GeForce 6 series video processor OFFICIAL THREAD

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Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: humey
OK wanker you can say your sorry now for calling me a liar, as you think i made that up.

Another page wasted by your quotes.;type=expert&pid=4

Are you man enough to say sorry, you sad mother fooker with your little list of chores to do LOL.

Some Pureshit video info.

"One issue that still hasn't been completely resolved is the NV40 chip -- does it have support for the new PureVideo technology? Our understanding is that the answer is no, and it probably never will. Users of the 6800GT and 6800 Ultra cards will get the same software benefits of PureVideo but the hardware benefits aren't going to be possible. Due to design changes that were made after the original core, the 6600 and 6200 cards do fully support the PureVideo technology. Users who may already have a 6800GT or 6800 Ultra may be dissappointed that their video performance is going to be lower than that of the mid- and entry-level graphics cards. These features also are not available on older NVIDIA cards: 6-series only. If you want to see what features are available on what GPUs from NVIDIA, check out this link on their website:"

Err, your post means nothing? "PCPerspective" saying these are the advertised features of 6800s doesn't mean much more than "Humey" saying they are? You need to link to nVidia saying it if you want to hold them liable, or an OEM if you want to hold the OEM liable.

Hope I've cleared that up for you, fookin' wanker! :beer:

<hey- I kind of like this "Brit-speak"-lol>


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
DOES IT, proves im not a liar like you, i didnt make it up and i didnt call nvidia peep a wanker on phone.

Rollo, you really need a good kick to the balls if you even got any, maybe your boyfriend has sucked them of to much and they dropped of as you always talking gay stuff thats prob what happened.

That site also tell true story so far how 6800 ranger users are fooked and prob will never have wmv (mpeg 4) support, why cant you just see and admit it lovely human.

The features are all over web and copied from nvidias site at time, since edited, but my box aint edited cause card was made in july 2004 so it says on rear of it.

EightySix Four

Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2004
I have one thing to say to both of you bloody idiots fighting on forums, STFU and get back on topic. No one gives a rats ass about either one of your opinions, everyone wants the WMV9 decoder working properly and that's it, no one gives a "fooK" about how you guys like "wankers" shoved in your "arses." Ok?


Senior member
Sep 21, 2004
I think you guys should come to the realization that NO company, (even Nvidia) is above cheating you out of your money. It happens all the time when you buy into new technology, because it's hard to distinguish between "standards that are still developing" and false advertising.

Here's an excercise I think you should all try - write out on a sheet of paper everything you bought in the last month, all the bills you paid. Then try to find a way you could have spent less (something went on sale and you missed it, you bought something you didn't need...) Then add up all your traffic tickets and movie tickets to shows that blew. Then look at your taxes and consider how the fvcktard currently in office is spending it. Then come to the inevitable conclusion that YOU ARE BEING CHEATED NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. Most importantly, come to the conclusion that you're not really surprised at all this.

If you want to make yourself feel better, just think of all the movies and games you've pirated, and weight that against times you've been cheated.

So my point is this - don't keep tab, just try and be grateful for the things you do have. I for one, have been pleased with the performance of NV4. Yeah, high def video acceleration would have been nice, but if I recall, this line of processors marks the largest performance increase in the company's history.


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: humey
DOES IT, proves im not a liar like you, i didnt make it up and i didnt call nvidia peep a wanker on phone.

Rollo, you really need a good kick to the balls if you even got any, maybe your boyfriend has sucked them of to much and they dropped of as you always talking gay stuff thats prob what happened.

That site also tell true story so far how 6800 ranger users are fooked and prob will never have wmv (mpeg 4) support, why cant you just see and admit it lovely human.

The features are all over web and copied from nvidias site at time, since edited, but my box aint edited cause card was made in july 2004 so it says on rear of it.

Wow! You're really going nuts about this, totally worked up and talking all kinds of gay smack!

I've got news for you Humey: that doesn't play so well here. This kind of 18th century skinhead talk has no place on this public forum.

In this country we don't use slurs that concern sexual or national orientation. We understand that publishing this sort of hate speech leaves the door open for lawsuits by the people you so casually slander.

LOL- Humey- I'm a married, 6'5" 290lb German man with a crew cut who votes Republican straight ticket. I probably couldn't get a date for money if I were gay.

The UK school system has let you down bro- that sort of prejudice is pretty much gone here.

EightySix Four

Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2004
are you guys so thick that you can't just agree to disagree, some people got screwed, I personnaly don't watch any hdtv WMV's and don't give a damn, but it IS an advertised feature that some people were looking forward to, didn't happen, and now they're pissed. That's like if you went out and bought your A64 3000+ to find out the 64bit feature set is something that just didn't work right, so they're throwing it out the door.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
crazySOB297 Seems you cant read, go back and read complete thread and you will see Rollo isnt pissed at nvidia and doesnt admit 6800 is broke.
He is happy to be screwed.

Also my last few post all mention 6800 hardware, just he keeps trolling everyones posts.

Oh your a Nazi Rollo that explains it, you try to steal our posts like you do sun loungers on the beach.

Im Scottish not a english skinhead and i dont take crap of people, you cant go a day without trolling others, it just you and me now but you have did it to others all through this thread.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
I will agree if Rollo stops his crap and quoting everything others say, keeping thread as short as possible.

I will continue to post on 6800 info not answer his Trolling, but i know for fact im getting new card cause Chaintech bottle out when trading Standards gets involved same as last time, pity its nvidia to blame, but the middleman can take it in the nutz and get reimbursed by nvidia.

Rollo are we going to stop this, cause i know its wrong, i hope you do, but you dont bring out the best in others and if your happy with gpu as it is, why you here, other than its a free choice ?.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: humey
At least epking has the balls for a small boy to admit Nvidia are wankers and fooked us, unlike some other pussies, who cant admit or are happy to be fooked up the arse, as they not en/decode movies, its principle aswell, if card never wasn't said to do purevideo functions that was fine, but lies aint.

Balls is not creating a sewing circle for a thread but instead start w/ the lawyers if it's such as issue for y'all. Anyone done that legwork yet or does the whinning continue?


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
As i said more than once in last few days, i need wait till nvidia have released a official driver as anandtech claim is avail for public download, to which we all know is crap, i cant really go on a leaked driver, but yes i have spoke to Trading Standards UK and funny enough its same guy from last year, prob as its a local council branch for my area, so he did me good last year so i was told to collect as much data as possible inc pics of mu cards box and pass onto him, but i really do need a drive thats official and claims to make purevideo work b4 i do that.


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: humey
At least epking has the balls for a small boy to admit Nvidia are wankers and fooked us, unlike some other pussies, who cant admit or are happy to be fooked up the arse, as they not en/decode movies, its principle aswell, if card never wasn't said to do purevideo functions that was fine, but lies aint.

Balls is not creating a sewing circle for a thread but instead start w/ the lawyers if it's such as issue for y'all. Anyone done that legwork yet or does the whinning continue?

For the record, having been keeping up with this thrad for many weeks now, I'm waiting for mention of this very action. While I think Rollo serves absolutely no use in this conversation, perhaps epking can shave off some of the many hours he spends in this thread and consult a professional. Surely there's a lawyer out there willing to take the reigns on this without requiring an upfront feel; it's a class action suit for all intents and purposes and he's make more then any (combined even.)

The point is that nVidia d1cked us intentionally by misleading us as to the capabilities of our $300 to $500 investments. Then they kicked sand in our faces when they tried to extort $20 from us for some shoddy codec they should've given to us to begin with if it has any actualy bearing on said product functionality. As it stands now I'll not purchase another video card from this company until ammends are made, or AT A MINIMUM atone for their f4ck up.

nVidia used to be a respectable company, I can even understand how cut throat this industry has become, but that does NOT excuse this sort of behavior.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
Cool, now we are talking, im sick of some peeps i can go back and quote if need be, 1 min saying their pissed and next min their happy to be shafted and they are saying it was a free xmas gift like the sites now say as they mainly play games and card is great at games.

You are either here to do something as part of a large group of pissed of at nvidia peeps or i see no real reason to be here apart from TROLL, i may be a lot of things, but at least i keep on 1 side.

I will back anything sensible that anyone does as a group like a petition or to contact some publisher, but i am on my own getting my card change by chaintech through Trading Standardss UK, same as last Jan 04.


Jun 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: humey
At least epking has the balls for a small boy to admit Nvidia are wankers and fooked us, unlike some other pussies, who cant admit or are happy to be fooked up the arse, as they not en/decode movies, its principle aswell, if card never wasn't said to do purevideo functions that was fine, but lies aint.

LOL- oh it takes "balls" to post "Wah. They screwed us!" a couple hundred times as an anonymous poster in a forum Humey.

BTW- what's with all the thinking of men as women, "wanking", and buggery in your posts? You like to think about that stuff, think about it a lot?

Just asking- my thoughts about other men don't ever have a sexual nature to them.

Dude, are you completely and utterly delusional??? You forget what you, yourself, Rollo, have posted, and have said on numerous occasions. I mean how absurd and delusional does a person have to be to criticize someone for using wanking, and sexuality in there posts, when you yourself have done just that. I mean it would be exactly akin to me criticizing someone for writing long, that would be a blatant contradiction, and hipocritical. Listen man, what you say is on record. You're not arguing with you're stupid wife, or stupid buddies where you can get away with such utter garbage. When you contradict yourself that blatantly, and accuse others of what you, yourself have been doing.... you get taken to task for it. :roll:

If I were really a man.....

here is some gutter mouth talk about masterbation again:
"smacksmacksmack....our voices matter......smacksmacksmack.....nVidia and Rollo will pay!......smacksmacksmack.....the big lawsuit will be happenin' any day now!.......smacksmacksmack......"

they'd have to give up their number one hobby, spanking while dreaming about the horrible injustice of '04:

smacksmacksmack...oooh nVidia screwed up this time.....smacksmacksmack.....I'm just a kid, but I bet some rich guy is going to start a class action suit.......smacksmacksmack

This thread has turned into a hopeless little circlejerk.

Thanks for reading my pointless mental masturbation

smacksmacksmack....someone's gonna get SUED......smacksmacksmack.....people can waste their time and money in court so some law firm gets a payday and we get $20 each....smacksmacksmack......oooooooohhhhhhh......smacksmacksmack...I'll burn my GT and buy a Voodoo3 so at least I won't be lied to by nVidia!!.....smacksmacksmack......where's my handkerchief, I've besmirched my 501s........

I guess we know what Rollo obsesses about. evidently, some kind of jacking off fetish, and bringing it up in hardware forums. Must be some sort of mid-life crisis or something:laugh: Maybe you could combine that with all your Nazi talk, and accusing others of Nazis, because you apparently have an obsession with that as well. I think you've brought up Nazi,brownshirts, SS, or skinhead, around a dozen times in this thread, and in the strangest circumstance. Also, be sure to work in some PoliticallyCorrect. buzzword nonsense like you have been doing, and what we will have is a really strange snapshot of Rollo's head.

Seriously, I doubt this is actually so, but really, you ought not to criticize humey for saying such things when you, yourself have done just that a number of times over. But, hey, that's not stopped your outright hipocracy so far in this thread, i see no reason it would now. So go right ahead with posting all your "beating off" insults...hey, if thats what "gets you off" go right ahead.

PS, I think you have about ten or so posts, that you have gone back and edited so nothing is there. WTF is up with that?

LOL- Humey- I'm a married, 6'5" 290lb German man with a crew cut who votes Republican straight ticket. I probably couldn't get a date for money if I were gay.

ok, this comment is just so out there, I don't even know what to say, other than WTF:thumbsup: thanks for the laughs. Strange you would even feel compelled to justify your masculinity if you didn't care, or somehow feel threatened by what he said. Likewise, its strange that you keep posting all kinds of personal bullocks about yourself, you kept trying to prove you had a college degree about a dozen times..literally. Or you post how valuable you are to the forum, or you jump through all these hoops to prove you're not biased towards Nvidia.

Also, everyone on the internet is above 6'3 tall, and has over 140 IQ, but funny, 90% of the population is less than 6' and 98% scores less than 140. Yeah Rollo, we know you have this perfect life, and have so many better things to do, thats why you have nearly 5000 posts since 2002, or you come here in anandtech several times a day, about an issue you admittedly don't care about, and accuse me of wasting my time. Has it occured to you that you have spent countless posts, about an issue you say doesn't mattter to you?? Or that you would come out and accuse me of having nothing better to do, or being lonely, and this is coming from a guy who hangs around anandtech acting like he owns the place, brown noses and sucks up to mods and longtime members, and himself has 4500 posts, since 2002, and spends most of his own time here on the absolute minutia of graphics cards, or such profound issues as Nvidia vs. ATI, or Far Cry ps3.0 benches?? lol...... (he just doesn't like the conclusions we've drawn in this thread is why he says it "doesn't matter" and why he says its a useless issue. Trust me, have a look at his posts, he has debated more menial graphics cards issues, than everyone else in this thread combined) And in this thread, while accusing me of having nothing to do in life, you post 2x on Christmas Day, and on late PM on New Years Eve and Christmas Eve as well. LOL. Maybe when you were in school you could have stood to learn that those in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones. Moreover, for the 20th time, if you don't like this issue, or don't consider it important, then why the hell are you still here if not to flame?? Go into a thread where you actually care about the issue.


Jun 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: humey
At least epking has the balls for a small boy to admit Nvidia are wankers and fooked us, unlike some other pussies, who cant admit or are happy to be fooked up the arse, as they not en/decode movies, its principle aswell, if card never wasn't said to do purevideo functions that was fine, but lies aint.

Balls is not creating a sewing circle for a thread but instead start w/ the lawyers if it's such as issue for y'all. Anyone done that legwork yet or does the whinning continue?

BTW, I never claimed anything about myself for speaking out. But, there is some importance imo, to spreading the word about a particular issue, and to not let companies get away with what Nvidia have done here. Whether you like it or not, or care about it or not, at least people here are spreading the word about what has happened, and in a small way, we aren't letting Nvidia get away without people at least having knowledge of what happened, Lawsuit or not. Again, you may not think much of it, but I'd venture a guess that you've debated things important to you, or made sure that you're opinion was heard on any number of things. That is in essence what we are doing here, and in other forums, and on retailer sites. Its getting the facts out about this issue in a small way....and yeah, hopefully, at least it informed some people on their decision making process, or even how or if they can get PVP or purevideo working. Also, I'd venture at least Nvidia know that because of these forum threads, some of their enthusiast audience has indeed been alienated by their tactics and imeptitude on this, and one would think they'd like to avoid it again if possible. And yeah, even at a minimum, continual posts, and keeping this thread alive keeps it at the top of the forums, and draws more attention that way. There is plenty of flaming and nonsense in this thread, but there is also plenty of useful info for 6800 owners, and hopefully there will continue to be...the official purevideo drivers still havent been released, and virtually no one has it working. Likewise, its not exactly easy to get the DVD acceleration of Purevideo working, and there is useful info on that in here as well. One just has to cull through a lot of chit to get to


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
I forgot 1 important aspect other day.

I said i tested dvd in wmp10 with nvidia dvd codecs but i didn't have this so called "public avail" driver, i also forgot nvidia told us wmp10 needs dll's to run purevideo fully so basically a MS update to current build of WMP10.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004

Nvidia?s AGP-capable GeForce 6200

"AGP8X-enabled graphics cards account for more than 80% of global graphics-card shipments at present since PCI Express (PCIe)-enabled graphics cards will not be replacing this market in the short term, the sources commented".

Cool, that means possibly the next gen nvidia due in feb 2005 i think will be avail as agp going by that statement, thats what i set my sights on, by time Trading Standards call Nvidia and Nvidia stall for time it be Feb.


Senior member
May 27, 2003
I've read conflicting points in this thread over what exactly is effected, maybe some people could clear it up for me and others.

Some people say DVD playback works great with the 6800 and some say its choppy which is it?

Some people are saying that the 6800 does video work as good as the x800 line and some say the 6800 is not nearly as good because of the VPU issues, which is it?

Theres some confusion I think about what exactly is effected by this problem I have absorbed things from this thread that things like dvd ripping and video editing are effected most but I could be wrong. Perhaps if someone could list a comprehensive list of the things that are effected by the broken VPU that would be helpful.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
Sorry, i could always play dvd no probs on any my rigs all nvidia gpus, but the 6800 isnt ofloading to cpu like it should so far on dvd mpeg2 as u need driver + codecs and if you want to use wmp10( i never will apart from this testing) it needs dll's ie update patch.

Mpeg4 and WMV inc wmvHd which are mpeg4 avis are never gonna work on 6800 range going by info we got so far, so you will still have 55% - 100% cpu use playing them, although again i can play no problems as of cpu power and other factors, but i waited on N40 as of the functions it was said to do, and it dont.


Jun 22, 2004
I've read conflicting points in this thread over what exactly is effected, maybe some people could clear it up for me and others.

Some people say DVD playback works great with the 6800 and some say its choppy which is it?

Some people are saying that the 6800 does video work as good as the x800 line and some say the 6800 is not nearly as good because of the VPU issues, which is it?

Theres some confusion I think about what exactly is effected by this problem I'll list what I have absorbed from this thread as being effected there seems to be some conflicting thoughts on this so could someone actually list the relatively common things that one could not do on the 6800 line due to the broken VPU?

Thanks a lot

The problem is basically this. In general, the image quality (as in how the video looks on screen) is second to none with these 6800's. The detail, color, everything, is better than anything ATI has to offer, including the X800 series. For dvd playback, and HTPC duty, i upgraded from a 9800pro to a 6800 and the IQ on the 6800 is amazingly good. Now, with the new nvidia codecs, it is even better, and they have enabled hardware acceleration for dvd(though it still performs below avg. imo) and an added feature with the new codecs and purevideo drivers is IDCT and 3:2 pulldown, which is also quite amazing, it gives an amazing film like smooth image, whereas before, or even now when running in non-DXVA accelerated mode, everything is pretty choppy and there will be a lot of tearing. If you are after the best looking image for dvd playback on your pc, the 6800 series is the way to go imo. However, there are a great many problems, and they are problems that are just unacceptable, and ought not to be happening on $500 flagship cards.(particularly when the $100 versions don't have the same problems, nor do any modern gpus)

So the performance issue is this, the card was touted as having a revolutionary on-chip decoder. The 6600's do, the 6200's do, but the 6800 series do not. Anyways, the on chip decoder actually flummoxed a lot of things in so far as performance apparently, because now people are getting disproportionately high cpu usage across the board when playing any sort of video. You will see numerous posts here and elsewhere where people only want to output a divx video for example on their second monitor, or svideo out, and browse the web on the main one. Well, due to the broken pvp, this is basically impossible for most 6800 users. Before with say a 9800 pro or 5900, or whatever, they could do multitasking like this, but now, no go. Now, this may or may not be an issue for you, but for an HTPC user, or someone who likes to watch a lot of video on their pc while doing other things, this is a big problem. Its also an issue for other people quite frankly, because they paid for the capability, and Nvidia have not delivered. As far as performance of video playback goes, 6800 users got a downgrade. There is the issue of .wmv which was supposed to be accelerated by the on chip decoder. Well, Nvidia lied about it for 8 months, and said drivers would fix it, but we just found out this to be a flat lie, and nvidia have backtracked, and said that only the 6600's get it.

As I mentioned before though, its worse than just non-accelerating .wmv...for people with all but the very Highest end HyperThreading processors, they basically cannot play .wmv at all. In my case I have 4 WinHD discs that i bought, and i played them on my 9800pro. When i go out and spend $400 on a video card, not only are they now not accelerated, they won't play at all. These are just but a few examples, the thing to keep in mind is this. The 6800's have brilliant image quality for dvd and hdtv playback, actually, for any video playback. So, if you have a processor that can handle anything you throw at it, you should be ok. Now, if you plan on multitasking and watching video however, just go ahead and forget about it if you have a 6800 series. The only acception to this would be if you have a P4 HT cpu, these seem able to multitask by virtue of the processor. That is basically the long and short of it. If you are buying for HTPC use, or DVD playback mostly on an HDTV or Plasma, you should definately go and buy a 6600 series, and none of these issues apply to them, and you get the brilliant IQ> If you are a gamer, and require a high end gpu for that, then you are gonna have to sacrifice the video playback performance for IQ, and you still have the great gaming. But that is the problem at hand. We paid for both, we should be getting both. We ought not to have been lied to. And we ought not to have a bunch of kiss ass nvidia fanboys who don't use the features telling us our concerns don't matter.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2002
Well put epking. And I am starting to think that 6600 owners are getting fvcked too. It just seems like bs that if the 6800 users have messed up video processors then why do us 6600 users not get accellaration. Is there something nvidia is not telling us? Cause as of right now it is only rumor and speculation that the non nv40&amp;45 chips have working vpu's. I have a bad feeling and I hope I am wrong.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
Sites show 6600 will work so will 6200 as there both newer chips than n40, bu need new driver decoder codecs and wmp dll's (patch).

Id like to see 2 of the 3 above. i already got the nvidia dvd decoder hense codecs but no 70.10 driver and no wmp10 updates yet.


Senior member
Sep 20, 2004
Originally posted by: humey
Sites show 6600 will work so will 6200 as there both newer chips than n40, bu need new driver decoder codecs and wmp dll's (patch).

Id like to see 2 of the 3 above. i already got the nvidia dvd decoder hense codecs but no 70.10 driver and no wmp10 updates yet.

Aren't newer drivers already leaked? Using 71.24 right now.
I doubt M$ will do anything.
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