gamegpuOpengl GameWolfenstein The New Order benchmark

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Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
Clearly driver problems for Nvidia (if gamegpu benches are correct). The 580 beating a 680? Its not uncommon for a brand new game to have silly anomalies like this only to be corrected shortly afterwards with driver updates.


Senior member
Dec 2, 2011
I'm pretty sure it will be substantially lower in price in the coming weeks and months. If you have a steam backlog, i'd wait a bit.

Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love the game, it's a VERY fun game. But it may not be worth 60$ as a single player only game.

It is kind of annoying to see so many people brush it off based on technical issues with the engine, but I really don't think that prevents a good game from, in fact, being good. The most important part of Wolf: TNO to me is the pace of the game (fast, just like old school games) and the gun mechanics. The gun mechanics are so so good. I love it.
Don't get ME wrong. I'm not brushing it off in any way. I play lots of games with 60 cap. It's just hard to get used to the blur at 60hz when you're used to 85hz+. You may call it a 1st world problem though.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
As much as I wish every game had crysis 3 caliber graphics, it just isn't happening. So with that being the case....there are numerous games that are great games, but are not amazing technically. A lot of these great games are resolution limited, 60 fps framerate capped, I could go on here. Some of the best games i've played include the Walking Dead series, Borderlands, Hearthstone, Crusader Kings, Legend of Grimrock, and Darksiders. None of these are remotely close to amazing technically speaking. But they are absolutely great gaming experiences.

If you want to focus on stuff like that, and I like great graphics too, but it's your loss really. A great game doesn't need to be the most amazing technical feat on the planet. Similarly, having technical merit doesn't make a good game. I could name numerous games that are amazing games graphically, but once you peel away that mask they aren't good games. Unfortunately, for better or worse, a lot of PC gamers are hammers looking for nails who completely ignore the merits of gameplay and look for great benchmarking games. I think that's a flawed mindset, but I can understand it somewhat. I like great graphics too. I like pushing my high end PC. But at the end of the day for me, fun trumps everything. I wish every game could have a balance of both, but that sadly is not the case due to sky-high development costs. Creating an AAA graphical gaming experience costs millions upon millions of dollars. Not all developers can do this.

So basically, I know some gamers (not you) will immediately brush Wolfenstein TNO based on the engine. It's their loss really. If you like old school, fast paced FPS games with great gun mechanics this is a must play IMO. I was a huge Quake/Quakeworld player back in the day and to this day, no FPS game has replicated that fast and frenetic pace of gameplay. I was so pleased that Wolf had that fast pace in the game once again. That was sorely missed in FPS games, especially with the proliferation of COD clones with their run 3 feet, duck, wash rinse repeat nonsense gameplay. Anyway with Wolf TNO.. if someone wants to focus on the non gaming related (graphical) stuff, like I said....their loss.
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Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2009
Having progressed even deeper in the game, I've noticed some strange things.

Unfortunately framerate and frametimes get worse for my 7950 system, to a point that it affects gameplay. The strange thing is that the lag starts manifesting when there's screen movement.

For example.

This a screenshot when I sit idle.

And this is at exactly the same place, but while moving the mouse.

Once there's motion, the framerate plummets. When you stay still, exactly when you were seeing 40fps, the framerate jumps to 60, lol.

I went back to check Rage on the same system (rig 1 in my signature) and things are much better, but I did witness a tendency for the same behavior. At some parts the framerate seems to stutter and when you stay still it jumps to 60fps. Still it's a far cry in smoothness from what Wolfenstein is at the moment.

Also crossfire works in Rage. My rig3 can run it quite nicely actually, while it can only do around 35fps in Wolfenstein at the moment, so my hopes are up regarding crossfire support for it.

I'd also like to add here, that I tested medium settings on both my 570 and my 7950, at the exact place shown at the above screenshots and my 570 was much smoother and faster. It did not show any of these terrible framedrops when moving.

SLI is non existant in 337.81 no matter what the release notes say.

I'd also like to point out that the game can get very heavy on the cpu. This is my cpu usage at the same location as the screenshots above.

Keep in mind that this is a graph from a 4.8Ghz 2500k and it will get you thinking...! Actually I did not check the cpu usage on my Nvidia system. It has HT and maybe it helps, so that's why it runs smoother? Don't know.

I am going to stop playing it for now, especially since Van Helsing II came out and I will resume when a patch/driver combination arrives for the AMD system or an SLI profile arrives for the Nvidia system.

PS The above test was done with vsync disabled. I was not born yesterday, lol.
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Senior member
Dec 2, 2011
As much as I wish every game had crysis 3 caliber graphics, it just isn't happening. So with that being the case....there are numerous games that are great games, but are not amazing technically. A lot of these great games are resolution limited, 60 fps framerate capped, I could go on here. Some of the best games i've played include the Walking Dead series, Borderlands, Hearthstone, Crusader Kings, Legend of Grimrock, and Darksiders. None of these are remotely close to amazing technically speaking. But they are absolutely great gaming experiences.

If you want to focus on stuff like that, and I like great graphics too, but it's your loss really. A great game doesn't need to be the most amazing technical feat on the planet. Similarly, having technical merit doesn't make a good game. I could name numerous games that are amazing games graphically, but once you peel away that mask they aren't good games. Unfortunately, for better or worse, a lot of PC gamers are hammers looking for nails who completely ignore the merits of gameplay and look for great benchmarking games. I think that's a flawed mindset, but I can understand it somewhat. I like great graphics too. I like pushing my high end PC. But at the end of the day for me, fun trumps everything. I wish every game could have a balance of both, but that sadly is not the case due to sky-high development costs. Creating an AAA graphical gaming experience costs millions upon millions of dollars. Not all developers can do this.

So basically, I know some gamers (not you) will immediately brush Wolfenstein TNO based on the engine. It's their loss really. If you like old school, fast paced FPS games with great gun mechanics this is a must play IMO. I was a huge Quake/Quakeworld player back in the day and to this day, no FPS game has replicated that fast and frenetic pace of gameplay. I was so pleased that Wolf had that fast pace in the game once again. That was sorely missed in FPS games, especially with the proliferation of COD clones with their run 3 feet, duck, wash rinse repeat nonsense gameplay. Anyway with Wolf TNO.. if someone wants to focus on the non gaming related (graphical) stuff, like I said....their loss.
I agree with the gist of what you are saying. I would personally add Skyrim to that list. Terrible graphics engine, great game.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2003
What makes you believe that they're fake?

You should know the answer to that, given his post history. It's because Nvidia isn't on top in those tests. is reputable in all other instances.

Warning issued for member callout.
-- stahlhart
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Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
There are valid reasons why those tests are being questioned. The main thing, actually, is that other sites which have benchmarked the game have conflicting results. HardOCP did a test of the game and NV cards were marginally faster. 1-2 fps faster, nothing amazing, but it is FPS capped at 60. Similarly, also did a performance test in which NV had a performance lead. Again, marginal performance lead. And then the Steam forum for the game has complaints of AMD cards with anomalies. Some NV as well. It stands to reason there is some type of configuration or driver type of issue going on for some folks on both sides. So basically, it stands to reason that SOMETHING is up when multiple sites show NV with the performance lead and then you have with different results. Why? I don't know. Are they fake? I'd like to think they aren't. But that doesn't change that the results are an outlier. Personally I think it's whatever because both sides should run the game just fine. If there's a driver issue on either side i'd imagine it would get fixed shortly.

Let's face it. Either side with a performance lead, if it's only 5 fps or so, who cares. I personally am 100% sure high end cards on both sides will run the game just fine. It isn't very demanding. But before you attack anyone based on their post history, you have to realize that people are going to question this stuff when X sites show one thing and then shows something completely different. It's going to happen.

All in all it doesn't really matter, since any issues that exist will be fixed in the next couple of weeks with performance drivers or whatever. The gamegpu results are definitely an outlier and conflict with and contradict all other benchmark results which have been seen so far. Whether you want to attack him for calling it fake, that's on you, but there's a reason why the results are being questioned. It's either something with their testing methodology or driver related. Who knows.
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Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2011
Those who follow GPU benchmarking reviews more closely, should by now have a pretty good idea how far from aggregate score, and in which direction should particular reviewer's result land.

Gamegpu's Wolfenstein results are in line with what's expected from them. With my expectancy anyway.

Toms is the only one that surprise me from time to time.


Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2013
4770 | 780 Ti GHz | 16GB RAM checking in. Solid 60 FPS so far, done 5 chapters I think. Literally. There may have been one dip when a cutscene changed into gameplay and that's it. This is at 1920x1200.


Platinum Member
Oct 19, 2006
i did NOT buy a 120Hz monitor to have games capped at 60FPS. i don't like this trend at all.


Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2007
i did NOT buy a 120Hz monitor to have games capped at 60FPS. i don't like this trend at all.

Its just lazy console porting at fault. It doesn't happen to more than a few games and they loose sales because of it. Despite all the other issues with the game I would have bought if it wasn't for this one problem. The same thing for Titanfall, the dumb choice to cap at 60fps with vsync off meant I didn't buy the game and by the time they fixed it the game seems to have fell out of popularity. I didn't buy Dark souls until there was a patch out.

I don't play at 60 fps, period, not going to happen.


Aug 27, 2013
Its just lazy console porting at fault. It doesn't happen to more than a few games and they loose sales because of it. Despite all the other issues with the game I would have bought if it wasn't for this one problem. The same thing for Titanfall, the dumb choice to cap at 60fps with vsync off meant I didn't buy the game and by the time they fixed it the game seems to have fell out of popularity. I didn't buy Dark souls until there was a patch out.

I don't play at 60 fps, period, not going to happen.

Not necessarily console port, I'm afraid it might even be engine problem. In the past all ID engines have had their physics tied to framerate and if you change your framerate strange things start to happen.

(Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory forever!)


Golden Member
Jan 4, 2010
This game is unplayable for me in 4K Surround - don't know if it's the resolution or the 4-Way SLI that's causing issues but I get about 5 FPS even on "Low."

What a pile of poo - there goes another $60 down the drain. Ugh...


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2012
I get 5-8fps on lowest settings, but when I bump them up to medium/high I get a very smooth experience. I find games miserable below 35fps. I enabled compressed textures and disabled the advanced reflection feature. All other settings don't seem to impact performance as much.

I am GPU bottlenecked for the most part at 1070/2760 but I do notice large framerate drops due to CPU intensive scenes. My CPU cores run pretty hot compared to most games so they are getting pretty stressed.

This game is really good! I am very impressed by the graphics and I strongly recommend to be patient in the beginning as the intro was the laggiest part of the game by far.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
This game is unplayable for me in 4K Surround - don't know if it's the resolution or the 4-Way SLI that's causing issues but I get about 5 FPS even on "Low."

What a pile of poo - there goes another $60 down the drain. Ugh...

Likely SLI issues. I can't remember any OpenGL game I've played where SLI ever worked. Usually you have to disable SLI altogether to make the game work properly.


Junior Member
Dec 28, 2009
i5 2500k @ 4.2 with 16gb 2133 memory and an ASUS R9 280X...barely any noticeable frame rate/lag/texture issues (no more than any other game Ive played) generally plays like butter and looks decent...forced 2xEQ and 16x Anisotropic in Catalyst Control


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
Can somebody help me? I just bought the game and my PC is running it terribly. I am getting horrible framerates like 20fps even on medium settings. I am running the latest Catalyst beta drivers.


Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2009
Can somebody help me? I just bought the game and my PC is running it terribly. I am getting horrible framerates like 20fps even on medium settings. I am running the latest Catalyst beta drivers.

That's weird.

Luckily I uploaded two camera recorded (not too good quality but it shows the performance) custom benchmark videos the other day, on my youtube channel (nsfw wallpaper alert).



My 7950 scored 72 fps with Ultra preset and my 570 scored 69fps with the only difference I selected vt compress enabled, to save some vram.

I didn't have the time to bench my 5850 yet, but last time I saw it, it was more that 20fps for sure.

I see we have the same cpu. I saw at the end of the benchmark that cpu usage was quite high and my cpu was OCed to 4.8Ghz for this video, but still a far cry from 20fps at medium.

Do you have any weird catalyst setting enabled (like supersampling or something? What is your performance on something standard, like Valley Benchmark at extreme preset (it should be around 35 with no overclock).
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Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2009
Not if you use +toggle com_synctotime in the commandline.

Unfortunately this affects all the game's timers. Meaning it also runs with accelerated time, but I saw that my performance was a little over 60fps for both systems, so it was not an issue.

I guess I will have a problem benchmarking this on future cards!


Apr 15, 2001
not sure how you play it smoothly on "ultra". screen space reflections have caused hitching since day 1 and have to be disabled.

to not get hitching I run vt compress on, vt cache on high not ultra, and screen space reflections off.

there is still one spot in the game that goes to hell though dropping to 50s and even a few blips to 40s if you pan too fast. in fact I have sometimes had a pause right there too for a few seconds. and even low settings dont help. luckily it only last a couple minutes and after you kill the people it goes right back to pegged 60 fps.

EDIT: here is pic from area.
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