Gen Petraeus to testify Thurs. The next CEC meltdown?

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Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Am I the only one that doesn't give half a shit who he was fucking but instead am very concerned that our top spook, head of the freaking CIA, got busted because he was using fucking Gmail to communicate with his mistress instead of encrypted email, something that even my dumbass can setup in 5 minutes???

He did not actually SEND emails. She had to go get them. You know, like having to go Dutch on a date.

I could have told them it wouldn't work out.

The second rule of dating - never date a man that wants to go dutch

SEPTEMBER 11, 2009


(The first rule of dating is to never date anyone named Deborrah. Unless you don't mind waking up the next morning missing a kidney or a lung or something else of personal value.)

Why do men try to get away with that "let's go Dutch" stuff? And why would a woman accept that type of date? What is it men are trying to accomplish by going Dutch? How is a guy that suggests Dutch dates going to be perceived by women? And ladies, if you agree to pay half or even volunteer to go Dutch on a date, what message are you really sending to the guy?

Is a man that insists on doing Dutch just a cheap so and so trying to date without paying for anyone but himself, or is he allowing a woman to assert her independence? Let me tell you what I think…

Rule #2 – Men Must Always Pay 100% of the Cost for the First Two Dates

My rule is probably not going to go over well with a certain segment of the male population. I've run into more men lately who are terrified that dating is going to cost them in some huge way. They express fear that women might be "using them" for a "free" dinner or lunch. They feel more comfortable if the woman pays her half so that they have nothing invested in her.

And therein lies the problem... You have nothing invested in her.

Sadly, if you truly believe the only reason a woman would go out with you is to get a free meal, your low opinion of yourself speaks volumes about your perceived desirability and self-confidence. Since you believe you are not a desirable man, it would follow then that you'd be distrustful of a woman's true feelings and interest in you. You are a living example of Groucho Marx's quip: "I'd never join a club that would have a person like me as a member!"

A man resistant to investing $25 on a date is guarded, stingy and protective with his time and feelings as well as his money. Women know this, and smart women avoid such men like the plague.

Women's liberation is this fella's dream come true. He desperately wants the respect and admiration a man who proudly embraces the socially accepted role of "male" receives from women. However, by insisting that women pay for dates he places women in the traditional male role. This guy then complains bitterly that women "are confused," "don't know what they want" or don't want "a good man."

For a woman to feel like a woman, the man she is with has to flood her senses with his masculine energy. The guy that told me "Most men won't feel comfortable letting the woman pay. It is a threat to his masculinity" understands this concept.

Young Women and Mature Women See Things Differently

There seems to be a difference in perception about going Dutch that was clearly generational; women in their mid-30s and older expressed the following sentiments about Dutch treat dates:

"If a guy pays for a date he wants me for more than just a fling and values me and my time. I can afford to pay my way but I enjoy being treated because it makes me feel like a desirable woman. If a guy hints for a contribution or asks me to pay I feel that he is interested in one night stand - not anything long term. I pay my way, no problem but I drop the guy (and no, he doesn't get none either)!"

"If a woman within this age group volunteers to pay her share, she is sending a signal of disinterest. I always grab the tab on a first date when I never want to see the guy, again. A woman offering to pay on the first date is never a good sign guys."

"If the guy asks me out I expect him to pay. If I ask the guy out I am prepared to pay. I've never done that Dutch treat nonsense. Nor do I go over to a guy's house for a movie and dinner date either. I'm too old for that."

"If I'm with someone who insists on paying, fine, but I feel more comfortable with me being able to pay for my part. I always offer to pay my share because...well it's my share! If he is nice enough to insist then that's very sweet of him. I wouldn't ever want someone I cared about to think I am using them for free stuff!"

The last woman was 19 years old and her statement clearly demonstrates the generational difference in attitude. Mature women know that paying on a date is a mistake. When a woman pays she is (either knowingly or unknowingly) putting up emotional barriers. Even if that woman is interested, she is abandoning any expectations of being treated like a lady by letting a man know that he doesn't have to do any work to get her. He is not challenged to be the best man he can be, because she gives too much, too soon. Women that pay for dates make it easy for men to be selfish.

With Men What You See is What You Get

A man shows you who is he early in the dating process. Women need to pay attention and stop making excuses for men's negative behavior.

Trying to create a relationship with a selfish stingy man will be exhausting and frustrating. He will resist giving his time, expressing his feelings, or sharing his thoughts. He won't feel motivated to be romantic, say sweet things, or go out of his way to make you feel good. Some barely pay attention to the person they claim to love. And as the relationship goes on, it will be difficult for you to complain about not getting things you never demanded from him in the beginning.

By paying for the first date you set the bar for gallant treatment and his performance as a man at ground level. Always remember that loving requires a willingness to let go, the courage to make yourself vulnerable, and the ability to allow someone to possess a piece of your soul. To reach the depth of love that warms your heart and keeps a man on your mind day and night, he must be willing to give to you in spirit, thought and energy.

It all begins with his willingness to pay for dates.



Dec 11, 2006
He did not actually SEND emails. She had to go get them. You know, like having to go Dutch on a date.

Oh I know, they used the "draft" folder..... Oh how very fucking clever for our top freaking spook. If he would have consulted me before having his affair I could have turned him onto PGP, something most of us here are very familiar with..... The head of the fucking CIA, not so much evidently....


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Oh I know, they used the "draft" folder..... Oh how very fucking clever for our top freaking spook. If he would have consulted me before having his affair I could have turned him onto PGP, something most of us here are very familiar with..... The head of the fucking CIA, not so much evidently....

LOL, they were probably concerned about hash collisions!


Jun 19, 2000
Pay attention to the leanings of the individual that started this thread. The left always tells you what they're afraid of. Parallels are being drawn to Watergate over this situation. A previous president resigned over Watergate.

Would that make Biden president? He could be our first president with dementia! Another first!


Nov 4, 1999
Pay attention to the leanings of the individual that started this thread. The left always tells you what they're afraid of. Parallels are being drawn to Watergate over this situation. A previous president resigned over Watergate.

Would that make Biden president? He could be our first president with dementia! Another first!

keep embracing your mental illness... for in the end, it's only a sad waste of your life....


Feb 6, 2002
Pay attention to the leanings of the individual that started this thread. The left always tells you what they're afraid of. Parallels are being drawn to Watergate over this situation. A previous president resigned over Watergate.

Would that make Biden president? He could be our first president with dementia! Another first!

I resemble that remark!!!

Mark my words this will be nothing more then a General getting some strange and possible Ms Biceps gettimg some classified documents.

We will discover no lying by the administration and we will affirm Susan Rice went public with intel provided to her by Patraeus.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
Pay attention to the leanings of the individual that started this thread. The left always tells you what they're afraid of. Parallels are being drawn to Watergate over this situation. A previous president resigned over Watergate.

Would that make Biden president? He could be our first president with dementia! Another first!

They forced Spiro Agnew ("nattering nabobs of negativism")to resign first, then appointed Gerald Ford and after that Nixon resigned and Ford gave him his pardon.


Nov 11, 1999
Pay attention to the leanings of the individual that started this thread. The left always tells you what they're afraid of. Parallels are being drawn to Watergate over this situation. A previous president resigned over Watergate.

Would that make Biden president? He could be our first president with dementia! Another first!

The way he slapped Ryan around did seem a little demented. It was like watching somebody grab a kitten by the tail, smack it against the sidewalk, repeatedly. Pretty brutal.

He wouldn't be the first prez with dementia- Ronnie confused foreign policy with old movies... consulted with Nancy's astrologer. Go figure.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
There are 4 Americans dead in Benghazi, no one died in Watergate.

The evidence that Gen. David Petraeus, formerly the commander of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the author of the current Army field manual, Princeton Ph.D. and, until last week, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, was forced to resign from the CIA to silence him is far stronger than is the version of events that the Obama administration has given us.The government would have us believe that because the FBI confronted Petraeus with his emails showing a pattern of inappropriate personal private behavior, he voluntarily departed his job as the country's chief spy to avoid embarrassment. The government would also have us believe that the existence of the general's relationship with Paula Broadwell, an unknown military scholar who wrote a book about him last year, was recently and inadvertently discovered by the FBI while it was conducting an investigation into an alleged threat made by Broadwell to another woman. And the government would as well have us believe that the president learned of all this at 5 p.m. on Election Day.


Nov 11, 1999
There are 4 Americans dead in Benghazi, no one died in Watergate.

So what? 241 Marines died in the 1983 suicide bombing in Lebanon, and Righties weren't calling for Ronnie's head, wringing their hands in mock horror... 4,486 Americans died in Iraq over phony excuses for invasion, over 1400 more in the Bush admin cock-up in Afghanistan, and Righties backed GWB to the hilt.

But 4 Americans die in Libya, and it's the end of the world as we know it.

Clearly, your sense of proportion goes out your ass when it comes to blaming Obama...


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
So what? 241 Marines died in the 1983 suicide bombing in Lebanon, and Righties weren't calling for Ronnie's head, wringing their hands in mock horror... 4,486 Americans died in Iraq over phony excuses for invasion, over 1400 more in the Bush admin cock-up in Afghanistan, and Righties backed GWB to the hilt.

But 4 Americans die in Libya, and it's the end of the world as we know it.

Clearly, your sense of proportion goes out your ass when it comes to blaming Obama...

What did Obama know about the deaths in Benghazi, when did he know it and why did he lie?


Golden Member
Apr 9, 2001
The question contains an assumptive answer to the first two parts. Why would you do that if you interest is to know the truth...or are is that another example of "unskewing" the known information?


Senior member
Jan 3, 2007
So Gen. Petraeus is set to testify tomorrow. The latest CEC, Fox News right wing radio talking point is the Petraeus affair is related to Benghazi, Obama is lying, Obama is covering up, Eric Holder must have known, conspiracy Petraeus quit after the election, this is all ties into Obama lying about what happened at the embassy

The CEC is ginning up more fake outrage that the timing of the affair coming out is far more important then the General putting national security at risk because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants.

If Petraeus gets on the stand and basically says intelligence got it wrong and there is no conspiracy, will we get part 2 of the CEC, Fox News meltdown? They will have egg on their faces again, in a short period of time. Their credibility will continue to erode even more with the public. When I say public I mean the people that take them seriously.

Update: Republicans want Watergate style hearings and promise to fight a Susan Rice nomination for Sec of State.

This is going to turn into one big nothing!!

he'll be speaking behing closed doors. so, no transcripts, no direct quotes. so it seems we'll be left with the cec conjuring their best agatha christie to keep the bobble heads turned in.


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
I mean, we're talking about CIA.. C, freaking I, A. "Central Intelligence Agency." What does its name bring to your imagination? Phrases like "Eyes Only," "Classified information," "Security Clearance," "Elite Force," "Covert Operations," or maybe even "Black Sites," etc,. I remember watching one of the old Bourne movies some months ago and thinking "Hell, those techs are so last decades!"

Then we're now in a place to take a solace that the head of the organization was having an affair using Gmail.. instead of Hotmail? The dude should have resigned the moment he learned that FBI smelled his dirt. If one imagined that the White House could have blackmailed him with that information, that imagination surely and logically can be extended to any other organization.


Oct 9, 1999
Yeah, it's going to be funny when the GOP tries to spin Patreaus as some liberal democrat when liberals pretty much hated his guts, so much so, they even put this in newspapers across the country:

Which, of course, outraged republicans

It's going to be interesting how the Repugs spin this indeed but you do realize their sheepal have ZERO memory retention.


Jun 19, 2000
keep embracing your mental illness... for in the end, it's only a sad waste of your life....
So is this the natural progression from calling your sworn enemies racists? When the bluster fizzled on that one, you just label them loons. So much of what the left does is rooted in childhood.

BTW, the racists label, now that had some teeth. The mental illness label, not so much.

Where's your genius spokesman? Our latest lefty member? We need his input into this thread.
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Jun 19, 2000
So what? 241 Marines died in the 1983 suicide bombing in Lebanon, and Righties weren't calling for Ronnie's head, wringing their hands in mock horror... 4,486 Americans died in Iraq over phony excuses for invasion, over 1400 more in the Bush admin cock-up in Afghanistan, and Righties backed GWB to the hilt.

But 4 Americans die in Libya, and it's the end of the world as we know it.

Clearly, your sense of proportion goes out your ass when it comes to blaming Obama...
It's really time somebody told you although we're well aware you won't listen or probably even be able to understand it as leftie brains are stuck in adolescence. But here goes.

These comparisons that lefties like yourself continuously make have us in a continual state of laughter. Making comparisons to events that happened thirty years ago while making assumptions and trying to draw parallels between events that have no correlation doesn't make you look smart to us. I do understand that the smugglie brotherhood gets chubbed up a little and thinks one's really been scored for the team when they read these but that just gets us laughing too. I hang here for the entertainment value and the left rarely disappoints. It's like listening to grade-schoolers make arguments.

Oh, and 4 American deaths in Libya isn't the end of the world as we know it, but it could be the end of an Obama presidency. He wasn't smart enough to position himself above the fray early on. He realized way too late he'd made that mistake. He couldn't even coordinate the message.

Our "smartest president ever" is not smart. His foreign policy program looks like it was laid out by the Keystone Cops. If we can't get him to resign maybe we can get him impeached. It can become a standard of Democrat presidencies.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
It should be interesting since in his press conference Obama admitted he lied (not in so few words) when he sent Rice to all the Sunday shows and had her lie to the American public for him.

What really hurts Obummer is the second debate . That lie About the rose garden Is going to get him impeached. As its written He never said it was terrorist. Some will argue differantly . But grammer is grammer . Even though in aother paragraph he mentions terrorist. Its not about ben. So ya he will be impeached


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
Ummm, you were responding to homer and techs, two partisan shills who will never THINK when it comes to anything their side is doing. If this had happened under a rep admin, techs would have at least a dozen threads going on this by now accusing the admin of every possible manner of evil.

That would be an unbelievable statement for Petraeus if
All-in-all very curious goings on. Something somewhere is awry.


That's a lot of your military 'brain trust' lost in almost one fell swoop. That's no small matter and should be of concern to any thinking person.



Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
What really hurts Obummer is the second debate . That lie About the rose garden Is going to get him impeached. As its written He never said it was terrorist. Some will argue differantly . But grammer is grammer . Even though in aother paragraph he mentions terrorist. Its not about ben. So ya he will be impeached

Obama will not be impeached over this. Candy will come to his aid with a transcript that will clear him of all wrongdoing.

On a serious note, Obama will not be impeached. He has lied to the American people, but there is no evidence he lied under oath. Obama lied to protect the image that he single-handedly defeated terrorism by killing bin laden. Lying to the people makes him a politician, not a perjurer.


Feb 6, 2002
Obama will not be impeached over this. Candy will come to his aid with a transcript that will clear him of all wrongdoing.

On a serious note, Obama will not be impeached. He has lied to the American people, but there is no evidence he lied under oath. Obama lied to protect the image that he single-handedly defeated terrorism by killing bin laden. Lying to the people makes him a politician, not a perjurer.

Delusion is strong with the right. That's why they can't come to grips with the election. That's why all those southern states want to secede. The tactic of making up strawmen to buttress their agenda is failing miserably.

BTW - Can we call a halt to all the "black people" investigations across the country. You guys have really gone off the deep end!


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
Delusion is strong with the right. That's why they can't come to grips with the election. That's why all those southern states want to secede. The tactic of making up strawmen to buttress their agenda is failing miserably.

BTW - Can we call a halt to all the "black people" investigations across the country. You guys have really gone off the deep end!

Almost as bad as a deliberate thread derail in a thread backfire attempt.
It seems Petraeus is going to testify that the administration changed the CIA talking points that Rice would have used, adding to the information that Obama has deliberately lied to the American people in this cover-up.


Feb 6, 2002
Almost as bad as a deliberate thread derail in a thread backfire attempt.
It seems Petraeus is going to testify that the administration changed the CIA talking points that Rice would have used, adding to the information that Obama has deliberately lied to the American people in this cover-up.

Let's just wait and see.

Difference between the left and the right...

Left - Let's wait for the investigation to conclude.
Right - Obama lied!!
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