Galaxy S3 vs Iphone 5


Golden Member
Dec 6, 2009
I'm in need of a new phone. Price difference for upgrade, S3 is $150 and Iphone is $200. Seeing as I'm gonna be using this sucker for 2 years, I really don't care about the price difference.

I currently use a HTC Incredible 1. So I'm on Android. The phone is a bit low powered so it gets laggy, small screen so not all apps are amazing, etc.

I'm in dire need of calendar integration and email support. I use facebook and twitter, etc. Both phones should do this.

Having never been an iphone owner, I'm a bit worried about the way it is set up with all of the icons. Androids have "widgets" which seem pretty great. I like having a calendar on a home screen. (I think). Is it annoying with an iphone having to tap an app to get everything you want?

That said, the iPhone is definitely supported by more apps, and this is where it is appealing to me. Not to mention there are many add-on devices (fitness wrist bands, etc) that have integration with the iphone, and this appeals to me as well.

So, which would you get and why?

Thanks all

Note that I merged Glenn's iPhone 5 vs. SGS3 thread with this one.

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Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2007
Just made the decision today to go with IP5 (probably ATT). Tmobile offered GS3 for 100 but it still would be too much to make me deal with android/crappy phone quality again.


Golden Member
Dec 6, 2009
Just made the decision today to go with IP5 (probably ATT). Tmobile offered GS3 for 100 but it still would be too much to make me deal with android/crappy phone quality again.

I'm tempted to agree. But I see so much customizability with Android. Custom homescreen, change widgets, change keyboards, etc.. iPhone seems kinda antiquated with a homescreen of icons that you have to tap to get to the apps...

That said, it has a ton of compatibility. I feel like most companies release iPhone apps before android apps..


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2005
What do you mean by "calendar integration and e-mail support?" If it's anything related to Microsoft and Exchange, I'd say your options really should be between an iPhone and a Windows Phone 8. Android doesn't handle that stuff very well (too many e-mail apps to juggle).

As for the rest of the stuff, since I assume your HTC Incredible is still on Android 2.3, any OS would be a real upgrade for you at this point. I would pretty much ignore the amount of money you've spent on Android apps, since you should always pick what platform works for you, then have apps come later.

As far as integration goes, the iPhone supports many more 3rd party accessories, but Windows Phone 8 will have a much higher integration with Windows 8 (then again, you might hate that). I would beware of spending too much on any Apple accessories as they are quite pricy (buy used if you can).

I personally have had all 5 previous iPhones and will be buying a Nokia Lumia 920 when it comes out.

Puddle Jumper

Platinum Member
Nov 4, 2009
If you use Google Services for calendar and/or email Android is the obvious choice imo but if not then it's a more difficult decision. The biggest difference between the two is screen size and if you try out each in person you should have a clear preference based on that.

Also it is worth pointing out that Android has really improved since your Incredible came out. The SGS3 is obviously much faster but the os itself is much smoother and more refined.

What do you mean by "calendar integration and e-mail support?" If it's anything related to Microsoft and Exchange, I'd say your options really should be between an iPhone and a Windows Phone 8. Android doesn't handle that stuff very well (too many e-mail apps to juggle).

Have you ever used an Android device? Exchange works perfectly fine on my SGS2 running the SGS3 software. Heck considering Windows Phone 7.5 has plenty of issues with Exchange there is no guarantee at all that WP8 will be any better.
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Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Before this turns into an inevitable you-know-what thread, I think you should be capable of making this decision yourself IF you ask yourself the right questions:

1) Screen/Device Size: Do you prefer a smaller or larger device in terms of WxH (both phones are very thin)? Do you prefer a smaller or larger screen? What fits your hands and lifestyle better?

2) You can easily browse the app selection of each device beforehand.

Google Play:
App Store:

Does the app selection for each phone satisfy your needs? Does one store have a must-have app that the other doesn't?

3) Which mobile OS layout do you prefer? Apple provides tighter Facebook and Twitter integration, but the home-screen layout is limited to icons and folders. Android provides customisable home-screens with widgets and icons. What fits your usage better?

4) What accessories do you need for your phone, and are certain ones available for one phone that aren't available for the other?

5) How much have you already invested into one ecosystem (apps/music/movies), and would staying in that same ecosystem be beneficial so you don't need to repurchase those things?

I already made the decision for myself today; I bought a white AT&T GS3 off-contract to use with Straight Talk's (AT&T MVNO) $45/month unlimited everything plan. Including the cost of the phone, I'll be saving $700/year versus AT&T post-paid, with the same coverage and service. I also chose the GS3 because I'm a heavy Google Apps user (GMail, Voice, Maps).
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Golden Member
Dec 6, 2009
I don't think I use any apps that are exclusive to one device or another. That said, there are some add ons like fitness wrist bands and stuff that I might use, which only have iphone support.

I have email accounts set up with gmail. I need the calendars from those to be syncd, I need productivity stuff like notifications and alerts when I have meetings and stuff, and I would like to have a nice calendar that I can view (though it doesn't HAVE to be on a home screen).

I feel like iPhone has to be doing something right if people still love iphones and purchase them over android devices. It is also stylish to have an iphone. That said, the customizability of the GS3 appeals to me. But how long before they come out with the next model? Who knows.

As for Windows 8 phones, I will be getting a Windows Surface, but I don't really want the windows 8 phone. I'm not a big fan of the metro home screen. Otherwise I'd be down for hte Nokia 920.


Feb 28, 2003
Im still having this debate. Almost bought the GS3 the other day and decided to wait. Then almost preordered the 5 and decided to wait to see actual hands on reviews. Ultimately it may just come down to which will be easiest to pass down to the gf a year from now which definitely favors the 5.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
But how long before they come out with the next model? Who knows.
GS2 launched in June 2011, GS3 launched in June 2012, so the GS4 will launch in...June 2013 is a good bet.

Get the iPhone if those fitness armbands are important.


Nov 20, 1999
I don't think I use any apps that are exclusive to one device or another. That said, there are some add ons like fitness wrist bands and stuff that I might use, which only have iphone support.

I have email accounts set up with gmail. I need the calendars from those to be syncd, I need productivity stuff like notifications and alerts when I have meetings and stuff, and I would like to have a nice calendar that I can view (though it doesn't HAVE to be on a home screen).

I feel like iPhone has to be doing something right if people still love iphones and purchase them over android devices. It is also stylish to have an iphone. That said, the customizability of the GS3 appeals to me. But how long before they come out with the next model? Who knows.

As for Windows 8 phones, I will be getting a Windows Surface, but I don't really want the windows 8 phone. I'm not a big fan of the metro home screen. Otherwise I'd be down for hte Nokia 920.

1) Android has a much larger market share than the Iphone.

2) Gmail and i assume google calendar? The choice is obvious.

3) Notifications? The choice is obvious.

Personally, i'd wait for a month or 2 for the new nexus phones to come out. While i think the Galaxy S3 is a better phone than the iphone 5 (subjective of course), i think the new nexus phones should be better than both.


Mar 11, 2000
jpeyton said:
1) Screen/Device Size: Do you prefer a smaller or larger device in terms of WxH (both phones are very thin)? Do you prefer a smaller or larger screen? What fits your hands and lifestyle better?
Yeah, these are fundamentally different form factors. I liked the specs of the Samsung, but for me the size is the deal killer because it's too big for my preferences. For others, the 4" screen of the iPhone 5 would be a deal killer because it's too small.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
I'm in need of a new phone. Price difference or upgrade, S3 is $150 and Iphone is $200. Seeing as I'm gonna be using this sucker for 2 years, I really don't care about the price difference.

I currently use a HTC Incredible 1. So I'm on Android. The phone is a bit low powered so it gets laggy, small screen so not all apps are amazing, etc.

I'm in dire need of calendar integration and email support. I use facebook and twitter, etc. Both phones should do this.

Having never been an iphone owner, I'm a bit worried about the way it is set up with all of the icons. Androids have "widgets" which seem pretty great. I like having a calendar on a home screen. (I think). Is it annoying with an iphone having to tap an app to get everything you want?

That said, the iPhone is definitely supported by more apps, and this is where it is appealing to me. Not to mention there are many add-on devices (fitness wrist bands, etc) that have integration with the iphone, and this appeals to me as well.

So, which would you get and why?

Thanks all

Well, I like many others have said, I this is a can of worms with what your personal preference is. But I'll try to address your concern.

Yes, you'll lose widgets. So here's how you can "fix" that on ios. You can turn on calendar events for the notification center and then tell it to show your next 5 appointments. Now, your next 5 appointments will always be visible on the notification center with a swipe down. To me, this isn't much different than having to possibly swipe to a different screen to see your widget.

So my experience with android hasn't shown me that the widget method isn't significantly better for me than an "app" method. Theres only so much room on any given home screen for widgets. Once you run out of room, and now you're just swiping to different home screens to look for wherever your widget is. At some point it's easy to just keep 32 of your most used apps on the first two pages of the home screen and just search for whatever else you want.

And I will say that the ios mail client is significantly better than the Android mail app in terms of looks and functionality. The one catch there is that there are some third party mail apps, like touchdown, where you can segregate your exchange account and it's policies from the rest of your system. It's nice not to have to put a PIN code on your device if you don't want to but you still have to get your corporate email.

Having said that, Touchdown is way worse an email application than the stock Android mail client. And that's SAYING something, IMO.


Feb 14, 2002
Before this turns into an inevitable you-know-what thread, I think you should be capable of making this decision yourself IF you ask yourself the right questions:

1) Screen/Device Size: Do you prefer a smaller or larger device in terms of WxH (both phones are very thin)? Do you prefer a smaller or larger screen? What fits your hands and lifestyle better?

2) You can easily browse the app selection of each device beforehand.

Google Play:
App Store:

Does the app selection for each phone satisfy your needs? Does one store have a must-have app that the other doesn't?

3) Which mobile OS layout do you prefer? Apple provides tighter Facebook and Twitter integration, but the home-screen layout is limited to icons and folders. Android provides customisable home-screens with widgets and icons. What fits your usage better?

4) What accessories do you need for your phone, and are certain ones available for one phone that aren't available for the other?

5) How much have you already invested into one ecosystem (apps/music/movies), and would staying in that same ecosystem be beneficial so you don't need to repurchase those things?

I already made the decision for myself today; I bought a white AT&T GS3 off-contract to use with Straight Talk's (AT&T MVNO) $45/month unlimited everything plan. Including the cost of the phone, I'll be saving $700/year versus AT&T post-paid, with the same coverage and service. I also chose the GS3 because I'm a heavy Google Apps user (GMail, Voice, Maps).

I think this is very good guide. :thumbsup:

I went with the iPhone 5, but I really don't plan on keeping it unless it wows me. And from the Anand hands on video I saw yesterday of iPhone 5, I seriously doubt it. I bought the iPhone 5 mainly to flip so I can get the next Google Nexus phone. I already own GSM Galaxy Nexus which I absolutely :wub: so I didn't see the point of getting SGS3.


Jun 23, 2001
First reply in the thread was a troll post . . . :/

To the OP, you're using an Incredible 1 so its time for a upgrade. How vested are in the Android platform? Do you have a lot of purchased apps? Know which apps you like and enjoy using? For app count and quality Android and iOS are neck and neck, with a slight edge to Android for having high resolution screens available.

Being a long time Android user, you're likely to find iOS cumbersome, simplistic, and frustrating to use.

Lastly, if you can, hold off until Thanksgiving/Christmas time frame. There'll be several new devices incoming on Verizon, Moto's Razr MAXX HD and a rumored 1080p 5in HTC Note competitor to name a few.


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2008
Android OS and phones have come a loooooooooooong way since the Dinc was released.

I have an iPhone4 from my employer. I use it for company phone calls and emails, beyond that don't use it for anything. Just seems so dull and boring. Navigating through apps is frustrating, and touch accuracy is just terrible. Something to think about if you've never owned an iphone, unless you've used other apple products, which I haven't.

I really love the S3 though. You'll be shocked at the difference in performance compared to the Dinc.

Also if you have the Dinc, you're on Verizon and still have unlimited data? You will most likely lose unlimited if you upgrade at the discount price.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I don't think I use any apps that are exclusive to one device or another. That said, there are some add ons like fitness wrist bands and stuff that I might use, which only have iphone support.

You either will or you won't....It would be silly to make a decision based on this.

You need to go get a hands on with both of them and then decide which one works better for you.

Don't worry about which one has more apps your not gonna buy/use.

For me the screen size kills the iphone.


Golden Member
Dec 6, 2009
Android OS and phones have come a loooooooooooong way since the Dinc was released.

I have an iPhone4 from my employer. I use it for company phone calls and emails, beyond that don't use it for anything. Just seems so dull and boring. Navigating through apps is frustrating, and touch accuracy is just terrible. Something to think about if you've never owned an iphone, unless you've used other apple products, which I haven't.

I really love the S3 though. You'll be shocked at the difference in performance compared to the Dinc.

Also if you have the Dinc, you're on Verizon and still have unlimited data? You will most likely lose unlimited if you upgrade at the discount price.

Yes I am on unlimited. I will lose it, but whatever. At some point verizon is going to fuck everyone out of their unlimited plans anyway.


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2004
My vote is to wait for the next gen Nexus phones. The iPhone 5 looks solid, a great device, but ipeyton's checklist puts me firmly in the Android camp.


Jun 23, 2001
Yes I am on unlimited. I will lose it, but whatever. At some point verizon is going to fuck everyone out of their unlimited plans anyway.

How much data do you use? If you want to keep unlimited, it may be worth picking up a used Verizon device from Swappa. Probably ~400-500, depending on the device.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
I have email accounts set up with gmail.
Android. Nothing comes close to integrating as well with Google services. The gmail client is light-years ahead of what you get on other platforms.

And buy the Pure Calendar Agenda widget -- pure awesome.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
33974604 said:
Android. Nothing comes close to integrating as well with Google services. The gmail client is light-years ahead of what you get on other platforms.

And buy the Pure Calendar Agenda widget -- pure awesome.

I used Gmail on an iphone in the native email client for 4 years. I haven't seen anything in the Gmail client on JB that I would describe as "light-years ahead". I think the only thing I really see is that I could search by label, but I don't use them so it doesn't affect me.
Nov 29, 2006
S3 hands down in my opinion. Or wait for the next Nexus. Apple is old and outdated now. Same thing over and over as far as the OS goes. Widgets are greater then icons.

This is all my opinion of course. You are free to disagree


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2001
Both are great phones. I own both. I favor the iPhone because of a few reasons. The battery life isnt terrible on the S3 but its still not any where near the 4S. Youre going to have at least hold both in the store. Since you are coming from a Dinc, then maybe staying with Android is the way to go if you are already invested in apps for Android.
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