Gamecube VS Xbox

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Jun 16, 2000
Yes, that may be true, but look at the don't think the Neon 250 was a very powerful PC card do you???? But look at what it did in console form.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2000
I think PS2 will still be the best system when XBox and GameCube come out simply b/c of the choice of games... (GT3, MGS2, The Getaway, Spy Hunter)

Maybe when there are enough games out for another system, I'll consider buying it.

Then again, I'll bet that *MOST* new games that come out for either of the two new consoles will also come out on PS2 and/or a PC, so I may not need the new systems at all...


Senior member
Mar 13, 2000
Will the nintendo have any games for people over 10? I'm a little hesitant to buy them after seeing what they had for the 64. There's only so many baby mario games I can take. Although I will say that Goldeneye is still one of my favorite console games.


Platinum Member
Mar 18, 2001
i think the cube will do well because of its low initial cost. after that i have no idea. if i got either though it would be the cube because i like what i have seen better.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 1999
Although I think PS2 will have the most games, widest selection, and be the most popular console, Gamecube will be a lot more fun. So far the Xbox has been a huge disappointment (especially hands-on), but I think it's safe to say that MSFT can really turn things around with it, and enjoy a comfortable 3rd spot (in world sales, in US they could get 2nd place possibly)


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2000
I'm not sure if the above post is good or just plain scary

<< Bah, it's a NV20 with an extra T&amp;L unit, overclocked 50Mhz. The next GeForce card will smoke it and then some. >>

<< See what I mean? >>

*Radio crackle*
Pot: Pot to Kettle, over.
Kettle: Kettle here.
Pot: Kettle, you are black, I repeat, you are black.
Kettle: Roger. 10-4
*Radio static*

Edit: If you are going to call people misinformed fanboys, at least prove them wrong while you are doing it.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Comparitively the Xbox has much less developer support. Without developer support hardware or ease of development means nothing at all. Gamecube will beat xbox. This next generation will be PS2 vs. Gamecube. Xbox likely won't matter much.


Oct 9, 1999
I fail to see why people care whether or not a system or not is &quot;on top&quot;. The super nintendo sold way more systems and games than the sega genesis, but if you liked sports games, the genesis was the way to go regardless. If you liked RPGs, get a SNES.

And nothing has changed. This isnt going to signal the end of the PC gaming world. Another year PCs will be on top again. And probably only two systems will survive. And history has shown us, the the first to come out, are the first to die.

Case in point: Turbografx 16. Came out a slight bit before the rest, and had the most games for a while, but just didnt cut it, mostly for technolgical reasons. Its library of games couldnt help it.

Same with Saturn, and with dreamcast. When looking at the PS2 anyone who uses the argument, &quot;It will have more and better games when the others are released.&quot;, should think twice. The dreamcast has plenty more, and still does have plenty more games than the PS2. I'd even venture to say that when october comes around, the DC will still have more games combined than all 3 of its competitors. But its dead in the water, and isnt even considered an official competitor. Its been thrown with the likes of 3D0, Jaguar and the TG16. The PS2's library of games isnt going to save it, nor will name recognition, nor will backwards compatibility. It'll have some great games, but in another year, it wont be able to compete, no matter what anyone says. XBOX and GC are heads and shoulders above PS2 as far as technology goes. GC and XBOX arent debuting anywhere until october, and the PS2 was out in japan for a short while before coming here. Show me a year and a half old console that has come out on top of the one released afterwards.

I'd like to think people would learn things from history, as the same things happen over and over, and I believe we can draw a few parallels here. Dreamcast is dead, and not even considered. PS2=Saturn. It'll have its great games, but the thing about the PS2 is that theres no first party games. Sony doesnt make any games. The developers can just move onto newer systems, and likely will. Not even the DC's first party support could save it, and the PS2 doesnt even have that going for it.

Now while I'm fairly confident the PS2 will go the way of the Dreamcast, and be dead in a year, I'm not all too sure about the XBOX and GC. I would tend to think the GC would end up being the kiddie system, as the N64 was. You didnt have 30 year old men buying N64s, they bought Playstations. It was more adult oriented. Not that I'm saying the N64 was totally kiddie, but there was obviously a tendency more towards the young. Then again, that who play most console games.

But the xbox seems to be appealing more to the older crowd. The 20 and 30 somethings. Games with more depth in them. I dont expect to see many kiddie games for the xbox. With PC developer support, PC gamers are likely to buy it. PC gamers are much much older than console kiddies.

The way I see it, kiddies will love the GC, and the adults will love the XBOX, just as the n64 and ps before it. I think the PS2 will put up more of a fight than the TG16, but if name recognition was such a big deal, sony wouldnt exist. If sony can come out of nowhere with a console, so can MS. MS has had far more game experience than sony did at its launch, so give them a chance.

And lets not forget who has more money, kids or adults. Probably the single deciding factor in the PS's success.

It has nothing to do with technology, as the SNES and PS have shown. People wont buy the PS2 anymore because its not the new thing. I'm seeing more and more people selling them.

Lets not forget at heart, these are toys. They play games. Noone wants to have last years toy.

The market simply cannot support 3 consoles for a long time. One has to die, and the PS2 has been alive the longest, and is most likely the one to go. It'll still probably be a profitable venture for sony, but doubtfully to the extent of the PS.

And the golden rule of consoles (and the gameboy does not count), which has ALWAYS held true: First in, First out.

Personally, I'll go for the system with easier to pirate games. Another HUGE factor in the PS's success. Everyone I know with a PS has a mod chip in it. Dont flame me for Rsaying whats on half of everyones mind. DVD-R will become commonplace soon enough, and many xbox owners will have PCs...well, take from it what you will. I just want UC.


Senior member
Sep 6, 2000

With increased cost...more companies are going multi-platform. And though micro$oft is trying to buy exclusive titles..they are few and far in between.

Thus most games will come out for all 3 systems. However, nintendo has all its exclusive first and second party games. Zelda, Metroid, Mario..etc..

It is also 199 only as opposed to 299.

Oh..and hardware wise..yeah so what if the processor is 480 or what was SPECIFICALLY made for it. The pentium 733 is still a tweaked COMPUTER chip.

Its like the pentiums and athalons. Why is the atholon beating the 1.7 pentium with its lower 1.3 clock speed. Cause it is BETTER designed. Same thing with gamecube.


Jul 24, 2000
To summarize the post I could type: Zelda.

I don't need an oversized PC either, but I want a small console you can easily carry around. Heck, I would like to see the first guy who takes his XBox to his friend's home on his bike...

Shinji Ikari

Senior member
Oct 12, 1999

Simply because it has the most compelling games going for it, and I don't want to hear any crap about &quot;only Mario, Zelda, etc.&quot; All the consoles have their franchises (Gran Turismo and Crash Bandicoot for Sony, Sonic, and Virtua Sports for Sega), some are more successful than others so why fix what ain't broke? Micro$oft have a battle ahead of them if they want to get anywhere in the console market, but now that they have strong third-party backing for them (Sega, most noteably) I'd say they're in with a chance. As for the technology differences, who gives a flying f*** when the games look virtually the same anyway?

Not sure about comparing the PS2 with the Turbografx, 3DO and Jaguar, though. None of the companies that made those machines had any major successes in the console market beforehand, unlike Sony (Atari did only b/c they were first off the mark).


Sep 2, 2000
Whatever system has Square and the Gran Turismo series I will follow.. and that seems like PS2 at the moment.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Who gives a crap abotu spec's if they look the same?

Well you have to remember you're comparing Xbox 1st gen titles to Sony 2nd Gen titles. For the most part from what I have read and seen, people have said most Xbox 1st gen titles look like Sony 2nd gen titles and GC titles. With a few looking better than anything Sony or Nintendo showed. GC and Xbox will outshine PS2 at E32002, Sony's &quot;3rd gen&quot; games will stand no chance when it comes to graphics when compared to the Xbox and GC. 2002 is the real battle, and someone will exit stage left by the end of it...

And about the size of the Xbox, anyone thats seen a finalk version knows its not as big as it was. Its slightly bigger than a PS2. Its not the size of a desktop computer.

Also Crashbandicoot is NOT a SONY franchise, it will be making its way to Xbox and GC.

As for development, there will be around 350 games released on the Xbox by Chirstmas 2002.

Square is going multiplatform, and since Nintendo is refusing them, that means they will be coming to the Xbox sooner or later, I'd look for them to have a 2nd Gen title for the Xbox. They ARE NOT Sony exlusive, they refused the contract that would bind them to Sony. Why? Because they are losing money because of Sony's screw ups. If the FF movie fails to reach break even at the box office($200million). It will eventually turn a profit once it hits home video but if it pulls less than it cost to make at the box office(200million), look for Square to rush a 1st gen Xbox title out the door, and maybe a GC if Nintendo will have them. Because its all about the bottom line to their investors, and Square needs those investors.

Lastly price it comes down to Xbox having more ram, and a built in nic, and a single platter hard drive. While that won't make up all the $100 difference it makes up over half. I suspect the price of the Xbox will drop to $249 before E3 '02, who knows MS may make an unexpected cut before then

And MS does have some exlusive's, atleast as many as Nintendo, question is will the be good games.

Bruce Lee Quest for the Eternal Dragon
Project Gotham
Project K-X
Obi Wan(yes I know it currently doesn't look to good but we'll just wait and see)

All those will be coming in 2001 and there are a few more exlusive for Nov and Dec that I can't think of off hand. You have to remember MS is launching the Xbox with 15-20 games, then plan to release 2 games a week till New Year's. UC will follow March of 2002, when MS's Online Xbox network will be up and running. The guy behind Grim Fandigo is making an Xbox exlusive for 2002. One of they guys behind X-wing vs TieFighter is working on an Xbox title. As well as Bungie has another Xbox title, which will more than likely be Xbox only. The reason Halo will be Xbox and PC is, they have done so much on the PC version just to toss it.

Shinji Ikari

Senior member
Oct 12, 1999

<< Well you have to remember you're comparing Xbox 1st gen titles to Sony 2nd Gen titles. For the most part from what I have read and seen, people have said most Xbox 1st gen titles look like Sony 2nd gen titles and GC titles. With a few looking better than anything Sony or Nintendo showed. GC and Xbox will outshine PS2 at E32002, Sony's &quot;3rd gen&quot; games will stand no chance when it comes to graphics when compared to the Xbox and GC. 2002 is the real battle, and someone will exit stage left by the end of it... >>

You also have to remember that the PS2's full potential power has not been reached as of yet.


May 12, 2001
X-BOX os going to be really good because if microsoft makes the same games as they have for computer it will be alot better then gamecube

Oct 19, 2000
My money will first go to the Gamecube, one because the initial batch of games announced so far seems to be a lot more impressive than those announced for the XBOX. Plus, it's only $199 Another reason why Nintendo is getting my money first and foremost is because they've proved themselves in the past, and will continue to put out quality games that don't take a day to beat them.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
As far as things go, I still vouch for the GameCube.

So who cares that PS2 has a HUGE library from the PS1 combined with PS2? Who plays that much games anyways or even has the time? If a game was that easy to beat, it is a waste of money and not challenging. I look for QUALITY. Xbox seems to follow the PS2 trend and their games would be eventually be ported to PC. GameCube games are unique and maintain quality. Even if Sega does games for all three systems, no one has the GameCube titles that have the UNIQUENESS AND QUALITY.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000

<< X-BOX os going to be really good because if microsoft makes the same games as they have for computer it will be alot better then gamecube >>

this is possibly the most brilliant thing i've read all day.

<< The super nintendo sold way more systems and games than the sega genesis, but if you liked sports games, the genesis was the way to go regardless. If you liked RPGs, get a SNES. >>

the genesis and snes each had roughly half the market.

<< Turbografx 16. Came out a slight bit before the rest, and had the most games for a while, but just didnt cut it, mostly for technolgical reasons. Its library of games couldnt help it. >>

the TG16 was also really expensive and damn near impossible to find. as was the 3DO.

<< Same with Saturn >>

the saturn was notoriously hard to program for, so there were very few good games

<< and with dreamcast >>

the dreamcast was killed by sony's marketing machine for the ps2, a system which one couldn't find in stores until a year and a half later. sony told everyone it would kill the dreamcast, released a buncha specs to try to prove their point, and then pointed at the success of the PS if anyone had any questions.

<< Games with more depth in them. >>

running around, shooting things, then solving the level does not equal depth. otherwise, doom would have depth. i'm guessing these games have the average depth of a jerry bruckheimer movie.

<< With PC developer support, PC gamers are likely to buy it >>

why would that be? if i can get the same game on my PC which i already have, why would i plunk down an extra $300? actually, i'm afraid of PC developers supplying a console. even blizzard patches.

<< Probably the single deciding factor in the PS's success. >>

i would say it was the release of a good C library right at the console's start which made it easy to program for, and the inclusion of a CD which made games cheap to publish and allowed huge games and FMV sequences. so all sorts of things to include plot and realism in games could be added. sony seems to have forgotten the first, and the second is now a non-factor.

<< Another HUGE factor in the PS's success. >>

if mod chips were the reason for sony's market penetration i'd have been surprised that sony kept making hardware.

<< Show me a year and a half old console that has come out on top of the one released afterwards. >>

the playstation was a year or two older than the n64. will that count?


Jun 16, 2000

<< Shut the hell up Deeko. >> seem to be the ass making the post that is in no way worthwhile to the thread, so why don't YOU shut up?
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