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Aug 12, 2004
Originally posted by: coachrg
I continued to have problems getting mine to boot reliably. I finally developed a technique where I pulled the plug on the powersupply for the videoboard. The inrush current demands for the 800 Pro were enough to throw the 480 watt power supply into protection shutdown mode so it would never boot. If I pulled the side cover, slipped the connector out of the power supply, hit the button and waited for a second then plugged the connector into the power supply it ran just fine.

Until today. Today I followed this procedure and the 800 Pro flamed. I mean it smoked and threw sparks and just had a great time. I immediately pulled the plug but the damage was done. I pulled the 800 pro and installed my old nvidia board but only got grey shapes marching across the screen. I presume that the video inputs to the MB are fried. I am hopeful that they went before the CPU died but will not know for a while. Any thoughts?

well, my first thought is "its your own fault"...


(except USB/Network/firewire...and even then, only the external not mess around with the motherboard pin-outs...monitor is ok too...)

It sounds like there could've been some static electricity in the card when you turned on the computer, and when you plugged that molex connector in, didn't turn out good...

sounds like you've fried your card and your motherboard...try a PCI GFX card in your board to test if the CPU/RAM still works...

and DO NOT TELL THAT STORY to the computer store that you bought the card (or your motherboard) from, i can almost promise you, they will not warrenty it (i certainly wouldn't)


Aug 12, 2004

my score still isn't that great compared to some other people...

the reason i was able to get such a high score is because i know how to tweak AQ3....i go into the NVidia Analoge Display (wiht the 61.34 drivers) turn off AA-AF, image quality down to perfoamance and enable all optimisations...

you also may want to force "Fast Writes" to off (you have to do it in the BIOS), it improved my score...


Nov 11, 2004
Originally posted by: SIKLCELL
This board totally sucks if you are going to overclock. Well I hope my MSI gets here tomorrow. My Gigabyte board is available CHEAP if anyone wants it.

I would like to buy it, but since it was overclocked and void of warrenty I cannot offer you much money.


Dec 20, 2004
Is this board still quirky?

What is the difference between the GA K8NS NXP 939 and the GA K8NS 939 (non NXP). What the heck is NXP? The only difference I can see is that it has Dual Power Supply but the NXP board is $100 CAD more expensive. Is it worth it? The only thing I like about the board over the MSI Neo 2 Plat or the Epox 9Nda3+ is that the gigabyte board has 1394b.

How is this board now? Have newer version or BIOS fixes made people warm and fuzzy or is this board still a hit or miss? I wouldn't buy the NXP since its $100 more for what?

thanx for any feedback or update



Junior Member
Dec 22, 2004
hello guys,

i just bought the K8NSNXP 939 a few weeks ago and i experienced all the problems about this mother. i had the blue screen "irql_less_or_not_equal" thing, DDR400 memory dropping to 133 Mhz, computer keeping rebooting... and i have updated Bios all the way up to F6, downloaded all the correct drivers..I have tried many memories:

Kingston 2x 512 PC 3200 DDR400 slot 1, 2 result: windows installtion cant be completed and blue screen "irql_less.." appears

Dane elec 2 x512 PC 3200 DDR400 slot 1,2 result: completed windows install,Dual channel working, memory dropping to 133Mhz and windows freezes after 20 min:disgust:. I tried to set it to 200Mhz, systems keeps rebooting over and over

Corsair TwinL 1Go 3200 slot 1,2 result: Mobo doing long single beeps, system wouldnt even boot :Q

Corsair Value select 2x 512 PC3200 DDR400 slot 1,2 result same as kingston...

Fortunately I didnt need to buy all of those mems. i went back to to the vendor all the time for refund

Knowing not what else to do i brought the mobo back to the vendor. he tryed the two last memories with the same result. He concluded that the mobo was jammed and decided to send it back to gigabyte for repair rsult: 30 days minimum before it gets back (only 11 days since i bought the mobo passed..). I told the vendor it must be a memory issue... but he said he couldnt do more than to send it to GA. He couldnt exchange it for a new K8NSNXP 939 or another mobo because they just cant do that. AND I KNOW 100% the mobo will come back just as it was cause GA will say something like :"it's working properly must be your memory module":shocked:

what should I do? I dont know which memory module to keep, to get back.. i still have 3 days to decide before i cant be refunded anymore for the memory... SOMEONE please HELP ME!!!!

(ps: BIOS was f6 in case someone says upgrade your BIOS, all mobo drivers updated,cpu is AMD64 3500+,graphic card is ATi radeon X800 pro, alim is Enermax 450 w)



Aug 12, 2004
well....everyone...guess wat i have done.....

woo hoo, i killed my board again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

don't know how i did it, at-least last time there was a spark and stuff...this time it simply will not turn on (AND NO IT ISN'T THE PSU!!!)

got a new Zalman HSF (the 7000B-cu) and i had to take my board out to install it...but i don't think it was that that killed it...i have constantly been running my RAM at +0.2v to try gain some stability (without overclocking) and maybe the board just had enough...and it was only a coincidence that it died when i pulled it out...but i really dont know...

now i have to wait OVER a month to get it back (cause of christmas, etc)...i'll prolly buy a new one before it get back....liek i looking at getting the DFI NFIII-UltraD, almost identical, but NO DPS!!!!


Senior member
Sep 21, 2004
Im sorry to hear about your board. I mean wow. You just seem to have the worst luck. Hey so how do you guys monitor CPU temps? I have found that each BIOS is slightly different in terms of temp readings. I'm not really confident I'm getting the right readings. Currently the F4k BIOS reads out about 27C idling (thats 1000Mhz, 1.1V i think) and like 44C under load (2.2Ghz, 1.55V). The F6 BIOS never went under 31C idling no matter how cold i let my room get. Any insight on this guys?


Aug 12, 2004
well, i'd (just to be safe) go with the reading from the F6 BIOS...

i've never had a reading below 30C (except for when i had the F3 BIOS and i was reading 12-19C )


Junior Member
Dec 28, 2004
There have been a lot of postings to this topic, so please forgive me if someone has already addressed this problem and I just missed it: I have the system shown below, with the F6 BIOS, all the latest drivers from Gigabyte and ATI and running Windows XP with SP2.

The system runs just fine as long as I don't try to run a 3D game like Splinter Cell2 or Half Life 2. If I try to run either of those games (all latest updates) the game loads, runs for a little while (1-2 minutes) and then either crashes back to the desktop or shuts down the computer entirely. Anyone have any thoughts as to whether this is a graphics card settings problem, a BIOS settings problem, some other setting or software problem or a hardware problem? I have (predictably) gotten little or no help from any vendor.

Any suggestions, other than the use of a small explosive device followed by the purchase of a new computer (that one I've thought of myself) would be appreciated.


Aug 12, 2004
well, it doesn't have to do with any actual sounds like its a driver issue...

if your detail setting were too high then the game would just run really jerky, it would'nt crash...

goto and download "Driver Cleaner 3.1" and uninstall your ATI Drivers, then re-install them...if that doesn't help, then uninstall both your ATI drivers and the NVidia NForce drivers...and re-install them, making sure you install the NForce drivers FIRST...

if that doesn't give re-installing windows a go...if possible...


Junior Member
Dec 28, 2004
Thanks, Michael. The settings I was referring to were all of the arcane settings associated with the graphics board GART and the BIOS, not game settings. I wouldn't have expected those to lock up the computer. After I posted, I realized that I may not have properly described the manner of the crash. What usually happens is that the graphics card (ATI Radeon 9800 Pro) shuts down, leaving the computer running but no feed to the monitor. Sometimes the game simply locks silently and occasionally I get a lock with sound looping. Crashes back to the desktop haven't happened for a while.

In another forum discussing problems with 9800 Pro cards reference was made to an "infinite loop glitch" which seemed to be associated with VIA chipset 4-in-1 drivers. Since I don't have a VIA chipset, I suppose that's not the problem, but the nVidia chipsets may have a similar problem. I find this all VERY frustrating.


Aug 12, 2004
ROFL...i paniced for a second, wondering how you knew my name!!! the i realised i put it in my profile

unfourtunetly i can't help you much more...i have very little experiance with Radeon cards...and with troubleshooting radeon an NVIDIA man myself

does it come up with that annoying "VPU Recovery" message at all???

i doubt that this i sthe problem, but does your card have a Molex Power connector on it??? if so, is there anything else that you ahve running off the same cable??? make sure its alone on the cable (if possible...even if you have to unplug something for troubleshooting purposes), but i don't think thats the problem as i have the same PSU, with much more running off it (ie 6800GT) and have had no problems...

and also, i don't think i asked this before, is anything overclocked, or have you tightened the RAM timings at all...or done anything else weird to the system???


Junior Member
Dec 28, 2004
Sorry, I didn't mean to shock you. I had looked at your profile and thought it would be friendlier to address you by your first name.

I don't get the message - surprisingly, since the ATI software provides for that.

Nothing on the same connector as the card; the PSU has plenty of available connectors. And I haven't overclocked, tweaked or done anything odd to the mobo or the card. I would be happy to get it to work at all!

Thanks for your comments. If anything else occurs to you. let me know.


Senior member
Sep 21, 2004
Well the F7 BIOS is out... not sure if I'm gonna try it cause, I seem to have a pretty stable setup right now. Just letting you guys know...


Aug 12, 2004
@flawlssdistortn, well, you're a lucky one aren't you???

i wish they gave better desciptions on wat they do with the new BIOS besides "Update CPU Code"

@DrBob789456, i really can't think of anything else...except for FFR (Fdisk, Format, Re-install...)sorry

and i'd also like to say, good bye....well, for a few weeks going on a little holiday (well...a tour with my band) so i prolly won't have access to the net or my e-mail until i come back, the 18th Jan...(i don't leave for a few more days...but i'll be VERY busy)

i look forward to hearing how the F7 BIOS goes, and i also look forward to getting a new board when i come back!!!

see ya next year!!!


Junior Member
Dec 30, 2004
Hi i'm new here, I bought this motherboard and I'm having this temperature problemes, I'm runnig with the f7 bios version, what can I do to fix the problem? Can any one pass me the f4k bios?


Junior Member
Dec 28, 2004
Joelslaw suggested that I run Prime95 to test for voltage and heat problems. Since I haven't tweaked the system at all I assumed that the CPU heatsink/fan that came from AMD would be adequate. I was surprised to find that the CPU temperature went from a resting state of 46C to 60C within two minutes of starting Prime95! After less than an hour, the video output shut down (probably everything else, too, except for the psu). I guess the stock heatsink/fan combo isn't adequate.

BTW, good luck on tour. Going to Sydney and Melbourne?


Aug 12, 2004

you're a tricky little fella aren't ya??? i didn't say anything about Sydney/Melbourne....or Australia for that matter

im going to the Goldcoast/Brisbane (kinda the same...i think) and to Sydney for a few days...not Melbourne...been there before, didn't like one of my good friends commented last time i was there "There's Modern Art Everywhere!"

i can't remember wat temps i would get under full load with the stock long ago...but i do remember (while using my GBA-Emulator) my temp getting to 64C, but it didn't shut would've been like that for about 5 or so minutes...then when i realised it, i quickly turned up the speed of my CPU FAN...i had the Gigabyte 3D Cooler Ultra GT...and when it got to that temp it was at lowest fan speed...

maybe you should look at re-seating the make sure its contacting pretty sure the stock HSF will be ok to use when not overclocking...


What do you mean my Temperature problems??? explain yourself it not reading the correct you computer overheating and shutting down??


Aug 26, 2004
Originally posted by: flawlssdistortn
Well the F7 BIOS is out... not sure if I'm gonna try it cause, I seem to have a pretty stable setup right now. Just letting you guys know...

Awww... c'mon! Live life on the edge!

I just flashed my system with it, and it seems OK so far. One thing I noticed is that the BIOS now does overclock checking at POST.

When I boot my system, at the POST screen, it detects that I am overclocking my system, and suggests that if I can't boot, to press the DEL key before boot (in it's best broken engrish. ).

One bug I did notice (but isn't detrimental) is this: Go into the BIOS and press CTRL-F1. Go into the Intergrated Peripherals menu. In the menu, go into the IDE RAID SETUP sub-menu (at the top of the list). As soon as you go into it, the current selection is blank, and on the right-hand info window you'll see " 25" ". Press ENTER, and it takes you to the advanced chipset configuration screen. Press ESC to go backwards, and it takes you back to the IDE RAID SETUP menu.

Like I said, it's not detrimental, but it's something Gigabyte should have noticed. I noticed it right off the back (and I wasn't even looking for it specifically).



Aug 12, 2004
ROFL...i was going to post here asking about rebuilding/recovering a deleted parition accross a RAID Array...but i have been able to find a program that does it...however its only a demo, i i expect i have to buy it for it to actually recover my files for me...but we'll see...

just to be sure, has anyone here had any EXP with this kinda thing??


i have posted the whole story there^^^


Aug 12, 2004
Damn....we all wish!!!

how did you update the BIOS??? through Windows or from a bootdisk???

after you updated to F7 did you reset the BIOS to defaults???

try using the F6 BIOS...that worked fine for me...


Junior Member
Dec 30, 2004
Finally my mother board says me the correct temperature but, i have a problem wit the smart fan it power off my cpu cooler, now i put my cooler on the power fan connector and it seems to work fine.

Edit: i'm with the same thing again, if I change my bios after a reset i have to deactivate the smart fan because it takes of my cooler, it's show the real teamperature, but if you change any parameter it turns of like before saying me that my temperatures ara 4º and 6º. I'm bored.


Aug 12, 2004
is that with the F7 BIOS???

that could be a 'bug' with it...try the F6, like i said...i have been using that (until my board decided to die on me...for the SECOND time!!!) and i was getting accurate temp readings...and i by no means use default settings!
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