#Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
Your lack of self-awareness is evident again.
You can't even be specific as to what aspect of self-awareness I'm supposedly blind to.

Even if I lacked SELF-awareness (which is not the case) that would have little effect on my awareness and comprehension of the issue at hand and others related to it. This was nothing more than the usual hail-mary insult-throwing technique used ad-nauseum by the Social "Justice" Weasels.

It's a script.

Funny you should say that after you acknowledged several pages ago that I DID know what your feminist theories are - and that you suspected I was doing a thesis-level examination of them by taking the direct counter stance to them. Pretty interesting for a script.

What's ALSO amusing is that I've made the "script" accusation (in not so many words) to the SJW side for following the same attack patterns over and over (notably, the classic "shame & blame") as well as unfailing to follow the feminist & SJW dogmas regardless of any and all evidence presented - and to attack instead of discuss.

In this case, you just said, "I'm not a script - YOU'RE a script! Nyyaaaahhhh!!"

When called out on something very specific and provable (like, say, a sexist comment towards men) the SJW method is to fire back; "I'm not sexist, YOU'RE sexist AND [gotta' up the ante] HATE WOMEN!!" This is intended to make all the liberal-thinking people collectively hear only those words, gasp in horror, and turn on the accused while you walk away with a smirk knowing you got away with no only your original sexism but also a false accusation that ruined any chance of your opponent defending himself.

This is profoundly narcissistic, sociopathic, and downright evil.

The world is finally waking up to SJW methods - and rejecting it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y67D7AWr2lo (Understanding the SJW Archetype.)
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Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
]You can't even be specific as to what aspect of self-awareness I'm supposedly blind to.

If you really looked in a mirror, you'd see that your tactics and, for lack of a better word, rage are the same as your chosen opponents'.

This was nothing more than the usual hail-mary insult-throwing technique used ad-nauseum by the Social "Justice" Weasels.

Nah, this is just SOP for P&N.

But, that's fine, call me a SJW for disagreeing with you if it helps you play the victim some more.
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Jun 26, 2009
But, that's fine, call me a SJW for disagreeing with you if it helps you play the victim some more.

But he never said that, bro! He just noted that it was the same kind of tactic, bro.

C'mon, bro, you gotta cite those specific examples. Don't you got examples, bro?

As mentioned previously, semantic-obsessed pedant, and as you pointed out, little honest self-examination. A recipe for a desperate soul.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
If you really looked in a mirror, you'd see that your tactics and, for lack of a better word, rage are the same as your chosen opponents'.
But, that's fine, call me a SJW for disagreeing with you

Anger, yes. Tactics, no.

And since you seem to defend all that SJW's do and believe in, do you object to the label that comes with it?


As mentioned previously, semantic-obsessed pedant, and as you pointed out, little honest self-examination. A recipe for a desperate soul.
...if it helps you play the victim some more.

Insults, insults, insults... and you accuse ME of lacking self-awareness.

Watch that second video I linked to above - it really does dig deep into the SJW mindset and how the collective forces its members to all think the same thing or their wrath (like you see being dished out on me) gets dished out to any of its members who fail to fall into line.

...and this one's just for fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi3mEaApzM8


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
Anger, yes. Tactics, no.

If really you don't think you have a lot of anger over this issue then you need more self-introspection than I had thought.

And since you seem to defend all that SJW's do and believe in, do you object to the label that comes with it?

I think you may have me confused with someone else.

But again, continue with the mischaracterization if lumping me in with your enemy helps you feel more victimized.

Edit: Looking at this post later, I realize I misread your first quote. Sorry about that one. And honestly, I'm too lazy right now to discuss the similarities in tactics.
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011

I think you may have me confused with someone else.

Do you, or do you not defend the anti-GG stance and agree with their narrative that gamers are "icky"?

But again, continue with the mischaracterization if lumping me in with your enemy helps you feel more victimized.

I never thought of myself as some powerless victim, but fine, you win. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=het8JQjldSg (Seven seconds of victimhood.) D:


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
Do you, or do you not defend the anti-GG stance and agree with their narrative that gamers are "icky"?

No, and I never said I did. I've been a gamer since Atari days.

I've said repeatedly in this thread that this whole issue is a clusterfuck and both sides are to blame.

I never thought of myself as some powerless victim, but fine, you win. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=het8JQjldSg (Seven seconds of victimhood.) D:

This is more fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z5_AIzt7uM
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Apr 8, 2013
I think not. Look at Entertainment Weekly's story headlined: ‘Hugo Award nominations fall victim to misogynistic, racist voting campaign,’” John Merline of Investor’s Business Daily notes in an article sardonically titled, “Another Great Moment in Mainstream Journalism:” Later Entertainment Weekly changed the headline to: “Correction: Hugo Awards voting campaign sparks controversy.” So why the need to correct itself so radically? Because Entertainment Weekly interviewed not the people nominally involved with the voting campaign, but based its story on interviewing the gaming press. Specifically:

Ms. Biedenharn's hateful rant was not only vitriolic, but profoundly and utterly wrong. Entertainment Weekly was unable to polish the turd and therefore had to walk it back. It's worth pointing out again that not only did Ms. Biedenharn neglect to do any actual journalism or fact-checking, the only sources quoted are like-minded bloggers and writers.

I ran this one to ground and it's interesting. The EW article is a major flub. It discusses - and conflates - two groups which tried to influence the Hugo Awards. One of the groups is run by an unabashed bigot who thinks black people are subhuman and opposes all women's rights. The guy is truly reptilian.

The other is a group of concerned writers who who oppose, among other things, deciding the awards based on the gender or ethnicity of the author, which IMO is not problematic. That group had a slate of candidates which included about 30% women, which I think is no less than the percentage of sci fi writers who are female. The EW article also mentions as a bright spot that a particular female author received a nomination, apparently without realizing that this specific female author was recommended by the group she criticized for being sexist!

To be fair, your article focuses on the inaccuracy regarding the one group but fails to mention that it's entirely accurate regarding the other, and so your source is itself not entirely balanced.

In any event, I don't expect quality journalism from Entertainment Weekly.

Your attempt to use this kind of example to prove something broader reminds me of the people who think they can prove the generalization that cops are racist based on 4-5 incidents occurring over the past several years. Just as there are millions of cops and 100's of 1000's of arrests annually in the US, so too there are thousands of articles published daily by the corporatized news media. Good luck making your case based on one sloppy article in an entertainment rag. Even 10 examples doesn't prove much of anything in a field so large.
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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
So take that out of it, as I was trying to do. I think envy is not an actual motivator, but a symptom of a greater insecurity, so in that sense, you're correct that it cares not for rich or poor.

I am certainly not saying there is any morality inherent to one's wealth or class. But you said yourself that power is always abused, so doesn't that imply that the powerful are inherently morally inferior due to their ability to abuse on a greater scale? I'm not even saying I agree with your position that all power is abused, but if that is your position, then the morality stance seems to follow directly... or does scale not matter, but morality is relative to the individual... because there's a term for that I'm having trouble putting my finger on...
I think that abusing what power one has is a temptation inherent to the human condition. Also, that is far from the only moral failing we have. You have a point about scale though. I'll have to think about that.

I was referring to the "Repetition becomes truth" comment.

In either case, it was sniping. I should be better than that, but evidently I'm not.
Lol +1

I ran this one to ground and it's interesting. The EW article is a major flub. It discusses - and conflates - two groups which tried to influence the Hugo Awards. One of the groups is run by an unabashed bigot who thinks black people are subhuman and opposes all women's rights. The guy is truly reptilian.

The other is a group of concerned writers who who oppose, among other things, deciding the awards based on the gender or ethnicity of the author, which IMO is not problematic. That group had a slate of candidates which included about 30% women, which I think is no less than the percentage of sci fi writers who are female. The EW article also mentions as a bright spot that a particular female author received a nomination, apparently without realizing that this specific female author was recommended by the group she criticized for being sexist!

To be fair, your article focuses on the inaccuracy regarding the one group but fails to mention that it's entirely accurate regarding the other, and so your source is itself not entirely balanced.

In any event, I don't expect quality journalism from Entertainment Weekly.

Your attempt to use this kind of example to prove something broader reminds me of the people who think they can prove the generalization that cops are racist based on 4-5 incidents occurring over the past several years. Just as there are millions of cops and 100's of 1000's of arrests annually in the US, so too there are thousands of articles published daily by the corporatized news media. Good luck making your case based on one sloppy article in an entertainment rag. Even 10 examples doesn't prove much of anything in a field so large.
Honestly I never looked at the second group. I just assumed it was as badly and baldly mid characterized as the first because such accusations by progressives are common as dirt and, well, the accusations sound kooky. Who could be so vile and have any power? I will take a look. As far as making my case based on one example, which mainstream media outlet other than Forbes covered this and bothered to even interview anyone on the GamerGate side? Which other mainstream news outlet covered this without interviewing and repeating the anti-GamerGate reporters? Would it be equally valid to cover Occupy Wall Street by interviewing only reporters from Forbes and Investor Daily? Same principle.

Honestly when I first looked at this issue I thought exactly as you. I had no idea that Kotaku was Gawker, for instance. I took their and other reportage at face value and accepted that these were probably just spoiled man-children throwing tantrums who took an initial point which might have had some validity (or not) and used it to launch a mostly unconnected social justice campaign of their own. The only thing that made me vaguely aware it might be less than totally one-sided is that the other side included radical feminists, but even when I read some of the idiocy I simply assumed that both sides were idiots. I popped into this thread from time to time just for laughs until Jackstar drew me in with actual philosophical points. But when I began to actually look into the issues, I learned differently. Hell, I even had to admit that someone could exist only on YouTube and still have some wisdom, albeit emparted only at the speed of speech.

This is not a straightforward issue my friend. There has certainly been bad behavior on both sides - which is endemic to life on the Internet, and we assign responsibility at our peril - but there are reasonable arguments on both sides. Yet from what little I have seen so far, the GamerGate people have made much better arguments, while their opponents have acted less honestly and exchanged their initially valid points for attacks and obfuscation.
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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I just reviewed a half dozen New York Times stories on GamerGate as well as several others just to make sure my point was valid. None featured anyone representing GamerGate beyond Alec Baldwin saying the threats aren't what GamerGate is about. All quote anti-Gamergate reporters saying that is all GamerGate is about. Almost all mention Anita Sarkeesian. Most have hot links. All mention bomb threats against anti-GamerGate reporters. None mention bomb threats against GamerGate people and events. Several mention pressure by GamerGate on Intel as a factor in Intel pulling its ads after Alexander's article. None mentioned that the article was an attack on the very people Intel is trying to lure.

This is emphatically not one article or one outlet. This is a broad and well-defined trend among mainstream media that goes beyond all these writers being progressives who fundamentally agree with their anti-GamerGate colleagues showing their internal biases. This is simply pure, one sided advocacy journalism. The articles are very much the rule, whereas any representing GamerGate with anything beyond the standard one-line defense are rarer than hen's teeth.
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Jun 26, 2009
To clarify, I'm also a 2600 era gamer.

Also, I'm not shocked to learn that Blue Max is not familiar with satire...


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2012
This is emphatically not one article or one outlet. This is a broad and well-defined trend among mainstream media that goes beyond all these writers being progressives who fundamentally agree with their anti-GamerGate colleagues showing their internal biases. This is simply pure, one sided advocacy journalism. The articles are very much the rule, whereas any representing GamerGate with anything beyond the standard one-line defense are rarer than hen's teeth.

Now you know why mainstream media is dying. Remember the Trayvon Martin case? The media took a tragic event and intentionally tried to start a race war and riots. The media said Zimmerman was white instead of hispanic, they edited the 911 call to make him sound racist, they bleeped out the witness testimony where Trayvon said a crazy "cracker" was following him, newspapers completely buried the star witness testimony because it went against the race war narrative, and the media used pictures of Trayvon from when he was 12. This is what the media does. Then they did the exact same thing when Michael Brown was killed.

Opie & Anthony talk about witness testimony in Trayvon case
O&A is a radio show, so you can listen to that in the background while working.


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2012
I just reviewed a half dozen New York Times stories on GamerGate as well as several others just to make sure my point was valid. None featured anyone representing GamerGate beyond Alec Baldwin saying the threats aren't what GamerGate is about. All quote anti-Gamergate reporters saying that is all GamerGate is about. Almost all mention Anita Sarkeesian. Most have hot links. All mention bomb threats against anti-GamerGate reporters. None mention bomb threats against GamerGate people and events. Several mention pressure by GamerGate on Intel as a factor in Intel pulling its ads after Alexander's article. None mentioned that the article was an attack on the very people Intel is trying to lure.

This is emphatically not one article or one outlet. This is a broad and well-defined trend among mainstream media that goes beyond all these writers being progressives who fundamentally agree with their anti-GamerGate colleagues showing their internal biases. This is simply pure, one sided advocacy journalism. The articles are very much the rule, whereas any representing GamerGate with anything beyond the standard one-line defense are rarer than hen's teeth.

The funny thing is that even some big name anti-GGers are tired of the media narrative, even if it's not completely obvious. For instance, take Leigh Alexander's piece here:


Some excerpts:

Every woman I know in games right now is really tired. Careful: That is "every woman I know," not "every woman." You must be very careful. It's the kind of fatigue that isn't so easily explained by our fist-shaking male colleagues who earnestly empathize across their social media platforms with how "we get harassed a lot". Some of us get harassed a lot and some of us don't. Sometimes it upsets me when people bring up the harassment: comments like I have no idea how you put up with all the shit you put up with or gee, you sure have a lot of haters, because honestly I am usually trying to ignore that part and, well, a lot of people like and support my work too, thank you.

There is a lot of attention paid to the "climate of harassment" for women in games (and a lot of uppity debate about whether it exists or we're just imagining it, exaggerating, because for arbitrary reasons we must want to "make the industry look bad"). But actually, this stricken pity and bewilderment was worse when I was starting out almost a decade ago, before any of the myriad and diverse and excellent women I now know and work with. Back then there was just a persistant dissonance between the way people reacted to me and my work and what everybody else got, and since I couldn't yet understand it, I pressed on.
The underlying message is that even she thinks women in gaming are only interesting to the media as victims.

And the thing with Leigh Alexander is that she was much more relevant to issues GamerGate had than the women who are constantly claimed to be their relevant targets. She wrote "'Gamers' don't have to be your audience. 'Gamers' are over." (http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/224400/Gamers_dont_have_to_be_your_audience_Gamers_are_over.php), easily the most inflammatory of the "Gamers are dead" series of articles which was really what drew the most people to GG (not something like The Zoe Post). So by all means, even if you think GG is supposed to be about keeping women out of gaming then Leigh Alexander would still be their much more relevant foe.

So why is it that outlet after outlet only writes about Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, and Brianna Wu? Sure, they also mention "and dozens of other women" but if you were to ask them I doubt they'd be able to name even one. Why no mention of controversial women who are actual game journalists?

It could be because, unlike Alexander, these three have been very vocal about promoting their harassment as a cause. There was a recent article in Polygon about the SPJ Airplay bomb threat (http://www.polygon.com/2015/8/16/9161311/bomb-threat-shuts-down-spj-panel-discussing-gamergate). The article was fair and neutral. Quinn and Wu were throwing a fit on their twitter about how bad the article was because it didn't slam GamerGate - presumably they wanted the article to mention them. All of the articles must be about them. If you look at things these two have said and done over the years there is a very obvious pattern of narcissism. Some people are just like that, but the media is absolutely engorged on enabling it.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Something interesting is happening, Quinn is moving to vacate the gag order which reveals a losing hand
Eron is determined to set precedent to stop this law from being abused to silence speech in the future.

and before anyone thinks Quinn is just running out of resources.

Quinn has 4 lawyers

Gamergate, where gamers learn the difference between a 258E and a 209A
This is a must watch

Turnabout #Gamergate! -- Indie-Fensible

Epic Gjoni Win – Zoe Quinn Files to Vacate Restraining Order Against Gjoni


While articles continue to come out portraying this person as a victim, they've opened themselves up to charges of perjury. The narrative is becoming ever more fragile.

I really hate to see Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton getting on board with this - I like them both. I can understand why though - if one expects to make it from minor player to major star in Hollywood, one had damned well better be politically correct. I suspect that a lot of gaming production is the same way, now that gaming is such a big industry.

One positive here is that I learned that Kotaku is actually Gawker. That's one site I'll never hit again.

Wil and Felicia have revealed themselves to be dyed in the wool true believers.
They don't let the truth get in the way of their narratives.
This goes beyond being politically correct because most celebs, you don't know what they believe because they keep it to themselves. This is activism, they insert themselves into controversies deliberately, much like how some celebrities do with the paparazzi to garner free press while simultaneously complaining about it all the while.

To say these people have been behaving antagonistically would be putting it lightly

and yes, its this Scalzi

Actually this is the most recent "GG"
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
To clarify, I'm also a 2600 era gamer.

Also, I'm not shocked to learn that Blue Max is not familiar with satire...

*sigh* And what, exactly, was satirical? Your rebuttal posts being nothing more than trolling for lols?

Wow... Wil Wheaton really threw the majority of his fanbase under the bus this time. I guess he wants to change gears and abandon forever the "geek culture" which has been his bread & butter for the last 10-20 years!
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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
*sigh* And what, exactly, was satirical? Your rebuttal posts being nothing more than trolling for lols?

Wow... Wil Wheaton really threw the majority of his fanbase under the bus this time. I guess he wants to change gears and abandon forever the "geek culture" which has been his bread & butter for the last 10-20 years!
I think this will hurt Wheaton a lot more than Day. She has a fairly significant niche brand; he's pretty much just another child actor. Of course, neither are star material, so if this behavior gets them more parts they come out ahead as probably not many people are going to boycott a movie because Wil Wheaton or Felicia Day have roles in it.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
I think this will hurt Wheaton a lot more than Day. She has a fairly significant niche brand; he's pretty much just another child actor. Of course, neither are star material, so if this behavior gets them more parts they come out ahead as probably not many people are going to boycott a movie because Wil Wheaton or Felicia Day have roles in it.

I don't know about any boycotts, but Wil Wheaton's been in a number of "geeky" shows for TV and Netflix over the last 5+ years, building a significant fanbase in geek & gamer culture. To go so violently anti-gamer all of a sudden seems like a total dismissal of most of his fans and could result in a lot LESS acting work!


Jun 26, 2009
I'm giving YOU the chance to explain why you claimed I "don't understand satire" out of the blue. So - where's the satire in question?

Nowhere, buddy. There's no satire for you to see.

I'm just trolling and blah blah blah. Carry on with your usual participation in this thread.
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Oct 11, 2005
I don't know about any boycotts, but Wil Wheaton's been in a number of "geeky" shows for TV and Netflix over the last 5+ years, building a significant fanbase in geek & gamer culture. To go so violently anti-gamer all of a sudden seems like a total dismissal of most of his fans and could result in a lot LESS acting work!

There was nothing violent or "anti-gamer" about it. He was humorously mocking the intelligence of whatever it is that this crowd is up in arms about today.

Now comes the part where you reply by calling me a SJW and copy/pasting all kinds of hipster obscure twitter posts. There, I saved you some work.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I don't know about any boycotts, but Wil Wheaton's been in a number of "geeky" shows for TV and Netflix over the last 5+ years, building a significant fanbase in geek & gamer culture. To go so violently anti-gamer all of a sudden seems like a total dismissal of most of his fans and could result in a lot LESS acting work!
Possibly. I don't know the mechanics of that business or whether he caters to hard core gamers or a more casual geek crowd that is not caught up in GamerGate. I really don't have a good feel for the penetration here, but judging just by Anandtech I don't think that many gamers are really up in arms about it. Those who know it at all probably dismiss it as did I. When there is that much nastiness flying through the air, it's difficult for most of us to care enough to pick a side.

There was nothing violent or "anti-gamer" about it. He was humorously mocking the intelligence of whatever it is that this crowd is up in arms about today.

Now comes the part where you reply by calling me a SJW and copy/pasting all kinds of hipster obscure twitter posts. There, I saved you some work.
So it's a good idea to mock the intelligence of your fan base as long as it's only part of your fan base?

He probably bought himself some hireability with his political correctness, but surely he has also lost some of his fan base and I highly doubt that enough non-geeky, non-gaming people have been attracted to make up for that.


Jun 26, 2009
There was nothing violent or "anti-gamer" about it. He was humorously mocking the intelligence of whatever it is that this crowd is up in arms about today.

Now comes the part where you reply by calling me a SJW and copy/pasting all kinds of hipster obscure twitter posts. There, I saved you some work.

Blue Max has youtube links for you. VERY informative.
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