GAZA (before & after pictures)

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Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
But what makes this so much more tragic is that the ones who are doing mass murder and blaming the victim are the same group that themselves were true victims not too long ago.

But then again, victims turning into perpetrators is part of human nature too. A significant number of child abusers were themselves abused as children. Maybe something along the lines has happened with the Israelis.

it's almost like the same "infrastructure," is in place that was in place in 47'

i mean, read up on the warsaw ghetto....and look at how they are running Gaza and the West's like IDENTICAL, right out of the playbook.

WAY too many people, cornered, in a WAY to small a place....then they decimate everything standing, cut off the water and power, and wait for disease to fester....

there's only one way to get this done... one solution. (it's like Israel has chosen the final solution to the palestinian problem)
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Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2013
it's almost like the same "infrastructure," is in place that was in place in 47'

i mean, read up on the warsaw ghetto....and look at how they are running Gaza and the West's like IDENTICAL, right out of the playbook.

WAY too many people, cornered, in a WAY to small a place....then they decimate everything standing, cut off the water and power, and wait for disease to fester....

Yes it is the classic case of the victim doing the same kind of things to other innocent people, even his own children, that was done to him/her. Perhaps such people get some kind of sick relief in harming others.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
Yea images like these are what is more disturbing than anything since most of those that are killed in Gaza are innocent civilians:


Actually statistically males 19-35 are grossly over represented in the statistics, suggesting that the attacks are not random or targeted at civilians. This is also assuming that Hamas is even telling the truth about who has died from what.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
it's almost like the same "infrastructure," is in place that was in place in 47'

i mean, read up on the warsaw ghetto....and look at how they are running Gaza and the West's like IDENTICAL, right out of the playbook.

WAY too many people, cornered, in a WAY to small a place....then they decimate everything standing, cut off the water and power, and wait for disease to fester....

there's only one way to get this done... one solution. (it's like Israel has chosen the final solution to the palestinian problem)

I assume you'll be posting your outrage about Egypt too right? Since they ruled gaza from 48-67 and enforce a stricter blockade than Israel does on gaza.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
I am sorry but no. This is Israel's fault for not trying to work out peaceful resolutions

There are no peaceful resolutions when your opponents will not agree to peace until you are dead.
The Palestinians want war. They want a war where they are the only ones doing the killing. Israel won't oblige them that, and the Palestinians lose every time Israel engages. After every loss, the Palestinians still want war.

There will be no peace until Israel takes the gloves off and inflicts enough pain on the Palestinians that they start to consider whether giving up their intransigence to live in peace might be better than continuing to war in denial of Israel's existence.

i ask again.....

when the tables turn, and it's Israeli's getting bombed, will you still be "unbiased."

In order for the tables to turn, Israel would have to start launching rockets against its neighbors from civilian sites. Israel would have to relentlessly send in terrorist teams, working to combat any and all defenses against in order to attack their neighbors' civilians.
Israel isn't doing this. If they were stupid enough to start, they'd be retaliated against, just as the Palestinians are.
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Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
you should not be able to make it "gaza protes" before it finishes it, it should be more like "gaZA PROTEST " followed by about 100 cities names this is happening in right now..

Oh noes!
You know what else is a conspiracy? Typing in "Obama comm" only gets you "commander in chief," "common core," "commencement speech," and, "communist." To get to, "Obama commits the attack in Benghazi," you have to go to "Obama commits the att."
Damn LMSM coverup.


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2005
I think hamas killing of 3 innocent Israeli kids are just senseless and if it's something the organization sanctioned I'd say they are 100% terrorist. But I'd say the Israeli response is just shocking, 3 dead teenagers v now well over 1k Palestinian death. I mean I have never seen any country kill this many to exact a punishment. they should just send soldiers in to kill the hamas members instead of carpet bomb the entire neighborhood killing everyone women children senior etc. This feel like Israeli military aren't treating the civilians as humans.

they really need to take it easy on the civilians, if you start killing civilians indiscriminately, how are you any different to the terrorists who is doing the same thing?


Jan 28, 2002
If Mexican nationals started launching mortars at Texas because of the US having control of it, and the Mexican government and people refused to give up the terrorist involved, we'd carpet bomb the entire fucking country and call it a day.

No, we sure as hell wouldn't do anything like that.

We're not that fucking crazy or stupid.

Are you?


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
I think hamas killing of 3 innocent Israeli kids are just senseless and if it's something the organization sanctioned I'd say they are 100% terrorist. But I'd say the Israeli response is just shocking, 3 dead teenagers v now well over 1k Palestinian death. I mean I have never seen any country kill this many to exact a punishment.

The Israelis retaliated against the Hamas rocket fire against Israel, not the 3 dead teens. Hamas launched rockets from and built terrorist infiltration tunnels at civilian sites, and when Israel moved in to attack those sites Hamas ordered its civilians not to leave.


Nov 9, 2000
the question is more like.....who ISN'T gonna take the next chance they get to take Israel out?

this is what i dont understand... this was basically a big F U to the entire global community, Israel knows it, USA knows, everyone knows it. nobody is denying that anti-semitism was on the rise exponentially, (it had really started to look alot better over there until this clusterfuck), and, the Israelis are wildly outnumbered.. it's not really a matter of if? but when? you see what i'm saying?

now... here's my question to anyone still supporting the ruthless, rogue, regime, in power in Israel...

when the tables do turn, and Israeli citizens (WHO MAY NOT HAVE EVER VOTED FOR THE ZIONIST GOVERNMENT, WOMEN AND CHILDREN TOO) start becoming the casualtys (probably after all of the palestinians are exterminated)

will you have any compassion for those innocents? or is it no biggy.. they obviously voted for this, right?

So where has all your outrage been for the lasy 5 years as obama has ordered over 2,400 deaths by drone strike? I highly doubt that 2,400 terrorists have been killed in drone attacks.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Ironic as per your signature Attempts to make this into Stormfront?
There will be no peace until Israel takes the gloves off and inflicts enough pain on the Palestinians...
Incitement to terrorism and genocide.

Terrorism is defined by violence specifically against civilians for political goals.

Above, as Nebor, werepossum, and others is a concise call to violently target civilians of a denigrated population. Extremist and violent supremacist bigotry. Criminal.

Such content is all too component presented in this forum and is endemic to its culture.

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
you can measure the blowback this is gonna create by basically....

type gaza protest 2014 washington DC into google...

look at how heavily censored google is right now.... most people aren't even aware there are tens of thousands of people gathering as we speak in front of the white house....



Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
No, we sure as hell wouldn't do anything like that.

We're not that fucking crazy or stupid.

Are you?

If we had a Republican president, if Mexico started shelling us with mortar fire we'd overthrow the governments of Chile and Zimbabwe, if 9/11 is any indication.
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Feb 6, 2002
You should have seen Japan and Germany after we got done with them.

War is hell. This is the price of Palestinians launching bombs.

Part of the misinformation. It was Hamas not the Palestinian Authority


Jun 23, 2004
Ironic as per your signature Attempts to make this into Stormfront? Incitement to terrorism and genocide.

Terrorism is defined by violence specifically against civilians for political goals.

Above, as Nebor, werepossum, and others is a concise call to violently target civilians of a denigrated population. Extremist and violent supremacist bigotry. Criminal.

Such content is all too component presented in this forum and is endemic to its culture.

Acts of war beget war. Bombs beget bombings. Anyone condemning Israel had best be condemning Hamas along side them, lest they reveal themselves the terrorist loving sympathizers I believe them to be.

You aren't humanitarians, you're choosing sides in a war and rooting for your home team. Humanitarians would seek a peaceful resolution and that means freeing the Palestinians from Gaza. Removing them from the violence of Hamas. Opening up the Egyptian border.

I will condemn Israel if they egress past a ceasefire, past a point of peace. Given that Hamas still exists, I appreciate that day will never come. It's going to take decades to teach the Palestinians that there is a better way than hording bombs and dying from bombings. Of obeying Hamas who wants them dead.

The only way that process begins, is if they are free to leave the control of that terrorist group. They need to skip borders and live free in better places. Those who escape the violence will find themselves educated, and able to return to teach their people a better way of life.

So I ask you, how many of you would see them free from Gaza? This past month I have carried this message, and thus far I have stood alone.


Jul 13, 2005
Incitement to terrorism and genocide. <--- only in your view -- sometimes the truth hurts..huh??
Terrorism is defined by violence specifically against civilians for political goals. <-- so we agree that Hamas has committed terrorism against it`s own people!!
Above, as Nebor, werepossum, and others is a concise call to violently target civilians of a denigrated population. Extremist and violent supremacist bigotry. Criminal.

Such content is all too component presented in this forum and is endemic to its culture.
I agree with DominionSeraph.......only I would have added the word -- HAMAS in place of the Palestinians!!


Jun 23, 2004
Part of the misinformation. It was Hamas not the Palestinian Authority

You may be the first person to say "Palestinian Authority" all year. They have very little to do with this after Hamas slaughtered them in Gaza.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Ironic as per your signature Attempts to make this into Stormfront? Incitement to terrorism and genocide.

A nation-state is not a gene, and war is not terrorism.

Above, as Nebor, werepossum, and others is a concise call to violently target civilians of a denigrated population. Extremist and violent supremacist bigotry. Criminal.

The denigrated population here is the Jews. You anti-semites are elevating the Palestinians above accountability in order to place the blame where your racism decrees. "Jews are present so of course the Palestinians are entitled to murder them! The Jews object? Why that's just another Jewish atrocity! How dare they think they have the right to self defense -- their only proper place is in the ground!"


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2012
I think hamas killing of 3 innocent Israeli kids are just senseless and if it's something the organization sanctioned I'd say they are 100% terrorist. But I'd say the Israeli response is just shocking, 3 dead teenagers v now well over 1k Palestinian death. I mean I have never seen any country kill this many to exact a punishment. they should just send soldiers in to kill the hamas members instead of carpet bomb the entire neighborhood killing everyone women children senior etc. This feel like Israeli military aren't treating the civilians as humans.

they really need to take it easy on the civilians, if you start killing civilians indiscriminately, how are you any different to the terrorists who is doing the same thing?

They're not gunning down civilians as collective punishment for dead teenagers, the casualties in Gaza are due to Israel attacking weapon sites and dismantling tunnels. You can argue that they're being too aggressive and reckless in retaliation but the claims people make that they're monsters who feel good about killing children aren't very fair.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
A nation-state is not a gene, and war is not terrorism.

You are concise in your clarity to target and kill your targeted population, "Palestinians:"

There will be no peace until Israel takes the gloves off and inflicts enough pain on the Palestinians...
Incitement to terrorism and genocide.

Again, I repeat, terrorism is to specifically inflict violence upon civilians for a political goal. You are on liable record to kill civilians.

You anti-semites are elevating the Palestinians above accountability in order to place the blame where your racism decrees.
I am a 'self-hating Jew,' now am I?

I expect you to provide a quote of me to support your charge of "anti-Semitism."

No, DominionSeraph, I correctly identified hate speech and the incitements to crime. In this case, supremacist bigotry to inflict terrorism upon a generalised basis of ethnicity/nationalism - Palestinians.

Roughly 20% of Israelis are Palestinians. Your words are for indiscriminate and total warfare upon "Palestinians," therefore where do you stop? Civil war in Israel as well to complete your final solution and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, all for "peace?
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Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
A recent video of Hamas members caught on camera setting up a rocket launching site in a heavily populated and dense civilian area.
Yes, in Gaza.

When a population faces extreme hardship, siege, expulsion from land, land expropriation, and occupation, then counter insurgencies are expected.

At least a portion of those insurgencies often do take the form of extremist militarism where attempted political goals pressured with criminal terrorism against nor caring for civilians -- much as the terrorist pressure by certain Jewish extremist groups against the British and Palestinians before Israeli statehood.

The current disproportionate offensive in Gaza, just as the past, change no course other than to re-enforce the desperation of the population and provide a continuing recruitment tool for more insurgents -- possibly even more extreme than the past.

Such insurgencies cannot be militarily defeated nor quelled when the elements that created such insurgencies remain. As with the foundation of the State of Israel, eventually, diplomatic solutions must be initiated.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
They [Palestinians] need to skip borders and live free in better places.
Ethnic cleansing for the win, eh?

Abondon their homes and territory or suffer.

Many in Gaza are already in decades old refugee camps since fleeing their now confiscated homes in Israel, yet that ain't good enough for you.


Jul 13, 2005
I think hamas killing of 3 innocent Israeli kids are just senseless and if it's something the organization sanctioned I'd say they are 100% terrorist. But I'd say the Israeli response is just shocking, 3 dead teenagers v now well over 1k Palestinian death. I mean I have never seen any country kill this many to exact a punishment. they should just send soldiers in to kill the hamas members instead of carpet bomb the entire neighborhood killing everyone women children senior etc. This feel like Israeli military aren't treating the civilians as humans.

they really need to take it easy on the civilians, if you start killing civilians indiscriminately, how are you any different to the terrorists who is doing the same thing?
I think you need to stay in Junior high School and learn some history or reading comprehension......

as Exophase said-- They're not gunning down civilians as collective punishment for dead teenagers, the casualties in Gaza are due to Israel attacking weapon sites and dismantling tunnels. You can argue that they're being too aggressive and reckless in retaliation but the claims people make that they're monsters who feel good about killing children aren't very fair.
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