[GameGPU] Rainbow 6 Siege


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
- IMO, ugly, outdated graphics. Yet another outdated console port from a technical perspective

- 2GB cards are getting destroyed at 1440P

- Every single AA method (MSAA, TAA, TXAA) is a terrible blur filter. Yet another PC game (OR console game) ruined by crappy AA implementation.

Review Source
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Senior member
Jul 9, 2015
That site seems odd. They seem to test with every single Nvidia GPU out there yet the best / most recent AMD card they have is a 290X or 295x2?

They test SLI for the Nvidia cards but CF is nowhere to be seen?

Maybe AMD needs to fedex them a big box of some newer cards. Try some....... marketing.


Platinum Member
Sep 9, 2010
That site seems odd. They seem to test with every single Nvidia GPU out there yet the best / most recent AMD card they have is a 290X or 295x2?

They test SLI for the Nvidia cards but CF is nowhere to be seen?

Maybe AMD needs to fedex them a big box of some newer cards. Try some....... marketing.

They do have a 295x2 in there, but they have stated they have been unable to get there hands on Fury cards.


Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2009
Here are my tests as well if anyone is inerested.

Tests done with 359.00 for the 970. Didn't know that 359.06 was the game ready driver for this game. It did give a performance increase, with a quick test I did. Not huge, around 5% or so. The 970 destroyed the game anyway.

Crimson for the 7950, Catalyst 11.1 for the 5850.

Usual format, custom long gameplay benchmark. (spicy wallpapers warning.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege 1920x1080 Ultra GTX 970 @1.5Ghz Core i5 2500k@4.8GHz - 115fps

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege 1920x1080 Ultra 7950 @1.1Ghz Q9550 @4GHz - 82fps

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege 1920X1080 High 5850 @950Mhz Core i7-860 @4Ghz - 33fps

and a quick test regarding AA modes. MSAA can really do a number on performance.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Anti Aliasing modes performance test GTX 970

Indeed not very graphically impressive, but still has some nice gameplay features.

Also I saw a weird thing in my AA test. It seems that turning MSAA to off, instead of Temporal Filtering, makes the rendering slower. Also some weird stuff regarding vram usage. It goes up and down like crazy in a more pronounced way than I have ever seen in a game, just by messing around with AA modes. Maybe I will do another test with 359.06 if I find the time.
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Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2009
Sure thing.

I am testing it on the Q9550 nowadays, because that's where it will end up during the next gpu upgrade. I think, heheh.


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2000
That 780Ti is still doing great even at 1440p. Kind of surprised a 3GB card would do so well at that resolution.


Aug 9, 2013
Every single AA method (MSAA, TAA, TXAA) is a terrible blur filter. Yet another PC game (OR console game) ruined by crappy AA implementation.

Developers need to start using some kind of sharpening pass by default or at least include it as an option in game. FarCry 4's HRAA integrates unsharp masking directly with pretty good results, so it can certainly be done. It seems like an easy solution to the problem of high frequency detail loss that these temporal AA methods bring. People can do it themselves now with ReShade but that's a hassle many people won't want to bother with.


Golden Member
Oct 28, 2010
I installed it since I got it free, and lulz were had when I looked at the graphics. Felt like I was playing an old DX9 game.


Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2013
They do have a 295x2 in there, but they have stated they have been unable to get there hands on Fury cards.

I don't get this logic with these sites. "I didn't get this thing for free? Well, then it doesn't matter to me!" It makes me wonder what the real reason they do this is.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2014
Here are my tests as well if anyone is inerested.

Tests done with 359.00 for the 970. Didn't know that 359.06 was the game ready driver for this game. It did give a performance increase, with a quick test I did. Not huge, around 5% or so. The 970 destroyed the game anyway.

Crimson for the 7950, Catalyst 11.1 for the 5850.

Usual format, custom long gameplay benchmark. (spicy wallpapers warning.

[URL=" Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege 1920x1080 Ultra GTX 970 @1.5Ghz Core i5 2500k@4.8GHz[/URL] - 115fps

[URL=" Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege 1920x1080 Ultra 7950 @1.1Ghz Q9550 @4GHz[/URL] - 82fps

[URL=" Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege 1920X1080 High 5850 @950Mhz Core i7-860 @4Ghz[/URL] - 33fps

and a quick test regarding AA modes. MSAA can really do a number on performance.

[URL=" Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Anti Aliasing modes performance test GTX 970[/URL]

Indeed not very graphically impressive, but still has some nice gameplay features.

Also I saw a weird thing in my AA test. It seems that turning MSAA to off, instead of Temporal Filtering, makes the rendering slower. Also some weird stuff regarding vram usage. It goes up and down like crazy in a more pronounced way than I have ever seen in a game, just by messing around with AA modes. Maybe I will do another test with 359.06 if I find the time.

The Temporal Filtering mode is to improve performance, not quality. It renders at 1/4 res(half the pixels for each dimension) with 2xMSAA and blends two frames together for each finished frame. It's sort of like the pixel doubling option from F.E.A.R., but MUCH better.
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Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
Game looks horrendous. Every card should run at least 60 fps at 1440p if you look at those screenshots....
Why not just use the Source engine?


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2013
I think the game looks good. I think those screenshots look weirdly blurry and ugly. I don't recognize that at all. I'm playing the game myself at 1440p. I've tried at 1080p and it looked okay.

Certainly leagues above Fallout 4. Not close to Battlefront, but which game is?

It's a lovely game, too, I'm having a blast playing it. Visually it's pleasing at 1440p.
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Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
I think the game looks good. I think those screenshots look weirdly blurry and ugly. I don't recognize that at all. I'm playing the game myself at 1440p. I've tried at 1080p and it looked okay.

Certainly leagues above Fallout 4. Not close to Battlefront, but which game is?

It's a lovely game, too, I'm having a blast playing it. Visually it's pleasing at 1440p.

Eh, well those screenshots look horrid I should say then!


Feb 2, 2009
From the screenshots, Rainbow 6 Siege seems to me that it has way better graphics than Just Cause 3. Can anyone that has both games confirm/refute ??


Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2001
It looks so blurry, soft, low detail. Look at the textures. Based on the GameGPU screenshots anyway it looks poor.

At least it isn't a GPU hog. 7870/290 for 60fps at 1080/1440. We've seen much worse lately.

The Gameworks is fairly light. HBAO+ and TXAA. Given the performance no AMD users have anything to complain about. It's arguably even AMD favoured compared to Maxwell.

But Kepler is performing a 1 to 1.5 tiers below GCN at 1080 (280X=780, 7870>670, etc) and some of the 1440 results are really odd. I don't know why a 7850 is beating a 770 at 1440. They are both 2GB cards so that's not an issue unless AMD's memory management in this game is just better.


Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2009
The Temporal Filtering mode is to improve performance, not quality. It renders at 1/4 res(half the pixels for each dimensions) with 2xMSAA and blends two frames together for each finished frame. It's sort of like the pixel doubling option from F.E.A.R., but MUCH better of course.

That's good knowledge, thanks.:thumbsup:


Senior member
Oct 26, 2009
I played This game on my computer ( Medium Settings , 1440x900 , Athlon X2 7850 , AMD HD 5770).I Uninstalled this game because of this :

1) ridiculous artificial intelligence.
2) Too much Blur.quite high Blur.
3) only 12 Map in single player.

any Good thing? yes graphic is good on my system and this game is smooth.


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2013
From the screenshots, Rainbow 6 Siege seems to me that it has way better graphics than Just Cause 3. Can anyone that has both games confirm/refute ??

To me, JC3 has better graphics. It's not close. Those screenshots look terrible, though.

I tried going down to 1200p today and test the game to see if I was just imaging things. I don't know what settings GameGPU used but from what I could tell, the game looked fine.

Here are my settings, aiming for 120 fps stable for that ULMB goodness:

As a general rule, I always shut off ambient occlusion, lens effects and the like because it makes games more blurry. It seems Rainbow Six has a very aggressive implementation of this and it could explain why I don't feel the game has that much motion blur, but instead feels crisp and sharp for me.

Also, I use FXAA over T-AA for similar reasons. My guess is GameGPU went with everything on ultra without using their brains and posted their screenshots.

Too lazy to post in-game SS atm but if there is some fanatical interest out there, I'll get it later today or tomorrow(whenever I'll find time to play the game next).


Golden Member
Sep 17, 2000
Ambient Occlusion is a setting that I would like to keep it on in games.


Senior member
Sep 25, 2005
How is the game? This is the only thread related to this game I could find. Enjoying it? Think it will have lasting appeal? Any comments on Multiplayer?


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2013

With the light shafts directly on the gun. I have relatively mild AA settings, only FXAA and 2xTXAA, but it looks decently sharp to me. Again, I didn't detect any noticable motion blur during gameplay.

I'm playing on 1440p normally so it looks even better then but downscaled to 1200p just for the comparison. (1080p on a 27" is too jarring for me).


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2013
How is the game? This is the only thread related to this game I could find. Enjoying it? Think it will have lasting appeal? Any comments on Multiplayer?

I think it's amazing. I was surprised, to be honest. I did enjoy the beta a lot. But then again, I was one of the minority who loved the SW:BF beta. Thank heavens for Origin's refund policy. Saved $60 there.

I bought R6S via the Sweclockers market. It was one of those guys who got the "bullets or blades" game code and didn't want it. So I picked it up for a mere $15. I had no expectations since I haven't played any R6 game before. But it's amazing.

There are "only" 10 maps but since the objective has a lot of location possibilities(it's placed in a random fashion each game), that means that each match doesn't quite play the same way. Also, each map has at least 3, sometimes 4 layers onto it. So the replayability is awesome. Taking to really learn a map takes a lot longer than you think!

Another thing that is good is progression. SW:BF's progression is broken. The best gun(DL44) was given to the deluxe pre-order players at start. Everyone else got it at like level 25, which takes around 20 hours to get to if you're taking your time. And that's omitting them placing the must-have jetpack at level 13, the must-have traits at level 17 etc. TotalBiscuit talked a great deal about this and he was right. BF4 is also like that.

R6S hits a nice balance. You can do a bunch of tutorials and you get like 5000 renown(in-game cash). I didn't need to do the tutorials but when I saw how much cash I got, I did them anyway. 5000 renown is enough for 3 classes fully specced out. Typically you'd need 5 on each side(attack and defence). I think there are like 8 or 9 on each side, and since every team is just 5 players, it means that even if you have less than 5, you can usually get a custom class anyway. If there are no left, you can just get a generic "recruit" which is surprisingly good.

That being said, it literally took me a mere 3 days to get 5 classes on both sides. I didn't buy any XP boosters. If you wanna get an XP boosters, you could get there in 2 days maybe sooner if you really play a lot. I do maybe 2-3 hours at a time then 8-9 hour breaks and do something else like studying, going out etc. So if you really nerd out, you can get there much faster.

Secondly, unlike SW:BF there are no "levels" in the sense that something is locked due to your level not being high enough. You still go up in level, but going up in level doesn't unlock guns/equipment that someone at level 1 doesn't have, which is awesome. You can get all guns and equipment from day 1. It's all about your priorities. The only thing renown gives you is more variability. If you wanna play the same class over and over again you can get it fully specced within an hour and never play something else.

Gameplay-wise, I'd say it's a good mix between tactical play and just plug-and-play. There were some wonkiness with network issues but those issues got resolved really fast. There is no server browser but it relies on hosting. It works alright. If you're an uber-competitive player the game isn't for you, but if you're like me, you enjoy having fun and you're not into semi-pro clanplay then it's awesome.

Honestly, my tip is to look at the markets for a "bullets or blade" code and get it on the cheap that route. I've seen the prices go up where in my country because people are catching on that this is the sleeper hit of 2015. JC3 is a buggy mess and kind of boringly one-sided. SW:BF had a lot of potential but lacks content and has broken progression. Over time, I expect SW:BF to be much better but it'll be too little too late. FO4 is a different genre than the other games so I don't quite count it.

TL;DR Buy it for cheap if you can and have fun.
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