Funny things that you did to your siblings when you were kids


Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2001
For some reason, I just remembered some funny things that I did to my little bro when we were younger. For instance,

  • I woke him up 12AM on a Wednesday during a school week. I told him that he was going to be late for school. For him, school was at 8AM. He got up without looking at the clock and decided to take a shower. Five minutes later he realized that he took a shower just a few hours too early.

  • While he was taking his afternoon nap after school, I took a permanent marker and drew a big dot on his forehead. It took him a couple of minutes after he woke up why my friends were making faces at him. He cried and I got in trouble with my parents.

  • On our way to church, I found a Chiquitita Banana sticker in the car. I put it on his hair and only realized it during communion when he was scratching his head.

  • I used to trick him while we were eating such as telling him that there was a huge bird by the window. When he looked away, I would snatch a piece of his food.

That's about it for now. I know it sounds bad, but he used to get me in trouble by telling my parents that I punched him even though I didn't lay a finger on him. Anyway, we're all grown now, and he's getting married next year. I have one more chance to get him in trouble at his bachelor's party before I leave all the tricks in the bag.


Dec 14, 2001
he's taking a shower... i snuck in and turn the water on hot all the way....

damn... that sucks... i feel so guilty ...i'm such a dick... good thing we have a good relationship...


Senior member
Nov 24, 2004
Well this wasn't as a kid. Let me set the scene, my brother starts dating this lady 15+ year older then him. She very nice lady and he seems happy. After about a week or so they decide to get married. Everything is moving fast, they scramble to get a church and pastor. (here is the evil thing :evil: ) When the pastor turns them around to introduce the bride and groom. He can't remember my brothers last night (Smith), he should says Mr and Mrs Anthony Smith. As a joke, I whisper the bride last name (Carmichael). The pastor turns them around and says " I present to you Mr and Mrs Anthony Carmichael" Everyone's laughing their ass off, my brother corrects the pastor. The pastor attempt to correct what he said but no one could hear him over the laughing.

When he got married second time he threaten to kill me if I did anything 'stupid.'


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
when my brother was 2 i hit him in the head with a hockey puck, and he had to get 4 stitches above his left eye


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
funny I was telling co-workers about this yesterday ...

my sister and I used to have taste tests where we'd blindfold the other person and feed eachother food and try to guess what it was. we'd do both drinks and solids.

the only rule was we could not do stuff that was not food/drinks and could not do petfood.

then one time before we did it i don't know why but my sister specfiically said "you better not feed me dog food!"

and then yea, i fed her a spoonfull of wet dog food.

that was the last time we ever played taste test.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
My brother would always leave his glass of coke or whatever with just a little left in the bottom and then maybe an hour later refill it w/o rinsing it out or anything. One day I put 3 or 4 drops of liquid smoke in the glass, and waited for him to fill it back up. He ended up more or less chugging it, then puking it all back up.


Dec 14, 2001
Originally posted by: purbeast0
funny I was telling co-workers about this yesterday ...

my sister and I used to have taste tests where we'd blindfold the other person and feed eachother food and try to guess what it was. we'd do both drinks and solids.

the only rule was we could not do stuff that was not food/drinks and could not do petfood.

then one time before we did it i don't know why but my sister specfiically said "you better not feed me dog food!"

and then yea, i fed her a spoonfull of wet dog food.

that was the last time we ever played taste test.

what would cartman do....
Jun 19, 2004
I dropped a wooden forklift pallet (we were building forts and covered trenches for Army out of them) on my little bros head. It required 17 stitches. He didn't start crying until he saw blood. I remember getting the garden hose and trying to flush the wound to stop the bleeding all the while promising him ANYTHING not to tell Dad. haha

We laugh about it now.

Oh, and in middle school and high school whenever my brothers friends or girls friends would call the house they'd mistake me for him. So I'd start talking dirty to the girls or tell his friends I had to go because I'd soiled myself and needed new pants.

Good times....


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2001
Once, after my older brother beat the crap out of me, I urinated in his Gym Bag full of gym clothes!
Then, when he told our Mother, I got a REAL beating!


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2001
My brother is 12 years older than me so even though I was little brat he didn't pound on me much because he was afraid he'd hurt me. One Saturday when he was home from college, he was watching me for the parents, I think I was 10 or 11. He was outside doing yard work and I was inside watching Saturday morning cartoons. I had proceeded to eat three bowls of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios that morning as mom rarely ever bought them and I loved them.
Anyway, I get a nice attack of gas coming on and I decided it would be funny for me to go into my brothers room and fart on his pillow. So I go for it and then proceed to yell out the window to him that I did it to see if he'd get pissed off. He pretty much ignored me. So then I decided I'd sniff it to see if it actually stunk(yes I was an idiot) and of course it did. I proceeded to laugh so hard that I barfed up the entire three bowls of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios all over his bed, hehe. I go yell out the window that I had just puked all over his bed and after some convincing he came inside and was ready to kick my ass.


Nov 18, 2007
When my brother was in kindergarten, I told him that I had alien friends on a space station above the Earth. As proof of this on our way back for school I would tell him when the walk sign would turn on. Of course I would just watch the street lights and time it. I forget how long he believed that.


Golden Member
Jan 16, 2002
Hmm where to start. When I was 4 and my little brother was two, he took my Tonka truck. So being the good brother I am, I hit him in the head with a spade. I think it only required 4 stitches.

I also own my youngest brother's soul. He signed it over to me after losing a bet when he was about 8 years old. I still have the paper where we both signed.


Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: AMCRambler
My brother is 12 years older than me so even though I was little brat he didn't pound on me much because he was afraid he'd hurt me. One Saturday when he was home from college, he was watching me for the parents, I think I was 10 or 11. He was outside doing yard work and I was inside watching Saturday morning cartoons. I had proceeded to eat three bowls of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios that morning as mom rarely ever bought them and I loved them.
Anyway, I get a nice attack of gas coming on and I decided it would be funny for me to go into my brothers room and fart on his pillow. So I go for it and then proceed to yell out the window to him that I did it to see if he'd get pissed off. He pretty much ignored me. So then I decided I'd sniff it to see if it actually stunk(yes I was an idiot) and of course it did. I proceeded to laugh so hard that I barfed up the entire three bowls of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios all over his bed, hehe. I go yell out the window that I had just puked all over his bed and after some convincing he came inside and was ready to kick my ass.

laughing so hard i'm crying.


Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: AMCRambler
My brother is 12 years older than me so even though I was little brat he didn't pound on me much because he was afraid he'd hurt me. One Saturday when he was home from college, he was watching me for the parents, I think I was 10 or 11. He was outside doing yard work and I was inside watching Saturday morning cartoons. I had proceeded to eat three bowls of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios that morning as mom rarely ever bought them and I loved them.
Anyway, I get a nice attack of gas coming on and I decided it would be funny for me to go into my brothers room and fart on his pillow. So I go for it and then proceed to yell out the window to him that I did it to see if he'd get pissed off. He pretty much ignored me. So then I decided I'd sniff it to see if it actually stunk(yes I was an idiot) and of course it did. I proceeded to laugh so hard that I barfed up the entire three bowls of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios all over his bed, hehe. I go yell out the window that I had just puked all over his bed and after some convincing he came inside and was ready to kick my ass.
Originally posted by: SpiderX
Hmm where to start. When I was 4 and my little brother was two, he took my Tonka truck. So being the good brother I am, I hit him in the head with a spade. I think it only required 4 stitches.

I also own my youngest brother's soul. He signed it over to me after losing a bet when he was about 8 years old. I still have the paper where we both signed.
I used to mess with my little sister (2 years younger) all the time. I remember selling her all sorts of shit I didn't want that I had convinced her she'd NEEDED for exorbitant amounts; like: "want this nerf dart? it's muuuuuuushy." "OMG YES YES." "5 bucks." "K!" My parents used to go apeshit every single time, I don't think I ever managed to spend the money w/o getting caught.
I always used to steal properties/money from her in Monopoly when she wasn't paying attention :laugh:
Oh, and pouring orange juice into her food whenever we were eating something that had tomato soup to it (Arab-style okra, grean beans, peas). I think she actually used to like the way it tasted


Feb 20, 2001
I remember me and my sis (1.5 years younger) playing with matches or a lighter that I had found and lighting her hair on fire. Man I got my ass beat by my parents for acting so stupid! I miss those days


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2006
convinced my little brother that putting a bare wire into an outlet would be fun. It was, for me.


Feb 22, 2007
My older brother and I waited for my younger sister to come back from a bike ride in my room (raised ranch over the garage) with a 5 gallon bucket filled with water and an open window... she never saw it coming gliding into the garage.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: AMCRambler
My brother is 12 years older than me so even though I was little brat he didn't pound on me much because he was afraid he'd hurt me. One Saturday when he was home from college, he was watching me for the parents, I think I was 10 or 11. He was outside doing yard work and I was inside watching Saturday morning cartoons. I had proceeded to eat three bowls of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios that morning as mom rarely ever bought them and I loved them.
Anyway, I get a nice attack of gas coming on and I decided it would be funny for me to go into my brothers room and fart on his pillow. So I go for it and then proceed to yell out the window to him that I did it to see if he'd get pissed off. He pretty much ignored me. So then I decided I'd sniff it to see if it actually stunk(yes I was an idiot) and of course it did. I proceeded to laugh so hard that I barfed up the entire three bowls of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios all over his bed, hehe. I go yell out the window that I had just puked all over his bed and after some convincing he came inside and was ready to kick my ass.


For me, more of the worst than the funniest: We just moved to Ohio. My sister had her best friend over for a week. Her friend spent more time with me than her, if you know what I mean (oh, and I was in 9th grade, she was in 8th).


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
some transparent tape on my brother's skate blades. he was a goalie and it just happened to be picture day. they had to prop him up to take the pic, lol.

dropped a shrimp (that he's allergic to) into his chocolate milk. he didn't see it until it bounced off his lip as he finished the glass. that was bad. i din't realize back then that allergies can be so severe. as was the punishment, lol.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2006
im the younger of 2 boys, my bro is 13 months older. we fought all the time, chasing each other with knives and bats and such... you know, kid stuff. one time i just plain got sick of him, so i tackled him and put him under the couch cushions and laid there watching tv for about an hour to teach him to not mess with me so much. this really only works i youre bigger than your older bro tho. now he is ok with me being bigger, he tells people he will get his little bro to kick their ass if hes in an argument, cracks me up.


Golden Member
Feb 9, 2004

When I was about 10 and my bro was 5 or 6, I always tried practicing "martial arts" moves on him. It was just after halloween where I had dressed up as a ninja and had a toy ninja sword. I told my bro to hold up the pillow so I could practice my stabbing technique. I missed the pillow and stabbed him in the stomach and left a nasty bruise. They took my sword away after that. :frown:

Even younger then that, I put a booger on a ritz cracker and told him to eat it. He did, but I don't think he noticed.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
My little brothers are 7 and 8 years younger than me, and gained an inordinate amount of pleasure annoying the crap out of me.

When I was in HS, they used to open my door quietly, throw something at me and run, then wait a few minutes and do it again. I'd ignore it for awhile, then eventually I'd get sick of it and set up an ambush. We lived in the country, so I always had some rope. I'd sneak out the second door to my room and around so that I was behind them when they were opening my door.
Usually, I'd catch them both and hogtie them together. And leave the room (still spying on them, though).

They would laugh... for about 5 minutes. Then, when they realized there was no way they were getting out they would cry, which I didn't let go on for much longer before I untied them.

You'd think they would learn, but no. Within next week I could guarantee the whole process would repeat itself. (Sometimes with the addition of me beating them with a soft nerf bat. :evil


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
I was jealous of my little cousin's awesome Gundam robots, so I convinced him that it would be really cool to inflict realistic battle damage on them. Hellooo matches! :evil:

Oh, and I maliciously threw a large rock at his noggin and still feel bad about it to this day. I'm glad I'm not the only one who something like this.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2000
I might've already posted this a few years ago, but it's funny enough (to me) to post it again...

One night my parents went out for dinner and left me in charge of my five younger brothers. Shortly after my parents left, I called my best friend over to my house so we could hang out. It must've been near Halloween because he brought along two scary-looking masks that he had recently acquired. While my brothers were down in the family room watching a movie, oblivious to anything that my friend and I were doing, we snuck outside and cut the power to the house. We both dawned the masks and snuck in the back door as quietly as possible. We could hear the general confusion as we approached the family room. We burst into the room screaming. My brothers were all startled, but the youngest one screamed bloody murder. I guess my friend felt bad for the little guy because he rushed outside to turn the power back on, while I was there trying to calm things down and trying not to laugh my ass off. When my friend came back in, my youngest brother was still visibly shaken. In fact, my brother claims that he had to sleep with the light on from that night on.

I think I was 15 at the time, my friend was 16 (he had barely received his drivers license), and my youngest brother had to be around 5. Oddly enough, we really didn't get into much trouble when my parents came home. My mom did give both of us a long guilt trip, however. My friend still feels bad about what we did that night even to this day. I don't, obviously...
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