GeForce 6 series video processor OFFICIAL THREAD

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Jun 22, 2004
Did i make a 1000 post thread about it?

Oh, so by your logic, the more uproar and outrage about a missing feature, the less legitimacy it has. That is essentially what you?re saying. Fact is, you even admitted you were ?pissed? and ?bitched? at nvidia for not having proper drivers, and not having proper tv out support. The reason being, that was a feature YOU cared about. My point is, this is not a feature you care about, so its not within your self consumed abilities to realize it IS a LEGIT ISSUE to OTHER PEOPLE> yeah, other people arcunthus, there are other people in this world, who have other likes and dislikes, and uses for their purchases. Get over it, or get out of this thread. As I said, it is not right to go into a thread unsolicited about a particular issue, any issue?.in your example TV out support, and start flaming and saying things to people concerned about it, to ?stop their whining, it?s a graphics card, its not a big deal, use your cpu, you guys can?t run at those resolutions anyways? That?s called a flamer, troll whatever, in this case, in this thread you are most certainly playing the part. Moreover, it would at least help if you were half way informed on the issue, in your instance, you have a complete misunderstanding of the central points, and even are spouting off nonsense that differs from Nvidia?s official statements

I dont claim to work for MS, or know anyone that does, im going by Anandtechs review. You should read the articles there some time, they are quite good

Oh yeah, the anantech review, if you read it, and came to the conclusions you did,. And say the things you?re saying in this thread, you apparently don?t know how to read critically and understand complex issues.

Stop the personal attacks, it makes you look like a 13 year old.

I see, you mean like these ? taken from your posts:

?Is it PCI-E retard? I specifically said NV45, not NV40. Im glad im not asking people in "your store" for advice on hardware.?

Im sure on your walmart income you can afford a lawyer that will take on nvidia.

Did you get your working papers? im sure nvidia will call your credibility into question if you didnt!!?

I guess insults are ok when you use them. And you speak out against them when I do and they hit a little too close to home. Like me saying you are attacking us because you like the card, and don?t like us saying anything negative about it. Or me saying, that the issue of PVP is not important to YOU, but you?re not mature enough to realize that it is a major feature for OTHER people..HTPC enthusiasts in particular. Moreover, here is a new one?you?re a hipocrit, you said you bitched about this and that about ATI and NVidia, and used the TV out issue as an example. Yet when we get a major feature that is not supported, you tell us to quit whining, the card is for gaming anyways. Yeah..I?d say that?s pretty feckin hypocritical. Look, its just not cool to go into any thread on a forum where people genuinely care about an issue, and to go in there when said issue means nothing to you, and start attacking them, and calling them bitchers and whiners, and saying the issue isn?t important. That is the essence of a Flamer, or a Troll.,?.and that is what you?ve done here Arcunthus, whether you admit it or not.

You complain about all the clutter in this thread and then post 6 paragraphs of insults and childish assumptions?.Post something with substance or shut up

Ok, you are completely 100% wrong here. I never complained nor said anything of the sort, that was other people. You see, I love to talk about the substance of this video processor, and how it affects us end users negatively?.I have posted 3 or 4 DOZEN posts in this thread about that if not more, and have been doing so for well over a month before you popped in and flamed everybody in a laughably immature first post.

As for the getting off topic, and clutter...I never said anything of the sort, again, that was other people. You see, I very much take pleasure, when these moron Nvidia loving fanboys come in here and start handing out insults and demeaning our legitimate issues with having bought a dysfunctional product in respect to video processing? Well, I gotta be honest, when you clowns come in here and start insulting people, it is immensely satisfying putting you back in your place. Its not been hard either, you guys are acting on emotion, and unconditional devotion to a graphics card, :laugh: its pretty easy picking such arguments apart because reason, and reality is left out of the equation. 90% of the people in this thread who are pissed about getting a non working PVP have been able to make lucid, well reasoned arguments?and maintain consistent arguments at that. Generally our position is this, it?s a great card for gaming, no doubt about that, but one of the major features we bought it for, and were marketed to by Nvidia, is D.O.A, and it was covered up for 8 months, and we were promised a fix, and now, we have gotten royally screwed, and lied to, and even Nvidia have admitted no fix is coming for the 6800?s. You?re one of the only few delusional clowns still claiming its either working now, or coming.(and yeah, for those wondering, there are plenty of nvidiots over at FM claiming its working on their 6800GTs) Funny, it?s the flamers and the fanboys who are unconditionally defending a graphics card based on.. I don?t know what, love and devotion to Nvidia??? In Rollo?s case probably?.in your case, you just like the card, and can?t stand it when other people don?t, and lack the maturity that other people have different needs and uses for the card. Whatever, the fact remains you went out of your way about an issue you admittedly don?t care about, to attack us, and to demean our feelings, and to belittle our concerns. So, yeah, you could most assuredly say, I enjoy ripping fools like that to shreads. So, I would never complain about clutter or getting a little off topic in this thread when it comes to defending our concerns?you see, I?ve loved every minute of it.

Also, if anyone from Nvidia were posting here, they would be saying very nearly the same garbage as Rollo, your posts are probably a little too out there, but nevertheless, it would be the same garbage, BS, attitude:
"We fecked up, but yeah, its not an important issue anymore (especially since its not working on the 6800s, now that we think about it) so just shutup?and quit complaining. Oh yeah, our 6600 cards have these wonderful features called pure video, go and buy it they are wonderful, you will experience Video like never before, and video performance and low cpu usage will be unprecedented. On Chip Video processing is the future, don't get left will free up your CPU to do other tasks"



Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: epking
Then again he might not be willing to risk his rather friendly relationship with nvidia right now.

you can say that again, btw, It seems a couple of other sites, and one closer to home, have a similar attitude:roll: one calling pure video a christmas presesnt.:disgust:

Who needs Anand when we have Epking to tell us who the fan boys are, and that he doesn't like what happened with the 6800PVP?

Epking, you admitted earlier in this thread that you are only drowning this thread in your inane one sided "debates" because you are lonely and have nothing better to do. I actually felt somewhat sorry for you.

I think there are very good reasons you're lonely and have nothing better to do, you just don't get it.

Do you think nVidia cares about your incessant, parrot-like whining on a BBS? They probably laugh at you.

Do you think I care about your supposed "thrashings"? I know I laugh at you. Know why? Because when I wake up every day to a pretty excellent life, and the only difference your so-called "thrashings" make in my world are the amusement I get that you waste so much time writing them. Do you honestly think I care what you and a couple other losers I'll never meet think? :roll:

Most of all, do you think Anand cares what you think? LOL- he is successful on a level you will never be, and is probably laughing at you as well.

Post on little monkey, it amuses me to see your pathetic surrealistic dance. What does your analyst say about all this, lonely boy?


Jun 22, 2004
Then again he might not be willing to risk his rather friendly relationship with nvidia right now.

you can say that again, btw, It seems a couple of other sites, and one closer to home, have a similar attitude one calling pure video a christmas presesnt.

firstly rollo, this is hardly an indictment on anand. Its merely my opinion of displeasure and possible slant of one article. You see, I'm am able to think independantly, and don't worship anand or anyone else around here like you seem to Rollo, you've looked like some kind of anand secret admirer or something from the comments you've made. And i would suspect people like anand appreciate honest opinions, not outward asskissing like you seem to do. Anyways, my comments about the anand article seem to fit pretty well with your post in this very thread regarding anand's relation with Nvidia....but now, when someone else brings it attack them. Consistency has never been your

You won't get any info from AT, or anywhere else, until nVidia tells them they can print it. They won't risk their status as recipient of nVidia products and ad money by telling what they know, and nVidia won't give them info that could extend their liability in the matter.

This is very nearly the same point we you forgot you're opinion on that.

Ok, you are calling me lonely with nothing better to do? This is coming from some old man who has 4200 posts since 2002 at If you must know, not that it matters, I'm recovering from a back surgery from a snowboarding accident last, I've got some free time to blow for the next couple months. And I am more than happy to spend some of this free time, unloading on a miserable, biased, delusional old Nvidia fanboy like yourself, who because he likes a graphics card company...chose to attack people who have been essentially defrauded of a major feature. And BTW, it may be real difficult and time consuming for you to write a couple of paragraphs, but trust me, its not that big of a chore to pound out a quick paragraph or two picking you're emotional inconsistent points apart.
And you can claim your laughing all you want, I know i've got your blood boiling, so much so, you used the old, "You're on my ignore list now" line... you're so worked up in fact, In large part, the reason you're still around and posting is hoping you'll get a few words in edge wise, because you can't walk away after the numerous public embarrasments. You can use that line all you want about "do you think i care...blah blah blah..." we both know, you do. Thats why you're still posting, and still trying to get back at me.:laugh: Also, about you "not caring what some loosers think" well, again, you're actions very much say you do. Anyone can read your countless posts in this very thread, about how important a person you were, and how much you've contributed to anantech, and how you've got this insider contact at nvidia, and how people were hanging on your every word on this matter, and how many posts you have, goes on...but the record shows, that yeah, if you don't care, why do you go on this campaign of self importance? Yeah Rollo, you care what people think about you. Thats why you're so insecure. Someone says rollo's an nvidia fanboy..... Rollo: Oh no, I'm not at all, I just bougt an X800XT, blah bah blah,, over 10 posts. Rollo: If I'm captain Nvidia, then why have i given ATI all this money over the years..:roll: If you don't care what people think, why did you try to tell people what you're IQ was? why have you tried to prove you have a college degree a half a dozen times:
As far as my "limited reasoning" goes, I have a BA/BS from a Big 10 college and a 137 IQ. This puts me among the people the people who have proven they can be trained and have some level of reasoning. Statistically speaking, it puts me in the top 25% of people in this country in terms of my level of education.
I was the first person to post anything about their planned fixes here, or anywhere that I saw. Sorry I couldn't post NDA material, but I thought some would want to know at the time that it looks like they'll be getting some sort of hard WMV encode/decode acceleration out of their 6800s. I suppose I could have just kept it to myself and let everyone keep wondering, but I thought any info would be welcome.

"the guy did get a 6800 a full 10 days before the NDA was lifted"
Again, a lot of people were looking forward to the card, no one paid me my hourly consulting rate to run these benches, the early Doom3 benches, or the way early Far Cry benches. Trivialize my contributions to the board all you like, but answer me this:
Who has made more contribution to the board, the guy who spends some of his free time providing it with info that's not readily available when he can, or the guy who's showed up for 6 posts to whine about it like an egg sucking dog?

Sorry to leave you guys hanging on this, my buddy is checking with the powers that be on me posting the specs of Pure Video.

For such a fan, I'm surprised you don't remember when my invisible freind at nvidia hooked me up with a reference 6800NU before they were available and I posted all those benchmarks to help people decide on the product? Or when I used the 6800NU to post benchmarks of the first Far Cry SM3 patch over a month before reviews of it hit the web?

Or when I posted my 6800NU/6800NU Unlocked/6800GT benches to help people see what Rivatuner did for them? I'm actually using my "imaginary" 6800NU right now, as I'm selling my GT to a buddy in preparation for better things to come.

My system is already better than yours, I will be upgrading very soon. Look for some SLI or Ultra benches to come.

have a buddy at nVidia who gave me the details of all the things nV PR London said, you're on the right track.

There's some fantastically hilarious stuff in there no the point is, yeah, you're right Rollo. I can tell you don't care in the slightest what we think of you.:roll: As for me, do i care what people think of me?, of course, some will like me, some won't but sure, of course I want people to like me and some of what i have to say. Thats called normal actually. And I'd be an arse and a hipocrit to claim anything else. Going out of you're way to tell people you're IQ, or what a wonderful person you are, or how much you've contributed to the boards, or how important you are because you got hold of some benches...well, I don't know what that's called, but its sure as hell, -not caring what people care, that is obvious, thats why you're still posting here. BTW, this little quote is so extraordinary, It deserves its special place in this thread.



Jun 22, 2004
Those who insist on doubting you/nVidia for the next few weeks until everyone can see the fix have their own agenda.

You guys will see what I've seen in a few weeks, as well as all the review communities tests of it.

I thought it was pretty nice of my friend to give me a look at "things to come" and the OK to post that you will be getting hardware acceleration out of your 6800s, if some of you thought the information was of no use that is your perogative



Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
If you actually READ his answer, the answer is there:

Video Processing

Reader Question:
I've read at a number of sites that the video processor on the 6 series GPUs was "somewhat broken," but I've never heard any specifics. If you're willing to, could you share with us exactly how this processor was broken? I just picked up a 6800 GT, so this would be very nice to know.?felraiser

David Kirk: Well, the first thing that I would say about "I've read at a number of sites..." is that you shouldn't believe everything that you read! The video processor of the series 6 GPUs is just that?a processor?and it runs software for video encoding, decoding, and image processing and enhancement. The GeForce 6 series video processor is a new processor, the first of its kind, and there was no legacy (pre-GeForce 6) code to run on it. At the time the original GeForce 6800 shipped, very little new code had been written for the new processor. So, for early GeForce 6800 customers, there was little or no improvement in video quality, performance, or reduction of CPU usage.

As time goes on, more and more software is written and optimized, so that more and more video functions are enabled (turned on). Newer drivers show better performance and quality on video encoding and decoding tasks. In fact, recent reviews show the video quality of the GeForce 6 video processor to be comparable to the quality of consumer electronics video devices. That's a first for a PC video product. Also, each successive product in the GeForce 6 family has the benefit of more learning and more development time, so that we can continue to improve the processor design, instruction set, and performance. So, you can expect to see continued improvements. As to the GeForce 6800 video processor being "broken," I wouldn't say that.

Short-answer translation for the ATI fanchimps who clutch at any straw to bash Nvidia with: The processor works when it's fed code to make it work and the more they practice, the better it'll get.

Ideological honesty test for the ATI fans: When developers didn't have code to take advantage of TruForm, would you have allowed anyone to claim that TruForm support was "broken" or would you have defend your Chosen One as being a victim of being ahead of its time? So, why aren't you allowing that defense for Nvidia?



Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
Jeez...I came in here hoping to find out if Nvidia is fessing up to this obvious problem and doing a recall yet, but this has apparently turned into a freaking oven in here!

Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER

IMO what it equates to is that nV advertised a steak sandwich with onions, peppers, and steak sauce. Come to find out that you will never get the onions&peppers, and the steak sauce is a extra charge, starting to taste more like a shat sandwich the more I eat

ROFLMFAO! :laugh:


Dec 10, 2000
Short-answer translation for the ATI fanchimps who clutch at any straw to bash Nvidia with: The processor works when it's fed code to make it work and the more they practice, the better it'll get.

How about you short answer for the reason NV40 and NV41 don't support the same features? If the NV40's PVP isn't fubured, how come NV41 supports WMV acceleration(allegedly) while NV40 does not? Or are you just another late to the party Nvidia appologist? wtf does ATI have to do with NV's broken hardware Mr. genius?


Sep 9, 2004
This is all getting a bit too flamey for my liking, lots of people accusing other people for having said things etc.

The question remains - What are we going to do about it?, What CAN we do about it?.

Nvidia obviously knows they have shipped faulty hardware (according to the specification of what was supposed to be delivered). They will do everything they can to confuse us, and prevent a recall or a rebate.

I don't think they will ever admit there is a problem, as that would open the floodgates.

So all we can do is, put up with it, hope our CPUs are good enough for all future compression standards, never use our computers for something else at the same time as watching a movie, and NEVER ever buy Nvidia products again, or reccommend them (infact tell people the truth, Nvidia ships half done hardware).

Merry Christmas!



Jun 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Pohemi420
Jeez...I came in here hoping to find out if Nvidia is fessing up to this obvious problem and doing a recall yet, but this has apparently turned into a freaking oven in here!

Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER

IMO what it equates to is that nV advertised a steak sandwich with onions, peppers, and steak sauce. Come to find out that you will never get the onions&peppers, and the steak sauce is a extra charge, starting to taste more like a shat sandwich the more I eat

ROFLMFAO! :laugh:

lol, i missed that, and that is funny as hell! I would add, that Nvidia would say something like, well "don't worry fellas, there is nothing wrong with the onions and peppers, you just can't see or taste them at the moment. Never fear though, you see...we have fixed it by changing the recipe. All future budget steak sandwiches now have onions and peppers, and boy are they wonderful.. but you people who paid full price and didn't get any don't worry It was only because it was our first go at the steak sandwich. We have it all sorted now for future versions of our sandwich. so just shutup and enjoy the steak only sandwich you already bought."


Jan 11, 2002
And you can claim your laughing all you want, I know i've got your blood boiling, so much so, you used the old, "You're on my ignore list now" line... you're so worked up in fact, In large part, the reason you're still around and posting is hoping you'll get a few words in edge wise, because you can't walk away after the numerous public embarrasments.

There's a difference in ignoring someone because you're mad at them, and ignoring them because you don't consider them worthy of your time Epking. I ignore panhandling bums and street corner preachers too, it doesn't mean I'm mad at them.

By all means, go on "embarassing" me and "thrashing" me- my life goes on unchanged, and I'm amused you seem to care enough about what I supposedly think to spend so many hours posting about me.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: epking
Originally posted by: Pohemi420
Jeez...I came in here hoping to find out if Nvidia is fessing up to this obvious problem and doing a recall yet, but this has apparently turned into a freaking oven in here!

Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER

IMO what it equates to is that nV advertised a steak sandwich with onions, peppers, and steak sauce. Come to find out that you will never get the onions&peppers, and the steak sauce is a extra charge, starting to taste more like a shat sandwich the more I eat

ROFLMFAO! :laugh:

lol, i missed that, and that is funny as hell! I would add, that Nvidia would say something like, well "don't worry fellas, there is nothing wrong with the onions and peppers, you just can't see or taste them at the moment. Never fear though, you see...we have fixed it by changing the recipe. All future budget steak sandwiches now have onions and peppers, and boy are they wonderful.. but you people who paid full price and didn't get any don't worry It was only because it was our first go at the steak sandwich. We have it all sorted now for future versions of our sandwich. so just shutup and enjoy the steak only sandwich you already bought."
Nice! :beer: I will add eve more to it now for our amusement

We all raise so much hell about not getting the O&P or sauce that was advertised that the management caves just a little and lets us have a free sample of the sauce we have to buy. Unfortunately some can't get it to come out of the bottle, while those of us that do have various reactions to it ranging from yum to bleh!

Meanwhile we have to sit and watch the people who bought the 6" sandwich, which was half the size and cost, walk by with the O&Ps on theirs'. Worse yet, the aroma of O&Ps keeps wafting in our direction. So now the management tells us if we keep patronizing their establishment, they will soon have a variety of breads to choose from, and pickles and hot peppers will be available too. How many of us will actually return though is the question. After waiting forever for the sandwich maker to get our order out, crappy service, and very unfriendly management that isn't interested in customer satisfaction, I'd say they can expect bad word of mouth about their food and calls to the health inspector stating they saw a rat there



Platinum Member
Jan 15, 2003
What ever happened to the video encoding features of the PVP? Hardware accelerated MPEG2 and DivX encoding is the big feature that I was looking forward to using in the GeForce 6-series. Although they now have the decoding sorta working, where did the encoding go? The PureVideo page make no mention of it, although that feaure of the PVP was mentioned countless time in the 6-series previews and reviews.

I don't want to sound like a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, but the video encoding features of the PVP stood to benefit AMD the most. If it worked as promised it may have removed the video encoding performance advantage the P4 holds over the Athlon 64 - one of the last catagories the P4 outperforms the A64 in most benchmarks. Isn't it odd that this disappeared from the PureVideo featureset not long after nVidia and Intel inked a deal that gave nVidia the permission to produce chipsets for Intel processors at long last?


Sep 15, 2004
Originally posted by: batmanuel
What ever happened to the video encoding features of the PVP? Hardware accelerated MPEG2 and DivX encoding is the big feature that I was looking forward to using in the GeForce 6-series. Although they now have the decoding sorta working, where did the encoding go? The PureVideo page make no mention of it, although that feaure of the PVP was mentioned countless time in the 6-series previews and reviews.

I don't want to sound like a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, but the video encoding features of the PVP stood to benefit AMD the most. If it worked as promised it may have removed the video encoding performance advantage the P4 holds over the Athlon 64 - one of the last catagories the P4 outperforms the A64 in most benchmarks. Isn't it odd that this disappeared from the PureVideo featureset not long after nVidia and Intel inked a deal that gave nVidia the permission to produce chipsets for Intel processors at long last?

ohhhh, i smell a conspiracy. But honestly though. I dont give a rats ass about the decoding, my system is fast enough to do that without the "help" of the 6800gt, but the missing encoding is what I'm missing. All I wanted was quick MPEG-2 encoding and I would be sound as a pound.... but alas, I fret we will never see it


Jan 11, 2002
Merry Christmas all.

May Santa bring you a resolution to your PVP dilemma that is to your liking soon.
(or at least a P4 so you don't care)


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
No ty intel r a joke, pity they need old thrown of hyperthreading from AMD 2002 patent, i think i get by on my 2.8gig 450fsb mobile till i jump to amd 64, plays perfect still want my card changed which i will btw


Dec 25, 2004
anyone heard about the heat issue concerning the rather high clocked 66gt`s? lots of RMA cases here in the architecture a big desaster?


Junior Member
Dec 24, 2004
How are you currently damaged by this? When do you expect to see recorded movies in this format?

I'm trying to read through this thread (and many others) to help decide on what Video card to purchase for a soon-to-be-built system, so I am not "damaged" at all "by this". Perhaps the majority of the people reading/posting to this forum upgrade continually, but I need to purchase hardware/software that will perform as advertised for at least several years. I cannot afford to purchase a card for hundreds of dollars just to find out that when I finally need to use a certain feature, it doesn't work.

When I first built a system many years ago, I was trying to obtain the amount of memory I wanted. Back then it was only a few hundred MB. My vendor actually asked me "what the Heck do you need that much memory for?" I can only think that he couldn't come up with the configuration I wanted, so he tried to tell me I didn't need it; But he could certainly sell me what he had on hand...Of course, nowadays, a few hundred MB barely gets you up and working. (I do CAD, and am getting into HDPC.)
Now Rollo, not to incite more flaming, but doesn't this experience sound familiar? (I'm still using that system in my shop, BTW.)

I want to thank all of you who have pointed out the defecenties in nVIDIA's 6800 series cards, as well as for sharing all your expertise. You have certainly given me food for thought...but once I get to Dec. 20th, or therabouts, I'm history to this forum.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Originally posted by: hundesau
anyone heard about the heat issue concerning the rather high clocked 66gt`s? lots of RMA cases here in the architecture a big desaster?

I RMA'd my GT last Tuesday because it wouldn't run at higher than 60c. BFG was honest enough to admit that this was a problem. So yeah, it seems like the problem is widespread.



Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I've never used the stock BFG HSF but it looks pretty small for disapating 100W of heat. Compare it to the monstorous CPU HSF's which run at or about the same power levels I think you can see the inadequacy of the BFG's at least/..

Even under water I see 45C maxes, which is with a CPU waterblock, while my processor never goes above 35.

Ya these are smokers... but always remember on board diodes are notoriously what I said above is really a futile comparison. take with grain of salt.. But if it's idleing or clocking down you have issue no doubt.


Feb 20, 2001
Originally posted by: dacull
This is all getting a bit too flamey for my liking, lots of people accusing other people for having said things etc.

The question remains - What are we going to do about it?, What CAN we do about it?.

Nvidia obviously knows they have shipped faulty hardware (according to the specification of what was supposed to be delivered). They will do everything they can to confuse us, and prevent a recall or a rebate.

I don't think they will ever admit there is a problem, as that would open the floodgates.

So all we can do is, put up with it, hope our CPUs are good enough for all future compression standards, never use our computers for something else at the same time as watching a movie, and NEVER ever buy Nvidia products again, or reccommend them (infact tell people the truth, Nvidia ships half done hardware).

Merry Christmas!
What this guy said, every bit of it. I'm getting sick of the flames myself, and of course if we all settle down and ignore them, perhaps the originators will go away and we can get something productive done. I'd like nothing better than to stay on topic, and if anyone from nVidia reads this, I'm sure they're thinking "This is great! People can fight until the sun goes down, they'll NEVER manage to call us on the carpet as long as they continue to bicker and argue." Answering a flame with a retort is every bit as bad as the original makes this thread long, convoluted, and clouds the original point: that we were promised something, it wasn't delivered, and will never be, now what are we going to do?

Now that we know the NV40/45 GPU's are borked, what are we collectively going to do about it? Write a petition requesting full disclosure? See if anyone here knows an attorney that can compell nVidia to come clean, and consider filing a class-action lawsuit? Post multiple signed letters by all readers of this thread to industry watchdogs demanding an investigation that won't stop until it gets the truth?

I don't want to fight...I don't want to flame...I want answers...and I want a course of action.


Jan 11, 2002
I'm getting sick of the flames myself, and of course if we all settle down and ignore them, perhaps the originators will go away and we can get something productive done. I'd like nothing better than to stay on topic, and if anyone from nVidia reads this, I'm sure they're thinking "This is great! People can fight until the sun goes down, they'll NEVER manage to call us on the carpet as long as they continue to bicker and argue."

I don't think anyone on this board is preventing anyone else from doing anything Lone Wolf? It's not like we know each other or would want to change each other's actions anyway?

Now that we know the NV40/45 GPU's are borked, what are we collectively going to do about it? Write a petition requesting full disclosure? See if anyone here knows an attorney that can compell nVidia to come clean, and consider filing a class-action lawsuit? Post multiple signed letters by all readers of this thread to industry watchdogs demanding an investigation that won't stop until it gets the truth?

I don't want to fight...I don't want to flame...I want answers...and I want a course of action.

I'd think writing/calling your OEM would be the start? Out of curiosity, what more disclosure can nVidia give? They posted on their website what works and what doesn't on each card?

Oh well- good luck with it.
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