Gateway: P4-2Ghz (512k L2 Cache), 256 RDRam PC800, 40GB HD ... $918 shipped

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Jan 28, 2000
If you had the choice between the Gateway and the Dell 8200 at the same price which would you choose and why? I ask this because several people have gone to a lot of trouble to get Dell to price match the Gateway.



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
The systems are almost identical, even using the same motherboard chipset.. the only visible difference I believe is the Gateway supports USB 2.0 and Firewire, while the Dell doesn't... It basically boils down to support and quality perception, so I guess more people believe Dell has it rather than Gateway..

Btw, for people looking for RDRAM..
Mushkin has 256MB DIMMs for $149 a piece..

Or if you don't mind a little gamble..
Googlegear has Kingston 256MB DIMMs for $89 a piece..

Don't forget you need to install it in pairs..


Aug 30, 2000
Well I chose Dell because I have been a past user of their systems at home and work. The bottom line was price vs. performance. If GW would have been a more attractive setup, GW it would have been. My Dell Rep told me to spread his name and ext#. I would think getting him to PM GW would be easy....


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
In regards to my gamble comment, I've *heard* that RDRAM is very sensitive when brands are mixed. I figure Mushkin's HQ RDRAM would be better off than Kingston's Value line, but until I get my system I can't really comment on first hand knowledge.. is an ok reseller..



Aug 30, 2000
Well I got Dell to PM GW with a 2.2 and I did not get a DVD. So I sent my faithful Dell rep an email to see if it was an oversite not to include the DVD. He said he would take care of it. I sent another email thanking him. This is what he told me tonight:

"Quick update. Although I did make the changes on your order to reflect the price match, the order that we originally did somehow slipped between the cracks, shipped out and is currently on it's way to you.


All you need to do is just refuse shipment at the door and they will send it back and credit your account.

It's a system thing. It happens from time to time.

If you have any questions you are MORE than welcome to give me a call.


P.S. your new order confirmation# is 779513340.
Have a great day Bill and thanks again for all of the referrals. You're great!"

So somebody has been hitting him up with referrals, either you or FAT big ole WALLET!!! Make sure he gets you the DVD!!!!!!!


Mar 22, 2001
"If you had the choice between the Gateway and the Dell 8200 at the same price which would you choose and why? I ask this because several people have gone to a lot of trouble to get Dell to price match the Gateway"

I have both here, a 2GHz Dell 8200 and the Gateway 700x 2GHz. I would pick the Gateway over the Dell 8200. The Dell 8200 system has a cheap flimsy feel to it. The Dell 8100 (have this too) systems were built much better then the 8200. The case on the 8200 is mostly plastic and opens like a clam shell. I think the GW system is quiet compared to the Dell. It looks like the GW uses more standard parts then the Dell system. Looks like the GW is using Intel?s MB, I don?t know what MB is in the Dell.


Nov 22, 2000

<< I think the GW system is quiet compared to the Dell. >>

I can confirm this.....mine is also very quiet


Oct 27, 2001
it is all about value.

if you are so worried about the quality of the product, buy extra warranty

my $0.02


Senior member
Oct 26, 1999
"If you had the choice between the Gateway and the Dell 8200 at the same price which would you choose and why? I ask this because several people have gone to a lot of trouble to get Dell to price match the Gateway"

Dell have a much better reputation for quality than Gateway. It's possible Gateway is making an equal product. but I decided to go with Dell based on their track record.

As far as the Dell case being mostly plastic that's really of little relevance as it has no affect the reliability or performance of the system. I actually like the accesibility that the new Dell case offers. So for me the new case is a plus over the Gateway. I also think Dell's case is much more stylish looking. That's of little relevance too but if you care about something like that...

How is Gateway using more standard parts than Dell? I really doubt that. Please explain what "non-standard" parts Dell are using. I'm very curious....

I'm also interested in why you think Dell systems of the past were "built much better". Because the 8200 has a mostly plastic case?...That's it? I like the new Dell case better, so if that's the determining factor I think the new 8200 is better than the older systems.

Finally the Dell 8200 is not a noisy system. It is very quiet. I can't comment on the noise level vs the Gateway since I don't own a gateway but noise is absolutely not an issue for the 8200 system.


Senior member
Jun 27, 2001
my Gateway machine is quiet too. Originally placed an order for a Dell 8100, shipment date delayed, order cancelled, Gateway deal posted, Boom! Gateway ordered!


Oct 4, 2001
Has anyone thought about cooling and the power supply (250 watts enough) on the Gateway? Meaning what kind of fans or power supply to put into, or swap, on it. Or maybe just leave it alone. Just asking.


Mar 22, 2001
First of all both these systems the Dell and the GW are well worth the price of $918. I would certainly have bought another Dell if the deal was only on the Dell, but given the chouse I would go with the GW. My intent is not to say one is superior over the other, I was just responding to Spyboy?s question with my options.

?If you had the choice between the Gateway and the Dell 8200 at the same price which would you choose and why??

As far as the more standard parts go, ask around if anyone can replace the MB or power supply in the Dell 8200 with a standard one from Newegg. You can use the GW all metal case and add any standard MB, not in the Dell case.
In the Dell you need those little rails to add any CD-ROMs or hard drives. In the GW everything in built into the case, just slide your drive in. Try and add an extra fan in that Dell case as I tried to do unsuccessfully. I have added two fans in the GW case with no trouble.

?As far as the Dell case being mostly plastic that's really of little relevance as it has no affect the reliability or performance of the system. I actually like the accesibility that the new Dell case offers. So for me the new case is a plus over the Gateway. I also think Dell's case is much more stylish looking. That's of little relevance too but if you care about something like that?

I also like the look of the Dell system, but it is a pain to press the eject buttons the CD drive. You also need to clear a good amount of desk space to open that Dell case. I far as the reliability goes my option is they are about the same. In Dell?s favor they did send the technician out to my house 3 times without any hesitation on their part. This was to replace the fan that they use in the heat duct. The system would not boot because it did not detect the replacement fans, two different ones. They have some kind of detection on the MB and must have a certain fan in order for the MB not to complain according to their technician.

?I'm also interested in why you think Dell systems of the past were "built much better". Because the 8200 has a mostly plastic case?...That's it? I like the new Dell case better, so if that's the determining factor I think the new 8200 is better than the older systems.?

The older 8100 cases are also mostly plastic, but I think they are built much better then the 8200s are.
The power supply in the 8100 is 330 waits. No need for the rails to add more hard drives. Even thou the 8100 uses the 423 pin cpu it seems to run cooler then the new 8200. The older one also feels roomier inside. As best I can tell the MB can be replace in the case using the same power supply. I have also added an extra fan in the front of the 8100 case.

If you are not going to add things or other wise tinker around with the system I guess it really only comes down to the price.
The impotent thing here is to get in on this great deal.


Senior member
Oct 26, 1999
Winky: Why are you adding extra fans to the cases? Are you overclocking these systems? More fans create more noise. I personally wouldn't add any fans unless I was overclocking the system. I have a home-built overclocked system right now and all the fan noise is really annoying which is one reason why I picked up this deal.


Mar 22, 2001
Not over clocking these. They are used mainly for encoding video into mpeg 2 for burning to DVDs. I have 3 72k hard drives in them plus a DVD burner. When reading from one hard drive while writing to the other for 5 plus hours at 100% cpu utilization the system does generate a quit of bit of heat. I have not checked what the temperature is but I can feel a significant increase in the amount of heat being put out by the fans. The RDRAM also generates heat; I have 1 Gig of it in the GW now (4 X 256). So I thought by adding the extra fans could only help and cause no harm.

The memory that I am using now is Kingston 256 sticks also used this in the Dell, works fine never had any problems. I bought the memory from Dell accessories around last September when it was cheap. I got 2 Kingston 512 kits for $137 each delivered, for a total of 1 Gig. The Kingston part number is KTD-DM800E/512. I don?t think Dell is selling them anymore.


Jan 28, 2000
The biggest difference between the Gateway and the Dell is not the hardware. I believe the biggest difference is in the terms of the warranty. With Gateway, if a tech cannot solve a problem over the phone, you must bring the machine to the nearest Gateway Country Store. I didn't check to see if you can wait while they check it out and fix it or you have to leave it and come back another day to pick it up. Having to take the computer to a Gateway Store is a pain in the ass, whether you can wait or have to come back.

Dell provides in-home service and if necessary, next business day replacement.

While hardware failures are apparently relatively rare, just the idea of potentially having to lug a computer at least 10 miles ((in my case) -unless they close that Country Store as they have others lately)) and probably having to go back again to pick it up makes this difference in warranties the Tie-Breaker for me. Making my choice Dell.


Aug 30, 2000
Brian called me today, he said thanks for all of the referals.... he did mention the 60 plus calls he had in as orders, and asked you NOT to order via the net (who would??) nor another rep.... He said it was his birthday and he would NOT return many calls on the 28th (he had to party). BUT he did say he would work this deal thru Friday.... SO, he WILL call you on Friday if you have a call in and if you do not get the 2.2, post it here. I will call him and ask what is up.....


Senior member
Jan 24, 2000
Hey AhzRoeland,

Sorry bout that. I was at work when I called Brian. He was like ok...calll me back Sunday.
And hang up. Anyway wish him Happy Birthday for us, if you have his number that is!!! Have lots of Fun Brian!!!
Dude I have to wait till Sunday to get a Dell.

Peace out


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2002
I set up a buddy on this deal....but with Dell as he would rather die than have another Gateway...(not my opinion). he called brian and was handed off to another gu to do the order... It appears he did not get the DVD drive, the USB 2.0, or the IE1394 ports. He also only got the 16x burner....BUT he did get the 2.2a P4 processor. AND he was told he qualifies for the $300 rebate!!!!! Deal = $618 shipped !!!!(AR). The cool thing is that the 2.2a processor lists at $540 at for ~$70 more he got the case, powersupply, MB, Memory, 16x burner, Windows XP home, keyboard, mouse, floppy, etc....

text follows:

FROM DELL: ~(Name and Email of friend edited to = "T")
Hi T,

Here's the mistake I made (a mistake which, I believe, is in your favor).
That Gateway Deal was supposed to include only a 2.0 Ghz processor, but it
DID have a DVD drive also (you are only getting a CDRW drive). However,
some reason, I was told to sell it to you this way, WITH the 2.2 Ghz
processor, and no DVD. Here's the good news: doing it the way we did last
night, you ARE eligible for the $300 rebate. So, you'll get an additional
$300 off, AND the 2.2 Ghz processor. If we change the order back to the
"Gateway Deal", you wouldn't be eligible for the $300. So, it's up to you,
but I would suggest leaving it how we have it.

IEEE card isn't included. It has 4 USB ports (2 in the front, 2 in the
back), but not the version 2.0.

-----Original Message-----
From: T
Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: Dell Order Information

Hi Gregg,
Thank you for your assistance.

I have a couple other questions regarding my order below.

1. Can I use the $300 mail in rabate with the order I placed below? Do I
2. I was under the impression that I was getting 2 DVD/CD-ROM drives with
this order.
(16x/48x DVD ROM Drive and a 24x/10x/40x Recordable Rewriteable CDRW Drive)
Is this correct? I can't tell from the order spec. sheet below?
3. Did I get the 2.2a GHz(w/ 512K L2 Advanced Cache) processor?
4. Does this come with the IEEE1394 card(video capture)?
5. Does this come with the USB 2.0 ports(external ports)? How many external
ports does this come with? How many are 2.0 ports.

Please advise.



<Gregg_Herning@D> To:T


03/02/2002 07:20 Subject: Dell Order

Dear T,

Thank you for your order and welcome to Dell. Please review this
email for accuracy and save for reference. If there are any changes,
contact your sales representative below.

This email includes:


Dell Order Information
Order Number: XXXXXXXX
For Order Status, please click below to visit our Website:
Customer Number: XXXXXX
Sales Point of Contact: GREGG HERNING
Email Address:
Phone: 800-545-3723 Ext 58799

Your order was placed on: 3/1/2002
Estimated Ship Date: 3/7/2002
Shipped via: Ground
Shipped to: T
*Sales Tax: $15.18
Shipping and/or Handling: $0.00
Total Order Amount: $918.18

**Additional Order Number: 0

*Dell Home Systems collects tax on orders to Texas, Kentucky, Nevada, North
Carolina, Tennessee and Florida. For shipments to other states, tax
relates to the third party service contract only. The purchaser is
responsible to remitting any uncollected tax on their order directly to the
local tax authorities.

Once your system has shipped, you will receive a confirmation via email
from Dell. To get the tracking information on your system and

You must be available to sign for your shipment when it is received.
Although we do not
anticipate a delay in your order, we occasionally run into unexpected
delays in the
manufacturing process. If this should happen, we will notify you of the
estimated ship date.

**(Certain peripherals may produce additional order numbers
and may be shipped to you seperately from your system)


For assistance BEFORE your system ships,
contact your sales representative via email, listed above. Or contact
Customer Care at

For assistance AFTER you have received your system,
click on the SOLUTION CENTER icon on your system. From Solution Center,
you can get answers to frequently asked questions, get help with setting up
system and get access to Dell customer care and tech support.



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Dell will not be responsible for typographical or other errors or omissions
regarding prices or other information.

Order Detail

Qty Part# Abbreviated Description
1 461-4059 Dimension 8200 Series, Pentium 4 Processor at 2.2GHz
1 311-8426 256MB PC800 RDRAM
1 310-2753 Dell Enhanced Quiet Key Keyboard
1 320-3000 Video ready option w/o monitor
1 320-0239 64MB NVIDIA GeForce2 MX Graphics Card with TV-Out
1 340-3615 40GB,ATA-100,7200 RPM,Hard Drive
1 340-1927 3.5in Floppy Drive
1 420-3079 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition,English
1 313-7222 Dell Application Back-up CD, Factory Install
1 310-2756 Logitech USB Mouseman Wheel
1 430-5353 10/100 PCI Fast Ethernet NIC Factory Install
1 313-0717 V.90/56K Telephone Modem for Windows
1 461-1635 16X/10X/40X CD-RW Drive CD-RW Drive
1 313-1488 SB Live! 1024 Digital Sound Card
1 313-7284 Harmon Kardon HK-395 Speakers
1 412-5623 Symantec Norton Antivirus 2002OEM Package, English
1 412-3809 Music Match 6.0 for Windows XP
1 412-3807 Dell Picture Studio for Windows XP, Dell Edition
1 412-0164 AOL 7.0 Factory Install For US DHS
1 412-0173 AOL 7.0 CD For US
1 412-0133 MS Worksuite 2002,CD with Documentation,OEM,US,English
1 950-1272 Type 3-Third Party Next Business Day At Home Service,
Lifetime 24x7 Phone Support, 2 Year Extended
1 950-3339 3 Year Limited Warranty
1 950-4270 Type 3-Third Party Next Business Day At Home Service, 1
Year24x7 Phone Support, Initial Y ear



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Hey AhzRoeland,

Sorry bout that. I was at work when I called Brian. He was like ok...calll me back Sunday.
And hang up. Anyway wish him Happy Birthday for us, if you have his number that is!!! Have lots of Fun Brian!!!
Dude I have to wait till Sunday to get a Dell.

Peace out

Quick questions about the Dell. Anyone know if there are 2 serial ports on back? Wonder if we do not use the Modem if we get back a port. It is a shame we have no details of MoBo!

Also, how many pci cards can we add? I do not see details about the $300 rebate. Is it for those ordered by Thursday, or do they need to be shipped. I assume Dell sends 2 128MB rdrams! So, to get 512MB we need 2 more 128's! Do the outside vendors rdram work OK?

Lastly...can we nuke the hard drive and install our own XP, etc, or does DELL load the drive with stuff we have no media for?

TIA...thinking that $618 for a 2.2 Gig P4 is not bad!!
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