George Zimmerman at it again ... a gun auction

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Golden Member
Jun 27, 2000

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! yea, how is this comparable?

Prosecutors argued Kaarma was intent on luring an intruder into his garage after it had had been burglarized at least once in the weeks before the shooting. Three witnesses testified they had heard Kaarma say he had been waiting up nights to shoot an intruder.

On the night of the shooting, authorities said, Kaarma left his garage door partially open with a purse inside. He fired four shotgun blasts, pausing between the third and fourth shots, witnesses said.

to someone actively bashing another persons head into the ground. did you even read that article? Did the guardian reporter really think this case should be used to "reexamine the state's law allowing deadly force to defend your home and persons"??? This guy set a trap.


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2000
It is possible that he was truthful from his perspective, but that if Martin had survived then he would have had quite a different perspective.

Ultimately the problem is with the laws and the societal norms.

If he'd survived the gunshot, his story wouldn't change the physical evidence that was found during the autopsy. (marks on his hands, no grass on his back)


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2000
I don't think anyone here is arguing Zimmerman is a fine, upstanding citizen. The guy's a douchebag.

indeed. Most, if not all of us, are referring to the case. we are not trying to defend him because we like him. But we support the right to defend yourself and i think we hate the media's portrayal of this event and many, many, many other events. too many SJWs and SJW ideologies.


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2000
I wouldn't say he was either but let's not fudge on the simple, common-sense fact here, Zimmerman felt "empowered" because he was carrying a deadly weapon. Had he not been packing I doubt he exits his car and follows TM. Common-sense should have also told GZ NOT to try and follow TM since he had just ran off and was in a frightened/angry situation simultaneously. The cops had already been notified and were en-route, let them handle it, just because it's not illegal to go looking for TM does not absolve the fact that it's a moronic thing to do and the chances of something bad happening are extremely high.

Yet, TM leaving his home, as stated by his gf, was an even more stupid decision to make if he really was a scared little teenager. But other statements testified by his gf at trial say otherwise. In trying to blame GZ, lets not forget the blame TM earned.


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2000
Following him with a gun? That's basic activity????

black person
person has a right to walk the streets w/o being followed by a nut brandishing a gun, yea?

Neighborhood watch, is WATCH not follow with a gun. He should have called the cops. It's their purview.

You do know carrying a gun is not brandishing a gun right? If not, you should learn that. and yes, sometimes WATCH does include following at your own choice. and he DID CALL THE COPS. he was waiting for them and trying to give them his location as it changed.


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2000
But he's NOT an LEO and that's why it was a crappy idea. Would you be possibly pissed off/scared if someone was creeping behind you in an SUV while you were just walking home?. I'm not absolving TM's responsibility for launching a fist-fight with GZ but if GZ isn't there nothing happens and a 17yr old carrying snacks does not wind up dead.

the carrying snacks thing, am i remember this wrong, but did the store clerk refuse to sell him the finall ingredient to make a drug out of the "snack" material he had on him? I forget its name.


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2000
Let's see here, you're walking back from the 7-11 with snacks and someone is creeping along behind you at 1-2 MPH, let's just leave anyone's race out of this scenario because it's irrelevant at this point. My simple question or "common sense" dictates that you ask yourself "WTF is this dude up to, I haven't bothered him or walked in his path forcing him to stop, why is he tailing me?". GZ did not live at that exact area so he was not parking his vehicle as one would arriving home and common sense DOES say if someone runs off they were frightened by you're tailing him. GZ's track record since this incident has not exactly been stellar to say the least.

yea, but in your same example, what is common sense about making it to the reasonable safety of your home and then going back out to look for the SOB? TM should have called the cops.


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2000
So humor me, TM supporters, GZ haters... ignore #1 above. Let's just look at #2 objectively. So darkswordsman17, JSt0rm, Quebert, etc... explain to me how #2 should have played out? or for that matter, what did GZ do wrong when he defended himself?

to them, what he did wrong was use a gun to stop TM from bashing his head into the sidewalk and likely trying to kill him. GZ was a wimp because he didn't offer a fair fight. Something TM didn't offer either by not letting GZ get backup after being knocked on the ground.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2004
yeah cause Trayvon met GZ out of nowhere huh? Give me a break. it's the chicken or the egg syndrome. what came first?

You are an idiot. Didn't you read the timeline as explained by DrPizza? TM went back and found GZ. GZ was being a good neighbor and had every right to suspect that the thief/burglar TM was up to no good.

Last month a Hispanic stranger with a large empty backpack came to my street. That guy went into my neighbor's backyard and at first I thought he was a gardener or handyman. Then he started going into the backyards of every unoccupied house and looking through windows. At that point, we called the police and warned our neighbors about what happened. That's what good neighbors do.
Feb 4, 2009
You are an idiot. Didn't you read the timeline as explained by DrPizza? TM went back and found GZ. GZ was being a good neighbor and had every right to suspect that the thief/burglar TM was up to no good.

Last month a Hispanic stranger with a large empty backpack came to my street. That guy went into my neighbor's backyard and at first I thought he was a gardener or handyman. Then he started going into the backyards of every unoccupied house and looking through windows. At that point, we called the police and warned our neighbors about what happened. That's what good neighbors do.

You didn't go out and shoot him.....pussy

Now being serious this is the right answer along with pay a reasonable tax to staff the Police appropriately and the Police need to manage their budget responsibly.

Also that guy could be a criminal or a guy looking to sell home remodeling that's a little too hungry for business.
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Nov 10, 2003
You are an idiot. Didn't you read the timeline as explained by DrPizza? TM went back and found GZ. GZ was being a good neighbor and had every right to suspect that the thief/burglar TM was up to no good.

Last month a Hispanic stranger with a large empty backpack came to my street. That guy went into my neighbor's backyard and at first I thought he was a gardener or handyman. Then he started going into the backyards of every unoccupied house and looking through windows. At that point, we called the police and warned our neighbors about what happened. That's what good neighbors do.

If that guy was in a different demographic group, you would be label as "racist", "racial profiler", "stalker", "perpetrator", "scum", "bastard", <insert more nasty names/labels here>

You should get back into your house, keep all doors and windows close, keep your mouth shut and mind your business like certain posters in this thread/site and in US want.


Sep 5, 2000
it amazes me that people turn a blind eye to the facts laid out in court... esp facts from the prosecution that ended up being helpful to the defense

what I also find hilarious (hypocritical) is that there were 2 situations:

1. GM following TM
2. TM, leaving his house, to seek out GM to beat his ass

They need to be looked at independently from each other because #1 does not justify #2 in any fashion since #1 ended the moment TM reach his household

So humor me, TM supporters, GZ haters... ignore #1 above. Let's just look at #2 objectively. So darkswordsman17, JSt0rm, Quebert, etc... explain to me how #2 should have played out? or for that matter, what did GZ do wrong when he defended himself?

TM isnt in the right either. However he shouldnt die because small man felt immortal with a gun in his pocket. I bet dollars to donuts they had words or something happened between them before tm beat his pussy ass.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2004
Also that guy could be a criminal or a guy looking to sell home remodeling that's a little too hungry for business.

I should mention that there are no Hispanics that live on my street. Whites, blacks, and Asians, but no Hispanics.

After talking to my neighbors, they reported that a driver was waiting in a black Mitsubishi to scot him off. Another neighbor said that the man walked into his backyard, saw him and then walked back out. That neighbor thought he was just a gardener/handyman who went to the wrong house.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
If I killed some guy it wouldn't take much for me to create injuries on myself. Do you think someone should be able to ccw and creep around at night? Police have uniforms on for a reason. They carry their weapons in the open for a reason. Citizen cops with a gun in their pocket are a bad idea.
Are you suggesting that Zimmerman's injuries were self-inflicted - with witnesses present - with police a mere 120 seconds away??! Holy shit. I'm not sure it's even possible to discuss this logically with you, if that's the type of thought you come up with.

TM isnt in the right either. However he shouldnt die because small man felt immortal with a gun in his pocket. I bet dollars to donuts they had words or something happened between them before tm beat his pussy ass.
Read the freaking facts presented at trial! His phone was still on when the pummeling began. Deedee heard Trayvon speak first, then George, then there was the sound of someone hitting the ground.

And, you know what? It doesn't matter if they had words. No matter what names I call you, if it makes you think you need to start beating someone up, you're a poor excuse for a human being with virtually no self-control.
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Jul 15, 2000
Yet, TM leaving his home, as stated by his gf, was an even more stupid decision to make if he really was a scared little teenager. But other statements testified by his gf at trial say otherwise. In trying to blame GZ, lets not forget the blame TM earned.

So he was wrong in traveling to a 7-11 for snacks?, yea, that makes sense.


Sep 5, 2000
Are you suggesting that Zimmerman's injuries were self-inflicted - with witnesses present - with police a mere 120 seconds away??! Holy shit. I'm not sure it's even possible to discuss this logically with you, if that's the type of thought you come up with.

Read the freaking facts presented at trial! His phone was still on when the pummeling began. Deedee heard Trayvon speak first, then George, then there was the sound of someone hitting the ground.

And, you know what? It doesn't matter if they had words. No matter what names I call you, if it makes you think you need to start beating someone up, you're a poor excuse for a human being with virtually no self-control.

Your right Trevor was a angsty teen. But did he deserve to die? Did Zimmerman have the right to wander his neighborhood late at night with a gun in his pocket looking to confront people he deemed out of place?


Jul 15, 2000
Are you suggesting that Zimmerman's injuries were self-inflicted - with witnesses present - with police a mere 120 seconds away??! Holy shit. I'm not sure it's even possible to discuss this logically with you, if that's the type of thought you come up with.

Read the freaking facts presented at trial! His phone was still on when the pummeling began. Deedee heard Trayvon speak first, then George, then there was the sound of someone hitting the ground.

And, you know what? It doesn't matter if they had words. No matter what names I call you, if it makes you think you need to start beating someone up, you're a poor excuse for a human being with virtually no self-control.

You know what, I'll agree with that, TM (if he threw the 1st punch), needed to show self-control but if you're GZ and deep-down you know that you possess the fighting skills of a gnat the chance the gun comes into play is close to 100%. Errors by BOTH parties led to a tragic and unnecessary dead kid. Now lets profit!....THAT pisses me off, GZ is as much a "punk" as TM ever was.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Your right Trevor was a angsty teen. But did he deserve to die? Did Zimmerman have the right to wander his neighborhood late at night with a gun in his pocket looking to confront people he deemed out of place?
Read the facts as presented in the case. Trayvon confronted George, not vice versa. You've got it wrong yet again.


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
Dr Pizza, I'm going to have to disagree with you on that, because if in fact Trevon and George were on say a cruise ship in international waters, Trevon could in fact have bought cough syrup, and in fact he didn't, and Zimmernan dressed as Gopher from the Love Boat, in fact was high on mescaline, confused Martin for Julie, also from the Love Boat series and in fact shot Martin just as they were crossing the international date line, wouldn't that mean Martin was in fact a blonde woman, and didn't Zimmerman in fact kill a blonde girl? Then Captain Steubing declared Zimmerman innocent, a travesty of justice.

Argue that one, Dr Pizza, I dare you. I double dog dare you buddy.


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
Man, this debate can go on for pages and pages. Just look at this crap.

I feel bad for Dr Pizza, he's all covered in urine from pissing into the wind, by trying to use facts and evidence and all that useless stuff on these morons.

It's one of the things about California that flat made me crazy, the drop out rate from school was >50%, and the number of CA natives that were so goddamn stupid they couldn't use or display critical thinking or perform grade school math, but they were so goddamn clueless and had big mouths about everything.
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Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2003
He wasn't getting a snack, he was getting the ingredients to make lean. He was denied the purchase of codeine based cough syrup.

You are a big reason why these forms have gone to crap. You are a CYBER Coward Period.


Jan 6, 2002
He wasn't getting a snack, he was getting the ingredients to make lean. He was denied the purchase of codeine based cough syrup.

How could he have been denied buying something that's not available OTC? Robitussin doesn't have codeine, as nothing else OTC does. NyQuil + Skittles + Watermelon juice doesn't equal lean, not even close. Was he trying to make something similar? Maybe, but that doesn't explain why the skittles were still unopened and he had been drinking the juice. Also before his shooting I'd never heard of this concoction he was making. Lean is Sprite + Jolly Ranchers + Promethazine + Codeine, and sometimes Vodka. Trayvon's variation was news to me, and where I live Purple Stuff is the drink of choice for what seems like almost everybody. Lean is ILLEGAL, Martin was at worst trying to make a knock off. Which wouldn't have even been illegal to make or consume, stupid? yes but nothing he would get in trouble for.

Please point me to this mythical 7-11 where I can go and buy codeine based cough syrup. I'll send half my block there and the store owner will be unable to keep it in stock.
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