Fresh out of school

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Diamond Member
May 3, 2007
BA in History and a BA in Anthropology?

You can be an archaeologist who divides his time between teaching at prestigious colleges and universities, and field work - generally involving the "obtaining of rare antiquities".

Imagine yourself in the Peruvian jungle, braving several booby traps to retrieve the Hovito Idol from an ancient temple. Your guide, Doctor Otto Octavius, abandons you. After escaping a rolling boulder, you find your rival, archaeologist Rev. Philip Shooter of Sanford, waiting outside the cave with a small group of Hovitos, the local natives. Surrounded and outnumbered, you are forced to give up the artifact but manage to escape. Back in the U.S., you meet with two Army intelligence agents who explain that the N. Koreans, in their quest to gain occult power, are searching for your former mentor. You surmise that the N. Koreans are looking for your mentor because he possesses the headpiece to the Staff of Ra, a key artifact which is essential in calculating the Ark of the Covenant's final resting place. Your colleague Coleman explains that, according to legend, the power of the Ark can make any army invincible.

You then fly to Nepal, only to find your mentor has died and Boon's fed-up and not-exactly-faithful girlfriend, Katy, has the headpiece. After a gunfight between yourself and a sadistic N. Korean agent, you end up with both the headpiece and Katy, who decides to travel with you. The two of you fly to Cairo and meet up with Gimli, a bearded, ax-wielding warrior dwarf, who says that he knows where they are digging for the Ark, and that the Rev. Philip Shooter of Sanford is working for the N. Koreans. N. Korean operatives quickly kidnap Katy and fake her death. You and Gimli and Jones get the headpiece deciphered and realize the N. Koreans used the wrong length for the Staff of Ra and are digging in the wrong place.

Infiltrating the dig, you and Gimli gather a small crew and begin to dig at the correct location. After several hours, you break through the roof of the buried Well of Souls. However, as you're lowered to the floor of the temple, you find it infested with deadly snakes. After you and Gimli hoist the Ark out of the temple, the N. Koreans take it away and seal the tomb off, leaving you trapped with Katy. You manage to escape, emerging aboveground in time to find a cargo plane being prepared to transport the Ark to Pyongyang. You accidentally blow up the plane, so the N. Koreans put the Ark on a truck to Cairo, where it will be shipped to Pyongyang. Stealing a horse, you pursue the convoy escorting the truck, seize control of the vehicle, and, after an extended pursuit, escape with the Ark. That evening, you and Katy leave Gimli and escort the Ark to England onboard a tramp steamer named Bantu Wind.

The next morning, a N. Korean sub stops the steamer you're on. Katy and the Ark are removed, and you covertly board the sub. You follow the N. Koreans and the Ark to an isolated canyon, where they plan to test the power of the Ark before presenting it to the Kim Jong-Il. Threatening to destroy the Ark with a rocket launcher, you demand that the N. Koreans free Katy. The Rev. Philip Shooter of Sanford calls your bluff, and you are forced to surrender. You and Katy are tied up while the Rev. Philip Shooter of Sanford and the N. Koreans perform a ceremonial opening of the Ark. Spirits emerge from within, and Jones, now fully aware of the supernatural danger of looking at the open Ark, warns Marion to close her eyes. The group of Nazis, who do not look away, are destroyed in the Ark's awesome display, and the Ark closes itself once more with a crack of thunder. Back in Washington D.C., the two Army intelligence agents tell you that "top men" are carefully studying the Ark. The artifact is then sealed in a wooden crate marked 'top secret' and stored in a giant government warehouse, filled with countless other similar crates.


Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: funkymatt
uh, we're at war. voluntarily joining the military right now may not be a good idea. go to grad school if you have the time to do it. get an intership.


Edit - Oh, and OP, once you turned 18 your parents or anyone else's thoughts on you joining the military go out the window. Sht or get off the pot. I'd recommend doing OCS with a degree. I told my parents that I was joining, and I told my gf (at the time) that I was joining and that it was more important to me then family. If I had not joined I'd look at myself in the mirror and hate myself knowing that hundreds of thousands of men my age or younger were fighting and dying for our country and I wasn't doing squat. Hell, I'm in Iraq right now feeling guilty as hell that I'm not "doing my part" because of the relative safety of my job that I randomly got and cant do anything about. Anyways, I've been married to that same girl for 2+ years now, and she's more then willing to follow my military career.



Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: TallBill
Originally posted by: funkymatt
uh, we're at war. voluntarily joining the military right now may not be a good idea. go to grad school if you have the time to do it. get an intership.


:roll: Oh please Tallbill....

Anyways nick - I would have graduated with you right now but I'm holding out for that second degree and minor next year...

Anyways...If you aren't sure...just pause for 3 months or so to figure out what you really want. I had a friend who did econ major + polysci minor and ics minor and he ended up working at a bank for about 7 months (his pay didn't start out well, but after 4-5 years or so he said you easily could make over 100K) before he realized that he wanted to go to gradschool and become a PhD in PolySci and be a professor.
I also know friends who tried MBA school, and they loved it
and I know people who started out "low" on the chain as sales reps and built themselves up to company management

of course most of my friends have sweet 60K+ jobs out of college, but they are all engineers so that is a little bit different

Either way...don't discount anything - including the military - if that is what you want. And if you really want to go for the CIA then put your heart into it!


Senior member
Jun 1, 2007
Originally posted by: Ameesh
Well a BA in History qualifies you for a job at Starbucks and a BA in Anthropology gets you right in at Tullys so you already have two sloid options



Golden Member
Jun 5, 2003
OP: You might want to look at getting into the Intel field if you want to work for the CIA. There is major shortage of Analyst and such right now so they are in high demand and the pay is great. The Navy reserve is now accepting people in the Intel Specialist rating which will net you training, a Top Secret clearance, experience, $20k sign on bonus, student loan assistance and service to your country.


Apr 8, 2001
Graduated with 2 BA's and thinking of enlisting, may as well shoot yourself now.


Dec 29, 2002
Originally posted by: lupi
Graduated with 2 BA's and thinking of enlisting, may as well shoot yourself now.

Are peoply really this scared of serving in the military? You people are probably the ones cowering under a desk during a school shooting.

Anyway, a lot of good advice so far. And yes, using the marines as a leapfrog into the CIA would be a goal if I decide to go that route.


Apr 22, 2002
Originally posted by: nick1985
Originally posted by: lupi
Graduated with 2 BA's and thinking of enlisting, may as well shoot yourself now.

Are peoply really this scared of serving in the military? You people are probably the ones cowering under a desk during a school shooting.

Anyway, a lot of good advice so far. And yes, using the marines as a leapfrog into the CIA would be a goal if I decide to go that route.

out of curiosity, what position in the CIA are you looking to get? Analyst?


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 1999
You could be a Bank Robber. Good pay and early retirement!

Do you like computers? I know quite a view history majors that went into computers after graduating. Its not as easy as it used to be, but it can still be done. Some went into technical writing, others into helpdesk work.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2002
Originally posted by: mooglemania85
BA in History and a BA in Anthropology?

You can be an archaeologist who divides his time between teaching at prestigious colleges and universities, and field work - generally involving the "obtaining of rare antiquities".

Imagine yourself in the Peruvian jungle, braving several booby traps to retrieve the Hovito Idol from an ancient temple. Your guide, Doctor Otto Octavius, abandons you. After escaping a rolling boulder, you find your rival, archaeologist Rev. Philip Shooter of Sanford, waiting outside the cave with a small group of Hovitos, the local natives. Surrounded and outnumbered, you are forced to give up the artifact but manage to escape. Back in the U.S., you meet with two Army intelligence agents who explain that the N. Koreans, in their quest to gain occult power, are searching for your former mentor. You surmise that the N. Koreans are looking for your mentor because he possesses the headpiece to the Staff of Ra, a key artifact which is essential in calculating the Ark of the Covenant's final resting place. Your colleague Coleman explains that, according to legend, the power of the Ark can make any army invincible.

You then fly to Nepal, only to find your mentor has died and Boon's fed-up and not-exactly-faithful girlfriend, Katy, has the headpiece. After a gunfight between yourself and a sadistic N. Korean agent, you end up with both the headpiece and Katy, who decides to travel with you. The two of you fly to Cairo and meet up with Gimli, a bearded, ax-wielding warrior dwarf, who says that he knows where they are digging for the Ark, and that the Rev. Philip Shooter of Sanford is working for the N. Koreans. N. Korean operatives quickly kidnap Katy and fake her death. You and Gimli and Jones get the headpiece deciphered and realize the N. Koreans used the wrong length for the Staff of Ra and are digging in the wrong place.

Infiltrating the dig, you and Gimli gather a small crew and begin to dig at the correct location. After several hours, you break through the roof of the buried Well of Souls. However, as you're lowered to the floor of the temple, you find it infested with deadly snakes. After you and Gimli hoist the Ark out of the temple, the N. Koreans take it away and seal the tomb off, leaving you trapped with Katy. You manage to escape, emerging aboveground in time to find a cargo plane being prepared to transport the Ark to Pyongyang. You accidentally blow up the plane, so the N. Koreans put the Ark on a truck to Cairo, where it will be shipped to Pyongyang. Stealing a horse, you pursue the convoy escorting the truck, seize control of the vehicle, and, after an extended pursuit, escape with the Ark. That evening, you and Katy leave Gimli and escort the Ark to England onboard a tramp steamer named Bantu Wind.

The next morning, a N. Korean sub stops the steamer you're on. Katy and the Ark are removed, and you covertly board the sub. You follow the N. Koreans and the Ark to an isolated canyon, where they plan to test the power of the Ark before presenting it to the Kim Jong-Il. Threatening to destroy the Ark with a rocket launcher, you demand that the N. Koreans free Katy. The Rev. Philip Shooter of Sanford calls your bluff, and you are forced to surrender. You and Katy are tied up while the Rev. Philip Shooter of Sanford and the N. Koreans perform a ceremonial opening of the Ark. Spirits emerge from within, and Jones, now fully aware of the supernatural danger of looking at the open Ark, warns Marion to close her eyes. The group of Nazis, who do not look away, are destroyed in the Ark's awesome display, and the Ark closes itself once more with a crack of thunder. Back in Washington D.C., the two Army intelligence agents tell you that "top men" are carefully studying the Ark. The artifact is then sealed in a wooden crate marked 'top secret' and stored in a giant government warehouse, filled with countless other similar crates.

how long did that post take to write?


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2005
With that anthro degree you could always check around the local universities and/or big medical school if there is one in the area. Could possibly weasel your way in as a research assistant.

I know a few of the people who tool around helping out with my hospitals research projects have such degrees. It's not the greatest pay in the world but it is something and it's a HELL of alot better than Starbucks!


Dec 29, 2002
Originally posted by: bignateyk
Originally posted by: nick1985
Originally posted by: lupi
Graduated with 2 BA's and thinking of enlisting, may as well shoot yourself now.

Are peoply really this scared of serving in the military? You people are probably the ones cowering under a desk during a school shooting.

Anyway, a lot of good advice so far. And yes, using the marines as a leapfrog into the CIA would be a goal if I decide to go that route.

out of curiosity, what position in the CIA are you looking to get? Analyst?

Yeah, Ive been looking at their terrorism analyst positions.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2005
be a police officer for a couple years then apply to the CIA. Not as dangerous as the marines, good pay, alot of guys do that.


Dec 29, 2002
Originally posted by: ric1287
be a police officer for a couple years then apply to the CIA. Not as dangerous as the marines, good pay, alot of guys do that.

Yeah I thought about that route as well, the only thing that tips the scale for me is the financial assistance from the marines; but I havnt ruled out that option either.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2005
they pay for your school after you graduate? Cops make good/great money depending on where you live. Start around 50k, after a year or 2 60-70k + buttload of OT if you want.


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2007
Originally posted by: ChaoZ
All signs point to teaching as your only option.

yep, these majors usually go onto teaching so they can teach the next crop of graduates to make the same mistake


Nov 5, 2002
It sounds like you're really interested in some kind of law enforcement position (or some variation on that). There's the armed forces, coast guard, border patrol, various other agencies, local police, and I've probably missed something. That's my impression based on what you've said.


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2005
I wouldn't recommend joining the Marines to use as a 'stepping stone' to another job, especially since you're more than likely to be shipped out right now. When it gets ugly, you probably won't take it very well.

Personally, I planned on joining the armed forces (to your north) before going to college, thus college is my stone to what I really want to do. When the sh!t hits the fan, I'll still probably happy that I joined.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2006
A person who agrees it is a bad idea to join the Marines in a time of war probably shouldn't join the Marines in a time of peace either.


Dec 29, 2002
Originally posted by: Imp
I wouldn't recommend joining the Marines to use as a 'stepping stone' to another job, especially since you're more than likely to be shipped out right now. When it gets ugly, you probably won't take it very well.

Thanks for the confidence

Well thanks for some suggestions...but to be honest I really didnt expect to be met with so much hostility over this


Golden Member
Jan 19, 2002
Originally posted by: wetcat007
Right now i'd avoid the military... I guess you should ask yourself what interests do you have that would be applicable towards jobs? A college degree is still a college degree... Should still be able to find something for you out there, although might not have a good selection.

This is my view also. They have books that list all the careers out there and how much they pay and how much demand there is, along with a description of what the work would be like. Buy one of those and browse through it for ideas. Let us know what you find.

Defending our country is one thing. But I wouldn't in a million years fight this sh!t war that Bush got us into. I'm sorry for everyone involved in it, including our military and all of the innocent Iraqi civilians.

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