Genres you used to love, but don't like anymore


Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2003
Inspired by this thread

Singleplayer FPS games: I used to love them and get every single major release that came out, but now I just find them boring. About the only ones I can enjoy now are Crytek's games (Far Cry 1, Crysis) because the combination of wide open levels and good AI makes it interesting. I just tried the new Wolfenstein and was so bored I couldn't force myself to keep playing.

Japanese RPGs: Loved the Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior series (played FF1 through 3 times), but haven't played one since FF7.


Apr 5, 2005
i used to love multiplayer FPS games, but everything that's come out recently has been poorly executed or doesn't appeal to me. my gold standard is quake2/quake3/ut/ut2k4 so i am skewed toward arena type shooters. and ffs, i am so tired of the ww2 theme.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2005

Either it gets too complicated (units with special moves, difficulty ramping up fast, complex formations)

I beat RA2, CCG, CCGZH

But I can't seem to get myself to even get really well at CoH (great game), RA3, CC3 etc


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
JRPGs, because when you grow up, you realize that every protagonist since FF7 is a spiky-haired, whiny emo boy. The stories also aren't very good, especially since FF7, with plot holes so big you could drive a Mack truck through them. The generalization of character progression (also started big time in FF7), where each character is essentially a clone of each other with a different skin, is also really, really lame.

I also don't care for RTS games much any more, because they really haven't changed much since Warcraft 2, and in my "advanced age", I find them annoying and tedious. I much prefer turn based strategy games.


Golden Member
Oct 23, 2007
Originally posted by: RyanPaulShaffer
JRPGs, because when you grow up, you realize that every protagonist since FF7 is a spiky-haired, whiny emo boy. The stories also aren't very good, especially since FF7, with plot holes so big you could drive a Mack truck through them. The generalization of character progression (also started big time in FF7), where each character is essentially a clone of each other with a different skin, is also really, really lame.

I also don't care for RTS games much any more, because they really haven't changed much since Warcraft 2, and in my "advanced age", I find them annoying and tedious. I much prefer turn based strategy games.

man... you hit that nail on the head. word for word what I was thinking.


Jun 27, 2004
As far as PC gaming goes: racing. I'll leave that for the consoles now.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
RTS. I don't like where the genre has gone. It peaked with SC1 and AoE2 in my opinion, I just haven't been able to get myself into any of the newer games. I don't like all the add ons and stuff, home cities in AoE3 or heroes in WC3. I prefer the older more basic style where it was all about the basic triangle of Archers>Infantry>Calvary>Archers; or space age equivalent haha.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2004
FPS - Last one I truly enjoyed was Rainbow 6. I like the "realism" - 1 shot and you're either dead, or limping.

MMO - Really liked DAoC. PvP was great fun. Played WoW for awhile... while it was good, it just didn't do it for me. The PvP was lacking, and I didn't have the time to schedule myself in a lot of raids.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2009
Platform-type games.

I loved Super Mario Bros. and Tomb Raider was (and still is) one of my favorite games.

But I can't get excited about jumping puzzles and lever/key hunts anymore. I tried Tomb Raider: Anniversary and couldn't get into it. I picked up Tomb Raider:Underworld for spare change in a bargain in, tried it one night for 30 minutes, and haven't touched it since.

The last platform type game I got into and finished was probably Heretic 2.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Almost everything. I simply can't play most games for more than an hour a night and nothing grabs my attention enough anymore that I come back to it day after day. Right now I'm watching NCIS instead of gaming... (gasp)


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2005
JRPG, it was a blast during the SNES days when it was still new and fresh but since then I haven't been able to enjoy any JRPG, I tried a bunch on PS2 like Suikoden, Final Fantasy and Shin Megami Tensei but they were all boring, boring, boring.

The only relatively new JRPG I've been able to enjoy is Golden Sun for DS, I'm not sure why.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
For me:

Platformers - Fun when I was an Amiga/Spectrum player from ages 2-11 but once I found the PC in 1996 and Quake 1, things just "changed", ya know?

FPS games - From age 11 to 16, I was an avid FPS player. Used to go to a local LAN with my father and played Quake 1, 2, 3,, Half Life, SiN, and CS for hours on end against adult players and I was pretty much average out of the whole group. When that died away, I played Red Faction and C&C Renegade online... was very good at these. Near the top of the leaderboards on Red Faction and top 30 in the UK on Renegade. Intersperse this with AvP1 and AvP2, FPS gaming in those days was golden.

But FPSes started to decline rapidly for me with the release of Half Life 2. Please before you start typing your rants against me, I do not hate Half Life 2 because I found it crap or anything... Something changed between the end of Renegade and the start of Half Life 2 for me. HL2 started the problems of motion sickness and I have been plagued with it ever since.

Half Life 2 and Stalker, both cause me hours.. maybe a day of hell after even 10-15 minutes play. I have tried various techniques to alleviate my symptoms but nothing really helps to a massive degree. Fresh ginger, warm water and a touch of sugar helps. Crysis was quite fine for me until the Alien Ship level and then was fine again until inside the Aircraft Carrier.... KoTOR, I recently picked up is giving me some issues also.

Perhaps with FPSes I miss the title. I used to love FPS games.... and I still do... just, they don't love me anymore!


Senior member
Aug 12, 2009
First person shooters, both online and off.

Quake was my life for a long time, team fortress, capture the flag, death match, didn't matter. Quake 2 (+mods), Half-life (+mods), Sin, Shogo, StarSeige Tribes 1 and 2, Unreal, Unreal Tourney, Unreal Tourney whatever the second iteration was, you name it, I played it.

I can't tell you how long it's been since I played a fps shooter though. Perhaps Sin Episode 1?


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Originally posted by: Sureshot324
Inspired by this thread

Singleplayer FPS games: I used to love them and get every single major release that came out, but now I just find them boring. About the only ones I can enjoy now are Crytek's games (Far Cry 1, Crysis) because the combination of wide open levels and good AI makes it interesting. I just tried the new Wolfenstein and was so bored I couldn't force myself to keep playing.

Japanese RPGs: Loved the Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior series (played FF1 through 3 times), but haven't played one since FF7.
Definitely those two.

The console explosion has almost killed quality FPS's. The handful that are good tend to have issues when they come to the PC.
And my last favorite Japanese RPG was also FF7. After that they focused too much on awesomeness of the videos and not quality gameplay.

Dragon Quest 8 for the PS2 is sorta fun. I recommend you pick up a used copy for cheap.

Also, RTS's have been disappointing for a while now. But maybe Starcraft 2 will change that. I am not in love with Blizzard and I dont intend to preorder SC2, but I'll acknowledge it will probably be good.


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2009
Originally posted by: evident
i used to love multiplayer FPS games, but everything that's come out recently has been poorly executed or doesn't appeal to me. my gold standard is quake2/quake3/ut/ut2k4 so i am skewed toward arena type shooters. and ffs, i am so tired of the ww2 theme.

this but add in large team games like tribes and battlefield.

the online FPS market is so dead. it's been murdered by crap games like halo and CoD (sorry, but the online component is indeed shit).


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 2006
MMOs. I started with Asheron's Call back in 2001ish, and nothing since even comes close to comparing. Unfortunately, while the game was very good, the "fun factor" had a lot more to do with the community surrounding the game (both players and developers) than the game itself.

Since then I've tried WoW (started in Beta 2, still play very rarely), Warhammer Online (played for 2 weeks), Age of Conan (~2 days), EQ2 (a couple of hours), Runes of Magic (2-3 days), and several other free-to-play MMOs. Most of them were either blatant WoW clones (I'm not looking for more of the same) or lacked features that perked my interest.

I've had a lot of trouble getting into RPGs recently too. It's probably because I'm older now (23) and have a harder time getting absorbed into a game. For example, I have both Mass Effect and The Witcher, and I haven't been able to sink more than 10-15 hours into either one; I keep getting bored and put it down. Christ, I remember back in the day, I had fun just running around in any of the NES / SNES Final Fantasy games for random monster encounters to level up.

Finally, RPG "hack and slash" games haven't grabbed my interest since Diablo II. I hope Diablo III changes that.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I hate to say it, but first-person-shooters, indeed, aren't what they used to be anymore, at least most of them anyway. I don't even blame it on the Consoles, I simply blame it on the developers, most of the FPS games I've played in the past decade or so never grabbed my attention much, and most of them were so boring that I never managed to finish them. I'm not even sure if it's "lack of imagination" or anything along those lines, I can't even point at anything specific, though I'm not thinking this blindly, there's just "something lacking", I'm not sure what it is, I would even go as far as saying that it's not even the lack of good story lines, since I never really cared about good story lines in first-person-shooters. I think it's just a mix of many game-play aspects that are lacking, poor dialog, stereotyped protagonists (or antagonists), lack of enemies variety, short campaign(s), over-simplified user interfaces (that's probably due to Consoles), boring sound tracks, lack of weaponry variety and/or originality, repeating/cloned levels... and so many other things.

I can name the FPS'es I've really liked since the past decade or so:

Red Faction
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Quake IV

And hmmm... I'm not sure of anything else that really grabbed my attention enough as to keep playing it regularly until the end, and then more. I guess there could be "honorable mentions", I could think of BioShock for having interesting game-play mechanics, a decent story-line with a cool twist, original enemies, good dialog, but generally speaking even BioShock wasn't the type of FPS that would fall within my likings I guess, I did complete it once though, but then I un-installed it and never touched it again due to lack of interest simply said, and I fear that it will be the same with its sequel, which I don't think I'll bother buying anyway.

That's for single-player FPS'es though, because as long as multi-player focused ones are concerned I feel better, I've enjoyed Quake III Arena, Tribes and its sequel, all the Unreal Tournaments (including Consoles versions since I owned UT on the Dreamcast back then and then on the PS2 later on, that's also true for Q3A on the DC and PS2 as well), even up to UT3 which I own on Steam and play from time to time (it's definitely much better now than it was at release, that's for sure). I've also had TFClassic, Natural Selection and some other GoldSrc multi-player games, and now with TF2, L4D (although that one is getting less interesting over time for me, but it's still fun with good friends and no frustration thrown in, but that's rare). So as far as FPS multi-player goes it's more than enough to be honest (I almost forgot to mention Crysis Wars and Enemy Territory, along with the Battlefield series, and again many others).

The problem with FPS games really lies within the single-player focused ones, those are certainly suffering. When I look at things retrospectively however I do remember seeing poor single-player FPS games, the "good ol' days" aren't immune from poor quality products, but within the past ten years or so there definitely is an increase in the frequency at which bad games come out, and a decrease at which good ones are made, that for me is absolute and clear.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
RTS (I still like TBS)
MMORPGS (I yearn to play them, but I cannot enjoy them anymore, I do not know why, I have such great memories)


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2004
FPS - All the same. HL1=Wolfenstein in gameplay. I finish very few FPSes nowadays, COD4, Crysis I did, not so much others. Hell I never finished HL2, just boring a hell sameness.

GTA games. GTAIII was ground breaking. GTA Vice City was fun. San Andreas was pushing it, GTA 4? FFS, no innovation, it's the exact same game with prettier graphics, not to mention all the open world GTA clones.

JRPGs. I grew up. After you mentally turn 12, I believe unless you cut yourself on a regular basis, you have to dislike JRPG characters. Honestly RPGS are all about the story and characterization, the only way to make JRPG characters more unlikable would be to make then Neo-Nazi, puppy killing rapists and even then it would be iffy.


RPGs with slow turn-based combat and random enemies. I simply can't finish last remnant because the damn game makes you do every piddling side quest that appears on every stage of the storyline just to have a party that's strong enough to even approach beating the early bosses. The thing is that I have come to absolutely hate the combat system that everyone speaks so highly of in that game. It was neat the first time, but now it's a plodding, dreary, boring, blasted waste of time. That feeling extends somewhat to pretty much every turn-based RPG combat system out there. Somehow I used to enjoy the endless level grinding and loot gathering, but spending an enormous amount of time doing the same thing over and over again just to level up enough or get enough stuff to beat one boss with the payoff being a minuscule smidgen of story before returning to the same crap again seems too much like work these days. I remember tramping through the same high-level monster areas for hours on end just leveling up my characters in the FF games. Time just seems too precious to spend doing that now. By all means, make the game hard. I like hard. Just don't make it full drudgework that does nothing to advance the story.


Aug 12, 2001
FPS - It's the genre that got me started in PC gaming. I've played too many of these and there really isn't much depth to them, so I'm bored of them now.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
Originally posted by: Firsttime
RTS. I don't like where the genre has gone. It peaked with SC1 and AoE2 in my opinion, I just haven't been able to get myself into any of the newer games. I don't like all the add ons and stuff, home cities in AoE3 or heroes in WC3. I prefer the older more basic style where it was all about the basic triangle of Archers>Infantry>Calvary>Archers; or space age equivalent haha.

I agree. Modern RTS games have too much shit going on. I don't like them

AOE, WC2, Starcraft were awesome
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