Frustrating GF problem...*Plz help


Feb 12, 2003
please guys, no joking around this is very serious to me.

well, i have been going out with my gf for a year and a half now, and we have been so great together. We laughed, we fought, we worked, and we did alot of other things together. I really think she is the one for me, the one to keep forever. On the other hand, she feels the same towards me, she loves me a lot, she really believe that I am like no other. But then, this past saturday we got into a conversation about prom (she is a senior in high school and i am just in college), we kind of talked about it, but i could sense something is bothering her. So i confronted her and asked what was it that is bothering her. She told me she didn't want to take me to Prom, she wants to take this other guy,...say..Mr. X... to prom. I was so upset, i felt so betrayed. I never liked Mr. X, i can say that i hate that person. Everytime i get upset is because of him. She spends time with him in school and they are good friends (she told me best friend), they do projects together and hangout together in school, and i really object to that. i don't like it at all. what makes it worse is that he used to like my gf 2 yrs ago ( i have been confirmed that he still does).
saturday ended, sunday came, she never called (shes the kind of girls that doesn't like to call or make the first move). So i called her and see whats going on. I asked her if she still wants to take him, all she told me was that she needs time to think. What? time to think? she knows that he upsets me alot, but she is still wanting to take him to prom? whats going on? so we ended the phone call shortly.
Monday came, i could not concentrate in school work, all i could think about is what happened. That night, i called her up and went over to talk to her, and wants to fix the problem. We talked for a while, then i asked her if she has feeling for Mr.X that is more than a friend. She hesitated, then softly said yes. oh my god. that was so heart shattering. i don't know what to do. i asked if she still love me, she said yes, and she said not any less. but she likes Mr. X too. She said she is really greedy, and something is up with her. to me, this behavior would make me think that person is rotten to the core. but she is my gf, i don't want to give up what we had, so i want to fix it. It makes me upset because she has to choose between us, her bf over mr. x. did all this time we have been together mean nothing to her? am i not worth choosing over? Then after a long while of talking, she insisted that she wants to go single and see how things work out, she wants to experience new things, but she still want me to be by her side. (greediness) So i said no, she is having problems with herself and she wants to work it out by herself, but i want to work with her to be with her. If we are ever broken up, things will only get worse. i convinced her that we should still be together until she can think and sought things out by herself then make the final decision.
Prom, suppose to be the highlight of all high schooler's career, has been the most dissappointing event that she has to look forward to. Its either she choose me, or she can take Mr. X, but i will leave her for good. To me, this decision would be like choosing an apple from oranges. why is it so hard?

this is really eating me from the inside, i really need the ATOT goodness to help me through this. please, this reall means alot to me.

*sorry about the spelling or grammatical errors*

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May 12, 2001
first post here is a YAGT thing.....

tough spot you're in here though......if she would be better off with MR. X.... let her go, it's not worth your troubles.....on top of that, if you really do love her, you should wish for her happiness, and if this is what it would take for her to be happy, support her.....might be hard, but be sincere about it.........good luck on whatever you decide to do!


Mar 16, 2001
dude if she really loves you~

she'll come back to you~

she's just confused~

and she's prolly not ready for what you have~

just go your own way~
it's difficult~
but you'll be fine~


May 3, 2000
I'm confused.

From the sounds of it, she doesn't have feelings for you anymore. It happens. The only choice you have is to move on.


Senior member
Nov 15, 2002
like that one saying goes...

If you really love something let it go,
If it comes back to you it was meant to be,
If not... it never was.

i dunno... something like that. Take a "break".


Jul 31, 2002
Well your first mistake is posting for advice on AT, and some members will be along shortly to rip you to shreads, but anyways....

Women are some of the most ruthlesses creatures on the planet. In my humble opinion, I think that you need to break up with her. Here is why. I had a GF who I was dating. I then went to Europe to work and she came to visit me. A month after she came to visit me, she broke up with me and was back together with her Ex. My point is that as long is there is someone else around who can cause confusion, or that she has feelings for, it is best to just end the relationship. By no means should you be an overbearing and controlling boyfriend and demand to know where she is every second, because you need to trust her. If you feel that you can't trust her with this guy then it is time for you to move on. I dont know how close you are to your GF geographically speaking, but long distance relationships are hard. Most people don't stay together at the end of high school either. They go off to college and want to be free to meet new people.

Bottom line is, only you can make the descision about what you want to do, but if I were you I would end it now, before you really get hurt. Maybe you will meet someone else in the near future.

Best of luck to you.


Nov 21, 2001
She's not mature enough to appreciate what you are offering to her. Move on, there will be plenty more girls..


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
this is prob bad news, I bet she ends up with the other guy. I only say this because I have had an experience pretty close to what you are describing.


Senior member
Nov 15, 2002
Originally posted by: Gobadgrs
Well your first mistake is posting for advice on AT, and some members will be along shortly to rip you to shreads, but anyways....

Women are some of the most ruthlesses creatures on the planet. In my humble opinion, I think that you need to break up with her. Here is why. I had a GF who I was dating. I then went to Europe to work and she came to visit me. A month after she came to visit me, she broke up with me and was back together with her Ex. My point is that as long is there is someone else around who can cause confusion, or that she has feelings for, it is best to just end the relationship. By no means should you be an overbearing and controlling boyfriend and demand to know where she is every second, because you need to trust her. If you feel that you can't trust her with this guy then it is time for you to move on. I dont know how close you are to your GF geographically speaking, but long distance relationships are hard. Most people don't stay together at the end of high school either. They go off to college and want to be free to meet new people.

Bottom line is, only you can make the descision about what you want to do, but if I were you I would end it now, before you really get hurt. Maybe you will meet someone else in the near future.

Best of luck to you.

well put.



Mar 16, 2001
Originally posted by: Gobadgrs
Well your first mistake is posting for advice on AT, and some members will be along shortly to rip you to shreads, but anyways....

Women are some of the most ruthlesses creatures on the planet. In my humble opinion, I think that you need to break up with her. Here is why. I had a GF who I was dating. I then went to Europe to work and she came to visit me. A month after she came to visit me, she broke up with me and was back together with her Ex. My point is that as long is there is someone else around who can cause confusion, or that she has feelings for, it is best to just end the relationship. By no means should you be an overbearing and controlling boyfriend and demand to know where she is every second, because you need to trust her. If you feel that you can't trust her with this guy then it is time for you to move on. I dont know how close you are to your GF geographically speaking, but long distance relationships are hard. Most people don't stay together at the end of high school either. They go off to college and want to be free to meet new people.

Bottom line is, only you can make the descision about what you want to do, but if I were you I would end it now, before you really get hurt. Maybe you will meet someone else in the near future.

Best of luck to you.

that is so true~

agrees~ from experience~


Feb 12, 2003
it is so hard, i don't want to leave her.

she does still love me, she never loved me any less.

the thing that i am afraid of is that, if i let her go, and mr. X is better, than she won't come back to me.
or that something else happens when we were apart (me doing something stupid with another girl.),
to me, things will only get worse when we are separated.


Sep 18, 2000
Okay here goes......

In a way, it's not your fault that this happened. So don't go around blaming yourself just yet. The fact that she has been spending time with Mr X in school already spells trouble for you. She's still young and shell never understand the true meaning of loev and who she wants. She's just confused because MR X is always there for her and being in the same school she's in, so you're at a loss of advantage here. For all you know, she'll be going to the same college and he is next year and you'll be screwed even more. I've been through this and it's best to let it go until she can learn to think.


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 1999
Heh yea I find it funny your first post is YAGT = Yet Another Girl Thread...

Well its kind of obvious to me... Your gf isnt sure what she wants either you or Mr. X. I wouldnt say shes rotten to the core, its how people are. It takes time for them to know what they want.

Personally I think you should break up with her. She needs time by herself to find out what she wants. Some people might think you are already getting owned because you want to stay with her hoping she'll choose you. Thats risky because she has admitted that she likes to be greedy.

When you're greedy you are definitely less likely to make a definitive decision. Whats to stop her from taking advantage of the situation and play both of you whether she means to or not?

You break her it off and get on with your life. Sure it hurts but thats the way it goes.


Dec 1, 2002
never betray your initial tolerances for the relationship.

my standards are pretty clear.

no cheating on me
no kissing other guys
no slutting around
not too much drinking, no drugs

if they cant handle that, dump the b1tch! simple enough!

remember, your initial reaction is generally correct, if she does sh1t like this, she isnt worth keeping.


May 3, 2000
Originally posted by: canonfodder01
it is so hard, i don't want to leave her.

she does still love me, she never loved me any less.

the thing that i am afraid of is that, if i let her go, and mr. X is better, than she won't come back to me.
or that something else happens when we were apart (me doing something stupid with another girl.),
to me, things will only get worse when we are separated.

You're too dependent on her. You don't need her and you shouldn't want her to come back. If you do take her back, she's only going to do it again. Just cut all ties with her and move on. It's your only option.


Sep 18, 2000
Originally posted by: canonfodder01
it is so hard, i don't want to leave her.

she does still love me, she never loved me any less.

the thing that i am afraid of is that, if i let her go, and mr. X is better, than she won't come back to me.
or that something else happens when we were apart (me doing something stupid with another girl.),
to me, things will only get worse when we are separated.

Love is a strong word and it's used wrongly here.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 1999
it's over. seriously, think about what has happened. her one and ONLY prom that she will ever have she DOESN'T want you at it. and she likes someone else. she wants him to go instead of you. that says everything right there. you should never even talk to her again, it's that bad. ps: she is really messed up, but most girls are. especially stupid hs and college ones.


Senior member
Nov 15, 2002
Originally posted by: rubix
it's over. seriously, think about what has happened. her one and ONLY prom that she will ever have she DOESN'T want you at it. and she likes someone else. she wants him to go instead of you. that says everything right there. you should never even talk to her again, it's that bad. ps: she is really messed up, but most girls are. especially stupid hs and college ones.

haha.. funny.


Jul 31, 2002
Originally posted by: canonfodder01
it is so hard, i don't want to leave her.

she does still love me, she never loved me any less.

the thing that i am afraid of is that, if i let her go, and mr. X is better, than she won't come back to me.
or that something else happens when we were apart (me doing something stupid with another girl.),
to me, things will only get worse when we are separated.

The hardest part is always moving on. Look at how much grief this relationship is causing you right now. No relationship with this much anxiety and worry is worth continuing. It's so hard once you've given your heart to a woman on a silver plate and she throws it on the ground and stomps on it, but it will happen. And the worst part is, that it will probably happen multiple times as well. I know things must also be a lot harder around Valentines day for you right now, but I hope that you are able to get through the rest of the week alright.


Feb 26, 2001
She's young dude, it's messed up to expect much of anything from a girl/guy at that age. Let her go and don't think twice about it, this is part where you step in and be a man. Ladies come and go, if they have iffy feelings about you and show them 99.9% of the time they want out. Chicks expect the guy to pick up on the vibes and walk, do so in a manner that leaves you with some pride, don't give her any "options".


May 12, 2001
why would you want her to come back though, being so fickle as that......that isnt' quite stable...


Jan 4, 2001
hey dude. really bad situation you're in. i hate to say this but i'm going to have to agree with the others who have already posted when i say that it seems, from an outsider's perspective, that she's not in love with you anymore. it's a really heartbreaking situation to be in for you and for her too no doubt. but you have to realize that she's in high school and she's still growing up and she's bound to have feelings come and go for different people.

the best approach would be to tell her that you will always be her friend and let her decide, on her own, what she wants to do. most likely, she will go with the new guy (a "fresh" love). but there's the chance she may realize she still loves you and she'll come back. in the meantime, take a few weeks to get over it (it'll probably be tough) but then move on with your life.

you're still very, very young. there are tons of fish in the sea. but still, it'll sting. good luck.
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