Gay DNA found

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Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Delta52
It's a choice, not genetic. People always try to come up with excuses for being gay or born "addicted to drinking" and thus pass the blame off of themselves. This means they can say "It's not my fault I'm drinking, It's in my genes!", which makes it a lot eaiser to take that first drink of the night. This shows a lack of responsibility in people as well as a lack of disipline from their parents. You will always have a choice wether you take a swig of beer, and you will always have a choice of being gay.

so you're saying that you could find men sexually attractive if you decided to?

the whole argument just makes no sense. you can argue over whether homosexuality is determined chiefly by genetic or enviornment factors, but to say that it's a choice seems a bit ignorant.


Jan 21, 2005
Do you believe that a human born "straight" can become homosexual? If I, a straight born male can become homosexual, than why can't a "gay born" male become straight?


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: loki8481
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Pandaren
gay people are fed up with having to be ashamed of something they have no control over and don't want to hide or live a lie anymore.

It's a choice.

how could you possibly know?

he chooses to be gay with most of his pointless threads.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: loki8481
Originally posted by: Delta52
It's a choice, not genetic. People always try to come up with excuses for being gay or born "addicted to drinking" and thus pass the blame off of themselves. This means they can say "It's not my fault I'm drinking, It's in my genes!", which makes it a lot eaiser to take that first drink of the night. This shows a lack of responsibility in people as well as a lack of disipline from their parents. You will always have a choice wether you take a swig of beer, and you will always have a choice of being gay.

so you're saying that you could find men sexually attractive if you decided to?

the whole argument just makes no sense. you can argue over whether homosexuality is determined chiefly by genetic or enviornment factors, but to say that it's a choice seems a bit ignorant.

show him the $$$



Jan 21, 2005
Yes, people make choices in life, while they may be greatly influenced by outside factors, (peer pressure, wanting to be "different", media, and other incidents that can affect you may sway their choice. I am not saying I find men sexually attractive, not at all. I am saying if it is possible, due to outside influences for a "straight born" person to become homosexual, than why can't a "gay born" person become straight, thus making it a choice to become gay, or straight.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: loki8481
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Pandaren
gay people are fed up with having to be ashamed of something they have no control over and don't want to hide or live a lie anymore.
It's a choice.
how could you possibly know?
He's speaking from his hypocritical experiences.


Jan 21, 2005
"April 18, 2005 - Neuroscientist and gay activist Simon LeVay gave a lecture on sexual orientation to students at Middle Tennessee State University on April 11.

LeVay's speech was sponsored by the Middle Tennessee State University Lambda Association.

LeVay discussed various theories on sexual orientation, including the view of Plato that an angry god could determine the origin of gay and straight people. He noted that Plato recognized that sexual orientation could be traced to genetics. "A much more common idea, traditionally, [is that] human sexuality was influenced by Christian religion tradition," said LeVay.

LeVay told the students that St. Thomas Acquinas was wrong when he said that animals do not engage in homosexual behavior. According to LeVay, "Homosexuality is thought of as a behavior that anyone might be tempted to engage in, not a distinguishing attribute of a particular class of people."

In an online article dealing with sexual orientation, LeVay says that sexual orientation emerges from a conscious or unconscious "training regimen" imposed by parents, teachers, peers, and society in general. He noted that a girl who is raped by a man may become turned off to men and become a lesbian; while a boy who is seduced by a man and who derives sexual pleasure from the experience, might become gay.

He said that a person's identity as gay, straight or bisexual is a label imposed by society and internalized by the individual, rather than rising from within. "Homosexuality is not just a lifestyle, it's a deep attribute within us."



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality???

NARTH respects each client's dignity, autonomy and free agency.
We believe that clients have the right to claim a gay identity, or to diminish their homosexuality and to develop their heterosexual potential.

The right to seek therapy to change one's sexual adaptation should be considered self-evident and inalienable.

We call on our fellow mental-health association to stop falsely claiming to have "scientific knowledge" that settles the issue of homosexuality. Instead, our mental-health associations must leave room for diverse understandings of the family, of core human identity, and the meaning and purpose of human sexuality.


They go on to mention other items on their agenda including one intended to imply that homosexuals are the prime offenders of pedophilia. That is flat-out WRONG
The 1,038 men who molested boys reported a range of adult sexual preferences. Contrary to popular belief, only 8 percent reported that they were exclusively homosexual in their adult preferences. The majority of the men who molested boys (51 percent) described themselves as exclusively heterosexual in their adult partner preferences. An additional 19 percent reported they were predominately heterosexual, while yet another 9 percent said they were equally heterosexual and homosexual in their adult sex life.


Jan 21, 2005
Heres a wall of text for ya:

"My Path to Lesbianism
It was hatred of women that drove me there.
by Diane Mattingly | posted 02/17/2005 09:00 a.m.

Here's an old family recipe i've recently uncovered. Take two broken people and let them have children. Once the children are born, stir in the unmet needs and expectations of the parents while blending in the hurts and disappointments of their pasts. Pour the batter into a deep baking dish and place in the oven, which is fueled by the ups and downs of the household and of life. Recipe yields enough dysfunction to serve a family of four, or more.

For me, the dysfunctional yield of that recipe was a search for a home and a name, a place where I could feel like I belonged. That search led me down many paths, including the path of lesbianism. But I found a fork in the road and took it. What I discovered was a way of hope and healing that I never thought possible. My healing has come first by making a decision to give my life, including my sexual orientation, over to God; and second, by beginning to deal with the wounds that left me with an intense desire to connect with a woman. One area I've had to come to terms with is misogyny. The hatred or devaluation of women shows through sexual, physical, emotional, verbal, or spiritual abuse, pornography, and the ideology that women are less than men.

I grew up in a home where this was the case: both my mother and father favored my brother. He excelled in athletics and was an above-average student. It is said that children are the best recorders, but the worst interpreters, of information. I interpreted this favoritism to mean that my brother?and not me?was the one who was supposed to succeed. As I watched my parents pour their hopes and dreams into him, I felt like I was on the sidelines. I could either cheer him on or sit back and watch. I chose to cheer.

Cheering for him meant that I gave up on myself. I developed patterns of not following through with commitments and giving up on anything that was difficult. I was never taught how to persevere, how to handle pressure, or how to set and achieve a goal. I didn't learn how to compete, how to win, or even how to lose. I lived in a vacuum I created with self-destructive behavior that included drugs, alcohol, and self-mutilation, and I have battled the effects of depression for many years. Over time, misogyny eats away at the core of women's souls and leaves them feeling unprotected, ashamed, vulnerable, and frightened. That's how it left me.

I remember a time when, as adults, my brother and I, living on opposite ends of the country, both bought computers. As I was telling my father about my computer, we soon found ourselves in an argument as he insisted that my computer wasn't as good as my brother's. It was ludicrous: The two computers had the same amount of memory, same speed, same software applications, same everything. I could only conclude that mine was inferior just because it was mine.

Then there were the college degrees. My father said to me one day that my master's degree wasn't as good as my brother's master's degree because his was an MBA and mine was just an MA. He didn't say that his was more useful in the marketplace or that it would yield more money, but that mine was just not as good.

Cut Off And Alone
Little girls need a strong masculine presence as a covering and as a protection, but also to call us out to take risks and to make us feel comfortable in our girlishness so that growing into a woman won't feel unnatural, uncomfortable, awkward, or unsafe. Our fathers are the ones who are supposed to do this for us. Mine didn't.

As I watched and listened to my mother and father interact and comment on my friends, my brother's friends, their friends, and even movie stars, I, too, began to form a low opinion of women. The messages I received from my father were that women are weak, stupid, supposed to look sexy, and that they are to serve men. One of his favorite sayings was that my mother couldn't find her way out of a wet paper bag. Because she didn't learn to drive until she had children, she read maps poorly and wasn't as good at finding her way as my father was.

Misogyny isn't always meted out by men. The messages I received from my mother were that women are only as good as they look, and they are manipulative and unpredictable. She once told me that the reason I didn't have a man was because I was too independent. She said men don't like independent women, and that I should learn how to play coy so I wouldn't overpower men. If our mothers are full of self-hatred or feel inferior to other women, are not comfortable with their own femininity, or "bend into" men, they can pass down their brokenness to us, their daughters.

Mary Beth Patton, a psychologist, counselor, and researcher of same-sex attraction, so described what happens to women like me: "Women who deal with same-sex attraction often possess a history of dis-identification with their mothers, and therefore with their femininity. This leads to a longing for connection with the feminine that becomes sexualized in adolescence."

Girls disconnected from their mothers often begin to hate their emotions and all the other things that make them women. I don't necessarily mean those things that make us look feminine on the outside, but those internal characteristics that actually make us feminine beings. For example, I was always comfortable wearing dresses, getting my nails done, and wearing lots of jewelry, so I didn't see those as contemptible qualities in my mother. But when I saw her let herself be a victim of my father's verbal assaults, I vowed that I would never be like my mother. I'd never be under the control of a man, never be dependent on a man, never be weak or admit my vulnerability. Psychologists call such feelings of children toward their parents "defensive detachment." In not allowing my mother to influence me, I walled myself off, not just from anything negative she could have instilled in me, but also from anything good she could have imparted to me as a woman.

Of course, misogyny doesn't always lead to lesbianism. In my case it fostered same-sex attraction because it cut me off from men, from women, from God, and even from myself. I hated men. I hated women. I hated myself for being a woman. I had no more value for women than any women-hating man does, and yet no one was more surprised to discover that I, too, was a misogynist. And I've had to confess that sin to God. My detachment from men and women left me walled off from being able to receive anything good from either men or women.

The first time I noticed I was attracted to women was when I was in the sixth grade, but I didn't act on any of those feelings until well after I completed high school. I did have a number of boyfriends growing up, and I hate to admit that I was very promiscuous. With each relationship, I hoped that he would be "the one." I would have done almost anything to feel accepted, but each relationship ended either with my boyfriend cheating on me or with him telling me in one way or another that he wanted to move on. Each ending left me feeling less and less like I was able to please a man.

My first encounter with a woman gave me the most intense sense of belonging and connection I have ever felt. It is hard to explain just how enveloped I felt during that first encounter. I felt a sense of relief I had never felt before. I felt like I had finally found that sense of home within my soul I had been missing.

What I really had fallen into was an emotionally dependent relationship that had nothing at all to do with love. I was trying to fill my need for connection on my own terms. If love means honoring people, then is it loving to have them participate in what the Bible says alienates them from God? I realized that if I truly loved a woman, I could not sleep with her.

Aborted Femininity
Perhaps one of the most significant manifestations of misogyny I know of came at my own hands. I've already said that I had been promiscuous with men. One of those relationships led to an unplanned pregnancy. I was dating a guy, and we had been together for a few months and I thought we were getting along fairly well. That is, until I got pregnant. When I told him about it, he told me to do whatever I wanted, keep it or have an abortion, and then walked out. I never saw him or talked with him again. When I telephoned him, he hung up on me, and when I stopped by his house, he didn't come to the door. I ended that pregnancy with an abortion.

I honestly don't know what the commitment level is supposed to look like in a situation like that, but I'm quite sure that it shouldn't have been abandonment. Abortion is one of the ways we, as women, assault our femininity, and it is a sign that says, loud and clear, that our society is not meeting the needs of women.

I wish I could say that I've been able to free myself from the effects of misogyny with my determined self-effort, but quite the opposite is true. The most I could ever hope to do in my own strength was to keep myself walled off from further hurt. Left to my own efforts, I would have had to settle for existing instead of living. And I wanted to live. I have put off the labels of victim and lesbian and betrayed. I have had to be willing to let God define me as a woman and to show me how to be comfortable with my true femininity.

While divulging some of my past makes me feel like I've just been on the Jerry Springer show, I know there are women reading this who want to believe that they are not hopeless cases or damaged goods. There are women who want to find another path than lesbianism and emotionally harmful relationships. To them, I say there is hope."

Diane Mattingly works for a major U.S. daily newspaper. As a volunteer with Regeneration of Northern Virginia and leader of a small group for the Living Waters program, she assists people coming out of homosexuality."


This further proves my point that it is outside sources and pressures that compell a person to choose to become homosexual.

Edit: And to those who read all that- I did several times to make sure of what I was posting, and my eyes hurt, as I'm sure yours do. Thanks for reading that though.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Linking to a site whose sole purpose is focusing on those people who do "turn" heterosexual is proof?


How about this?

I worked with a guy who was married for years and even fathered a daughter. He finally divorced his wife as he realized he was gay and was living a lie.

There's your proof that being gay is not a choice.


Jan 21, 2005
"What We Offer
NARTH's primary goal is to make effective psychological therapy available to all homosexual men and women who seek change. Furthermore, we wish to open for public discussion all issues relating to homosexuality.

NARTH wants to build an atmosphere which allows an honest debate--balancing the one-sided distortion which has characterized the discussion.

To achieve these goals, NARTH's ongoing projects and services include:

* An international referral service of licensed therapists offering sexual reorientation treatment in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia.

* Research.
o A worldwide survey of homosexuals who have changed.
o Review of scientific studies documenting the psychological factors associated with a gay lifestyle.
o Review of the psychological literature documenting treatment success.

* Lectures by respected mental-health professionals.

* Scholarly publications and literature for the general public.

* Literature distribution into college, high school, and community libraries.

* Distribution of NARTH's own pamphlet, "All the Facts." NARTH's pamphlet is a response to "Just the Facts," a publication sent to all 14,700 school superintendents in the country to warn them not to inform students about the availability of ex-gay ministries and sexual reorientation therapy.

* Promotion of teen awareness that homosexual attractions do not necessarily make one a homosexual. Many a teen goes through temporary episodes of idealization of same-sex peers; led to believe he is gay, such a young person may later find himself trapped in an unwanted---and even life threatening---sexual habit pattern.

* The public must be made aware that some homosexual people do seek and achieve change. The change is neither quick nor easy, but many believe---as we do---that the goal is a worthy one. "


I see nothing wrong with offering homosexual men who are attempting to become heterosexual "again" wrong.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
The thing that's wrong is you're using NARTH as some sort of "proof" that homosexuals choose to be.


Golden Member
Jan 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Delta52

In an online article dealing with sexual orientation, LeVay says that sexual orientation emerges from a conscious or unconscious "training regimen" imposed by parents, teachers, peers, and society in general. He noted that a girl who is raped by a man may become turned off to men and become a lesbian; while a boy who is seduced by a man and who derives sexual pleasure from the experience, might become gay.

What BS. See, this what happens when you take stuff from a biased website and pass it off as truth. Once again, people depend on others ignorance in order to pass off their political position.

So what does his actual website say? Lets see the link they added:


Learning theorists have suggested that gendered traits, including sexual orientation, emerge from a conscious or unconscious ?training regimen? imposed by parents, teachers, peers, and society in general (Money & Ehrhardt, 1971). Most feminist thinkers have also attributed the development of gendered traits to socialization.

Comment: The main difficulty with these ideas is that heterosexual parents don?t seem to inculcate homosexuality or gender-nonconformity, in fact they often attempt to prevent these traits in children who nevertheless become gay. Parents who happen to be gay themselves might tolerate or even foster gender variance and homosexuality in their children, but in fact the children of gay parents usually become heterosexual (Stacey & Biblarz, 2001). One much-publicized attempt to change a child?s gender and future sexual orientation by parental socialization (after his penis was accidentally destroyed during circumcision) ended in failure (Colapinto, 2000).

As one can easily read, Dr. LeVay never suggested a "training regimen." That was proposed in his citation, (Money & Ehrhardt, 1971). He then further suggests that the "training regimen" hypothesis is false, but of course, you don't see "" mention any of that.

Originally posted by: Delta52
He said that a person's identity as gay, straight or bisexual is a label imposed by society and internalized by the individual, rather than rising from within.

What is really said?

Social constructionism

This school of thought proposes that a person?s identity as gay, straight, or bisexual is a label imposed by society and internalized by the individual, rather than arising from within (Foucault, 1978; Halperin, 1990).

Comment: Social constructionism has contributed valuable insights to our understanding of human sexuality in its cultural context, but it has had relatively little to say about the question that interests us here, which is why specific individuals become gay, straight, or bisexual.

Again, it doesn't take a smart person to realize that "" has BS'ed once again.

Originally posted by: Delta52
"Homosexuality is not just a lifestyle, it's a deep attribute within us."

I'll just assume he was talking about a "deep attribute" like with genetics, as "" cannot be trusted in accurately portraying past events.


Golden Member
Jan 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Delta52

NARTH wants to build an atmosphere which allows an honest debate--balancing the one-sided distortion which has characterized the discussion.

As one can see, the first article posted by "" was shown to be completely fallacious. Not only do they make crap up, they attempt to hide it and say they want a "honest debate." That's the problem with today's Googlers, they have no clue on what they are posting on. They just assume the internet is right. Yesh.



Golden Member
Jan 27, 2005
Originally posted by: mribnik1

You seem to be knowledgable about genetics...I seem to recall hearing that the dominant gene is to have 6 fingers and 6 toes on each hand/foot. Is that correct?

Yes, I believe in some cases it is inherented dominantly, although this is not the truth for all cases. There are many diseases/abnormalities/any other term of things inherited dominantly. Just happens that so many laypeople don't understand genetics completely and fall into traps like saying "only negative alleles are inherited recessively."

Here's a link on polydactyly


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2004
Originally posted by: abj13
Originally posted by: Delta52

In an online article dealing with sexual orientation, LeVay says that sexual orientation emerges from a conscious or unconscious "training regimen" imposed by parents, teachers, peers, and society in general. He noted that a girl who is raped by a man may become turned off to men and become a lesbian; while a boy who is seduced by a man and who derives sexual pleasure from the experience, might become gay.

What BS. See, this what happens when you take stuff from a biased website and pass it off as truth. Once again, people depend on others ignorance in order to pass off their political position.

So what does his actual website say? Lets see the link they added:


Learning theorists have suggested that gendered traits, including sexual orientation, emerge from a conscious or unconscious ?training regimen? imposed by parents, teachers, peers, and society in general (Money & Ehrhardt, 1971). Most feminist thinkers have also attributed the development of gendered traits to socialization.

Comment: The main difficulty with these ideas is that heterosexual parents don?t seem to inculcate homosexuality or gender-nonconformity, in fact they often attempt to prevent these traits in children who nevertheless become gay. Parents who happen to be gay themselves might tolerate or even foster gender variance and homosexuality in their children, but in fact the children of gay parents usually become heterosexual (Stacey & Biblarz, 2001). One much-publicized attempt to change a child?s gender and future sexual orientation by parental socialization (after his penis was accidentally destroyed during circumcision) ended in failure (Colapinto, 2000).

As one can easily read, Dr. LeVay never suggested a "training regimen." That was proposed in his citation, (Money & Ehrhardt, 1971). He then further suggests that the "training regimen" hypothesis is false, but of course, you don't see "" mention any of that.

Originally posted by: Delta52
He said that a person's identity as gay, straight or bisexual is a label imposed by society and internalized by the individual, rather than rising from within.

What is really said?

Social constructionism

This school of thought proposes that a person?s identity as gay, straight, or bisexual is a label imposed by society and internalized by the individual, rather than arising from within (Foucault, 1978; Halperin, 1990).

Comment: Social constructionism has contributed valuable insights to our understanding of human sexuality in its cultural context, but it has had relatively little to say about the question that interests us here, which is why specific individuals become gay, straight, or bisexual.

Again, it doesn't take a smart person to realize that "" has BS'ed once again.

Originally posted by: Delta52
"Homosexuality is not just a lifestyle, it's a deep attribute within us."

I'll just assume he was talking about a "deep attribute" like with genetics, as "" cannot be trusted in accurately portraying past events.

does the council for responsible genetics hold any merit?

gay gene = waste of time



Golden Member
Jan 27, 2005
Originally posted by: slurmsmackenzie

gay gene = waste of time

So is gay gene = waste of time your interpretation or the Council's? Did you read it? I'll just answer my own question, since they do not propose finding a gene is a waste of time, nor do they deny that biology may be the root of the cause.

Instead, the council proposes:

We need an end to discrimination, an acceptance of all human beings, and a celebration of diversity, whatever its origins.

They see the issue from both sides. One the evidence is weak (although their analysis appears to be outdated) for a biological influence. But they also acknowledge it could be biological. The Council still sees the potential problems if it is found to be genetic, as that would raise further issues. Their point, is that sexual orientation should not matter in our society, so that whatever conclusion about the origin of sexuality is moot . They don't propose ending research, rather teaching tolerance today and now.

Biology is not the issue: society at present protects people against discrimination for choices such as religion (including converts), marital status, or political affiliations. Genetic predisposition is not necessary to create these legal protections.

Again, here they are acknowledging why so many people are for researching for the "gay" gene. The council suggests that the rationale for research should not be for basis of future human rights movements, but for science. They do not want any research that comes out of them to suddenly become the premise for future human rights. Human rights should be equalized today, regardless of origins.

And what is the point of searching for it in the first place?

Right in the beginning of the conclusion they highlight the issue of today. Its the simple fact that the research for the "gay gene" has become politically motivated and not scientifically motivated. Finding the basis for sexuality would be great for cognitive sciences for further understanding human consciousness, but right now that is not the application for the research; its moreso that people will use it to prove homosexuals deserve equal rights.

Thus, the implication of gay gene = waste of time, is a false impression. They are not against the research, just that they do not want the research to become the rationale for ending discrimination of the various sexualities.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by: JackStorm
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: piasabird
I guess Alcoholism is just a genetic abnormality. Yeah Right.

All they can really say is some genes give people a predisposition where they might choose a gay lifestyle just like they said for alcoholism. The question is, do we give into our natural urges or are we human beings who can control ourselves. I think the true test in life is to rise above the natural man and become more than we are.

Why don't you rise above your natural urges and stop eating?

Or having sex for that matter. That's about as natural a ugre as you can possibly find. Why doesn't he rise above that too? Ah, yes, let us all rise above or natural urges and stop having sex. I'm sure that would make the world a better place.

You don't have sex with every woman (or man) you are attracted to, because you know the consequences of such a choice. As a society we have set up behavior restrictions... Why? Because humans recognize the neccessity of order above the level of our natural urges.

Just because something is "natural" does not mean it is appropriate. If you don't think there is value in rising above the basic instintive level of our subconscious then I don't even know what to tell you, honestly.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by: abj13
Originally posted by: slurmsmackenzie

gay gene = waste of time

So is gay gene = waste of time your interpretation or the Council's? Did you read it? I'll just answer my own question, since they do not propose finding a gene is a waste of time, nor do they deny that biology may be the root of the cause.

Here's another quote from the article:

"Sexual orientation, like any other human behavior, is experienced in complex and variable ways, which are undoubtedly influenced by both biological and societal factors. By seeking a definitive basis of such behavior in genetics, we risk oversimplifying our view of behaviors, and ultimately, of our world. And, as amply demonstrated by history, basing civil rights claims on biology is a double-edged sword."

It is downright idiotic to claim that genetics are the cause of a person's sexual orientation. Our society demands that people be held responsible for their behavior. Everyone in our society believes that--we demand justice for murders, rapists, pedophiles, etc. It is ridiculous to claim that behavior is merely a result of genetics; that is an oversimplification and a serious error of reducing things to mere components.

To take this view is to deny reality. This study merely proves what we all have known already: that some (even a majority, perhaps) homosexuals have geneticely influenced desires.


Golden Member
Jan 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Trevelyan

It is downright idiotic to claim that genetics are the cause of a person's sexual orientation.

I didn't make an "idiotic" claim like that. Don't be putting words in people's mouths. I guess you don't understand the difference when I say "biology" vs genetic. Genetic is a subsection of biology, as is behavior. Yet when people say its "choice," they are implying that choice is just that, without a biological cue, which IMO is incorrect.


Junior Member
Mar 22, 2005
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: NJDevil
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Does a "Gay Gene" Really Exist?

Of course it doesn't.

I think there's evidence both ways, and I don't think there is a "gay gene," but researchers are noticing similar genetic coding in homosexuals.

Is it that hard to believe that homosexuality could be a genetic trait? Some animals in nature have been found to be "homosexuals" so why couldn't humans?

I wonder if heterosexuality is a genetic trait.

You're a moron. If this gay gene is for real, than it is just as likely that there is a gene for pedophiles. Does that make you feel better? Why don't you just go to a gloryhole or bathhouse and take it. I don't care if your gay, you have more rights here in the US than any person could reasonably ask for. Quit skewing what the world should be, based on your attraction to man ass. If you want to be a good liberal put your sexaulity in the closet(where you think religion should be) and just be a good person. This gay agenda is just GAY!!!!


Jun 22, 2000
I'm surprised Gays are actually welcoming this news. If I were as pro-gay (or gay) as some of the members here, I would be distancing myself from the whole "Being Gay is Genetic" idea as fast as possible.

Its only a matter of time until Pedophiles, rapists, and serial killers, are defined in the same manner (many of them already justify thier acts using the gay example). And we all know how America feels about those guys.

So should we release all child molesters from prison since its in thier genes? They cant help it that they are obsessed with sexual interactions with children.

Downs sydrome is also genetic, guess we should stop trying to "fix" that problem too, right?


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Train
So should we release all child molesters from prison since its in thier genes? They cant help it that they are obsessed with sexual interactions with children.

I think the difference is that pedophilia is destructive towards society and children, whereas two men engaging in a consensual sexual or non-sexual relationship doesn't really have any direct negative impact on anyone else.


Jun 22, 2000
Originally posted by: loki8481
Originally posted by: Train
So should we release all child molesters from prison since its in thier genes? They cant help it that they are obsessed with sexual interactions with children.

I think the difference is that pedophilia is destructive towards society and children, whereas two men engaging in a consensual sexual or non-sexual relationship doesn't really have any direct negative impact on anyone else.
Ok, then let me rephrase it to "Release all convicted child molesters who had consensual sex with minors"


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Train
Originally posted by: loki8481
Originally posted by: Train
So should we release all child molesters from prison since its in thier genes? They cant help it that they are obsessed with sexual interactions with children.

I think the difference is that pedophilia is destructive towards society and children, whereas two men engaging in a consensual sexual or non-sexual relationship doesn't really have any direct negative impact on anyone else.
Ok, then let me rephrase it to "Release all convicted child molesters who had consensual sex with minors"

minors can't consent
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