GAZA (before & after pictures)

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Oct 10, 2006

except when Israel does it, it's just a "tactic," used so that they can move through occupied areas without being shot at....

to anyone else, it's clearly, a human shield.

And where is the context for these photos? For all you know they're arresting or detaining those guys.

Sheesh. Some people are so easily convinced. Look everyone! The President of the United States cedes our sovereignty to Japan!



Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
The IDF has been using Palestinian civilians as ‘human shields’ for some time. Since the beginning of the current Intifada, IDF soldiers have ordered Palestinian civilians to:

Enter buildings to check whether they are booby-trapped or to expel their occupants.
Remove suspicious objects from the road.
Stand inside houses that the IDF has turned into military positions, so that Palestinians will not fire at soldiers.
Walk in front of soldiers to shield them from gunfire.
Seven human rights organizations, including B’Tselem, petitioned the High Court of Justice against this IDF policy. In its response, the State admitted the existence of such a policy and announced that the IDF has decided to discontinue it. However, the State claimed it will allow the use of a Palestinian civilian to help soldiers enter Palestinian homes, unless the commander in the field believes that the civilian is liable to be injured.

The death of Abu M’khisan illustrates the illegality of the policy outlined in the State’s response. Using civilians to enter homes is just as life threatening as the practices the State discontinued. The IDF must prohibit this practice as it did all others.

It is not the duty of the Palestinian population to protect IDF soldiers, but the military’s. Whatever the circumstances, IDF soldiers may not endanger the lives of civilians to protect their own. Using civilians as if they were bulletproof vests and turning them into objects whose sole purpose is to protect soldiers is neither legal nor moral.



Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
and...........not like anybody saw this coming.

WASHINGTON — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked US lawmakers Wednesday to help fend off Palestinian claims that his country engaged in “war crimes” while defending itself against attacks from Gaza, one top lawmaker told The Post.
The Israeli leader later told international reporters that his country employed “extraordinary measures” to avoid civilian deaths in the nearly month-long conflict.
As a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas held for a third day, Netanyahu met with a group of US legislators, including Rep. Steve Israel (D-LI,) to discuss the country’s tense security situation and some fissures in US-Israel relations.
Netanyahu asked the delegation to help Israel stay out of the International Criminal Court, where its attacks on Gaza could come under scrutiny — even while responding to Hamas rockets fired at Israeli urban centers.
Palestinian leaders are getting ready to join the ICC, and met with officials in The Hague recently to discuss the implications of joining.
“The prime minister asked us to work together to ensure that this strategy of going to the ICC does not succeed,” Rep. Israel told The Post by phone from Tel Aviv.
Netanyahu “wants the US to use all the tools that we have at our disposal to, number one, make sure the world knows that war crimes were not committed by Israel, they were committed by Hamas. And that Israel should not be held to a double standard,” the congressman said.


Nov 20, 1999
You are lying and intentionally misrepresenting. I oppose calls to exterminate and genocide -- wholeheartedly. Only one group is present calling for such high crimes -- you and your pals here. You are justly getting condemned for that yet you have the defiance to not renounce such terror and ultimate violence.

No, you are not. You are advocating the most grievous of crimes of exterminating a whole people. Doing such to enable the supremacism and purity of a Greater Jewish state. You advocate genocide. No crimes are greater.

These charges are not hyperbole, on mine or the parts of others. Get your criminal and immoral intents through your head. You and others continue to defend all of this:

DominionSeraph, DucattiMonster, etc, you all continue to defend such positions of extreme violence and crime.

Jesus titty fucking Christ, how fucked up is this forums conservatives and neo-cons that they think mass extermination of an ethnic group is an ok thought to have.

Didn't Spidey07 get banned for something MUCH more tame than this? This forum is turning into a fucking stormfront rightwing circle jerk. I swear, It's bad enough that you'll send our money over there, but you guys would sell American's soul to Israel to see more Palestinian blood. And you probably consider yourself American 'Patriots'.

The irony is, these fucking morons are calling OTHER people savages. Mods, grow some fucking balls and start banning these idiots.
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Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2012
this little gem just surfaced recently..... IDF using palenstenian boy as human shield:

Surfaced recently... 10 years ago?

And it's not just that an obscure old news story was recently exposed, there was a thread about it here 10 years ago:

Assuming that the pictures and accounts are what they seem and not missing some additional context then it is a very awful thing that these soldiers did. And they should be heavily punished for it, which I sadly doubt happened (don't know if such a thing would be revealed or not). On the other hand, if this were a matter of standard protocol of the IDF today I think we'd see more examples of it reported.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
my whole point is, both sides are guilty.

Surfaced recently... 10 years ago?

And it's not just that an obscure old news story was recently exposed, there was a thread about it here 10 years ago:

Assuming that the pictures and accounts are what they seem and not missing some additional context then it is a very awful thing that these soldiers did. And they should be heavily punished for it, which I sadly doubt happened (don't know if such a thing would be revealed or not). On the other hand, if this were a matter of standard protocol of the IDF today I think we'd see more examples of it reported.


Nov 20, 1999
Also, just a reminder that the world put sanctions on Apartheid South Africa even though SA experienced terrorist attacks from the ANC. Even Reagan regretted his support for the SA government later in life. Israel is 1000 times worse than Apartheid South Africa (even they didn't go that far like Israel did). You idiots have such abhorrent views, you should probably find some way to travel back to the crusades rather than live in modern times.


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2013
Also, just a reminder that the world put sanctions on Apartheid South Africa even though SA experienced terrorist attacks from the ANC. Even Reagan regretted his support for the SA government later in life. Israel is 1000 times worse than Apartheid South Africa (even they didn't go that far like Israel did). You idiots have such abhorrent views, you should probably find some way to travel back to the crusades rather than live in modern times.

The point about Israel being worse than South Africa has been made even by Jewish intellectuals like Noam Chomsky


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2007
Unconditional support for Israel has been weaved so thoroughly into the conservative identity that facts and logic no longer apply. Palestinian child throws a rock, Israel throws an artillery shell in problem. Israel "defending itself" apparently gives it pretext to commit whatever atrocities it deems fit in response to the slightest provocation. History will judge Israel very poorly. American is one of it's few remaining friends, and now that twitter and other digital mediums gives us unfiltered insight into the carnage that Israel is inflicting, that wont last forever. Israel will be truly alone within a generation if it keeps on it's current course.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
of course it's worse than S.A.

it's nazi Germany bad, it's warsaw ghetto all over again....

like all the way down to HAMAS, they're we're most definitely radical jews, leading uprisings and controlling warsaw to the very end, they were constantly attacking/attempting to attack the socialist party in power, ... cant remember what they were called right now though..

here's the wiki..


Platinum Member
Aug 18, 2011
Hamas wouldn't be a problem if you didn't steal their land. Or kill their children. Or keep them prisoners.
The hatred for Israel came when Israel started stealing land, killing children . etc. you know the story.
Oh wait maybe you don't.

"Palestine always belonged to the Jews, but the evil Palestinians took it over and now Israel has its sweet revenge".
Except for the part that this is a fantasy, all good.

The problem is that this is simply not true. The european Jews never owned any part of palestine, anymore than the British own Boston, or the Romans own Londinium. They have always been a religious minority in the area and this is speaking of ancient times, not even medieval.

After WWII pressure groups of Jews (backed by very wealthy individuals and groups) arranged for Palestine to be assigned to them .. you'd figure one would at least take the time to read wikipedia on this subject if you're gonna post in a Israel_palestine conflict thread .. as a land they could live in (since they did not have a homeland);
Palestine at the time was Arabic, inhabited by - you'll never believe it - Palestinians.

Note that (really, go read it) even before the land was assigned to them there was already an influx of money in the territory destined to the aquirement of land where the Jews could live.

Now, this is pretty much teh same situation as any other "modern country invades poor bastards" since the palestinians were the poorest, most destitute people of the region, and they were easy to buy out.
Also, nobody in the UN was paying attention to the palestininas again, because they didn't matter to the US when compared with the enormous wealth and influence of the jewish families.

1) the land that was "assigned" to the jews belonged to someone else.
2) after the "assigning", jews broke every rule in the book with enormous ferocity.

Note that a MAJOR point in the fuckup-factor we are experiencing today comes from assigning palestine to the jews, simply because you are placing a strongly religious group in the midst of a region with opposing strong religious beliefs.
Even the real allies of the US, such as the UAE (who are allied with the US because they got money, and like bling instead of sand) have a problem with Jews being placed in their region, not because they are jews, but because its *their* land.
We've gone there and we've shat all over their customs and their sovereignity, and now they are pissed off. And to add to that, these aren't exactly beacons of intellect, which makes them even easier to piss off.

You neglected to say how the "Palestinians" came to be there
^How it is called Palestine nowadays warning:long read.How the people came to be there.
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Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
Unconditional support for Israel has been weaved so thoroughly into the conservative identity that facts and logic no longer apply. Palestinian child throws a rock, Israel throws an artillery shell in problem. Israel "defending itself" apparently gives it pretext to commit whatever atrocities it deems fit in response to the slightest provocation. History will judge Israel very poorly. American is one of it's few remaining friends, and now that twitter and other digital mediums gives us unfiltered insight into the carnage that Israel is inflicting, that wont last forever. Israel will be truly alone within a generation if it keeps on it's current course.

i've noticed this as well, you have mostly R's, or people who identify as "conservative," supporting Israel in this conflict.....

do they not know that the jewish vote is almost exclusively D?


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2005
War is hell.
Some of you have no sense of history. When the US was engaged in the war in Vietnam, they dropped tons of bombs on Cambodia, killing an estimated 1 million Cambodians.
Bush's Iraq war killed tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis. And neither of those countries ever attacked the US.
Israel has shown tremendous restraint against the Palestinian terrorist provocations.
If Republicans were in charge of Israel, Gaza would probably be carpet bombed.


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2013
Unconditional support for Israel has been weaved so thoroughly into the conservative identity that facts and logic no longer apply. Palestinian child throws a rock, Israel throws an artillery shell in problem. Israel "defending itself" apparently gives it pretext to commit whatever atrocities it deems fit in response to the slightest provocation. History will judge Israel very poorly.

Actually it has always been the Democrats who have been even more pro Israel. A lot of the recent rabid conservative support of Israel comes from the hatred of Muslims. The enemy of my enemy being my friend. Sadly, most of the Republican party of today is fueled by hate of various groups.


Oct 10, 2006
a human shield is a human shield.

And however deplorable it might be Hamas still does it worse. Individual Israeli units occasionally break the rules and use 1 or 2 Palestinians as humans shields because they know it works and the Palestinians won't kill their own to get to them. Hamas systematically uses human shields with the hope that said shields will be killed so their deaths can be used as propaganda.

Why is it always good guys and bad guys? Both sides have done horrible shit, but if I have to choose between supporting Israel vs supporting Hamas it's not even a question. Civilized country that commits occasional abuses or democratically elected terrorist state that promises its own people martyrdom for killing Israeli children? Anyone taking Hamas's side in any conflict with Israel has a screw loose. Israel could give Hamas everything it asks for, and all that would result is more dead Israelis.

Meanwhile ISIS is brutally murdering thousands in the middle east, making the Israeli operation look like a picnic, but no one cares because there isn't an Israel to hate.


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2013
Meanwhile ISIS is brutally murdering thousands in the middle east, making the Israeli operation look like a picnic, but no one cares because there isn't an Israel to hate.

Your point has some validity, but ISIS does not claim to be a democracy. Its supporters don't shed crocodile tears on human rights, and so on and so forth.


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2013
Why is it always good guys and bad guys? Both sides have done horrible shit, but if I have to choose between supporting Israel vs supporting Hamas it's not even a question. Civilized country that commits occasional abuses or democratically elected terrorist state that promises its own people martyrdom for killing Israeli children? Anyone taking Hamas's side in any conflict with Israel has a screw loose. Israel could give Hamas everything it asks for, and all that would result is more dead Israelis.

For starters, they could stop Gaza being a prison. There are a gazillion things from the context that you have conveniently omitted. This isn't about supporting Hamas at all. I for one do not.


Oct 10, 2006
For starters, they could stop Gaza being a prison. There are a gazillion things from the context that you have conveniently omitted. This isn't about supporting Hamas at all. I for one do not.

Right, because if Israel opened up Gaza there'd be no increase in attacks on Israeli citizens. None whatsoever, right?

Israel is doing what it feels it has to do to protect its citizens. There's no reasoning with an entity like Hamas, and there's no one else in Gaza to reason with.


Nov 20, 1999
Right, because if Israel opened up Gaza there'd be no increase in attacks on Israeli citizens. None whatsoever, right?

Israel is doing what it feels it has to do to protect its citizens. There's no reasoning with an entity like Hamas, and there's no one else in Gaza to reason with.

You've demonstrated already that you don't have all the facts of this conflict, why are you even commenting still? In the other thread, you were surprised to learn that Israel is not only telling civilians to go to certain buildings them bombing them, but the UN tells Israel to not bomb certain buildings (in this conflict, there was one building they told israel not to bomb SEVENTEEN TIMES) and they bomb them anyway. There's no reasoning with YOU.


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2013
A lot of Americans, sadly, do not know even the basic facts about this conflict. Thanks to the media in large part, and we all know why that is.

All that the people see is the Palestinians are Muslims, so they must be terrorists.

It is just sad. Very sad.
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