GAZA (before & after pictures)

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Oct 10, 2006
Also, irishscott, please ask your sister how she explains the fact that Israel is intentionally starving Palestinians.

You know, when you post an article from 2006 you can't really use present tense.

And I don't think you understood my post, my sister is entirely on your side. She just knows enough to not accuse the Israelis of genocide, among other things. You attacking my sister is like the Tea Party attacking Eric Cantor for not being conservative enough.
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Nov 20, 1999
My sister is smarter than both of us and has studied this issue more than both of us, but whatever.

Now once again, you've established that Dahiya doctrine exists. Great. Now establish that it was used and is being used, because from that wikipedia page:

So it appears to be controversial as to whether the doctrine was actually used. Never mind the ambiguous definition of "the application of disproportionate force and the causing of great damage and destruction to civilian property and infrastructure, and suffering to civilian populations." Given the circumstances on the ground and their military capabilities, the Israelis are being remarkably reserved in use of force in the present conflict. They could have slaughtered 10s of thousands of Gazans by now if they'd wanted to.

As for the white phosphorous issue, sure that was an obvious war crime and should be dealt with as such. Once again though, it was also an isolated incident and occurred 5 years under a different administration. There is nothing in the current conflict that even remotely compares. Also FYI white phosphorous rounds are not technically classified as a "chemical weapon".

So far you've shown some collateral damage from poorly aimed air/artillery strikes and one illegal use of white phosphorus rounds, and a military doctrine that, if it was used, was short-lived. It's certainly better than what you've posted before now, but it still doesn't prove that the Israelis are, in the present conflict, intentionally targeting buildings after telling citizens to evacuate there.

This is not fucking 'reserved':

Are you off your god damned rocker?

And i think we can conclude that doctrine is put in place for THIS conflict.


No, Israel just flattens towns JUST to go after Hamas.

And the doctrine sprang from Israeli actions against Lebanon and a fucking general admitted to it, so we know Israel has used that doctrine and it's ON THE TABLE. Call me crazy, but when you flatten villages, that sounds like the doctrine is in place.

Isn't it odd that, even though the US is Israel's bitch that even the American government couldn't stomach what happened?

Let me guess... again, you didn't hear about this.


Nov 20, 1999
You know, when you post an article from 2006 you can't really use present tense.

And I don't think you understood my post, my sister is entirely on your side. She just knows enough to not accuse the Israelis of genocide, among other things. You attacking my sister is like the Tea Party attacking Eric Cantor for not being conservative enough.

Oh yeah because Israel has become nicer to the Palestinians since then. The fact that starving Palestinians was a fucking policy when Israel should tell you all you need to know. Yeah i understood your post, the part about 'crying' tipped me off of that. Maybe you should speak to your sister again, you COULD be not listening to her (or maybe she is flat out dumb).


Dec 3, 2013
Oh yeah because Israel has become nicer to the Palestinians since then. The fact that starving Palestinians was a fucking policy when Israel should tell you all you need to know. Yeah i understood your post, the part about 'crying' tipped me off of that. Maybe you should speak to your sister again, you COULD be not listening to her (or maybe she is flat out dumb).
I guess the Palestinians should have used all that concrete they poured into those tunnels of death/rocket launching sites into an infrastructure and tried to build a country instead of being assholes.

Go go, you're doing it wrong.

Like I saw someone post elsewhere, with all the shit Gaza has been given, they could have transformed it into a tourist resort and provided for their people by now.

And what have they done ?

If you intentionally build shit looking for trouble, you're going to get it.

Don't whine about it later.
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Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Like I saw someone post elsewhere, with all the shit Gaza has been given, they could have transformed it into a tourist resort and provided for their people by now.

Where the fuck do you come up with shit like that? What a fucking idiot.


Dec 7, 2004
I am noticing the same thing. Please do let me know about some other half decent forums where such things can be discussed.

Also, it is a well known fact that it is a lot more easier to criticize Israel in Israel than it is in America. Has been like this for a long time.
I enjoy reading a forum with people with different opinions than me. Why would you want to go somewhere full of people who agree with you? "Israel sure sucks." "Yeah, they're real dicks." etc etc etc. That would get boring pretty fast.


Jul 13, 2005
Where the fuck do you come up with shit like that? What a fucking idiot.
What I would like to know is --

Okay so lets get this straight -- We have a country that has no navy, no air force, no special forces, not really an army, no tanks, no place to hide, k-mart rockets, yet they want to fight a war with Israel which is a powerhouse, I don't get it. they built (Gaza) tunnels to surprise the enemy, something like the Trojan horse concept. now who is advising these people to wage war.


Nov 20, 1999
I enjoy reading a forum with people with different opinions than me. Why would you want to go somewhere full of people who agree with you? "Israel sure sucks." "Yeah, they're real dicks." etc etc etc. That would get boring pretty fast.

You can do that over at reddit, and there are people who side with israel in this conflict at SA.

There's disagreement and then there's indefensible:

That's why he's asking about other forums. Virtually everyone who is pro-israel in this forum is a piece of subhuman shit.


Oct 10, 2006
This is not fucking 'reserved':

Are you off your god damned rocker?

And i think we can conclude that doctrine is put in place for THIS conflict.


No, Israel just flattens towns JUST to go after Hamas.

And the doctrine sprang from Israeli actions against Lebanon and a fucking general admitted to it, so we know Israel has used that doctrine and it's ON THE TABLE. Call me crazy, but when you flatten villages, that sounds like the doctrine is in place.

Isn't it odd that, even though the US is Israel's bitch that even the American government couldn't stomach what happened?

Let me guess... again, you didn't hear about this.

Why did you quote the same link twice? Also yeah those pictures are very reserved considering the nature of the operation we're talking about. Remember there is an actual fight going on here, Hamas is shooting back. It makes perfect sense that neighborhoods launching rockets or shooting at Israeli soldiers would have artillery and airstrikes called in on them and that they'd look exactly like that when the dust settled. Welcome to war, Private Pyle! And precious little of it by comparison to other conflicts, if those pictures are any indication.

As for your last link

killed 10 people

Once again, if the Israelis had intentionally "shelled" that building, MUCH more than 10 people would have been killed. Other news articles on the subject also cite the incident as "shelling near school".

In fact, here's a direct quote from the state department:

“The United States is appalled by today’s disgraceful shelling outside an UNRWA school in Rafah sheltering some 3,000 displaced persons,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

“The suspicion that militants are operating nearby does not justify strikes that put at risk the lives of so many innocent civilians,” her written statement read.

You can argue that the Israelis are using improper tactics and taking improper chances with the lives of innocent Palestinians, but from what you've shown so far you can not argue that the school was intentionally targeted.
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Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
What I would like to know is --

Okay so lets get this straight -- We have a country that has no navy, no air force, no special forces, not really an army, no tanks, no place to hide, k-mart rockets, yet they want to fight a war with Israel which is a powerhouse, I don't get it. they built (Gaza) tunnels to surprise the enemy, something like the Trojan horse concept. now who is advising these people to wage war.

Who says they want to wage a war? What happens is you have a bunch of people who have a boot on their throat and no way to remove it, because any treaty the make is broken by israel. Any aid sent to them is halted by a blockade, and as we saw a few years ago, israel will murder people delivering aid.


Jul 13, 2005

Let me guess... again, you didn't hear about this.
actually your not as smart as you think....
You misrepresented the above news article...
That so called school was put there under the UNRWA......the Israeli`s knew what it was so they rightly so bombed the with it....

What UNRWA is supposed to be, is a special UN organization created to provide aid and relief to Palestinian refugees living, primarily, in Gaza. What it has turned into, however, is a far different story.

UNRWA today is a blatantly pro-Palestinian UN group whose main reason for existence is to perpetuate the Palestinian refugee status, supposedly maintaining schools in Gaza. Again, the reality is far different. The textbooks they use are filled with hate of Israel; no attempt is being made to instill any values other than those of Islam and Hamas.

In the last war, we knew that the schools were being used as launching grounds and arsenals. In the last war, a team of UN members was killed because they chose to live or work in an apartment above which Hamas was firing rockets. Trust me, I have heard these rockets being launched and landing - you cannot mistake the sound of this for something else.

The first time I ever heard it, I was about 2 miles from the Lebanese border in a lovely little apartment in a beautiful hillside village vacationing with my children. The two explosions I heard were chilling and I knew the very instant I heard it that a rocket had been fired. Actually, to be honest, I thought I heard two rockets being fired. I was later told that I was close enough to hear the exit sound - the explosion at lift off, which was at least two miles away, and the explosion upon impact, which was about 8 miles away.

No way was this UN group unaware that their roof was being used as a launching site. Israeli artillery was ordered to fire on the rocket launching site...and they did. The UN never alerted Israel to the location of its team and they died - because like too many in Gaza, they decided that it was safe to remain next to a Hamas military squad in action.

This time, UNRWA was smart enough to come forward and admit that they had "found" missiles in their classrooms. They claim the school was empty and they claim they didn't know the missiles were there. And then, it seems the missiles had "gone missing" - a polite way of saying they were most likely given back to Hamas.

That was the story at two another school, days before a great tragedy happened, UNRWA was warned by Israel to evacuate a particular school. It was in a bad place - right between an advancing Israeli force and a known Hamas hotbed. Rockets were being launched at hundreds of thousands of Israeli civilians...perhaps the very rockets that had been hidden in UNRWA's schools...UNRWA decided to ignore the warning, leaving itself as the front protection of Hamas.

What is known is that the Israeli army was firing at Hamas and Hamas was firing at the Israelis and a mortar or a shell fell in the school and killed at least 15. What is not yet know is why UNRWA refused to heed Israel's warning, why they allowed Hamas to store missiles in their classrooms, and what is also not yet know is whose ammunition fell on the school.

It almost doesn't matter - the tragedy still happened and children died. And yet as UNRWA demands, there should indeed be an investigation - of UNRWA itself.

It is time that this absurd organization be shut down. If Gaza has enough cement to build dozens of tunnels leading many kilometers in all directions, it has enough money to build a few schools and hospitals and staff them. UNRWA is not a neutral force attempting to do good things; it is an arm of Hamas, raising its children to hate, hiding its weapons, and allowing itself to provide human shields as Hamas attempts to attack Israel's citizens.

It is time to dismantle this organization now.


Oct 10, 2006
Oh yeah because Israel has become nicer to the Palestinians since then. The fact that starving Palestinians was a fucking policy when Israel should tell you all you need to know. Yeah i understood your post, the part about 'crying' tipped me off of that. Maybe you should speak to your sister again, you COULD be not listening to her (or maybe she is flat out dumb).

Translation of bolded: "An article from 8 years ago under a completely different administration should tell you everything you need to know about current Israeli policy"

No, it shouldn't, and it shouldn't tell you "all you need to know" either. You sound like you're distributing propaganda pamphlets or selling a book on an infomercial.

Israel's current hostility towards Palestine has been steadily increasing since Hamas won the elections, or haven't you been paying attention?

As for my sister, maybe (probably) you're just a pathetic lowlife who likes insulting people he's only heard 3-4 sentences about 2nd hand from a total stranger over the internet, over a political issue. Yeah, I'm really feeling the burn from that! Although given your treatment of the Israel/Palestine issue I can't say I'm surprised you judge people with just as much foam at the mouth.

Simple fact is I'll take the word of someone with a prestigious degree, who wrote a thesis concerning Islamic affairs, and actually has connections in the region over the opinion of someone who can't even form a coherent argument on an internet forum. But believe it or not you've actually given me some new information to consider, which is the main reason I occasionally engage in long-winded arguments like these; that and when people accuse me of lying in front of others (but that's usually pretty quick to resolve).

The last word is yours.


Jun 23, 2004
Ethnic cleansing for the win, eh?

Abondon their homes and territory or suffer.

They suffer because they reject peace as an option. When they want blood, they get blood. That is the price they pay for the violence they start. The Palestinians must flee for their lives because of Hamas fighting a war.

They are free to surrender their violence at any time and stop the killing. The power is theirs to end this.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Another weird thing i've noticed, ATPN has become a COMPLETE shithole (even more so than after all the cheering for Palestinian genocide from the neo-con crew), but on other forums and reddit, i don't see this anywhere. Hell, i've even come to agreement with Libertarians that what Israel is doing is disgusting and we shouldn't be funding their murder machine. Even the israeli subreddit doesn't have that kind of vitriol against the Palestinians, hell some even have shown sypmathy to the Palestinian civilians. How the flying fuck did ATPN attract the lowest scum of rightwing dipshit humanity?

Seeing the right-wing genocidal Palestinians for being right-wing murderous fanatics and disagreeing with their perspective that their ethnicity gives them the natural right to ethnically cleanse the Jews is not right-wing. Now, it may be clearer to those of a different right-wing racist persuasion as they are not hampered with a childish unexamined presumption of equality assigned at a random point, but it's not right-wing.

Liberalism is not for the stupid. A conservative's perspective of a situation that does not trigger his identity biases will usually be better than that of a liberal who is personally ill-equipped to be wielding the concepts he is attempting to apply. The conservative is capable of some liberal thought when he is not personally involved, while a mundane liberal trying to wield the ideas of the intellectual elite doesn't know to check his premises and so suffers from GIGO.

When a butter knife mind tries to wield Excalibur, expect a mess.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Seeing the right-wing genocidal Palestinians for being right-wing murderous fanatics and disagreeing with their perspective that their ethnicity gives them the natural right to ethnically cleanse the Jews is not right-wing. Now, it may be clearer to those of a different right-wing racist persuasion as they are not hampered with a childish unexamined presumption of equality assigned at a random point, but it's not right-wing.

Liberalism is not for the stupid. A conservative's perspective of a situation that does not trigger his identity biases will usually be better than that of a liberal who is personally ill-equipped to be wielding the concepts he is attempting to apply. The conservative is capable of some liberal thought when he is not personally involved, while a mundane liberal trying to wield the ideas of the intellectual elite doesn't know to check his premises and so suffers from GIGO.

When a butter knife mind tries to wield Excalibur, expect a mess.

It's interesting watching you try and shoehorn whatever "side" you are against into being conservative and finding a way to rationalize your advocacy for genocide. You've successfully made P&N more like Stormfront. It's especially interesting to watch someone parrot the eliminationist rhetoric of the Israeli far right while trying to convince themselves they are really espousing righteous liberal values.

I don't know if you ever read Andrew Sullivan's blog, but you might want to check out the "poseur alert" awards for last year and ask yourself if they seem familiar:

Poseur alerts are awarded for passages of prose that stand out for pretension, vanity and really bad writing designed to look like profundity.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
It's interesting watching you try and shoehorn whatever "side" you are against into being conservative and finding a way to rationalize your advocacy for genocide.

Well it's just boring watching you try to shoehorn "genocide" into self-defense.

1. The Palestinians want to ethnically cleanse the Jews and they murderously act on that desire.
2. The Jews have the right to prosecute said war until the Palestinians decide it would be more profitable for them to find some other hobby.

Note that "until." It designates a limit. And whether or not that limit is reached is under the complete control of the Palestinians.
You're such an anti-semite that you cannot think of anything other than the murder of the race of Jews as being acceptable, and in noting how the counter conflicts with your intransigence think that this is "genocide," as your ego is defined by your anti-semitism. Try changing to a perspective that is not genocidal and see what happens.

Oh, and disproof of, "shoehorning 'conservative'," was in the very post you quoted. See what is there, not what is convenient for you.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Well it's just boring watching you try to shoehorn "genocide" into self-defense.

1. The Palestinians want to ethnically cleanse the Jews and they murderously act on that desire.
2. The Jews have the right to prosecute said war until the Palestinians decide it would be more profitable for them to find some other hobby.

Note that "until." It designates a limit. And whether or not that limit is reached is under the complete control of the Palestinians.

Straw man. Fundamentally dishonest about both the position of the Palestinians and the Israelis.


You're such an anti-semite that you cannot think of anything other than the murder of the race of Jews as being acceptable, and in noting how the counter conflicts with your intransigence think that this is "genocide," as your ego is defined by your anti-semitism. Try changing to a perspective that is not genocidal and see what happens.

Oh, and disproof of, "shoehorning 'conservative'," was in the very post you quoted. See what is there, not what is convenient for you.

Gee, an attempt to equate criticism of Israel with anti-semitism? Never saw that one coming. It doesn't merit a response.

You are so mad at the racists in P&N that you have a quote in your sig about how it's comparable to Stormfront. (That quote came from me, by the way. lol.) Then you advocate for genocide. You're no better than the people you're complaining about.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
You're such an anti-semite that you cannot think of anything other than the murder of the race of Jews as being acceptable, and in noting how the counter conflicts with your intransigence think that this is "genocide," as your ego is defined by your anti-semitism. Try changing to a perspective that is not genocidal and see what happens.

There we go with the anti-semite garbage. If you can't take criticism of israel as anything but anti-semitism, then you are simply too fucking stupid to talk to.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
There we go with the anti-semite garbage. If you can't take criticism of israel as anything but anti-semitism, then you are simply too fucking stupid to talk to.

When the argument justifying Palestinian attacks goes all the way to: "The Palestinians are justified in attacking the Jews because it was their land to start," which justifies attacking until the Jews are wiped out of Palestine, you are justifying genocide. That falls rather squarely under anti-Semitism.

Granting the Palestinians your unfettered blessing to aggress against the Jews and granting the Jews no right to self-defense is not exactly an unbiased position.


Senior member
Aug 3, 2013
Can't give a fuck
I assume that your lack of 'fucks to give' only applies to the misery of Gazan kids.

Bet you wept like a child when you visited Yad Vashem in Jerusalem? Those piles of children' shoes and other dreadful artefacts.

Do you only consider the misery and pain of Jews?

Is that a sound moral position?

If you think it is, that implies that you are a deeply narcissistic and unpleasant person.

If you agree that such a view is not a defensible moral position then you should reflect on what you write before going-off on a rant-fest with our other resident Zionist bigot, Yoda.

I see from the news that Israel is currently enjoying a collective 'hard-on' about the disproportionate suffering of this one-sided punishment beating. Enjoy it while it lasts.
I see that Israelis opposed to the war are spat at and bullied in the street. (Channel 4 News, 8th August 2014, 20.15 UTC). Didn't that sort of thing happen in Munich in 1938?

The US will eventually tire of funding your bombs and Iron Domes, and at that point Israel will have to enter into meaningful dialogue with the people Israel displaced by ethnic cleansing in 1947/48.
Read the work of the Israeli historian, Ilan Pappe, "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" (2006).


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
I have no sympathy for Hamas and applaud Israel's restraint. If Mexican nationals started launching mortars at Texas because of the US having control of it, and the Mexican government and people refused to give up the terrorist involved, we'd carpet bomb the entire fucking country and call it a day.

No we wouldn't, jug ears would send a diplomatic envoy to talk to mexican leaders.
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