Gaming midlife crisis

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Senior member
Nov 9, 2006
Farming Simulator 2013
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
XCOM Enemy Unknown/Within


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2001
I don't play all that much anymore but I'm having way more fun finding and playing different games. Some of the most fun games are just the simple ones. But It's harder and harder to find good games that are not some super mainstreamed cookie cutter game anymore. But they are out there. A lot of the indie ones look great but then need way more polish, they have lots of potential though.

Like pixel Junk: Monsters
Brothers: A tale of Two Sons
Blur - A cool racing game like mario cart but more real looking

Train Simulator 2014

And I just bought Van Helsing to give it a try. I'd also love more myst type games done right. We need way more adventure games.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2006
Civilization series keep me going: played round of Civ III, then IV, then V... winning strategy for each is fail for the next.


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2007
played my first game in 2006 to test my first system build [60 now]
bf2 was over my head
-put 740ish hours in 2142 just blew me away
crysis 1 played it and mods for a year
played stalkers all 3 x 2 times
bfbc2 150hours
arma 2, dayz until the hacking got too much to bare
bf3 alpha\ beta then to level 43 I think
fall outs
most common AAA sp games
this year- me, bl2,,sc,bs,ac3,fc3,ds3 etc
but have not played in 2 months waiting to get new vid. cards but there is nothing on steam that I want to play.
-most programing is done for outfits -could not give a shxx.
-don't care if I can play a gay char .- DGAS
-games should be games \real time interactive stories . not social statements.
-waiting for codes for ac4bf but that looks like crap story wise.
-bf4 not interested this time around ,grind to no where.
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Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
I can still get into games, I just feel like I don't have the time to invest into a game the way I usually like to. I haven't given up on games, but I have been playing much less frequently the past couple years or so.


Senior member
Feb 5, 2005
Out of desperation I purchased Guild Wars 2 and it is the antithesis to every MMO and F2P game out there right now.

The game is actually FUN, as in exciting, engaging, challenging. It takes a couple hours for the game to open up, but so far this is a game that I don't have to force myself to play, it just such a joy to explore and kill stuff, and I haven't even touched PvP.

Euro Truck Simulator 2

This looks very appealing to me, I think I can be immersed in this, must try.
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Senior member
Feb 5, 2005
Out of desperation I purchased Guild Wars 2 and it is the antithesis to every MMO and F2P game out there right now.

The game is actually FUN, as in exciting, engaging, challenging. It takes a couple hours for the game to open up, but so far this is a game that I don't have to force myself to play, it just such a joy to explore and kill stuff, and I haven't even touched PvP.

Euro Truck Simulator 2

This looks very appealing to me, I think I can be immersed in this, must try.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Find something else to do for a while. Everyone gets burnt out on their favorite activities at some point. Learn something that you were interested in in the past but never had to the time to learn or enjoy.

An example is, I have a friend that used to game 4-5 hours a day everyday in WoW. He got burnt out and decided to start learning guitar. Now he's awesome at guitar and recently asked me for some suggestions for games. He came back to gaming with a new perspective and started playing story-focused games like Mass Effect and totally enjoyed them.

Sometimes you need to step away for awhile. You won't find fulfillment in your life doing the same things all the time.


Aug 12, 2001
just turned 30 and have lost a lot of interest in gaming. basically i don't play games for the sake of gaming now. i'll only play if something really catches my attention.

i'm waiting for a couple of games to come out of kickstarter (dreamfall sequel, numenera, star citizen, project eternity) and maybe something like ff 15.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
The problem I am having is that they don't make many new games of the types I like to play or what I would like to see.

I don't have the time or the want to play something that I don't really enjoy.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
The problem I am having is that they don't make many new games of the types I like to play or what I would like to see.

I don't have the time or the want to play something that I don't really enjoy.


I loved UT2k4, still do.
Wasn't a big fan of what they did with UT3.

My favorite genre of shooter doesn't really exist anymore.

Now all i play is Civ5, and i'm tired of it but don't really find any newer games appealing...


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2007
Find something else to do for a while. Everyone gets burnt out on their favorite activities at some point. Learn something that you were interested in in the past but never had to the time to learn or enjoy.

An example is, I have a friend that used to game 4-5 hours a day everyday in WoW. He got burnt out and decided to start learning guitar. Now he's awesome at guitar and recently asked me for some suggestions for games. He came back to gaming with a new perspective and started playing story-focused games like Mass Effect and totally enjoyed them.

Sometimes you need to step away for awhile. You won't find fulfillment in your life doing the same things all the time.
too few games invest in the story now days me had multi char. and a story . loved it for the story but would have liked one better/longer story and no different char.


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2001
I've tried so many newer and popular games and I could not play them for more than 2 days.

I have found going back to good games I grew up with, Doom, Hexen2, Heretic, SS1, SS2, Trackmania, Elastomania, Quake 2, Unreal, etc....

I've enjoyed Crysis1 and Rochard very much, but haven't found the newer games that I would enjoy playing.

Perhaps it is like with food, you love most what you did when growing up, now after 40 or so almost everything new is just meh....


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
There just seems to be a lack of a verity of different games with good game play.


Golden Member
May 8, 2010
There are a lot of gems out there; but its all about pacing. I've gone through dry spells; left gaming for alittle bit and realized I seriously missed gaming.

I just finished not too long ago the game of last generation on any platform. The Last of Us. Seriously on of the best damn games I've played in years. I mean I had a blast with Tomb Raider reboot; Bioshock Infinity was fun; but was lacking to me. We go back to Sleeping Dogs *sleeper hit combat was so much fun; I felt like I was playing/in Hard Boiled* Dishonored was so much fun also; but again - the story did not rip me apart like Last of Us.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - another game that was a blast and got me excited about gaming again even with the lazy ending.

X-com Enemy unknown. I got it free on ps3 + Loved the game so much bought it for PC and now playing it again. L4D2 with a regular group along with Bf3/BF4. That has made the difference at least for me.

Finding people to play with and having fun. I need to fire up TOR again and play with my guild that work is setting down. We all tend to go through the dry spells; sometimes going away for a little while doesn't hurt.......


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2005
Shit man, I'm only 21 but already I'd rather play games from around 2000 then anything released in the last few years.

I recently re-installed Age of Wonders 2. This game is literally better than 99% of the games released today.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2009
Shit man, I'm only 21 but already I'd rather play games from around 2000 then anything released in the last few years.

I recently re-installed Age of Wonders 2. This game is literally better than 99% of the games released today.

I just said this in another thread - I'm having more fun retrogaming on an old laptop right now than I've had on my desktop in years.


Senior member
Jun 15, 2000
I want to build a windows 3.1 PC for my old sierra games.

ScummVM! I played some of the oldies (like Indiana Jones fate of atlantis and The Dig) on my Ipad1.

I share the same feelings as the OP (mid 30s now). 70 hours on civ4, 40 on xcom eu, nothing else more than 10-15.

I tried replaying the snes final fantasy, and I wondered how I dealt with the "random encounter every 15 seconds" thing as a child...

debated making a mame box but it was always more fun to just play (gauntlet is my fave)

I picked up a ps vita and 3ds. I really enjoyed "zero escape VLR". It is a "visual novel" with puzzles (but the story is great)... I can't really get into the "go around killing stuff, gain levels, get stronger, get items and kill even bigger stuff" game anymore.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
I am in the same boat. There are not many games anymore which REALLY excite me.
Many are just some run-off-the mill "I have seen it already 1000 times".....stupid cut-scenes etc....."to make it easy for you" type of games.

The last game I really liked was Far Cry 3, Tombraider was also ok.

So many games are obviously ported from consoles, another turn-off...

Had a GOOD time in Wow...played a loooong time and really enjoyed it...until it turned into "Panda Land" for 10 year olds. Sad...many good memories when Wow was still halfway ok.


Junior Member
Nov 15, 2013
Metal Gear Solid is one of the best games of all time, in my humble opinion. Since you mentioned it, I would give it a go, and keep in mind that a new one is coming out for the PS4 & Xbox One soon.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2012
You just need to lay off gaming for a while. Travel, pick up a new hobby, cook, eat, enjoy life. And if gaming runs in your blood, the craving to play will be right back. Else, just move on to other things.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2008
I'm in a rut right now (28) been playing since I could hold a controller. Got a ps4 and ghosts and realized it's the same recycled shit year after year. I sold my ps4 and been watching TV show series on Netflix. I don't know if I'll get back into it or not honestly. Nothing catches my attention or makes me want to play it.

I'm not a RPG guy by any means but I've probably logged close to 1,000 hours between fallout 3 and new Vegas. If they had a new fallout game I wouldn't be in this situation. I'll probably leave it alone til fallout congress back out and see how it goes


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
Ahh.. Another one of those threads..

OP, I know how you feel. I am almost 32 and I have the same problem. I think it's a combination of a ton of added responsibilities at this age + the overall mediocrity of games in general.

First of all I am doing my Masters right now. This is not even a prestigious college or anything like that - I can imagine many colleges with a much higher workload, and I am taking only one class! But, it's still too hard for me. I am learning programming, and I never programmed in my life. So this stuff is absolute murder. Plus I have a full time job as a computer tech. I work the evening shift and come back at 11pm. I only have to go to work at 1:30pm, but it doesn't matter because I am dead during those morning hours anyway because I can never make myself go to sleep before 1am. Plus, now I have my own place, and there's bills, and there's the girlfriend with her BS.

I didn't have to worry about any of this shit when I was 16. I'd just come home from school and play Diablo II. All day, every day. Plus, there was Planescape Torment, Command and Conquer, Warhammer: Dark Omen, Rome TW, Ground Cotrol 2, Half-Life and lots of other awesomeness. Even when I was 20 somethings going for my Associates, there was still much more free time than there is now and many more great games.

Now, there's still many good titles...

Dragonage Origins - awesome, but something about it is just not as epic as Planescape Torment or Icewind Dale

Bioshock 1,2, and the last one... forgot whats that called. Haven't played that one yet, but I'm sure its good.

Borderlands 1 and 2, Shogun 2 Total War, and many more...

But there also just too much "drek"... Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, Battlefield, Black Ops, all garbage... All the same. Enough already. All flash, no substance.
Also when will WoW die already? Just.. die... I wish everyone would just stop playng it.

Command and Conquer got destroyed by EA. Diablo 3 blows. Starcraft II is horrible. The single player campaign feels like it was made for 13 year old kids.

But really I think one of my biggest gripes is time investment. I am just no longer willing to invest. Games that have a learning curve piss me off. Every time I sit down to learn a new game, I cant help but think that I could have used that same time to do my homework, or pay the bills, or **** the g/f. Maybe it's the age pushing me. Telling me.. Hey! Dude! Wake the hell up! Life is not endless, you will DIE at some point, and now that time draws closer than it was when you were 16, and when you do die, do you want your life to have been spent playing games or do you want to be remembered for some great achievement, or at least having had a beautiful wife, or built a house, or became a CEO of some company.. or at least some sort of a manager... or maybe just raised a son who grew up to be a really good man. Right now, I haven't done any of those things, and unless I do something now, I never will.

Either way, I am not saying people shouldnt play games. I still occasionally play them. But I try to invest into them much less. I play EVE Online, and I only log in to modify my market orders. I don't PvP, and I don't partake in any group activities because all that requires "investing". I try to use my time more efficiently. I am rarely successful in this task, but I try.
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