Fridge cooling

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Feb 27, 2005
I wouldn't have any problems with somebody correcting me, if I made a misstake. After all, not all users on these forums speak english as their first language. Considering that I/we pick up terms reading this/other forums, it would be unfortunate, if those terms would be incorrect. Literary language has its benefits, especially for those who don't understand the language and use services like Google's language tools to translate the text to their own language. Grammatical errors are a different matter. English language has so many grammatical exception that it would be pretty much useless to point them out in a productive way, I doubt my english skills wouldn't improve even if some of you pointed out my misstakes...


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Emultra
Nothing wrong with a little help. Unsolicited, yes, but polite.

Ken: well, both really. I want to see if it can be done, and my room gets very hot in the summer.

I thought it was rather polite too, but for some inexplicable reason he interpreted it otherwise. And, as we've seen, the issue has gotten blown way out of proportion. Although I intend to bow out of the silly dispute tonight.

Re your cooling idea, Emultra, it's an interesting one. It has come up before, of course, and to my recollection, each time the thread kind of goes the way this one has. It can be done, but there are issues like condensation, cost, time and ingenuity involved to set it up properly, 'maintenance,' etc., that usually lead to the idea being dropped in favor of other cooling ideas. But I'd guess that someone out there is doing it in a way that's working.

Reason I asked what you're doing with your computer is that an 'elaborate' cooling solution like you're considering shouldn't really be necessary unless there's some sort of off-the-chart overclocking going on, or if you're using a case with just unusually poor cooling characteristics or something. But, since you said your room there in Sweden gets very hot in the summer, that obviously also qualifies as a valid reason for pursuing drastic cooling measures.

You know what I'd consider doing if I were in your shoes? Maybe just buy one of those portable air conditioners (the kind on wheels that sit on the floor) and put it in the room your computer is in. I don't know what they cost there in Sweden, but they run a couple hundred dollars here in the U.S. and it might be easier to just do this and cool all the room air. Then you could use an ordinary fan cooling setup on your computer, and voila -- problem solved. Plus you wouldn't have to do the spray bottle & ice cubes routine all summer either. You do, after all, want to be as comfortable as your computer, right? Ha ha. :laugh:

I will admit, of course, that doing that wouldn't give you the sense of satisfaction that a cool (pun intended) computer mod would though. Half the fun with something like this is just seeing if you can do it. There was some guy on here awhile back that had an insane cooling mod setup: He lived somewhere where there was snow, and he dug a trench, I think, in his backyard. He then installed some piping down in the snowy trench and piped the melting ice water into a water-cooled unit in his PC, which was just inside the patio door. He posted pics & everything. I don't know how well it worked, but the guy definitely deserved an "A" for effort (and over-the-top determination)!

Good luck, whatever you decide. If you do the fridge mod or something comparable, do a post for us and post some pictures.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Ken, it's NEVER good form to correct others in this fashion, unless you're perfect. Or do you enjoy the idea of looking like a snob? Moreover, what does such a SIMPLE mistake have to do with the topic at hand? There are many people here, with wildly differing language skills. Some aren't even native English speakers. Are you going to make it your personal crusade to ride them all?


Oct 15, 1999
Back on topic. Wouldn't it be just as easy to use an aquarium chiller on a water cooling setup instead of fridge?


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
As long as it had a thermostat, yes. Good aquarium chillers are almost as expensive as phase change units though.


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: HardWarrior
Ken, it's NEVER good form to correct others in this fashion, unless you're perfect. Or do you enjoy the idea of looking like a snob? Moreover, what does such a SIMPLE mistake have to do with the topic at hand? There are many people here, with wildly differing language skills. Some aren't even native English speakers. Are you going to make it your personal crusade to ride them all?
Ummm, let's take a step back and review my original post. These were my exact words, verbatim:

No offense, but it's dew (spelled d-e-w) point, not "due" point.

Now, I'd truly like to know why on earth you are perceiving that sentence the way you are. Why do you perceive it as "snobby" or rude or whatever it is that bothers you so much? Where did you get the idea, or how were you taught, that simply telling someone that they've spelled a word incorrectly is inappropriate or impolite or something?. And what is "good form"? Is that some made-up idea in your head or ??? Could you please cite your frame of reference for what constitutes "good form"? And be specific.

Are you from another country and is this some cultural thing or something? Because here in the U.S., correcting someone does not usually result in hostility or defensiveness (particularly when it's prefaced by a sincere "no offense"). At least not from well-adjusted adults, anyway. I've had a number of misconceptions and wrong ideas about computers cleared up for me by dozens of members over the last two years. I would cetainly characterize this as them "correcting" my misconceptions. In response, I've thanked them and appreciated them. I've never lashed out at anyone trying to help me and called them an "ass," or a "snob," or told them to "get a life." :roll:

As I expected, you completely and totally evaded every single question I put to you in my last post. Why? What are you afraid of?

I repeat my challenge to you to answer each and every question from my previous post. I also challenge you to answer these two additional questions:

1. Throughout your life, when you were in school and made a mistake on a test or assignment, did the teacher point out your mistake to you? Did the teacher mark it as "wrong" or whatever on your paper? Assuming you'll answer "yes," please explain how you reacted in these instances. Did you become hostile with the teacher and tell him/her that it was "never good form to correct others" and that he/she shouldn't correct you unless he/she was "perfect"? Please be specific in your answer.

2. When you make a mistake, simple or otherwise, do you have any interest in learning from your mistake or do you prefer to live in denial and continue to make the same mistake over & over for the rest of your life? If not, how would a person help you by correcting you without being treated with hostility in return? Again, please be specific in your answer.

3. Please explain -- specifically -- why you believe that no one can correct another person unless they themselves are "perfect." I really would like to know how you arrive at this viewpoint.

So are you going to run away again and evade these three questions, plus the ones I asked the other night, or are you going to step up to the plate and answer each and every one of them? If you're going to run away, please explain to me and everyone else reading this forum why you refuse to answer these questions.

PS: No, I have no desire to engage in a "crusade to ride them all." I might offer help now and again if I think I have knowledge that can help someone, but your silly insinuation that I would go out of my way to correct people's spelling or grammar out of some sort of snobbery is laughable. There are typos and mistakes in virtually every post and article on this entire site (prolly including some of mine), but I don't go around correcting them. Only reason I corrected your friend Idleuser is that I was trying to help him so he wouldn't continue to make the same mistake from now on. I didn't call him a name or insult or disrespect him in any way, shape or form. It was an unbelievably simple and brief tip. Funny thing is, very few people would act the way you and he did. Most people appreciate a helpful tip. You two, on the other hand, ....


Jan 6, 2002
I can't stand spelling Nazi's on the net, maaan they are everywhere!

and on that note I'm going to go dew it with my girl.



Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
It's particularly amusing that you keep writing these massive responses, full of arrogance and invective, after repeatedly saying that you've had enough. If anyone is exhibiting cowardice it's you, Ken. While I can believe that you're this pompous in real life, I'm quite sure that you keep your pie-hole shut for fear of having to eat a fist or two.

And no, I'm not going to waste my time answering your asinine "questions", or in any way playing your silly game. You?re a stuck-up ass Ken, plain and simple.


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Loomen
If you go HERE You can read about a guy using refrigeration and water cooling. THIS is a good link also for a guy using a fridge for cooling.

Good luck!

the first pick looks like some kind of still :beer:


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: HardWarrior
It's particularly amusing that you keep writing these massive responses, full of arrogance and invective, after repeatedly saying that you've had enough. If anyone is exhibiting cowardice it's you, Ken. While I can believe that you're this pompous in real life, I'm quite sure that you keep your pie-hole shut for fear of having to eat a fist or two.

And no, I'm not going to waste my time answering your asinine "questions", or in any way playing your silly game. You?re a stuck-up ass Ken, plain and simple.

Well, that was about what I expected. I gave you every opportunity to explain yourself and your puzzling, childish attacks against me, yet all you can do is evade the questions and run away. I see you're still waiting on that spine donor. You've been thorougly dismantled and exposed for what you are, and the only thing you can do is attack me even further by calling me "pompous" and a "stuck up ass." Gosh, you're just so intimidating. :laugh:

You must be in conflict with people around you constantly with the immature, hair-trigger hostility and poor impulse control you display. Clearly you and your buddy idleuser have a problem accepting any kind of criticism, even when it's simple constructive criticism intended to help . You really should consider some professional counseling (although I'd guess you're far too arrogant to do so). If you should ever do so, be sure and use phrases like "pie hole" a lot so that the therapist can recognize what a sophisticated thinker you are.

Although I think this suggestion will likely be dismissed with even further hostility, you might give some thought to changing your attitude a bit. You've obviously got some serious anger built up from some other source, because me simply advising another poster how to correctly spell a simple word did not warrant the bizarre hostility you've displayed towards me. I don't think I've ever 'talked' to you ever before on this site, so I don't know what I could have done to 'wrong' you. Except on those rare occasions when someone like you personally attacks me, I don't respond to anyone here with bitter hostility like you do, even if I disagree with their viewpoint. You will be far happier on this site, and in life, if you treat others with kindness and support rather than hostility. You and your buddy idleuser completely misinterpreted my original post, yet no matter how many times I explained to you that I meant no offense, and even asked you to explain why you interpreted it that way, you absolutely refuse to answer the questions or even consider that you may have been wrong. I did all I could do, but you're clearly going to dig your heels in here because you don't have the maturity to do otherwise. So I will stop trying.

The people who get the most out of this site are the ones that sincerely try to help others and that want to learn from others as well. I try to do both, and I can count on one hand the number of conflicts I've had with other members over the last couple of years. I certainly don't expect you to apologize, as you would erroneously consider that a sign of weakness or something, but you might give some thought to the absolute fact that as you go thru life, the way you treat others is generally how you will be treated. You attacked me with unprovoked, unwarranted hostility, and you got hostility in return. In the end, what did you accomplish, other than embarrassing yourself with your childish name-calling and irrational refusals to explain your behavior?


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2004
I can't stand spelling Nazi's on the net, maaan they are everywhere!
Lessseee ... I corrected one word, one time, by one guy, in the two years I've been on And it was in an attempt to help him, so he simply wouldn't keep making the same mistake. Yep, that makes me a Nazi, all right. :roll:

Another mature attack from another deep thinker. :laugh:


Senior member
Sep 22, 2004
help me out in what way? who asked for your opinion to politcally correct my spelling... you probably don't know but I am currently studying weather and climate and just thought I would chime into this subject just a little bit... I am aware how to spell due point you don't need to correct me on that I read it enough and it was just a simple mistake on my part. Have a good day.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
:laugh: Geez, you sure can go on can't you! "BLA_BLA_BLA, see, I'm Ken!" You're a pedantic wanker, a stuck-up ass AND you're an idiot. How about that now?



Golden Member
Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Idleuser
help me out in what way? who asked for your opinion to politcally correct my spelling... you probably don't know but I am currently studying weather and climate and just thought I would chime into this subject just a little bit... I am aware how to spell due point you don't need to correct me on that I read it enough and it was just a simple mistake on my part. Have a good day.

Hi, Idleuser,

You ask, "help me out in what way?" I genuinely tried to help you by pointing out that "dew" point is spelled d-e-w rather than d-u-e. You spelled it incorrectly twice in your post, so it was reasonable to assume that that's how you thought the word should be spelled. I was trying to help you by pointing out the correct spelling of the word. Period. No hostility, no offense, no disrespect. Why did that upset you so? What is the big deal? Nobody's perfect -- I'm certainly not -- and I don't have a problem at all with someone pointing it out to me when I make a mistake. God knows I've made a number of mistakes in my understanding about computers over the last several years ....

I never said it was anything other than a simple mistake. Can you point to anything in my original reply that shows otherwise? If you can, I'll gladly apologize. It was, in fact, a simple mistake, and I was trying to help you by simply pointing it out so you wouldn't keep making it. That's all ... nothing more ... no hatred, no hostility, no disrespect, no nothin'. I didn't call you an "ass," or an idiot or any other name, because I didn't think you were any of those things. Why you continue to be so offended is utterly incomprehensible to me. Only thing I can think of is that maybe English is not your first language and maybe you're trying really hard to learn it and are maybe overly sensitive when you make a mistake. But that's pure conjecture on my part, as I don't know you. When I was in college, I used to help non-English speakers all the time, and they always -- without exception -- appreciated it and thanked me. I don't know what else to do here other than to say, yet again, that I meant no offense.

In the history of mankind, has there ever been a more silly argument about something so utterly inconsequential? Let's let this go, guys, and move on.


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2004
"pedantic wanker," "stuck up ass," and "an idiot."

How about that now?
Yep, that's pretty good. You've made it very clear to everyone just what kind of person you are. Congratulations, you should be very proud.

EDIT: Breaking news: This just in: I just got a PM from HardWarrior saying, "Man, Ken, you REALLY suck!"

And the maturity award goes to ... drum roll please ... HardWarrior! C'mon up, HardWarrior, and take a bow! What's that? You're only 12 and too young to be eligible for the award? Aw, that's okay, we'll make an exception for you.

Yeah, I know that at this point you're just doing this in a futile attempt to wind me up, but seriously, enough is enough. Short of a duel or swordfight or something, I don't see any way to resolve this. Let's not, and say we did.

"Pedantic wanker," huh? I will say that as insults go, at least that's mildly clever. Immature and unwarranted, of course, but mildly clever nonetheless. I'll give you a point for that. :laugh:


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Only a complete and utter control FREAK would try the tactics you have here, Ken. Every reply is laced with delusional pap about how you're just trying to bring light to the masses, how you didn't mean any harm and how "silly" this argument, and ANYONE who won't drink the KoolAid(tm), is. I really LOVE the constant calls for me to "explain myself", and to a twit like you. Please, just shut up. It should be obvious that you aren't going to get what you seem to need SO much, adoration for behaving like a dandy.


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: HardWarrior
Only a complete and utter control FREAK would try the tactics you have here, Ken. Every reply is laced with delusional pap about how you're just trying to bring light to the masses, how you didn't mean any harm and how "silly" this argument, and ANYONE who won't drink the KoolAid(tm), is. I really LOVE the constant calls for me to "explain myself", and to a twit like you. Please, just shut up. It should be obvious that you aren't going to get what you seem to need SO much, adoration for behaving like a dandy.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I will grant you your wish and shut up now, if only for the benefit of the other Anandtech members who have GOT to be fed up to here with this bizarre thread.

PS: Nice KoolAid reference by the way. Seriously. If I didn't suspect otherwise, I'd commend you for likely being a Bill O'Reilly fan, as I am. If you are, maybe there's hope for you after all.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
How do the people around you tolerate your cloying twaddle? You must be one lonely b@stard, and that?s really sad, for you.


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: HardWarrior
How do the people around you tolerate your cloying twaddle? You must be one lonely b@stard, and that?s really sad, for you.


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