Future generations will struggle to escape the legacy of the disaster in Iraq

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
c: Needless to say I totally disagree. Only the most pessimistic person can say what we're doing in Iraq (and Afghanistan) is making the world worse off.

M: The say a pessimist is often an optimist with extra information. This man has way way more information than you or me, I think

Jerome: I guess me -and millions of others- can't disagree with him, sorry.

M: Sure you can disagree but your opinion ain't worth spit cause you don't know much and you don't argue for your case. You just pronounce it as if that meant something.
c: I just don't understand how anyone can think that trying to help establish democratic nations with increased freedom and tolerance is a bad thing.

M: Here you leave off the method by which it's done. You make two unproven and unargued assumptions, 1 that democracy is good, and 2. that it doesn't matter how it is instituted.

Jerome: This is an informal forum right? I didn't think it necessary to add a full argument for every premise, this isn't a dissertation, and neither are any other posts at this website. If you want to debate whether democracy is better than dictatorship or religious authoritarianism then we can... make a new topic.

M: Hehe, right. You get all pissed off when people shine on your absurd pronouncements as if they were some holy truth but you just babble in platitudes. "I don't understand how anybody could think trying to help establishing democracy with blah blah blah is a bad thing." Well I do and it's because I don't make the absurd mind clouding assumptions that you do. I ask basic questions at the core of issues and try to understand things deep. Your arguments are preposterous to me because they are shallow. You rest your case on millions of unexamined assumptions I do not share. You have all the answers where I have questions.

c: How it's instituted... hmm. What do you mean? You may think was wrong to go into Iraq, so explain what would be a proper way to institute democracy- that would actually work. I think we had every justification and we are doing a relatively good job considering the enormous challenges we face. Nothing's pretty or easy about it, and to try and pretend it can be done peacefully and they are going to be just like America is asking the impossible. They are just starting out, and they're on the right track. Given the context, we have been remarkably successful.

M: Not much point in bringing democracy to people you kill doing it or who don't want it.
c: Of course it's hard, and of course there's various low-lifes who don't want to see that happen. It will be a long, difficult process but it's a start.

M: Why is it hard, whose fault if anybody's is that? How do you justify the bigoted use of the term low-lifes to tar a group of people? How do you know it's not gonna be easy like the Neocons originally thought? It only recently because (edit: become) hard; maybe it will be easy again tomorrow no?

Jerome: Why is it hard? Because they have been under a dictatorship for 30 years.

M:hey they should be ripe for democracy, no?

Jerome: Because their society is struggling and there are a bunch of low-lifes making things even worse. Who's fault is that? Saddam, the low-lifes, the international community including the US... who do you think is at fault?

M: I'm not thinking anybody's at fault. I'm analyzing your assumptions. You make them one after the other, these pronouncements of golden truth that are nothing but opinion.

Jerome: And why are we dwelling on blame when we should be looking for solutions. I also have a hard time remembering many people saying this was going to be a cakewalk.

M: Oh I remember it was gonna be a cake walk and we would be welcomed with open arms. And we are not blaming we are analyzing assumptions.
c: The world is too small and too connected, and what happens there affects us.

M: Just rhetoric, you offer no proof. Small and connected could mean actually the opposite.

Jerome: I would argue that the world is getting "smaller" in many ways and has been for literally 100s of years. We are more connected with the world, interdependent, and the good old days of isolationism is way past. When one region's economy stumbles, we feel it. When one region breeds a culture of intolerance and hate we see -and feel- the results. I'm sorry moonbeam, but this is common sense... it seems to me you're just being argumentative. Trying to disect every line is pretty disengenuous considering yesterday you equated me to the Taliban.

M: You make the absurd assumption that if the world is smaller and more interconnected that that some how allows you to stick your nose in things that have an effect on you. That would be like India Bombing Hollywood because our films are giving Indian youth the wrong message. You make the assumption that you are emperor of the world and can make moral decisions for other people. Taliban sounds about right.
c: There's a lot of people over there who are against democracy, free markets, civil rights, pluralism, etc... and their hateful, primitive ideology is creating major security problems for the US and the rest of the world. We can bomb them all into the stone age, or we can try and help them into the Enlightenment. We can go forward or backward.

M: But our primitive culture is bombing them back to the stone age now. You make the unproven assumption that your culture is better than theirs. No culture on earth is any different. Theirs is infinitely superior to yours in their opinion. Show me how we determine who has the best culture. Remember what Gandhi said when asked about western civilization.

Jerome: I do not believe our culture is primitive, and saying we are bombing them into the stone age is simply ridiculous.

M: More absurd opinion. I do believe that, so there.

Jerome: I believe all cultures are not created equal, that some ideas, beliefs and principles are better than others, and on the scale of things ours is advanced, not primitive.

M: That's just f*cking wonderful you feel that way. But you offer no proof and don't explain how and where. You kill people because you think your opinion is better? What kind of morality is that?

Jerome: We are targeting insurgents and terrorists while trying to REBUILD the infrastructure and society as best we and them can. If our plan was to bomb them into the stone age we would have no troops and contractors and we'd be carpet bombing every square mile. What you say is baseless.

M: Really? Who do we target and who do we hit?

Jerome: I can see why you'd make the comments you have, considering you are a cultural relativist who thinks slavery is no worse than freedom.

M: Hehe, and you really thought you wanted or were capable of a logical and intelligent conversation. All I have done is challenge your assumptions to show you they are built on sand because you simply state and assume. Anybody, ANYBODY, can do that. You have no idea if I am a cultural relativist. I am not.

Jerome: It is had to argue with someone who cannot make value judgements, because how am I to show any actions or words are good or bad when "good" and "bad" aren't in your vocabulary?

M: Yes exactly. How are you going to show me what is bad and good when you haven't the faintest idea. With you everything is unexamined assumptions you never question because you are filled with certainty. Along comes the question man and you fall apart complaining how hard I am to argue with.

What you call common knowledge I call garbage. Real knowledge and wisdom are as rare as anything I've ever seen. Sorry! The reason I'm difficult to argue with is because I know vastly less than you.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004

When I first saw Moonbeam's cryptic jargon at this site I liked it. It was funny... and boy it still is. Moonbeam loves to demand a full-page report for every premise, knowing that people expressing their opinions simply don't have the will to engage in a useless time-consuming battle with someone who thinks only they can make assumptions... which he does in virtually every response he gives. I am afraid that if I start trying to give back-info on every statement I make, it will take 10 times the space and cloud the point... and Moonbeam will just find his nearest vortex and look into his prism and demand that I go back and explain how I arrived at the premise of my premise of my last premise.

Moonbeam: Sure you can disagree but your opinion ain't worth spit cause you don't know much and you don't argue for your case. You just pronounce it as if that meant something.

Ok, so why are you here exactly- besides to try and pretend you're some all-knowing fountain of wisdom? I thought the purpose was to give opinions. That's all people do here... and then we agree or disagree and present arguments to defend it. It sounds like you want me to explain why I think people who say the world is worse off with our actions in Afghanistan and Iraq are pessimists. Fine.

I think such people are pessimists because a brutal dictator is gone, his murderous sons are gone, the rape rooms are closed, the body shredders are no longer working, no more mass graves being dug and filled, hospitals are functioning, schools are open, infrastructure is being rebuilt, children are participating is sports programs, businesses are selling, an Iraqi team went to the Olympics without fear, many people are anxious to become part of the world community and to live in peace and freedom, WMD programs are no longer a threat, democracy is taking hold, women have more civil rights including the right to vote, jihad schools have shut down, thousands of terrorists have been killed or captured, millions of people are being exposed to ideas of liberty and tolerance for the first time, terrorist training camps were destroyed, cultures of violence, strict theocracy, and tribalism are being battled, the international community is supporting them, some countries have taken decades to move towards democracy while they are doing in relatively quickly, free media, 2 state sponsors of terrorism are gone, the courts systems are up and modernized, sanctions are gone, a single unified currency for the first time in years, and I can go on and on and on, but what's the point? Moonbeam will just pick any one of these and want me to go one step further and one step further... a senseless de-contruction of an argument so far removed from the original point. It's a game only Moonbeam can enjoy.

Moonbeam: Hehe, right. You get all pissed off when people shine on your absurd pronouncements as if they were some holy truth but you just babble in platitudes. "I don't understand how anybody could think trying to help establishing democracy with blah blah blah is a bad thing." Well I do and it's because I don't make the absurd mind clouding assumptions that you do. I ask basic questions at the core of issues and try to understand things deep. Your arguments are preposterous to me because they are shallow. You rest your case on millions of unexamined assumptions I do not share. You have all the answers where I have questions. Not much point in bringing democracy to people you kill doing it or who don't want it.

I don't know what to say to this except to acknowledge that you don't like my assumptions... and so what? Not liking my assumptions doesn't make them wrong. And to me, the way you discount them makes you look arrogant and argumentative, just for the sake of being annoying. Also, I never said I have all the answers.

Your last statement is an opinion, is loaded with assumptions, and is misleading because we are not bringing democracy to people we kill or who don't want it. People we kill become dead, and democracy doesn't apply to them so it's not for them. We're not bringing democracy to people who don't want it, it's for those that do and there's millions of them. I can also play Moonbeam say "It's your opinion, you pronounce it like it means something!!!" I can say "There's a million unanswered assumptions in that statement, back it up, give evidence, support it!!!!!!" But I'm not like that.

Moonbeam: hey they should be ripe for democracy, no? I'm not thinking anybody's at fault. I'm analyzing your assumptions. You make them one after the other, these pronouncements of golden truth that are nothing but opinion. Oh I remember it was gonna be a cake walk and we would be welcomed with open arms. And we are not blaming we are analyzing assumptions.

Same old same old... Ask me a direct question to understand one of my assumptions instead of portraying me as not having any ideas to back them up. If I'm in the mood and your question isn't too stupid, I might actually respond.

Moonbeam: You make the absurd assumption that if the world is smaller and more interconnected that that some how allows you to stick your nose in things that have an effect on you. That would be like India Bombing Hollywood because our films are giving Indian youth the wrong message. You make the assumption that you are emperor of the world and can make moral decisions for other people. Taliban sounds about right.

Is it really just like India bombing Hollywood? Are all situations, contexts, scenarios exactly the same? So if a hateful, violent, and theocratic culture is bringing fear, death, and destruction our way, it's just like your little India example? It seems to be you cannot distinguish details.

It's YOU who makes the assumption that I am the emporer of the world. And you are correct that I believe in absolutes, universals, and morality. Some things are bad, some things are good. Murder is bad. Theft is bad. Slavery is bad. Wooo, look at these value-judgements!! Liberty is good. Pluralism is good. Weeeeee, this is fun. Maybe in your universe having a belief system evil. Maybe in your little mind the Taliban = America = North Korea = France = Saudi Arabia = Japan. Perhaps all ideas are the same, there is no right or wrong, a belief system can be evil so ALL beliefs are evil, blah blah.... what a pitiful, schizophrenic mentality to be a subjective relativist. Like I said before, it's hard to argue with someone who believes nothing. All they do is run around and try to pick people's arguments apart by claiming there's no objective reality, knowledge is unknowable, and spweing cliched metaphysical ramblings.

This is why I am not esponding to you directly- under your mental umbrella that's useless. I am responding for anyone else reading, to give them ideas into what I think and maybe even show them your non-philosophy.

Moonbeam: That's just f*cking wonderful you feel that way. But you offer no proof and don't explain how and where. You kill people because you think your opinion is better? What kind of morality is that? You have no idea if I am a cultural relativist. I am not.

You want evidence/argumentation for why I believe some cultures are better than others? OK... I will, but first you do something for me. You say you are not a cultural relativist and I want you to explain why you are not. I want to you give me and example of how one culture could be better than another. And to answer your silly questions, "No" and "I have no idea".

Moonbeam: Hehe, and you really thought you wanted or were capable of a logical and intelligent conversation. All I have done is challenge your assumptions to show you they are built on sand because you simply state and assume. Anybody, ANYBODY, can do that.

No, all you have done is irrationally pick apart each sentence and demand to know how I arrived at that. Wow, logical and intelligent. We can do that to every post at this site, every newpaper columnist.... we can insist that every statement that anyone says anywhere have a footnote with a complete page of rationale. But that would be dumb, and basically all opinions/expressions would be shut down because some joker decides to trash a person's position for not clarifying in precise detail every premise which would itself be a full argument full of premises.

Moonbeam: Yes exactly. How are you going to show me what is bad and good when you haven't the faintest idea. With you everything is unexamined assumptions you never question because you are filled with certainty. Along comes the question man and you fall apart complaining how hard I am to argue with.

Well, I'm not exactly falling apart... I'm saying your questions are the tedious nonsense of a skewed worldview. Once again you assume many things in that last piece. I can explain what I think is "good" and what I think is "bad". Can you do that? Should we start another topic?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: cwjerome

When I first saw Moonbeam's cryptic jargon at this site I liked it. It was funny... and boy it still is. Moonbeam loves to demand a full-page report for every premise, knowing that people expressing their opinions simply don't have the will to engage in a useless time-consuming battle with someone who thinks only they can make assumptions... which he does in virtually every response he gives. I am afraid that if I start trying to give back-info on every statement I make, it will take 10 times the space and cloud the point... and Moonbeam will just find his nearest vortex and look into his prism and demand that I go back and explain how I arrived at the premise of my premise of my last premise.

Moonbeam: Sure you can disagree but your opinion ain't worth spit cause you don't know much and you don't argue for your case. You just pronounce it as if that meant something.

Ok, so why are you here exactly- besides to try and pretend you're some all-knowing fountain of wisdom? I thought the purpose was to give opinions. That's all people do here... and then we agree or disagree and present arguments to defend it. It sounds like you want me to explain why I think people who say the world is worse off with our actions in Afghanistan and Iraq are pessimists. Fine.

I think such people are pessimists because a brutal dictator is gone, his murderous sons are gone, the rape rooms are closed, the body shredders are no longer working, no more mass graves being dug and filled, hospitals are functioning, schools are open, infrastructure is being rebuilt, children are participating is sports programs, businesses are selling, an Iraqi team went to the Olympics without fear, many people are anxious to become part of the world community and to live in peace and freedom, WMD programs are no longer a threat, democracy is taking hold, women have more civil rights including the right to vote, jihad schools have shut down, thousands of terrorists have been killed or captured, millions of people are being exposed to ideas of liberty and tolerance for the first time, terrorist training camps were destroyed, cultures of violence, strict theocracy, and tribalism are being battled, the international community is supporting them, some countries have taken decades to move towards democracy while they are doing in relatively quickly, free media, 2 state sponsors of terrorism are gone, the courts systems are up and modernized, sanctions are gone, a single unified currency for the first time in years, and I can go on and on and on, but what's the point? Moonbeam will just pick any one of these and want me to go one step further and one step further... a senseless de-contruction of an argument so far removed from the original point. It's a game only Moonbeam can enjoy.

Moonbeam: Hehe, right. You get all pissed off when people shine on your absurd pronouncements as if they were some holy truth but you just babble in platitudes. "I don't understand how anybody could think trying to help establishing democracy with blah blah blah is a bad thing." Well I do and it's because I don't make the absurd mind clouding assumptions that you do. I ask basic questions at the core of issues and try to understand things deep. Your arguments are preposterous to me because they are shallow. You rest your case on millions of unexamined assumptions I do not share. You have all the answers where I have questions. Not much point in bringing democracy to people you kill doing it or who don't want it.

I don't know what to say to this except to acknowledge that you don't like my assumptions... and so what? Not liking my assumptions doesn't make them wrong. And to me, the way you discount them makes you look arrogant and argumentative, just for the sake of being annoying. Also, I never said I have all the answers.

Your last statement is an opinion, is loaded with assumptions, and is misleading because we are not bringing democracy to people we kill or who don't want it. People we kill become dead, and democracy doesn't apply to them so it's not for them. We're not bringing democracy to people who don't want it, it's for those that do and there's millions of them. I can also play Moonbeam say "It's your opinion, you pronounce it like it means something!!!" I can say "There's a million unanswered assumptions in that statement, back it up, give evidence, support it!!!!!!" But I'm not like that.

Moonbeam: hey they should be ripe for democracy, no? I'm not thinking anybody's at fault. I'm analyzing your assumptions. You make them one after the other, these pronouncements of golden truth that are nothing but opinion. Oh I remember it was gonna be a cake walk and we would be welcomed with open arms. And we are not blaming we are analyzing assumptions.

Same old same old... Ask me a direct question to understand one of my assumptions instead of portraying me as not having any ideas to back them up. If I'm in the mood and your question isn't too stupid, I might actually respond.

Moonbeam: You make the absurd assumption that if the world is smaller and more interconnected that that some how allows you to stick your nose in things that have an effect on you. That would be like India Bombing Hollywood because our films are giving Indian youth the wrong message. You make the assumption that you are emperor of the world and can make moral decisions for other people. Taliban sounds about right.

Is it really just like India bombing Hollywood? Are all situations, contexts, scenarios exactly the same? So if a hateful, violent, and theocratic culture is bringing fear, death, and destruction our way, it's just like your little India example? It seems to be you cannot distinguish details.

It's YOU who makes the assumption that I am the emporer of the world. And you are correct that I believe in absolutes, universals, and morality. Some things are bad, some things are good. Murder is bad. Theft is bad. Slavery is bad. Wooo, look at these value-judgements!! Liberty is good. Pluralism is good. Weeeeee, this is fun. Maybe in your universe having a belief system evil. Maybe in your little mind the Taliban = America = North Korea = France = Saudi Arabia = Japan. Perhaps all ideas are the same, there is no right or wrong, a belief system can be evil so ALL beliefs are evil, blah blah.... what a pitiful, schizophrenic mentality to be a subjective relativist. Like I said before, it's hard to argue with someone who believes nothing. All they do is run around and try to pick people's arguments apart by claiming there's no objective reality, knowledge is unknowable, and spweing cliched metaphysical ramblings.

This is why I am not esponding to you directly- under your mental umbrella that's useless. I am responding for anyone else reading, to give them ideas into what I think and maybe even show them your non-philosophy.

Moonbeam: That's just f*cking wonderful you feel that way. But you offer no proof and don't explain how and where. You kill people because you think your opinion is better? What kind of morality is that? You have no idea if I am a cultural relativist. I am not.

You want evidence/argumentation for why I believe some cultures are better than others? OK... I will, but first you do something for me. You say you are not a cultural relativist and I want you to explain why you are not. I want to you give me and example of how one culture could be better than another. And to answer your silly questions, "No" and "I have no idea".

Moonbeam: Hehe, and you really thought you wanted or were capable of a logical and intelligent conversation. All I have done is challenge your assumptions to show you they are built on sand because you simply state and assume. Anybody, ANYBODY, can do that.

No, all you have done is irrationally pick apart each sentence and demand to know how I arrived at that. Wow, logical and intelligent. We can do that to every post at this site, every newpaper columnist.... we can insist that every statement that anyone says anywhere have a footnote with a complete page of rationale. But that would be dumb, and basically all opinions/expressions would be shut down because some joker decides to trash a person's position for not clarifying in precise detail every premise which would itself be a full argument full of premises.

Moonbeam: Yes exactly. How are you going to show me what is bad and good when you haven't the faintest idea. With you everything is unexamined assumptions you never question because you are filled with certainty. Along comes the question man and you fall apart complaining how hard I am to argue with.

Well, I'm not exactly falling apart... I'm saying your questions are the tedious nonsense of a skewed worldview. Once again you assume many things in that last piece. I can explain what I think is "good" and what I think is "bad". Can you do that? Should we start another topic?

Yes many assumptions in my last piece. Perhaps I can clarify a bit. You say that you can explain what you think is good and what you think is bad, but that's where I have my problem. I don't want to know what you think is bad, but how you know? We are not talking theory here but of things actually done in the world. What insight have you into truth that you feel gives you the right to impose your will. Why are we killing people in Iraq to make them free. Along with the good you claim we are doing we are killing innocent people. We are killing them for them uninvited and unsupported by the rest of the world. There is no fanatic in the world who isn't also sure what is right and wrong. How are you any different then them. If I can say something for relativism, it's not very good for a psychopathic ego to not be too sure if he's right. All the ones I know are absolutely sure sort of like you. What is the difference? How do you know you aren't a deluded nut case. How do you prove it to me. There is a reason I ask for the foundations of your thinking. Everybody assumes they are right and never looks to where that feeling comes from and on what are its predicates. And most people also don't like questions because they expose the irrational blindness. It's anything but a trite exercise in my opinion. By the way, I liked your defense. I also like that you want something good for the Iraqi people. As you know, there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip.



Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
The reason I can talk like this is because I understand my 'foundations', and nobody has given me a satisfactory argument for me to think otherwise. I understand your point, and it's basically true... but I know exactly how my morality is derived and I do have a philosophic base for my thinking. This is why I'm not a political zombie... I'm interested in ideas, not party affiliation.

I will start a new topic on why some cultures are better than others... and morality may play a part in that discussion.
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