fvcking awesome :(

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Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2000
Originally posted by: notfred
Here's a fvcking idea: take your medication two minutes earlier every day.


seriously dude, wtf? constantly being late by 1 or 2 mins is your fault. I can see your POV, but come on man, wtf?

I've failed a class because of attendence. In fact i'm retaking this class right now (summer session). We had our first exam today. I turn mine in and the prof goes "come here" and he whispers

"you did really well in my class last semester, but you just had all those absences"

I was like "WTF?!?! I wanna b!tch slap you right now"

I don't think i've ever been that mad in awhile. I only showed up on exam days and would have gotten a B in the class if it weren't for my never showing up to class, and his attendence policy


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2000
Originally posted by: habib89
ok, so since you're on medication, do you think you can go to the chair or dean and maybe take a special test for the class to show that you were obviously there and learned the material? i mean it's a medical condition, so you're a sepcial circumstance... and that professor is an ass, and i'm sure he has hella complaints against him..

I haven't read the whole thread, but I read the first page, and it seems like the OP has ADD or something and takes aderol. I've taken some to help me study, but this is no excuse to be 1-2 mins late to class EVERYTIME! this is just retardation acting on the OP

Wanna take some meds for retardation too?


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2005
There is no other excuse other than you didn't wake up in time. If this was due to medication then you should do something about that. The fact remains that you weren't there at exactly 7:20 (or 7:19 for good measure). Sorry you failed because of your medication.

I Saw OJ

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
LOL at this thread.

Some of you kids need to get your head out of your asses and grab a freakin clue. Being habitually late all the time WILL GET YOU FIRED, no ifs ands or buts.

As for the OP, it still sucks that he has to pay and take the class again, but it was his own fault. I bet next semester when he has to take the class again he wont be late.

Blazin Trav

Dec 14, 2004
Originally posted by: I Saw OJ
LOL at this thread.

Some of you kids need to get your head out of your asses and grab a freakin clue. Being habitually late all the time WILL GET YOU FIRED, no ifs ands or buts.

As for the OP, it still sucks that he has to pay and take the class again, but it was his own fault. I bet next semester when he has to take the class again he wont be late.

Well according to this thread you couldn't be MORE wrong.

I Saw OJ

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Blazin Trav
Originally posted by: I Saw OJ
LOL at this thread.

Some of you kids need to get your head out of your asses and grab a freakin clue. Being habitually late all the time WILL GET YOU FIRED, no ifs ands or buts.

As for the OP, it still sucks that he has to pay and take the class again, but it was his own fault. I bet next semester when he has to take the class again he wont be late.

Well according to this thread you couldn't be MORE wrong.

Darn, proven wrong by a poll voted on by a bunch of high schoolers who have never had a real job....

woe is me


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2005
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: GarlicBreath
Your meds, right. Can't be your fault. Nobody's personally responsible for anything anymore.

How about this: If your class starts at 7:20, just tell yourself it starts at 7:00. Then if you're 2 minutes late, you'll really be 18 minutes early.

If my employees were habitually late for work or meetings, I'd fire them.

Take it as a life lesson and do better next time. The world's tough, kiddo. You gotta be tougher.

again, try doing that when you've had around 4 hrs of sleep every night.

Dude I get 4 hours of sleep every night, sometimes less and this has been going since I was 12-13. Back when I was in school, I wouldnt fall asleep till sometimes 4 in the morning with having to get up at 6am, 2 hours later. I didn't bitch about it and makes excuses, I dealt with it because I knew it wasnt anyone elses responsibility to adjust their schedule because I couldnt get enough sleep because of the way my body is. If the class started at 7:30 you'd still probably be late all the time because your accustomed to it and accustomed to using the med excuse to lay the blame on something/someone else other then yourself.

But with hardly any sleep I still made it through high school and have been working fulltime since i've been 16 (now 22) and I am still able to do things ON TIME when rules are set in place from the beginning because i've learned how to adjust and deal with it since I was younger. Its not like you JUST found out about his rules, they were in place the first day you went to this class. 4 hrs of sleep is no excuse, you can still function, I and many others do it all the time. Nothing is stopping you from doing that, you say your grades are good so obviously you have enough sleep to learn and keep your grades up, so your excuse of no sleep is down the drain, otherwise your grades would be ****** right?! Your med bottle does not say on the side where side effects are listed "you cannot go to sleep till 2:00am and you CANNOT UNDER ANY circumstances wake up 5 minutes earlier a day, this is a side effect of your medicine so please use it as an excuse in your real world responsibilies when you get reprimanded or fail something because you cant get to your classes/work on time". It is not that freakin hard man, your not 6 yrs old anymore where Mommy needs to wake you up. Your an adult, going to college to get a higher education, take responsibility for your actions or you will get nowhere in life, no one got anywhere blaming others. Be a man and grow up, I know alot of ppl that take meds and dont use the excuse "I only get 4-5 hours of sleep a night". They act like an adult, do what they have to do and go to sleep a bit earlier or if they "cant" like you claim, they get up a bit earlier in the morning, whats 2 minutes less if your only getting 4-5 hrs a night right?!?

Yes the Prof. might be an ass but rules are rules, life isnt fair, boo hoo, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I agree, Nebor.

Certainly, this situation sucks. But the reality is that if you are in med school and hope to be a physician, be prepared for not sleeping and being on time. Your professor is only doing his job by getting you prepared for this. If you get through school, I'm sure the 16-hour on-calls will work nicely with your meds to put you on a more "normal" sleep cycle...that is if the psychotropic (from what i read) meds that you are taking don't interfere with your ability to practice medicine. Your body will learn to shut itself down effectively when you can poach the small amounts of sleep that will be available to you. 7:20? Bah! Be prepared to get to the hospital by 4:30 or so.


Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: DrPizza
Originally posted by: dullard
Originally posted by: DrPizza
OP is blaming his meds??
Maybe it's because the OP is sitting on the computer until late at night, starting useless threads. 11pm and 3am post on a Mon night in this thead:...
1) The medication is keeping him up, so therefore he is posting because he can't sleep. Not the reverse.

2) I still fail to see why he can't shift his ENTIRE schedule 15 minutes earlier. Keep taking the medication, but take it 15 mintues earlier. Then go to sleep 15 minutes earlier. Then wake up 15 minutes earlier. Then get to class on time. He has still failed to see how this will harm him. He still gets the same amount of sleep AND he passes his class. They aren't mutually exclusive ideas.

I still disagree on #1... explain the 3:30 am posts during the weekend..., yet only sporadic 2am posts during the week. There's no pattern. Given his high posts per day, I'd understand a little better if he was regularly up til 12, 1, or even 2... especially if he had ever posted "I have trouble sleeping." Instead, if you go back and look, it seems that the frequency of late late night posts is a pretty close match to the number of times he can't get his butt out of bed.

Has the OP even mentioned which medication keeps him up, other than "a stimulant?" If he's taking a medication that's causing this much of a problem, he probably should have complained a long time ago and had his meds switched.

Regardless, the pattern of late night computer usage is more indicative with someone simply staying up later than they should on occasion, rather than being online because they can't sleep.

like i said before, i couldn't switch meds because this dosage of meds actually worked for my problem.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: DrPizza
Yikes again! You were online at nearly 4am on a school night... link

Were you late for class in the morning?

i was probably pulling an all-nighter for an exam.... midterms.

Seriously dude... can you drop the stupid ADD excuse? I've lived my whole life with ADD, it does NOT make you 3 minutes late for class... the reason at this point the prof is probably being an ass is because your excuse is gawdamn lame... You should just tell him, hey look I commute to school... sometimes sh!t happens... I'm sincerely sorry I was late, I did not mean any disrespect at all... I'd be more than happy to do an extra assignment to make up for my tardiness. Make it clear that you will do anything to get through this class. But for the love of god stop trying to bullsh!t the professor, us and yourself with this ridiculous medication excuse.

And from now on... when you have a nazi professor... drop the class before you find yourself in this predicament.



P.S. for all you grow up and show up on time from now on people... I rest my case.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Doboji
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: DrPizza
Yikes again! You were online at nearly 4am on a school night... link

Were you late for class in the morning?

i was probably pulling an all-nighter for an exam.... midterms.

Seriously dude... can you drop the stupid ADD excuse? I've lived my whole life with ADD, it does NOT make you 3 minutes late for class... the reason at this point the prof is probably being an ass is because your excuse is gawdamn lame... You should just tell him, hey look I commute to school... sometimes sh!t happens... I'm sincerely sorry I was late, I did not mean any disrespect at all... I'd be more than happy to do an extra assignment to make up for my tardiness. Make it clear that you will do anything to get through this class. But for the love of god stop trying to bullsh!t the professor, us and yourself with this ridiculous medication excuse.

And from now on... when you have a nazi professor... drop the class before you find yourself in this predicament.



P.S. for all you grow up and show up on time from now on people... I rest my case.

/thread :beer:


Golden Member
Jul 2, 2001
I would thoroughly read the syllabus and the rules outlined for the term. What is the definition for being absent? Are you absent if you are not present during role call? Is absent defined as being there more than 50% of the class period? 75%? Is there a percentage of hours that you need? If you can prove you were there and if it isn't definited as "you are absent if you are not present during roll call" then you may have a chance to fight this.

It seems that this guy is being a douche although as many here have pointed out it is not his fault you were late nor is it anyone elses fault other than your own. If you have medication of any other issue that prevents you from being on time then you need to take that into consideration when planning your commutes, schedules, whatever. If you were really only 2-3 minutes late everyday then it seems like it would not be terribly hard to adjust your schedule to make sure you were on time.

Others have stated that if you were consistenly 3 minutes late for work or meetings then you would likely be fired. That depends on the employer, job, etc. but in most case would probably hold true. I have always had issues with being on time. I am always late to work and was consistenly late to class when I was in college. I also had/have instructors/employers that really didn't care too much about it. If I need to be on time I can be and will adjust my habits accordingly.

If I were you, I would sit down and talk to your professor and come clean. Tell him that you were late and it was your fault. That you were there for 98% of the lectures and that you feel like he is being a bit hard on you. Ask if there is anything you can do to change his mind. Extra papers, exam, volunteer work, whatever will work to avoid you having to take this class again. You are really in a bad position so kissing some ass is probably the best thing to do at this point. If this does not work then you can try to fight it.

My sisters old boyfriend was notorious for being late, missing class and slacking off. He missed a final exam because he was out partying all night. He went to his professor the next day and told the truth. He said he screwed up, was out all night and was too hungover to take the exam. The professor was so surprised that he actually told him the true he gave him a second chance. Anyway, good luck.


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2000
I think this is a simple case of mind over body....I think the OP just doesn't care enough to wake up and make it to class on time, so he comes up with this half-assed excuse


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I've not read this whole thread, only the first post. What I was going to post is actually similar to what Jaylllo said.

Is there any possibility of getting your Doctor to write a letter saying that in his professional medical opinion, that you are currently and for x-amount of time previously have been disabled.

Having been labelled as disabled, you fall under the American's With Disabilities Act. As such, that professor may not be able to LEGALLY do what he is doing, especially if you can prove that you did all other work and that he was not willing to make any effort to work with your disability.

You might also want to call the people here: http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html

It's the Office for Civil Rights of the US Department of Education.

IF you can work this out, I think the probability is that the University will force the professor to change his stance, since doing otherwise would mean they would be open to a lawsuit and federal fines.



Golden Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: MichaelD
I'm sorry that your meds have that effect on you.

That said:

If I know that the train I take to work is 15 minutes late EVERY morning, no matter what, I leave at least 15 minutes early to make up for it.

Your meds making you sleepy and making it difficult for you to get up in the morning is NOT an excuse for being late. Period. Your Prof is right; it's not his job to determine the side effects of your meds. That's YOUR JOB, buddy.

Judging by your avatar, I'd say you are a med student; you should know better, slacker.

Stop calling names. Your post would have been just fine without the "slacker".


Apr 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Ninjja
Originally posted by: MichaelD
I'm sorry that your meds have that effect on you.

That said:

If I know that the train I take to work is 15 minutes late EVERY morning, no matter what, I leave at least 15 minutes early to make up for it.

Your meds making you sleepy and making it difficult for you to get up in the morning is NOT an excuse for being late. Period. Your Prof is right; it's not his job to determine the side effects of your meds. That's YOUR JOB, buddy.

Judging by your avatar, I'd say you are a med student; you should know better, slacker.

Stop calling names. Your post would have been just fine without the "slacker".

Should MichaelD have held the OPs hand and prayed for him while he typed his response? :roll:


Jun 22, 2001
First off, 4 words: F**K Late Attendance Policies. They aren't a test of learning, they are trying to parent the student. I can understand a policy that penalizes you for not showing up at all, but being late is L-A-M-E.

With that being said, and assuming you did well in the class, tell the professor the truth and that you are willing to ameliorate the situation in any way possible (extra credit, crack favor, six pack of booze, 2 lap dances at the strip joint, whatever). However, if you did badly in the class, you're fighting an uphill battle.

Hell, I remember having an 88 in a class (A average over all 4 exams and B+ avg on 3 papers) and a prof dropped me to a C (78) because I didn't attend a stupid play. A PLAY!! Plus I skipped a bunch of classes because I could ace his easy ass tests by just reading the book and showing up for test day. In any case, I appealed it to the department and they took the side of the prof (surprise surprise). Sometimes you have to just suck it up and accept responsibility for your actions, even if the policy is freaking bogus. My .02


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
Originally posted by: silverpig
Email/write your congressman. That's what they're there for.




Please tell me my sarcasm meter is broken!


Dec 28, 2004
Being lazy is a medical condition? What kinda medication were you taking? Weed?
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