Gainward 6800GT Dual-DVI for $385 (dropped from $400)

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Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2004
Well Glow took the wind out of my sails, I was going to post saying the same thing - I suspected this thing OCs like a mutha and I was right. Screw the GS marketing speak, I played at 400/1100 for HOURS last night and nary a problem. I don't buy the stuff about how a GS includes "handpicked" memory and blah blah. The way that Monarch got the shipment I bet they are the same product with the GS just OC'd from the start.

Also, and this is important, I had to use a hacksaw on the aluminum bracket to get this thing on my Asus A8V board, as it interferes with the SATA RAID connectors. You should have seen the look on my wive's face....after waiting for 2 months for the GW deal I was NOT about to return this because it didn't fit.


Senior member
Oct 10, 2002
Whoa, people. No need for flames here. I agree we didn't get ripped off; at worst we were possibly given some misleading info (intentionally or unintentionally) that caused us to jump and buy a card we might not have otherwise purchased.

And takedown - speaking for myself - I'm not lying when I say I would be fine with someone else getting it and I didn't. Sure I'm disappointed I didn't get one, but I knew the risk going in and was prepared for it not to pay off. The problem came up when it looked like NO ONE was getting them and we were wondering if we'd been fooled.

INGlewood - I'm not upset because I got what I ordered. I look at it like a lottery ticket. People buy them and know there's a risk. They don't write nasty letters to the lottery commissions if they don't win. However, if NOBODY wins, and there never was a chance of a payoff, then that's fraud because people wouldn't have bought tickets in the first place if they knew that.

Granted, plenty of non-ATer's may have gotten GS's. It just seemed suspicious that we are 0-7 when we were being told there was a "95%" chance of getting a GS. At least ONE of us should have received a GS with those odds. But we'll see what happens as more people get their cards.

I am impressed that Joe came on to explain what happened. I am willing to believe that no one was intentionally mislead. But right now, it still looks like we were given some bad information. That may change, however, as we hear from more people.


Aug 3, 2004
Originally posted by: wpenhall
Whoa, people. No need for flames here. I agree we didn't get ripped off; at worst we were possibly given some misleading info (intentionally or unintentionally) that caused us to jump and buy a card we might not have otherwise purchased.

And takedown - speaking for myself - I'm not lying when I say I would be fine with someone else getting it and I didn't. Sure I'm disappointed I didn't get one, but I knew the risk going in and was prepared for it not to pay off. The problem came up when it looked like NO ONE was getting them and we were wondering if we'd been fooled.

INGlewood - I'm not upset because I got what I ordered. I look at it like a lottery ticket. People buy them and know there's a risk. They don't write nasty letters to the lottery commissions if they don't win. However, if NOBODY wins, and there never was a chance of a payoff, then that's fraud because people wouldn't have bought tickets in the first place if they knew that.

Granted, plenty of non-ATer's may have gotten GS's. It just seemed suspicious that we are 0-7 when we were being told there was a "95%" chance of getting a GS. At least ONE of us should have received a GS with those odds. But we'll see what happens as more people get their cards.

I am impressed that Joe came on to explain what happened. I am willing to believe that no one was intentionally mislead. But right now, it still looks like we were given some bad information. That may change, however, as we hear from more people.

My sentiments, exactly.



Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Seet
Yes, I agree Monarch should make more of an effort towards honoring the GS requests. (snip)

They gave out all of their GS's, what more are you wanting them to do?

FYI guys, I'm heading out on vacation for a week and a half, so it's all up to you guys to straighten this out.

MonarchJoe - good luck!!


Junior Member
Sep 3, 2004
I am one of the people who havent posted but have folllowed this deal since day one. I placed my order right after the price drop. I thought hey i should order one for my bro to and since we are both ordering theres gotta be some chance one of us will get a GS. I even called Monarch and was told 95% of there inventory was GS and we were more then likely to get one. So this morning both cards come in by Fedex. BOTH are NON GS. To me i feel like i was lied to and would not have ordered if i wasnt told 95%. This alone is enough for me to give Monarch bad ratings on any site. so thats 9-0 that doesnt look like 95% GS to me. I personally will never shop at monarch again no matter what. It also isnt the fact that i didnt get one and others did but 9-0 with 95% GS smells like dog $#^!! to me. Also it wasnt somone over the internet who said it was 95% it was one of there workers who seems to me was feeding everyone lies.


Platinum Member
Jan 22, 2002
Well, I also called in my ordered, was told I would get a GS and I received a non-GS when it arrived.
I wanted the Dual-DVI, so that was cool, and it turns out to be a monster OC, 420/1100 no problems, so I'm actually very pleased... $380 was a great deal!


Junior Member
Sep 1, 2004
It seems highly improbable that their stock of GS's could go from 95% to basically 0% is just a couple of days. If they were a volume seller like NewEggs, perhaps, but Monarch just isn't as well known. Besides, if they were selling that well, they wouldn't have dropped their prices down to $380.

My guess is that because of all the phone calls and emails, it finally dawned on someone there that they would be giving out too good of a deal. Greed kicked in, and they held back all the GS's. That's why photos of GS's disappeared from their website, and then a separate listing was created for GS's, at a much higher price. I would be very surprised if anyone from this forum gets a GS.



Junior Member
Aug 20, 2004
Well I just received my Box and Lo ANd Behold it was a NICE SILVER sticker... AKA Standard GT.... Boo... Oh well should have know that if it sounds too good to be true it usually is. I just whish I was not told "yes you will MOST likely get a GS, we have a lot of them" Bah CSR BullSh1t. I'll let you know later how it clocks, I am a little dissapointed.


Senior member
Apr 15, 2000
This deal started on 8-31-04 when:

Price drops to $380 and is reported on this forum:
Jaxidian 08/31/2004 10:08 AM
Bump for price drop from $435 to $380 - seems hot again!

With the possibility of a golden sample for $380
The following person jumps on this deal within the hour:
Glow 08/31/2004 11:09 AM
damn damn damn, ordered. g/fs gonna be pissed

The following people called to confirm the supply a few hours later:
oakleaf00 08/31/2004 03:31 PM
When I called this morning, Rick said that he wasn't able to physically check, but said they had 'plenty' of GT's in stock and he had no reason to believe that they weren't GS's. But that was 4 hours ago, and I don't know what 'plenty' really means. But more info's always good!

Shaotai 08/31/2004 05:55 PM
Actually, I just ordered one up here and the CSR verified that it is a Golden Sample...
We'll see when it comes in...

There is clearly no sign of low golden sample supplys on 8-31-04.

On 9-1-04
Another person is informed about the supply of golden samples
AmishPcFreak 09/01/2004 11:13 AM
The representative told me that the majority of the cards are the GS.

Later in the evening, the following person reports the following:
Jaxidian 09/01/2004 06:34 PM
I just talked to MonarchJoe for about 10 minutes and here's the scoop on things (past and present).

First of all, he said that their supply of GS are running out. Previously, most of their cards are GSs. Now, he said that less than 20% of the cards are GSs because of so many people ordering them. I asked him about actual numbers and he said that now he only has about 10 GSs left (total guesstimate). Still, he said that he is still TRYING to hook up the people who send in emails asking for the GS and give the non-GS to those who don't mention anything about it. But at this point in time, he's simply just running out and you should definitely expect to get the non-GS and be really happy if you land the GS.

Basically for almost 2 full work days(8-31-04 to 9-1-04), Monarch Computers had a healthy supply of golden samples based on the feedback of those members here who had called in. So far, the members who ordered on 8-31-04 has received a standard version. With the "majority" of the cards being golden samples, how is it possible that everyone who paid $380 is ending up with the standard version? Especially those who ordered instantly after this info. was posted?

When people started emailing the company asking if they would get a golden sample but got a short
unfriendly response of no guarantees.

Joe's response for the short replies
MonarchJoe 09/01/2004 07:15 PM
I apologize in advance for the brief response, I was trying to update everyone via the forums, here and
hardforum, about the situation as well as responding back to the 20 some odd requests for a GS card. I try to be more articulate than that in most situations!

Hmmm, he said he tried to keep everyone updated on the situation eh? Checking the hardforum, I see one thread called "Gainward GeForce 6800 GT 256MB $380" with 23 replies and here's Joe's:
MonarchJoe 08-31-2004, 02:39 PM
If it showed up with 22 dollars, it was probably due to the shipping option being listed as FedEx 2-Day. We do not charge sales tax. The eVGA card is currently $385 + whatever the shipping option you chose. And we have a bunch in-stock.

That doesn't seem like an update plus it was posted on 8-31-04 and has nothing to do with the golden
sample supply situation. So no, on 9-1-04 he was not busy keeping the people at hardforums updated and if you scroll back to all the posted on 9-1-04, most of the updates on the situation came from "the members", not joe. Maybe he was busy "responding back to the 20 some odd requests for a GS card"? How long does it take to respond to 20 emails when it's "We cannot guarantee that your order will be a Golden Sample card"?

Today Joe posts:
MonarchJoe 09/02/2004 10:51 AM
Well, I talked to purchasing the express my concerns over the GS pricing. So...

Where do you guys think it should be priced at?


Which then the price was raised to $400 and HeroOfPellinor nicely addressed this matter. Kinda pointless to ask for a public opinon and then raise the price.

After this post, Joe vanishes for the rest of the day until he gets a phone call. I'm thinking it was Glow that gave Joe a good yelling:
Glow 09/02/2004 06:57 PM
They definately did not try to honor them. Joe told me on the phone it was random...

After receiving an unfriendly phone call, Joe decides to post again with more explainations.

Glow mentions that Joe told him there were over 100 geforce sold when priced at $380. Based on the view and size of this thread I pretty sure that the majority of the consumers are probably from this forum. The same thread at hardforums hardly generated any interest there. If no one gets a golden sample in tommorrow's shipment; it is likely that everyone who ordered from 8-31-04 to 9-1-04 did not get a golden sample. Even though Joe said some people got a golden sample from 9-2-04 orders, it doesn't matter cause orders placed on 9-2-04 and gets a golden sample next week doesn't even count cause the thread was already modified earlier to inform that the $380 deal was dead and it will be clearly obvious the company shipped some 9-2-04 orders with golden samples just so they can say some people got one.

The price drop on 8-31-04 from $435 to $380 seems like a business move to redirect some traffic to
themselves. At $380+shipping, this deal is less than a $10 difference from the Leadtek 6800GT for $395 with free shipping and leadtek has a much better bundle selection which has been available since 8-27-04 from the following anandtech thread here. I highly doubt they could have sold over 100 Geforce 6800GT without the incentive of the high possibility of obtaining a golden sample.

When checking resellerratings, notice the large volume of feedback, there is over 6 pages of reviews for the company just from 8-31-04(this number surpasses neweggs reviews for a one day period by a mile) before it jumps to a more realistic value of 8-26-04 to 8-23-04 in a page. The graphs also show that within a 7 month tracking period that august has the highest user input and in some cases the input is 3 times higher than the months. Check and notice it's a different story there, 33% with a negative view in the past 6 months and 41% negative view in overall time. 8-31-04 has the most very satisfied reviews and yet it's also the day with the mistake and miscommunications within the business. Go back and read all Joe's posts and you can tell not all the facts match up.

Every business can be shoddy at times. For those that are dissatisfied, return it for a refund and leave the appropriate feedback at and If you decide to return the item, Inform the members here of the return process such as hassles, 15% restocking fee even if the product hasn't been opened, etc.

Those of you that called and was informed you would get a golden sample but still got a standard GT, don't forget to thank Sales Rep ShoddyJoe, I mean Mon ar ch Joe Schmo.
Aug 11, 2004

I apologize for saying everyone is lying, I shouldn't have used such a strong word. What I was trying to express was that many of the people that are posting are upset because they didn't get a GS and really could careless if someone else gets it. You'll see some people say that Monarch should take back the cards and give discounts on the actual GS cards... again these people are trying to get something for nothing. This may not be your motive as it appears it is not, it's just frustrating to see others mask their true intentions at the expense of bringing down one of the better e-tailers out there. Before anyone thinks I'm a fanboy, I'm not, I order from the places that have the best prices with the best service. Monarch is one of the few with good prices that is not in the state of CA so I avoid being taxed by shopping there and my experiences with them have been positive. I see that MonarchJoe was doing his best to keep his staff informed, to keep us informed, etc. By people continuing to talk bad about Monarch they will be forced to not post in public and the next time their is a pricing/shipping mistake they will probably just cancel the orders like everyone else does these days.



Junior Member
Sep 1, 2004
What separates a good company from a great company is how it deals with customer issues. Monarch insists that they did nothing wrong, and that's fine. But Monarch will just be another average reseller in my book.


Aug 3, 2004
Are people using the Gainward drivers or just using the latest one from nvidia?
(I've been in the ATI camp for the past 2 generations, so I'm not sure what the general consensus is)

Apr 26, 2004
Well, No GS For ME

I guess I'm mildly dissapointed. It was, intenionally or not, quite misleading. But if I can run at decent speed anyway, I guess what's to care about. I don't think this will lead me to run out and recommend them to all my buddies, but I guess it's not bad enough to utterly condemn them either.


of course, I haven't been able to install yet. With my luck on this current Video Card upgrade, it'll prolly be DOA, or won't fit in my case or something


Aug 3, 2004
For those keeping track, no GS for me either.

I actually don't feel disappointed at all - probably because after following this thread I wasn't expecting one anymore. I just feel a little slighted since the case is building that we were - intentionally or not - given misinformation.

The deal's done, I would have eventually have bought a 6800GT anyways, but I might not have jumped on this Gainward if I hadn't been enticed by 'the chance'

Have a great weekend all!


Senior member
Oct 10, 2002
Originally posted by: Glow
Ok. In light of today's events, I have a confession to make. I just played Doom3 for 22 minutes at 1600x1200 with my Gainward 6800 GT NON-Golden Sample overclocked to 405/1110. Note: GS runs at 400/1100. So apparently this card rocks and Golden Sample is nothing more than one of these cards tested for you.

Hey Glow, grohl -

What drivers are you using? nvidia's latest or Gainward's out of the box?


Senior member
Jun 9, 2004
The GS I got from them is running at 420/1200 right now... for a few hours, seems to be working great


Junior Member
Sep 3, 2004
I've been following this thread but this is actually my first post here. I just got my NON-GS card from fedex today

I share the same feelings as most people here...very dissappointed that they led us to believe there was such a good chance of getting a golden sample. I emailed them and also called them and Rick told me that they had mostly Golden Sample I'd most likely get one.
Well, whatever...I'll be happy with my NON-GS because the main reason I wanted it was for dual-dvi anyways. And this is a good deal for a dual-dvi card.

However, with the current numbers (what are we at now 13-0 non-GS to GS?) I feel that I was misled. I feel the same as sjaxkingpin, while I'm dissappointed in Monarch they didn't really do anything wrong because I got the card that I added to my cart.

At the same time...I very seldom venture away and try other resellers besides Newegg. Looks like I'll be going straight back to them. The vast majority of my online purchases are with Newegg and I've never had even the slightest complaint with them...I don't know why I even try other resellers because I always end up wishing I had just gone with Newegg.

All in all...I think I'll be happy with my non-GS and maybe it'll even overclock as high as some of yours have done!! If places like newegg die (heaven forbid!!), then I might think about shopping at Monarch again...But for my first purchase ever from them....meh


Senior member
May 5, 2001
I am using the drivers from the driver CD and I overclocked to 405/1110 easily so far, have not tried. I have not tried anything higher except 420 mhz just to make sure it is overclocking, and indeed it did crash. I bet I can get 410 but not trying yet.

It seems noone is reading our posts saying how easy it is to overclock. So just accept your non-GSes, overclock them, and write bad review on resellerratings and pricegrabber and lets move on.

Maybe mine could run at 420 if I bump up the memory speed, maybe they need to match for it to run at high speeds? I'll try later since 2 other ppl have overclocked that high. That is the max the gainward drivers can do internally. Maybe powerstrip can go higher.


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2004
I am using the latest Nvidia drivers from the website. Dunno what version that is.

I am also using the OC tool that came bundled with the Gainward card, it's called EXPERTool.

Yeah, the fact that this thing really does 400/1100 just like a GS makes the whole arguement moot in my opinion. I'm a happy camper!


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2003
My GS does 420/1200 with no problems...idles at around 49C and gets to about 65C on a load...


Senior member
Oct 10, 2002
Originally posted by: Manzelle
My GS does 420/1200 with no problems...idles at around 49C and gets to about 65C on a load...

Wow - how does yours stay so cool?

I'm running at 400/1101 (haven't tried to go higher). Seems to run stable enough, but while running rthdribl at 1600x1200 I get ~14 fps and temps of 97C / 50C (using expertool). I got very similar results at stock speeds - maybe just 1-2 deg lower.

It drops to the high 60's / low 40s at idle. I've got several case fans going - including one blowing out right next to the card. My cables are a little messy, but I think I have pretty decent circulation in my case. Of course, my ambient office temp is a bit warm right now ~ 80F.

Why could it be running that much hotter? Is that dangerous? Where should the optimal temps be?



Sep 1, 2004
On a side note, I cancelled my order from Monarch when I realized I would most likely not be getting a GS card and ordered one shipped overnight from It arrived yesterday and I was really excited to see how it would perform until I turned on the computer to find that my card was basically DOA. From the get-go (even in BIOS the first time I installed it!), i had lots of lines and pixels of distortion/tearing all across my screen. I tried updating drivers for both the mobo and for the video card to no avail. Here's a screenshot I took showing a relatively small amount of tearing. I'm really pissed, but this is just my luck getting a card overnighted to me that turns up DOA.

Looks like it's back to the GF4 ti4200 for now


Oct 22, 1999
Originally posted by: brystmar
On a side note, I cancelled my order from Monarch when I realized I would most likely not be getting a GS card and ordered one shipped overnight from It arrived yesterday and I was really excited to see how it would perform until I turned on the computer to find that my card was basically DOA. From the get-go (even in BIOS the first time I installed it!), i had lots of lines and pixels of distortion/tearing all across my screen. I tried updating drivers for both the mobo and for the video card to no avail. Here's a screenshot I took showing a relatively small amount of tearing. I'm really pissed, but this is just my luck getting a card overnighted to me that turns up DOA.
I had a similar problem, only that it was with the eVGA 6800 GT I just got a couple days ago from Monarch. Installed the card in my PC and right at boot, the text on the screen was garbled / distorted. There was display corruption in Windows too. All the bitching and complaining about the Gainward GS issue seems minuscule to me after getting a DOA card. :disgust:

Currently I'm debating whether to RMA my card w/ Monarch or directly contact eVGA support. Either way, I'm gonna have to wait another 1-2 weeks till I get a replacement. It doesn't help that it's my b-day and I have to work Labor Day weekend.


Junior Member
Aug 20, 2004
You know I find it very funny that after at least ten of us mentioned that we received the standard GT and not the GS that everyone was promising us that JOE MONARCH disappeared form this forum..... Should tell you somthing right there... Thank goodness for Reseller Ratings.
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