friend who can't even hang out to have a beer at a bar anymore after getting married

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Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
Does his wife take the jar out and let him see his balls at least once a year?

I don't think he ever had any to begin with. There is a history of him being in relationships with women who dominate his life.

We once went to the Dominican Republic, with a group of guys - after his 2nd GF broke up with him - and he shacked up with one of the local pros. Texashiker,.. my friend kissed this prostitute on the lips of her mouth.

Texashiker - listen to me - HE KISSED A PROSTITUTE ON THE MOUTH.

And, he was with only ONE prostitute the entire trip.

This man feels women can do NO wrong. And, he even treats hookers like if they were women viable for relationships. Sure, they are human beings and they should NOT be abused or mistreated,.. but, you don't treat them like an easy date for God's sake.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2000
You friend has no balls, I hang at least one time a week with my friends have a few play some darts... My wife understands I need my time and I understand the same for her..


Sep 22, 2007
He is a nice guy - in fact, THE nice guy.

He would not dump his wife. She would dump him, but, he would never get rid of her.

His last ex dumped him (a controlling woman as well - she realized he was too 'safe' for her). And, the ex before that one,.. it took TWO years for them to break up. He decided to call it quits (she was a controlling & overbearing woman too,..) and she refused to let him see other women,.. all the while she dated a bunch of dudes to help her 'get over the break up',.. for two years.

Could you imagine that?

Break up with someone, not be allowed to date,... and watch the girl you broke up with suck face with a bunch of other guys,... who allows that in their life? Answer: my friend.

Sounds like the guy has zero self esteem. He needs to see someone about that.


Dec 6, 2004
One of my best friends growing up is like this. In high school we actually locked him in the room with his future wife because he was a virgin so he could lose it. Little did we know that we basically locked him for life. She never let him hang out with us and engrained in his head that we were just taking advantage of him and using him.

Bitch was crazy. We've caught her cheating multiple times (with sex tapes) and we told him. He basically ignored us and stayed. Then he caught her cheating and texting some random dude she met in Vegas. They went through some crazy fight and his rationale at the end of it was "Dude I need to put a ring on her. I can't lose her".

One day I get a call out of the blue from him asking me to be in his wedding. This is still weird cause he went on a spill about how me and our other friend are his best friends etc. I haven't hung out with his guy in 5-6 years. I pretty much know nothing about him anymore. During the bachelor's party (which ended up being go kart racing and dinner at Hooters because his wife wouldn't let him do anything while she went to Vegas again) he was telling me that we need to hang out together again and things will change.

Well things didn't change and I haven't heard from him since the wedding.
Nov 29, 2006
Girlfriend gets mad, you break up, no big deal.

Wife gets mad, you get divorced, she gets half of everything, she gets the kids, and she gets at least 20% of your income in child support.

Ever hear the saying, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?

When you get married your life changes. If you want to have drinks with friends, do it at home.

What are you pussy whipped? I come and go as i want, she does the same. Works well. She has her hobbies, i have mine, some overlap and some dont. We get plenty of free time and space to each other when wanted.


Dec 18, 2010
What are you pussy whipped?

Marriages have to go both ways.

When it comes to a happy marriage, a new Rutgers study finds that the more content the wife is with the long-term union, the happier the husband is with his life no matter how he feels about their nuptials.

“I think it comes down to the fact that when a wife is satisfied with the marriage she tends to do a lot more for her husband, which has a positive effect on his life,” said Deborah Carr, a professor in the Department of Sociology, School of Arts and Science. ”Men tend to be less vocal about their relationships and their level of marital unhappiness might not be translated to their wives.”


THAT guy
Aug 10, 2002
If you want to keep your wife happy, that is what you do.

Lets throw some sexism out there and stir the pot.

Women are very jealous. Going to a bar whether by yourself or with your wife, where other women are at, you might as well throw a truckload of insecurity into your marriage.

Man and wife arrive back home, you make the moves on her for sex, she starts talking about how she saw you looking at another woman. She starts with this, "You were looking at her, why dont you go back to the bar and have sex with her."

Then the fight is on. Yelling, screaming, throwing stuff.

Next thing you know you are sleeping in the garage or in the shed.

Women want security. They want to know her husband is not off with another woman.

You might as well burn your eyes out with battery acid than look at another woman.

In my relationship, mine doesnt really get mad when I notice other women. Hell, sometimes she even points out a fantastic rack or incredible ass. She knows men are wired to look at cleavage and we kinda cant help ourselves.

Now, that being said, there is a difference between noticing and appreciating a great rack and ogling/staring/being a creep. If my woman is trying to have a conversation with me and I just keep staring at an ass, that is disrespect and me not paying attention to my woman.


Sep 22, 2007
What are you pussy whipped? I come and go as i want, she does the same. Works well. She has her hobbies, i have mine, some overlap and some dont. We get plenty of free time and space to each other when wanted.


My wife is free to go hang out with her friends any time she wants. All I expect is the courtesy of knowing the day and time so I can make my own plans. I'll also go and see my friends as I please. There is nothing wrong with meeting your pals after work for a beer.


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
married almost 6 years now, 19 month old and another on the way :ninja:


Anyone have a friend like this. Used to be the dude first to down a drink and hit on a girl. But now is so locked down, he can't play outside at all anymore.

Maybe he doesn't like you anymore?

That said I don't get the people who drop off the face of the earth when they get involved in a relationship.

<-Married 9 years


Nov 23, 2001
I have a better one; a friend who is married and will not hang out, with anyone, unless his wife wants to hang out as well. If she does not like the venue, person, food, drink, weather - he does not get to go out,.. because she won't come along. Now, here comes the good part: she hangs out with whomever, whenever and wherever - no questions / no restrictions.

One time, we (this friend and another friend) made plans to see Gravity, in 3D - all were invited (wives, girlfriends, friends, etc.). She did not want to see it in 3D and refused to allow these plans to happen. She insisted on the most out of the way restaurant before the movie, to ensure we were going to be late. She picked the latest time for dinner plans (she is a teacher and was done with work at 4,.. but, didn't want to meet up until 10 or so,.. and there was no reason; i.e. I need to shave my back). And, she would not let go of refusing her husband to see this movie in 3D,.. because she wanted to see the movie without 3D. And, none of this was stated from her (in the e-mail exchange), my friend typed all these rules out, with her CC;ed.

Anyway, none of the other women wanted to come along (they were disgusted with her behavior and agreed they would NOT show up, to make her not show up - she would be the only girl in the party) and we (the guys) ended up eating at normal after work hours, saw the movie at a normal time after dinner. And, we all were done before midnight (her plans would have been see the movie AT midnight,.. so she could complain it's too late and ditch it last second).

My friend was punished for this act of defiance; we did not get to hang out with him for 1 full year.

This is just sad, and pathetic. No guy should ever put up with that shit, she can't possibly bring anything to the table to make it worth it.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
My wife doesn't mind if I meet a friend after work for a beer every now and then or hang out with my friends occasionally. All of my close friends are married and have children of their own so it's not like we're hanging out in dance clubs or anything like that.


Oct 25, 2002
My wife is like that. It's hard. I told her, before getting married, that I need time by myself from time to time. She said fine. After marriage, she promptly reneged on her promise, asking about where I was going and when I would be back. The only time I can really play is when she travels, like this week to Japan

Man must be free, not locked down like a criminal or zoo animal.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Anyone have a friend like this. Used to be the dude first to down a drink and hit on a girl. But now is so locked down, he can't play outside at all anymore.

Im giving him a hard time about it. But i guess his wife knows how we were in school and doesn't think we are good influences. Lol. What a bunch of crap

With pussy at home why does he need to hang with you in a bar? Jealous?


Jul 1, 2001
Funny... my wife sent me to the local bar last week to get her a sammich.

This sounds like a good idea in theory, but I really wanted to go for a bike ride instead and the bar was filled with obnoxious Patriots fans. It seems that the unfortunate plague of Patriots fever has infected Eastern Connecticut.


Jan 15, 2001
Going out with friends, especially at a bar, is pretty much the lowest priority on my list. I got married and had kids for a reason.

Also, couples with no kids are the worst friends for couples who have kids. They are almost always selfish and don't realize the world doesn't revolve around their dog. The world doesn't revolve around my kids either, but I never get the bullshit from my friends with kids that I seem to always get from the ones without kids. They simply can't understand why we don't want to go meet somewhere at 9 PM or why we get pissed off when they are 30 minutes late. Frankly, I wouldn't want to go out that late anyway because I'm not a fucking teenager, but being stupid enough to even suggest it to someone with a 3 year old is a level of stupidity I can't understand. For this reason as well as many others, I focus on my family and I'm happier as a result. It's way more fun to hang out with my wife and kids anyway.

29 years old
married for 7.5 years
5 year old girl and 3 year old boy
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Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
Going out with friends, especially at a bar, is pretty much the lowest priority on my list. I got married and had kids for a reason.

Also, couples with no kids are the worst friends for couples who have kids. They are almost always selfish and don't realize the world doesn't revolve around their dog. The world doesn't revolve around my kids either, but I never get the bullshit from my friends with kids that I seem to always get from the ones without kids. They simply can't understand why we don't want to go meet somewhere at 9 PM or why we get pissed off when they are 30 minutes late. Frankly, I wouldn't want to go out that late anyway because I'm not a fucking teenager, but being stupid enough to even suggest it to someone with a 3 year old is a level of stupidity I can't understand. For this reason as well as many others, I focus on my family and I'm happier as a result. It's way more fun to hang out with my wife and kids anyway.

29 years old
married for 7.5 years
5 year old girl and 3 year old boy

It's selfish to invite people to events? I could see if they got upset you couldn't go, but hey at least they invite you. I don't invite my friends who have kids to most things simply because I don't want them to ask to bring their kids. Otherwise I have to make sure to pick a location that doesn't allow kids so I can invite them. Not to mention how kids these days act in public. I'm embarrassed to sit at at able with some of my friend's children.


Oct 10, 1999
Ehh, I just have the woman come and pick me up to get me home safe. Keeps her from wondering where I am, and I dont have to worry about DUI.


Feb 18, 2004
It's selfish to invite people to events? I could see if they got upset you couldn't go, but hey at least they invite you. I don't invite my friends who have kids to most things simply because I don't want them to ask to bring their kids. Otherwise I have to make sure to pick a location that doesn't allow kids so I can invite them. Not to mention how kids these days act in public. I'm embarrassed to sit at at able with some of my friend's children.

I'm a bit guilty of that as well... I will not invite some of my friends to stuff because I don't want them showing up with their kid (made the mistake of having a couple people over for pizza/beer when I was moving into my apartment and 80% of it was under construction... next think you know, my friends' toddler is running around in an area where I know there are nails and staples on the floor)

on the other hand, if the same friends send out a text seeing if anyone wants to hang out at their place for beer and poker on a Friday night after the kids are put to bed, that's a fine idea once in awhile.


Jan 15, 2001
It's selfish to invite people to events? I could see if they got upset you couldn't go, but hey at least they invite you. I don't invite my friends who have kids to most things simply because I don't want them to ask to bring their kids. Otherwise I have to make sure to pick a location that doesn't allow kids so I can invite them. Not to mention how kids these days act in public. I'm embarrassed to sit at at able with some of my friend's children.

Yes, it's definitely selfish and ignorant to invite someone with a 3 year old to an event at 9 PM. If you want to have dinner with your friends who have kids and you ask them to come at 9 PM, you're setting them up to shoot you down. Either don't ask or do it at a reasonable hour. It's really not complicated.

Your argument about how the kids behave is specious. If you don't like the kids, you aren't going to invite the parents anyway. If you choose to invite people with kids that you actually like and you still do it at 9 PM, you're just a dumbass. Sorry, but there's no nice way to say it. The fact that you don't understand this completely illustrates my point.

It's fine if you want to go do things late at night and it's fine if people with kids don't want to, but inviting them when there's zero chance that they'll be able to say yes doesn't do anyone any good. They will eventually think you're turning them down constantly and then the friendship basically fades away. I have a few kidless friends who understand this and we have zero issues with them, but the rest are gone at this point and that's fine.

We tried to make that work for a while - going out late to try to hang out with the idiots who refused to go out earlier in the evening - but it was a waste of time. We just had to let it sink in first that we were wasting our time and making our kids miserable for people who couldn't even conceive of why a parent wouldn't want to hang out until 1 AM when all of the same things could have taken place shifted 4 hours earlier. Utter and complete stupidity.

Edit: Also, intentionally picking a place that doesn't allow kids because your 'friends' want to bring their kids makes you a lousy friend. Just be honest with them and say don't bring your kids so you can force the separation sooner rather than later. Sometimes it's nice to go out without my kids, but I don't need my 'friends' making that decision for me. I have plenty of real friends who actually like my kids and explicitly invite them to things.
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