Georgia AG's Office Caught red-handed in cyber-sting


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
Now that we have the evidence we were seeking ? it is time to reveal the true purpose and mission of the McOwen forum at

Yes, certainly it?s a place where people who are really P.O.?d about what amounts to nothing short of Gestapo tactics conducted by the State of Georgia can rant and rave... It?s a place where we can share information about getting the word out, who we?re e-mailing, etc.

But it?s much more. This is where it starts getting amusing.

?Certain? individuals have already amply demonstrated that they are technology idiots... so -

We concluded that we simply MUST give the good public servants of the AG?s office and the GBI something to keep them occupied, if for no other reason than occupying their paranoia so that they wouldn?t have time to invent more crap to level at David than they?ve already invented.

Hence ? much of what is found in the public forum is blatant and purposeful dis-information. We like to think of it as a ?cyber-fingering.? GOTCHA.

Much of what is found in the public forum is psychological operations. PSYOPS for those who like acronyms. It has been quite effective doing what it?s intended to do... create anger, frustration, and keep the morons spinning their wheels. It?s also been quite effective. Laughably so.

Of course, there is also information that is quite straightforward, and deals with some of the real issues surrounding this miscarriage of justice.


Yes, Alice ? there?s more.

We knew all along that the Georgia AG?s office was crawling all over the Anandtech forums looking for anything they could stick David with to try to bolster their weak, contrived case. We also knew we didn?t have a snowball?s chance of monitoring that activity since we don?t control the Anandtech forums. Aside from that, people were getting tired of all the McOwen-related threads, even though he is a team member, and it?s distributed computing that was the crux of this mess ? but that?s a different issue.

So what did we do?

We created a public forum to discuss open issues, and a private forum to discuss other issues that the AG?s office couldn?t see. ?Big Deal? you say?

Hang on ? it?s just a little funnier than that. We took the time and effort to design a little security and monitoring into the forums.

Knowing that our ?friends? possess little resembling ?cyber-moxy?, we identified and segregated the IP blocks for every government machine in the State of Georgia and logged their every move. (we also logged and cross-referenced every supposedly ?anonymous? access. It?s pretty interesting how people get around... and WHO.) They wasted a significant amount of taxpayer money cruising the threads, cutting, pasting, etc... Add this to the 18months spent scratching their heads, figuring out what to do with a client that can be permanently removed with a single command line and you have some really dynamite protection of society.

Now ? at this point we knew everything they were looking at, and just for giggles, we scripted an automated reverse lookup on all of them so that we could further I.D. the user.

Since a good number of these folks have proven to be pretty arrogant, and have little regard for the law they claim to uphold, we thought maybe we?d just sweeten the pot a little.

Hey goof balls... ever hear of HACK LOGS?

Oooops... we forgot to tell you ? that ?private forum? people have been trying to hack? It?s a ruse. It?s only there to give the goons something to step on a body part over while they try to figure out a way to break in.

And there were plenty of attempts. All of them logged.

In an article published Thursday, by Ann Harrison ? the one and only journalist to ?get it right? despite all attempts to educate others, tells the story pretty well.

?Russ Willard, a spokesman for Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker, contends that McOwen deliberately ignored the college's written computer usage guidelines, which were issued to him with his first user I.D. and password.?

?Willard says that McOwen was singled out for prosecution partly because he had ignored his supervisor's warnings. "In this case, Mr. McOwen was expressively (sic) prohibited by his superiors from downloading these programs and was informed on many occasions by his supervisors to stop downloading programs,"

Notwithstanding the fact that the foregoing allegation is fiction... Let?s for a moment note the apparent intrusion of the AG?s office into what is a labor issue, not a criminal matter. So what Mr. Willard is telling us is that in Georgia, you will be prosecuted for even an allegation, no matter how unsubstantiated ? if your supervisor says you didn?t follow orders... Uh huh...

"There is concern about the program itself compromising or providing the basis to compromise sensitive personal or financial information?

Really. Would this assessment come from the same ?experts? that think bandwidth costs 59 cents per second? Would they care to elaborate precisely what information passed through those packets?
Of course not. They?re clueless.

?Compromising security?? ? uh... would that be like ?hacking attempts?,? or perhaps something like ?unauthorized access? to a system?

Let?s again just forget for a moment that the dnet client cannot do ANYTHING but recieve, transmit, and work RC5 packets... and ask our resident expert precisely what line of the source code to the dnet client allows any information of any kind to be exchanged other than RC5 packets.

We?d think the programmer, who knows the client capabilities inside and out could easily testify to the stupidity of that statement. What?s more ? We?d bet a dime he?ll be happy to testify too, since the AG?s office has in effect accused him of creating a ?hacking tool.? We imagine there?s likely some civil liability there for making that kind of accusation against the programmer.

Now... Since Mr. Willard has made this very clear... let us just make sure we understand... The Georgia AG?s office prosecutes people who have ?broken the law? by somehow violating an ?acceptable use agreement.?

Hmmmm. Is that right? Would that be anything at all like a ?terms and conditions of service??

Well boys and girls... take a good, hard look at the terms and conditions of service at the McOwen forum on Publically posted from day one.

For your convenience ? the applicable part is re-posted here:


Further, as a private forum, we reserve the express right to deny access to any government official of the State of Georgia, any employee, agent, or surrogate of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, any employee, agent, or surrogate of the Georgia Attorney General's office, or any person aiding, abetting, or passing private information to any agency of the State of Georgia. Any person accessing this forum that is in any way connected to the government of the State of Georgia, shall be considered to be committing computer tresspass under the provisions of the Georgia Computer Systems Protection Act (GCSPA) sections 16-9-93(a) and 16-9-93(b), and will be so charged.

Further, this forum is not located within the State of Georgia. Therefore, any person or persons deemed tresspassing on this forum shall additionally face federal prosecution for interstate computer tresspass, and will be reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for prosecution under Federal statute. By accessing this forum, any person in any way connected to the government of the State of Georgia expressly acknowledges personal criminal and civil liability for doing so. No immunity of any kind is expressed or implied for officials tresspassing in this forum under the guise of "official duties." There is no information on this forum that includes anything that may in any way be interpreted as "evidence" to be used against David McOwen, the operator(s) of this forum, or any other person in the United States, or abroad.



Still want to hold fast to that snotty supremacist attitude about ?violations? of the GCSPA, and that they be ?rigorously prosecuted?? We have logged the IP addresses of every Georgia State violator of the GCSPA illegally accessing this forum, and we demand felony charges be immediately leveled.

Here is a partial listing of violations compiled so far:

We are outraged at this wanton, deliberate tresspass by officials of the State of Georgia ? particularly after they were given fair warning, in a publically posted statement of terms and conditions of use.

We will require the State of Georgia, in a Freedom Of Information Act request, turn over the names of the users, particularly those within the Georgia AG?s office, and the GBI.

Or ? are we going to now be told that somehow the law doesn?t apply to the AG?s office? ? perhaps they?re not liable because ?nobody reads that stuff??

Sorry folks. You can?t break the law while ?enforcing? it. It just doesn?t work that way. Those tactics belong in the Georgia of the former Soviet Union. We?re not letting you get away with that crap here.

So ? there you have it. The McOwen forum was, and is ? a highly successful sting operation on the Georgia AG?s office and the GBI.

?it's so common on (sic) the academic community that nobody reads agreements like that," says David Farber, a professor of telecommunications at the University of Pennsylvania and former chief technologist of the FCC. "It is part and parcel of many academics and many students that inquisitiveness motivates them to download third-party software. If you are going to prosecute a person for that on those grounds, than you should prosecute everybody on campus because everyone has done it."

So, we anxiously await the pending charges against the board of directors for misappropriation of state property by personally benefitting from the links to their businesses on the school website.

We await the charges being filed against everyone who installed AIM, who send or receive personal e-mails from state computers... and ? let?s not forget those satanic MP3 files that are most assuredly out there sucking up 59 cents per second of hard-earned taxpayer money, a figure used to manipulate the grand jury into returning indictments against McOwen--and one that the AG?s office now backpedals on, with some lame excuse about it just being some sort of representation of the total bandwidth of the college.

So ? in reality ? is this not an admission that the AG?s office LIED to the grand jury to secure indictments? Or... did we somehow miss something?

Hmmm, this case just gets stronger and stronger doesn?t it?

Willard allegedly also stated he was ?not aware of allegations made in chat rooms that the college's computer system included URLs of businesses owned by member's of the college's board.?

Wrong again. We can PROVE they knew it. We have the logs. We also have the screenshots, since it?s a foregone conclusion that this evidence will likely be removed in an attempt to cover it up. This is all going to play really well to a jury don?t you think?

?Prosecutors also claim that McOwen had a financial motive for volunteering the school's machines. ?

What a crock of crap. Most DC ?heavy hitters? have much more money than the total of the prize invested in equipment alone. The notion that it?s done for personal gain is just another fabrication designed to suggest some evil, dark personal motive. It?s the same as suggesting that Physicists do their work hoping to gain a Nobel prize, and for no other reason. It is common knowledge in the DC community that any prize money will be donated to charity. It?s about research, goobers. And of course, STATS.

We wonder what planet does this Mr. Willard come from, and in what century? He?s obviously pretty out of touch in the technology arena, and appears to play pretty fast and loose with the facts.

But ? don?t take our word for it. How about Mr. Farber?s?

?"I think the prosecutor's office needs some lessons in computer science," says Farber. "If you want to make a point, there are much better examples than this guy."?

Yes Mr. Farber... there are. But McOwen is an easy target in a political year. Let?s not forget the AG?s ?brag rag? on the official website where the victories against the ?enemies of the people? are displayed like so many trophies on the wall. It?s a great little ?Stalinist? page.

This brings me to the last little snippet of our activities. This involved the gracious cooperation of several webmasters and ISPs in logging, tracing, and documenting some rather nasty things going on at and elsewhere.

David McOwen has been the target of vicious harrassment. There are a couple of folks from a certain yet-to-be-revealed institution that probably should reconsider their notions of just how slick they are. Yep ? they got caught too. But... those people are another issue, and their activites should play out nicely in a civil action. Precisely what they had to gain by it remains to be seen, but it should prove interesting.
We know who you are, and so does David. Shame on you. ?Your mommas are going to be real proud.?

So there you have it in a nutshell. There was a very small group of people who knew, because ? well gee... it wouldn?t have been a secret for very long if it were public now would it?

Now that the AG?s office has amply demonstrated its total disregard for not only every precept of the 8th and 14th amendments to the United States Constitution, but it?s own farce of a law... the GCSPA ? we call for criminal indictments. They should be all shown precisely as much mercy as they have shown to Mr. McOwen.

We will allow the tresspassers from the State of Georgia 24 hours to continue to violate the clear terms and conditions of the McOwen forum, so that they can be treated to firsthand reading of what total buffoons they have proved to be--at which point we will cut off all access; just like we could have done in the beginning.

But ? that wouldn?t have been as much fun as catching the nazis violating their own law, would it?

From this point forward ? the McOwen forum will be used to discuss issues surrounding the case ? in the open, as our point has been made. Georgia politicians are above the law. The next phase of operations should logically be removal of these criminals from office, and their ?rigorous prosecution.? Nothing less would be justice.

Georgia officials have succeeded in not only making their offices, and the State a laughingstock, but have committed crimes... not fabricated ones ? real crimes... by the definition of their own statute. It?s suitably ironic isn?t it?

It?s not too late to grow a brain people. We already know that the GCSPA will be addressed in the next legislative session now that its glaring holes have been exposed. A jury will likely find that tidbit of information interesting too. Don?t we in this country call that ?Jury Nullification?? Bank on it.

We?re not even remotely to the end of our tools to fight this injustice. The big question is will the arrogance of the AG?s office outweigh political expediency, and the entire concept of justice?

For the unitiated:
jus·tice (jsts)
1. The quality of being just; fairness.
a. The principle of moral rightness; equity.
b. Conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude; righteousness.
a. The upholding of what is just, especially fair treatment and due reward in accordance with honor, standards, or law.

So we ask... Precisely what part of the actions of the State of Georgia fit the above definition?

How much money would it take to erase what?s been done to David McOwen and his family? We submit that it will have to be a pretty substantial amount. This action against David smacks of personal vendetta, and should be probed at length in civil court.

The actions of Georgia officials are abhorrent, criminal, and inexcusable. Not only that ? they were caught red-handed. Where, oh where is Justice?

Pardon me sir, you seem to have a bit of egg on your face.


Apr 23, 2001
Wow! That's all I can say.

BTW, I hope you don't add me to that list! I work for the Federal Gov't, not GA gov't, but I am in GA (at the CDC).


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
I echo Bunker... WOW!

Reminds me of the old Dukes of Hazzard series.... Looks like "Boss Hogg" done got caught red handed again! :Q

Nice work guys, hope it all works out.



Oct 5, 2001
Outstanding!!! Revenge is dish best served cold and the GA state AG's office should finish EVERY scap of it.

I suppose we should call it the 'People's Republic of Georgia' along with other great states past and present like 'Democratic People's Republic of Korea' (North Korea)(Democratic??!!) or 'People's Republic of China' (China mainland) Georgia certainly treats thier own citizens like these *cough*upstanding *cough* countires do.


Junior Member
Nov 24, 2001
All of this sounds good in theory, but how much of this will get beyond wishfull thinking.????????????

Don't get me wrong, I hope you can hoist them by their own petards. It would be a delicious irony.

But in reality how far can this be pursued via legal channels before you get stone walled or worse dismissed

In a case of joe public V Govt. would any judge really care?

As a non US citizen I can only guess as to the litigation procedures required, before this could be made to stand as a case.

Still, excessive publicity might affect the political figures whom control the purse strings.

Once again, I wish you well.


Orange Kid

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Excellent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quite the read.......will be interesting to see what effect this has on these people


Junior Member
Nov 24, 2001

Just realised that my sig is perhaps not in the best taste for this thread.

No offence intended.



Jun 12, 2001
It is good to see people standing up for what they believe is right. I applaud your efforts and hope they are fruitful

It seems that somewhere along the line the govt has lost a "sense of reasonableness." The people need to put them back in line.



Jun 22, 2000
Hey DanC, havent been around AnandTech in a long time, I came back just to read this thread, and i must say, it makes me proud to be an American. Also, to know that there are people here who care so much about doing the right thing and making sure Justice is REALLY served in the Dave McOwen case, really is a relief. I used to be worried that Dave would be a innocent victim of this whole thing, but now I think its going to turn out just fine, and the State of Georgia is going to end up paying him for all of his unessesary losses in this whole mess.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
DanC and crew:

Thanks for standing up for what's right and defending David McOwen. I can't begin to imagine how much time and energy you and the others put into this but I sure hope it works out in David's favor. In short, WELL DONE!!!


Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
WTG DanC and co.!

A great idea, and well executed as well!

i just hope that you can bring the Georgian Govt. round and get David off the hook for such a rediculous charge!

A great read! how much time did it take you to think of all that and write it out!?



Golden Member
May 31, 2000
WOW, Nice work!

Kudos to the masterminds behind this "operation"

Good luck david!



Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
Oh I like that a lot !!!!!!!

Well done DanC and the team....



Hey JWT......

OOooooohhhhhhh Matron !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
DanC, now more than ever, I can't say I love you enough(and no, I'm not after your Budwiser). All I can say is that what you did was slick, very slick, as even I was tricked. Hopefully, this will work half as well as you planned, and can use it to keep Dave free; our freedoms depend on it.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
Gentlemen -

On behalf of the team, I want to thank all for your Kudos, but I'm getting way too much attention. This isn't about me.
This was a team effort, and I merely serve them.

It's important to point out... a whole bunch of work went on behind the scenes, and it's those folks that deserve the credit, not me.
All I did really is to provide a synopsis.

If you'd like to help, feel free to provide the link to your favorite news station, AP, UPI, CNN, etc.
That will be thanks enough.


Golden Member
Jan 27, 2001
this has been the best thing i've read in years.......i hope i can get yor autograph before the movie....and all the fame....

seriously,......this is very good news and i hope it goes through according to your's wishing you all luck...


Platinum Member
Feb 29, 2000
Huh, all that snooping going on by just a relatively small government office... and governments across the world wonder why more people turn to encryption now.

Clever DanC, almost criminally, hopefully that will stand up in court. Must remember not to p!ss you off.
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