 2000
And another fine example of a emotionaly unstable person that puts animals in front of people....

Are people like this why Peta is considered a fringe terrorist orginization? Oh Boy, gives me the willies.

Hope this person doesent have any kids! I bet they would cut there kids hands off for pulling the cats tail!

Cheesyhead, you should try to focus your anger into a medium that is benificial to you, and to those HUMANS around you.


Senior member
Jul 10, 2000
One of the propositions in Peta's letter to McDonald's...

3) Sell only chickens raised truly free-roaming.

Hahahahaah!!!!!!! BAK!!!!!!!!


Jan 3, 2001
I think that its kinda cool that people actually took the time to read what they had to say. This forum rocks (and so do the fur-less PeTA girls . . .)



Senior member
Oct 12, 1999
Blumax your obviously not educated enough to know this is a very ignorant statement:

"Meat/eggs - people will scream "protein" until blue in the face. Veggie alternative? Beans. Any kind. That simple. You also don't get the negative side-effect of cholesterol, which is ONLY FOUND IN
ANIMAL PRODUCTS. Amazing, eh? If you have a heart/blood problem, the first thing the doctor does is limit your meat intake, and eliminate pork entirely. What does that say?"

Cholesterol is an essential nutrient that can be aquired by meat consumption or by being synthesized in liver. Only people who harbor one of the many different mutations in the cholesterol regulation pathway need alter their diet. Heterozygous individuals can lead a fairly healthy life by limiting intake. Homozygous individuals rarely live past the mid twenties whether they consume cholesterol or not because they cannot even deal with the production of cholesterol by their own bodies. People lacking the a mutation can eat all the cholesterol they like and there are no negative side effects. Its obvious to me you haven't had your graduate level biochem yet, or you would know this. In fact I suspect the rest of your argument leaks like a sieve, but I can't prove it.



Apr 8, 2000
Some of you guys sound no less extreme than those PETA people. I think its a good thing that we have such organization to counter balance all the propaganda being spread the giant meat and dairy industry. The meat industry alone costs us tax payers $500 million annually in the form of subsidies and not even counting the amount of destruction they do to the environment. And now that G.W. Bush is going to be president, we gonna hand over more and more public land (national parks) to these ranchers so they can make more profits. This to me is really mind-boggling!



Golden Member
Feb 7, 2000
Dang najar, you're right. I'm sure the first thing Bush will do is sign over yellowstone to the ranchers, as everyone knows cows and chickens grow well living on mountains and eating pine cones.

Do you really care about a national park in the middle of Kansas? If you've seen one flat acre of land, you've seen them all.


Nov 25, 2000
Rabid, that reminds me of a raid that some of the thoughtless animal rights turds did on a mink farm in Canada a few years ago. They frred all the mink, of which several were ran over by cars on a busy road next to the farm, and several starved to death via the fact they were a domesticated breed not able to fend for themselves. Thankfully, some of the "rescued" mink were saved from the tortures, set upon them by the mindlees fanatics, by the farm owner.

These are some really kean, thoughtful people!


Senior member
Mar 7, 2000
Its because they are morons. If they had a brain and could think for themselves they might have thought this through... They are just a bunch on mindless drones lead by a clincially insane group. David Koresh comes to mind here....

NAJAR - Subsidies to ranchers are no different than wasted money to the National Endowment for the Arts. Man I do love art, but why should my money pay for some crackpot who calls himslef and artist and produces sh1t. If he were REALLY an artist, and a good one, people would buy his stuff and he would not have to steal my money via the government.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2000
Yep. Pretty much exactly the reactions I predicted.
People who don't want to change their lifestyles will feel threatened and attack the person with the opposing view.

Yes, your body DOES need cholesterol to survive. Yes, your body DOES manufacture cholesterol - but only as much as your body needs. Taking in meat and eggs, ADDS to that amount. It's not instant death by a long shot, but the more you take in the more your health will suffer for it. There is a counter-balance (as I said before) that if you work your body hard with physical labour (either in your job in the logging industry, etc, or at the gym) the effects can be pretty much negated.

On the other hand, there's plenty of huge bodybuilders that won't touch the stuff. Tell me they aren't getting enough protein.

No, I am no a biochemist, but I've done enough research through books/seminars to know what's healthy and what's not. Eating a 69-oz steak and a dozen eggs every day is bad. Duh. Eating a couple eggs and a burger every day isn't too bad PROVIDED you get enough exercise to burn it off. Otherwise, welcome to Fat City. Getting no exercise at all is bad, veggie or not. Duh. So stop playing Quake 17 and get outside once in a while for a brisk walk or bike ride or something to get the heart rate up for a while.

And for the same fella who says I'm a complete moron for not having a biochemistry degree - this is simple logic. And no- our bodies do NOT digest meat easier than veggies. Dogs and cats have a digestive system that's pretty much straight in and out. You could feed a dog pure lard and it'll just slide right out in 30 minutes. Humans and other plant-eating animals have long, twisty intestines that go to great effort to take as much nutrient out as possible. Heavy fats and cholesterol collect in these places and rot there. That gas problem you have is because of OTHER things left in your digestive system. For some people, there's food spoiling in their own bellies because it doesn't digest for days (if they keep snacking and don't let the food digest completely). Tell me which is worse after sitting on the countertop at 90 farenheit for 2 days... a slab of meat, or a head of lettuce. If you never eat broccoli (because veggies are for SUCKS, right?) and your wife forces you to eat one, then spend the night tooting up a storm, the problem is not the one piece of broccoli, it's because your body is not used to it, and is adjusting.

Tell me why neither my wife and I are the methanous people you claim all veggie-eaters to be? Boy... that must be fun to go to a vegetarian restaurant... especially by candlelight!

I'm not the expert and these formulations are not entirely my own. Therefore I did not write a THESIS on vegetarianism, but accepted their messages and did some research on my own. I've done enough to conclude that I'll be better off in the long run to eat as little meat or dairy as possible. The fact that these animals are abused quite cruelly (like a cow being locked in a stall with its head to the floor so it doesn't use its legs at all, in order to provide tender unused muscles for veal) is unjustifiable.

Quite honestly, I don't know why I bother trying to justify myself... when someone believes in something and is unwilling to change in any way, we'll just close his ears and say, "I'm not listening! LA-LA-LA! You're just an idiot and I'm right! LA-LA-LA!"

I can give reasons until I'm blue in the face... even if you watched that film "Meet your Meat" and watched them slice and burn the beaks off of chickens, boil pigs alive, hang cows and pigs still alive and let them bleed to death after being stabbed and ripped open, and (my favorite) a side of beef - stripped of head, legs and skin - lying on the ground with its heart still beating and pumping out blood. Grim? Hey... you're the one who wants to justify eating it.



Senior member
Oct 12, 1999
Me think your protest too much.

"Yes, your body DOES need cholesterol to survive. Yes, your body DOES manufacture cholesterol - but only as much as your body needs. Taking in meat and eggs, ADDS to that amount. It's not instant death by a long shot, but the more you take in the more your health will suffer for it. "

This is also a very ingnorant statement. Your body has a pathway that regulates cholesterol. If it is working properly your diet will not have any negative effects. But this got me to thinking about something. There is some incidence of people who have properly functioning cholesterol metabolism but are deficient in cholesterol synthesis. Its hard to say how many people are like this, but as non-meat eating lifestyles gain popularity, Which I believe it will. If for no other reason than the propaganda that you're spouting is obviously very appealing, and is fueled by this cholesterol issue. But anyway as this lifestyle rises in popularity we will no doubt start seeing a new class of nutrient problems because these people simply can not live without dietary cholesterol. Right now most of these people don't even know they have a problem cause a meat based diet makes up the difference. But when they start switching its gonna be intersting because Abnormally low cholesterol will kill you quick.

But Really you shouldn't be upset with me, I'm just trying to tell you that you shouldn't go out spouting your opinions as fact, its unethical and irresponsible.


Dec 31, 2000
If people can eat as much high cholesterol foods as they wish without consequence (which you seem to be saying here) can you explain why so many people have heart disease? It artery plaque just a figment of the imagination? Our systems cannot handle overloads of anything. If people would moderate in most things we'd all be much healthier.
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