GeForce 6 series video processor OFFICIAL THREAD

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Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
Originally posted by: humey
I hate Rollo. Rollo must go

I didnt say that where the hell you see that, and i hope some mod not made it up.

I hate liars, i know those words werent said by me about him, anyhow for weeks i kept out joinging in flaming him, but he constantly talks crap and im sick this quaoting other peeps, its making thread 2x as many pages as it really is.


Jan 11, 2002
......smacksmacksmack....our voices matter......smacksmacksmack.....nVidia and Rollo will pay!......smacksmacksmack.....the big lawsuit will be happenin' any day now!.......smacksmacksmack......

LOL- it can be pretty funny when people have delusions of grandeur.



No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
My card will never accelerate WMV HD content through the PVP even though advertising told me it would, how is that not broke?
(Rollo mode on)
Because NVidia said so! Now sit down, shut up, and get with the program! Your observations about your video card are not real - you are only speculating. The actual fact of the matter is that the reality could be different. You have to be a lawyer to be able to legally discern the nuances of reality. Therefore, don't worry about it. Everything will turn out fine. Trust me.
(Rollo mode off)


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: rbV5
Part of the real problem is Nvidia's reluctance to admit that there is a hardware issue here. David continues this with inferences that what we really have is a software issue, and that we, as users, will only have to sit back and wait for the code to be written to enable the functionality. Note how "specific" he is on exactly what kind of future functionality we can expect going forward

I think that it would be enlightening to compare the advertised functionality on the various 6800-family cards, at release, both the boxes and NV's press-releases and public statements, and then compare and contrast that with the benchmarkable results from the different 6800-family cards. Clearly, there is a different level of functionality being currently implemented there - were those differences clearly indicated early on, in the promotional and press materials? If not, why not - don't most companies like to loudly tout the superior features of their newer products? If the differences in functionality were in fact "by design", then why was there a wait of nearly eight months before that functionality showed up in the first place?

Clearly, there are things amiss here with NV's stories. ("Stories" being a good way to describe things here, as there seems to be a lot of fiction and re-writing going on.)


Junior Member
Dec 22, 2004
I cant say ive read all the posts in this thread nor the other thread ive been glancing over at the futuremark forums but I feel personally nvidia really are alienating a substantial core group of their consumer market.

I love nvidia cards, I feel they have the highest quality drivers available - i have been a happy owner of many of their boards including a quadro card I use for many opengl rendering applications.

Unfortunately in the last 6 months ive seen just how little they care about us, the end user in the way they have blatantly lied with false advertising and continue to dismiss every claim even with proof - how do they respond? with honesty? with a reasoning behind the problems? no, simple PR spin - that intervew at extremetech was the final straw for me,1558,1744807,00.asp. This would work with the avergage uneducated "joe public" but unfortunately for them if they have people reading the enthusiast boards they would see the quality and education of the users involved is high.

How would you all feel if Nvidia did the honorable thing and offered some form of compensation to those who bought these cards? lets give an example - $30 rebate or an option at a later date to trade in their card for a newer model with a decent scheme for those affected? That would help us gain confidence in a company who are seriously losing face with the end user for such blatant lack of regard or respect for the people paying their wages.

So how do we approach this? do we all sign a petition, all chip in and file a lawsuit for selling a product clearly marked with features it doesnt have? we would have a case, but how many people here would really feel we would have a chance? not many im sure would actually go this far, its all hot air.

What we can do, is this. Dont buy from this company again - i for one will keep one card for linux use and head to my local retailer for some education on ATI alternatives. Neither company probably give a rats ass about most of us, but I for one havent seen ATI treating their customers in such an appalling manner after lying about hardware for a year.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: epking
Is it PCI-E retard? I specifically said NV45, not NV40. Im glad im not asking people in "your store" for advice on hardware.

If divx or xvid causes stuttering on playback, your rig is messed up, period. I can playback divx on a Celeron 800 and geforce 2 MX without dropped frames...

And yes, your rig should beat mine in games, by about 10%. Why you brought that into this thread is beyond me... Id rather have HT and PCI-E now than 10% in games with crappy multitasking performance and an AGP card id have to upgrade to PCI-E when i go SLI (which ironically ill probably get 2 6800GTs anyway when they come down so thats kind of a moot point).

acunthus, you are completely ill informed about this issue, particularly in regard to how this affects overall performance. The problem is, people with more than capable processors, as high as A64's, cannot play these WinHD smoothly, they could play them before the 6800 upgrade.with say a 5900 or a 9800pro...and now we cannot play them. Moreover, the issue that lonewolf brought up about terrible video performance in general on non WINHD files is just a HUGE issue, and huge problem for freaking $400-$500 level cards. To claim otherwise is the nonsense of a delusional fanboy.
To give an example, I have an xp3200, not a mega cpu, but its still plenty capable. Its actually above the recommended spec for 1080p winHD files...and I cannot play them at all anymore. I actually own 4 of these dvd's, and i could play them flawless in my exact same system with the 9800pro, and now I cannot. As far as multitasking, since the on chip decoder is broken, this has had a negative impact on video performance across the board on this card. Now, an xp3200 is by no means high end, but it sure as F*ck is capable of outputting video on one monitor, and browsing the internet or Instant Messaging on the other...I did this before with the last 3 video cards I owned, but CANNOT with this 6800. I and many others bought the card over the X800 series because we were sold and marketed an on chip decoder to offload the work from your processor. Now, when it doesn't work....the fanboys start saying...oh well, its worthless anyways. wtf is up with that? Its not worthless to people who need the feature, its not worthless to people who bought the 6800 for Home Theater PC usage, and all around gaming.

You know, I know you have your head up your ass, and its really hard for someone like yourself to understand other people have different habits and uses, and maybe bought the card for other things....but maybe before spouting off uninformed opinions, that show a complete misunderstanding of the ought to read up a little bit about this. Also, about the whole, people who can't run WinHD can't run at high resolutions....that is all just absurd, and again, just shows your ignorance on this matter. Just keep all this in mind before you start running your mouth next time....The fact is, despit you saying its no big deal, people who bought this card for HTPC, are basically Fukked on a MAJOR feature, and essentially got a downgrade from a performance standpoint. People not interested in HTPC, but rather video editing are now fuxed. People who bought it with all around media playback and encoding in mind are fuxed. And not the least, consumers in general got fuxed, because if companies get away with this crap, others will do the same, and consumers will continue to buy things and not get what they paid for. You know, I bet if it was a feature you cared about, you'd be raising hell. The fact is, your just to self centered, and too nearsighted to realize people have habits other than your own. It doesn't matter though anyways, We users still have a right to stand up for what we paid for....and we'd actually appreciate it, if those who don't care about such issues would just stfu.

ANswer me this, why in the world would you feel threatened by the fact that we are speaking against the 6800, and standing up for a missing feature that We consider important? It certainly is obvious that you are threatened by it, otherwise you wouldn;t come into a thread, about an issue you said you didn't care about, and start insulting people. Right? I mean you do feel threatened by it because you bought the card, and you love the card, and you cannot bare to have anyone say anything negative about the card you so adore isn't it?? I mean, that is what this is all about? Right Acunthus? You know it, and I know it, everybody reading this knows it. So, Acunthus, maybe you ought to go spend some time in a thread where there are some issues you care about. You've already said you don't care about this one. And if you refuse to leave, do us a favor and at least be honest, and say, yeah, I love my precious card, and I can't stand people saying anything bad about it. In fact, when they do, its like they are saying something bad about therefore, i go into there threads and start talking smack.

The WMP9/10 patch will fix it, its not nvidias fault. Until then, use a player that doesnt suck.

3 paragraphs to tell me how wrong i am when you dont even know the issue lies with Microsoft and NV both

I have spoken for the 9800 many times in the past, it is a good card. The X800 is decent but missing features. The 6800 is feature packed, but one of the features, features that 0 other chips on the market possess, doesnt work as well as you would like it to.

My my my what a fanboi i must be to think a 1000 post thread regarding this issue is completely unnecesary, especially when nvidia is obviously working on it.

Ive bashed nvidia before, they had major driver issues with the 5xxx series and dual display support using a TV as secondary. Theyve had crash bugs and driver hacks. Now they have a broken PvP. Its not that big of a deal, really. Encode with your CPU, and wait for the WMP patch... Thats all there is to it.

You know what? Ive bashed ATi too, aniso hacks, quack, compatibility issues, crap drivers with crash bugs, system hangs, and horrendous upgrade/installation problems.

You know what? XGI sucks too!!

And this isnt an NVIDIA vs XXXXX thread, this is about the PvP, and as i said before, Encode with your CPU, and wait for the patch, or buy another card, and quit crying in this thread, period.


Jun 22, 2004
good post extreme edition. you should cut /paste and post it over in the futuremark thread we have over there.

The only question is would ati have acted in the same manner, its difficult to know. imo, they tend to handle things slightly more above board, but that may well be because they had two real succesful chips in a row, so nobody was raising hell about the 9700's and 9800pros. To be fair, I have ripped ATI hard for that Valve package HL2 deal with the 9800XT and 9600XT thing..that was one of the most blatantly dishonest campaigns i'd ever seeen...they told the world the game would be out in a matter of 4-6 weeks, and had this big launch event at alcatraz, and that everyone must rush out and get their new 9800XT to play the game properly, and they had those staged benches with valve. Anyways, the game shipped a full 18months later, and there is no way in hell both companies did not fully intend to lie to sell those cards there.

I guess that is waaay beyond the scope of this discussion, and way off Neither of them are saints. It basically seems like graphics cards by their nature are arcane, and difficult for 99% of the buying public to understand the inner workings anyways, so, when something like this goes wrong..I think Nvidia counts full well on consumers not having a clue, and them being able to get away with virtually anything. I mean, hell, the whole ps2.0 thing, and the rumored "unlockable" shader pipelines on the 5900's well wasn't that even figured out a falsehood by a lot of tech sites for 6 months or so? Basically, they can very nearly get away with anything they want. But, you know, i guess thats where places like this and futuremark come in, at least there is some discussion and accountability, and such sites and threads do actually influence policy to a degree...drivers, patches, future features and so on. So there is indeed a special purpose for discussing the minutia of graphics cards besides entertainment of course.


Jun 22, 2004
thats the best you can do acanthus? no, this issue, and your attitude is about complete disregard for other people's needs for the card. Its not an important issue for your habits, your too self consumed to understand it is an issue to others...clearly this ought to be apparent from the countless threads about this all over the net. People bought the card in large part for these features...whether you can understand that or not.

You mention something about how you bitched at Nvidia because of Drivers and TV out support. BY your exact same attitude, and exact same logic, We could say, "Oh, TV out, thats not an important issue, STFU and quit whining like a baby" Thats something some immature self centered person who doesn't understand there are people out there other than himself who may do and see things differently, or may have other uses for his graphics card. I mean come on dude...just because its not important to you, does not mean it is not important in itself. Moreover, the point still stands that why in the hell would you go out of your way to tell us to shutup, and insult us, if you were not offended by us saying something bad about your card. This is about 2 things. 1, you can't understand people have different uses than yourself. and 2. you don't like it when people say negative things about a card you happen to how do you react??? YOu come in here and start attacking.

Again, this is just out of line. I'll bring up the issue that was important to you with the TV out, again....what you've done, would be exactly akin to us going in that thread out of nowhere, and telling everyone who wanted better tv out support or whatever it was....that they needed to stfu, its a great card, its for gaming anyways, and its not an important feature, because I never use it. That in a nutshell is your posts. In fact, that in a nutshell is virtually every post defending Nvidia.

BTW< your comment about the WMP10 patch shows such a complete lack of understanding, I'm not even sure why I'd bother to talk with you about this. People have been summarizing this issue, and what is the problem in virtually every post in this thread, but you still have not understood it?

The WMP9/10 patch will fix it, its not nvidias fault. Until then, use a player that doesnt suck

ok, that is about the most absurd comments i've seen yet. You have not had a grasp of this issue or its implications from the start and you came in here and started spouting off crap, because you did not like us saying bad things about the 6800's. thats pretty much the long and short of it.


Dec 10, 2000
The WMP9/10 patch will fix it, its not nvidias fault. Until then, use a player that doesnt suck.

Well, we'll just have to add your prophetic statement to Rollo's, he was pretty certain November was going to bring the "fix" also...we all know how that turned out now.

When exactly is the MS patch going to be released?



Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: epking
thats the best you can do acanthus? no, this issue, and your attitude is about complete disregard for other people's needs for the card. Its not an important issue for your habits, your too self consumed to understand it is an issue to others...clearly this ought to be apparent from the countless threads about this all over the net. People bought the card in large part for these features...whether you can understand that or not.

You mention something about how you bitched at Nvidia because of Drivers and TV out support. BY your exact same attitude, and exact same logic, We could say, "Oh, TV out, thats not an important issue, STFU and quit whining like a baby" Thats something some immature self centered person who doesn't understand there are people out there other than himself who may do and see things differently, or may have other uses for his graphics card. I mean come on dude...just because its not important to you, does not mean it is not important in itself. Moreover, the point still stands that why in the hell would you go out of your way to tell us to shutup, and insult us, if you were not offended by us saying something bad about your card. This is about 2 things. 1, you can't understand people have different uses than yourself. and 2. you don't like it when people say negative things about a card you happen to how do you react??? YOu come in here and start attacking.

Again, this is just out of line. I'll bring up the issue that was important to you with the TV out, again....what you've done, would be exactly akin to us going in that thread out of nowhere, and telling everyone who wanted better tv out support or whatever it was....that they needed to stfu, its a great card, its for gaming anyways, and its not an important feature, because I never use it. That in a nutshell is your posts. In fact, that in a nutshell is virtually every post defending Nvidia.

BTW< your comment about the WMP10 patch shows such a complete lack of understanding, I'm not even sure why I'd bother to talk with you about this. People have been summarizing this issue, and what is the problem in virtually every post in this thread, but you still have not understood it?

The WMP9/10 patch will fix it, its not nvidias fault. Until then, use a player that doesnt suck

ok, that is about the most absurd comments i've seen yet. You have not had a grasp of this issue or its implications from the start and you came in here and started spouting off crap, because you did not like us saying bad things about the 6800's. thats pretty much the long and short of it.

Did i make a 1000 post thread about it? Nvidia fixed it after about 4 months. And i dealt with it, just like you should.

And cut out the personal attacks, insults make you seem like a 13 year old.

I encode, often, and i playback movies, daily.

This issue was brought to light long before you bought your 6800...

Im not going to quibble with your 6 year old OH MY GOD YOU JUST SAY THAT CUZ YOU LIKE THEM! attitude anymore. Post something with substance or shut up. You complain about all the clutter in this thread and then post 6 paragraphs of insults and childish assumptions about someone you dont even remotely begin to know or understand, then say one sentance that sums up all the crap you said which still is completely baseless.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: rbV5
The WMP9/10 patch will fix it, its not nvidias fault. Until then, use a player that doesnt suck.

Well, we'll just have to add your prophetic statement to Rollo's, he was pretty certain November was going to bring the "fix" also...we all know how that turned out now.

When exactly is the MS patch going to be released?

I dont claim to work for MS, or know anyone that does, im going by Anandtechs review. You should read the articles there some time, they are quite good.


Senior member
Feb 14, 2002
You are contributing nothing besides your feeble attempt at attention-getting. Nobody cares about your opinions here and nobody needs them. Your opinions are as redundant as a heater in Florida. People here got hosed and you try to smack them down. Who died and crowned you king? Not everybody places focus on 3d.

This is Acanthus buying a car:

Acanthus drives up to his mom's house in a brand new Acura.
Acanthus: Thanks mom!
Acanthus' Mom: Hey let me check out the GPS I think those things are great!
Acanthus: Nah, it doesn't work but that's okay. I paid $30 grand for the car because it's an Acura, and even though the deciding factor was the amazing GPS system that I would use on a daily basis....Mom, I just love Acura anyway, so they can have my $2000. Did I mention I love Acura mom!
Acanthus' Mom: Have some cookies dear!


Junior Member
Dec 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Nvidia fixed it after about 4 months. And i dealt with it, just like you should.

Hi. I dont want to get into an argument with you as this thread is really getting a little aggressive and silly, but why should we deal with it? Do you work for nvidia or something? I mean that interview at extremetech has just basically called everyone in this thread (and other forums) with problems - liars.

This is nothing to do with personal opinions on nvidia/ati or anything else, its nothing to do with differing opinions on hardware at all. Its to do with nvidia launching a product which has not been accurately documented. Quite a few people, myself included based judgement on purchase due to this "feature", a feature which does NOT work and apparently looks like it never will work as its broken on a hardware level.

I dont see why we should deal with a billion dollar company lying so blatantly and ripping money from consumers without offering some form of compensation, after all lets take an analogy here. If you went on vacation and spend $1000 and it wasnt as described would you not be asking for money back ? The more we, the consumer accept the poorer future situations will be.

Nvidia need to be called on this, and the way im doing it is to never purchase or give them another cent of my money. I know quite a few people who are also going down this route and justifiably so. They have been presented with proof for months about this issue and just how many people its affecting, and here we are today after the most insulting interview ive ever read at extremetech basically laughing at their end users. They have taken our money for a product not fully working, misled the public and now are dismissing all commentary as nonsense. That is unacceptable.



Feb 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Acanthus

And this isnt an NVIDIA vs XXXXX thread, this is about the PvP, and as i said before, Encode with your CPU, and wait for the patch, or buy another card, and quit crying in this thread, period.

Who died and made you the moderator? Until you actually have some authority over others here, I don't see any reason for others to follow your orders. Frankly, if anyone should leave this thread, I think it is you. The only posts you have made are for us to "quit crying" or suck it up. If that is all you are here to say, you're contributing nothing useful to this thread, as it is about those of us who are trying to figure out a way to get what we were advertised, fairly, in a manner that causes a company to admit its mistake. And except for you, we all know mistakes have been made, and nVidia's WMV9 acceleration in hardware isn't just crippled for NV40/45 owners, it is borked completely. New Purevideo drivers have not fixed it, even though they have fixed it for owners of other cards. The PureVideo support documents on nVidia's site clearly state hardware acceleration for WMV9 for all Geforce 6 cards but NV40/45 based ones, even though NV40/45 owners were previously promised this feature. It can't be any clearer than that. They do not say "Upcoming support planned" like they have claimed to magazines, or that they will fix it...they literally leave that part of PureVideo off and just hope we'll live with it.

I suggest you end posting...telling people to "quit crying" contributes nothing positive or useful to this thread. And since you know that some people just can't help themselves but to respond to you even though you have nothing useful to contribute, that makes you a troll as well.



Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
extremeedition, i read complete forums again, and i cant see anywhere where i am meant to have typed that part you quoted about "i hate rollo, rollo must go", i better not find out you made this up, cause thats seriously lame.


Sep 15, 2004
So after reading the Anandtech article on this subject, would I be correct to come to this conclusion:
Owners of 6800GTs/Ultras have a fully functional MPEG-2 decoder, and that is all?

NO MPEG-2 Encoder
and NO WMV Decoder?

If that's the case i'm a little pissed. All I wanted was faster MPEG-2 encodes to burn to DVD.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
zpapasmurf, i aint 100% sure on the mpeg2 as we not got the 70.10 purevideo driver yet, but you will never have any the wmv aspect of it, you need cheaper newer 6600 range or 6200 range card.


Junior Member
Dec 22, 2004
Originally posted by: humey
extremeedition, i read complete forums again, and i cant see anywhere where i am meant to have typed that part you quoted about "i hate rollo, rollo must go", i better not find out you made this up, cause thats seriously lame.

well if its lame, then I suggest you address the person who typed it in the first place, because i didnt (check my posts), im here to talk to people, not argue or name call.


Sep 15, 2004
Originally posted by: humey
zpapasmurf, i aint 100% sure on the mpeg2 as we not got the 70.10 purevideo driver yet, but you will never have any the wmv aspect of it, you need cheaper newer 6600 range or 6200 range card.

Ahh, that blows...

I hope once they get this whole mess worked out I can at least utilize the card for encoding MPEG-2 so re-encoding DVD's dont take 20mins..


Dec 10, 2000
I dont claim to work for MS, or know anyone that does, im going by Anandtechs review. You should read the articles there some time, they are quite good

Actually, I did read Anand's review, and have followed this issue from the launch of the card to today. I own an affected card (and have for several months), which I purchased with the intent on it driving my HTPC, which includes decoding and encoding of various formats. I have also purchased the NV DVD decoders for my MCE rigs and I'm a regular poster in HTPC forums. I own several PC's a couple of which are HTPC's with both DTV and analog tuner PCI cards that drive a digital Widescreen display.

I have a couple hundred GB's of MPEG-2 HD material, all of MS HD demos and even a couple WMV HD DVD's. I have Divx HD demos and a variety of encoded files and a huge DVD collection. I also have a DV camera and hours of personal footage, and I produce DVD's for family and friends on the side.

I know a little about what I'm talking about, and I also know how long it takes(and the PITA it is) to encode HD material, having done my share of encoding MPEG, Divx and WMV HD material.

I also know a condescending ass when I see one, and to be honest, I don't think you're in any position to tell me how I should feel about this issue.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Well I'm taking the 30 day test drive of the DVD Decoder and the good news is that it plugged right in to my NVDVD v.2.27 OEM. Go to the video tab and there are the new options. CPU usage stays under 20% now and averages 10-15%.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: extremeedition
Nvidia need to be called on this, and the way im doing it is to never purchase or give them another cent of my money. I know quite a few people who are also going down this route and justifiably so. They have been presented with proof for months about this issue and just how many people its affecting, and here we are today after the most insulting interview ive ever read at extremetech basically laughing at their end users. They have taken our money for a product not fully working, misled the public and now are dismissing all commentary as nonsense. That is unacceptable.
It sounds exactly when the "busted FDIV" debacle broke about the Pentium chips, and Intel started spouting FUD that "the only people that would care if your CPU could divide accurately, would be scientists and engineers", basically, which is a HUGE heaping load of you-know-what.

It was unacceptable then, and it is unacceptable now. Intel eventually was forced to offer a voluntary recall on the chips. (Well, I don't know if "forced", or "prompted" - with the threat of the start of protracted litigation that would have made the problem even worse from both a financial and PR perspective for them doing the prompting.)

It's time that people actually start making a *bigger* stink about this issue, until NV is forced to issue working replacements under a volunatry recall policy just like Intel.

It helped, before, that the press was so willing to get behind what was more-or-less a somewhat obscure technical flaw in one singular feature of the Pentium processor. I'm sure that they did that, because Intel was a household name and thought of as incapable of doing wrong on the technical market at the time.

NVidia is slightly more obscure, at least to the OEM computer-buying crowd, but not to the DIYs and gamers among us. It's time that more mainstream press support about this issue needs to be had, find some sympathetic tech journalists that would be willing to take this issue on, even if they present both sides of the story (NV's and their user's), it would at least help to make the issue more known to the computing public at large, and maybe, just maybe, something positive would come out of that. If not, well, fire up the lawyers, it's time to start burning at the stake.


Junior Member
Dec 22, 2004
Originally posted by: VirtualLarry
Originally posted by: extremeedition
Nvidia need to be called on this, and the way im doing it is to never purchase or give them another cent of my money. I know quite a few people who are also going down this route and justifiably so. They have been presented with proof for months about this issue and just how many people its affecting, and here we are today after the most insulting interview ive ever read at extremetech basically laughing at their end users. They have taken our money for a product not fully working, misled the public and now are dismissing all commentary as nonsense. That is unacceptable.
It sounds exactly when the "busted FDIV" debacle broke about the Pentium chips, and Intel started spouting FUD that "the only people that would care if your CPU could divide accurately, would be scientists and engineers", basically, which is a HUGE heaping load of you-know-what.

It was unacceptable then, and it is unacceptable now. Intel eventually was forced to offer a voluntary recall on the chips. (Well, I don't know if "forced", or "prompted" - with the threat of the start of protracted litigation that would have made the problem even worse from both a financial and PR perspective for them doing the prompting.)

It's time that people actually start making a *bigger* stink about this issue, until NV is forced to issue working replacements under a volunatry recall policy just like Intel.

It helped, before, that the press was so willing to get behind what was more-or-less a somewhat obscure technical flaw in one singular feature of the Pentium processor. I'm sure that they did that, because Intel was a household name and thought of as incapable of doing wrong on the technical market at the time.

NVidia is slightly more obscure, at least to the OEM computer-buying crowd, but not to the DIYs and gamers among us. It's time that more mainstream press support about this issue needs to be had, find some sympathetic tech journalists that would be willing to take this issue on, even if they present both sides of the story (NV's and their user's), it would at least help to make the issue more known to the computing public at large, and maybe, just maybe, something positive would come out of that. If not, well, fire up the lawyers, it's time to start burning at the stake.

couldnt agree more. maybe someone should drop kyle bennet over at hardocp a mail about this to see if he can pressure nvidia into actually doing something decent for their users rather than bs interviews on tech sites.

Then again he might not be willing to risk his rather friendly relationship with nvidia right now.


Jun 22, 2004
Then again he might not be willing to risk his rather friendly relationship with nvidia right now.

you can say that again, btw, It seems a couple of other sites, and one closer to home, have a similar attitude:roll: one calling pure video a christmas presesnt.:disgust:
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