Georgia high school students to host whites-only prom? WTF!?<<Update: O'Reilly rips our governor a new one>>

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Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Marshallj
Originally posted by: datalink7
"Blacks" dominiate most sports because they are poor. Poor people don't go out ice skating or golfing. They grab a basketball and shoot some hoops at a local park, or play a pick up game of football.

I think it is time we stop caring what "race" you are. In fact, how about we finally start admiting there is no such thing as race at all? That is the conclusion I have come to. There is no such thing. No basis for it what-so-ever. And I think it is a much better policy to suppress and crush racism at its roots instead of trying to prop up one group or another in an attempt to level things out.

This is wrong. Blacks on average have a much higher level of testosterone than whites, and this makes them more muscular. They dominate sports for that reason. There was a thread about this before. People from Western African descent completely dominate sprinting events. They have more quick twitch muscle fibers which gives them more explosive strength and speed. EVERY SINGLE sprinting record is held by someone of Western African descent. It's genetics. It's not racism, it's genetics. Not everyone is created equally... we're all different in our own ways.

Sure, your reason is "politically correct", unfortunately it's not correct.
Thank you DR. Marshall Shockley



Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2003
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Sure, your reason is "politically correct", unfortunately it's not correct.
Thank you DR. Marshall Shockley[/quote]

You have given another compelling argument that is consistent of a man of your mental stature.

I'll be sure to keep that in mind.


Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2003
The problem in today's politically correct world is that if an idea is presented and is not politically correct, it is instantly assumed to be wrong without any further investigation.

To me, truth comes first, political correctness is a distant second.

In today's world you cannot even pose a controversial question, let alone begin to look for an answer. It seems that in most people, human emotion supercedes logic or the quest for knowledge.


Elite Member
May 1, 2001
I only read the first page of this mess, so if someone already brought this up...
. This is the United States of America. Unfortunately due to the government indoctrination centers ("public schools") -, most of you probably don't really know what that means. Individuals are (sorry, should be - some wrong-headed laws have been passed) free to associate or not associate with anyone they so choose. The only entities that can be legally forced to integrate are: governments and corporations (artificial entities created by governments).
. Individuals are also free to reap the consequences of their choices. If one chooses to discriminate based on group characteristics - he will eventually suffer negative consequences unless such discrimination is condoned or protected by government. Since the school administration has apparently removed itself from the prom process, whatever the students choose to do is entirely their right - and they will reap the consequences.
. Unfortunately, most of the strife we are still experiencing is the result of the Civil War (a too abrupt change to a situation that was already changing in a more natural way) and its negative sequellae and a class of professional race baiters (leftist/socialist group-thinkers for personal profit/power).
. Individuals' opinions cannot be changed at the point of the government gun - they can only be driven undergound where the lack of air will cause them to fester and boil up in even more negative ways.
. I would encourage the students to make lists of Persona Non Grata (IOW, discriminate on an individual basis) as uncivilized individuals are really the problem anyway, so that they could successfully have an integrated celebration. But since the list (if the students were honest in their choices) would likely be racially unbalanced - the howls of the group-thinkers would arise once again. <sigh>


Senior member
Apr 16, 2000
This is America.
I think they should be able to do as they please. As long is not some type of hatred reunion and only in celebration of prom.


Apr 6, 2001
I quit reading after the 1st page also. But here is my .02

What is an African-American? Does being white and of European decent make me European-American? I was born in America, and I am an American. The majority of blacks in this country were born in America, they are American too, not African-American.

What about colleges like Grambling, Tuskegee, Tennessee St. Univ., Selma Univ., Morehouse College, Miles College, Howard Univ., Florida A&M, Alcorn St. Univ., the list is endless. Try starting an all white college and see how far you get.

Black History Month? How about White History Month? Wonder how long that would last.

What SuperTool said. It's one thing to celebrate a European heritage, but facing facts, when it comes to race, whites' most obvious legacy in this country is several hundred years of owning slaves and discrimination. Even if only a minority of whites were the ones doing it, it affects the heritage of everyone else

Its funny how blacks dont like to reminded of the fact that it was blacks selling blacks as slaves. By no measure am I saying that slavery was ok, on the contrary I hate that it happened. But the fact of the matter is why should we be paying for something (like not celebrating our history) for something that ended 150 yrs ago?

Try going to get a government job against someone who is black. Most likely they will be hired, not because of their qualifications, but because of their race.

Then throw in Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Every time something bad happens to a black person, they are there with the NAACP saying how someone was mis-treated. Yeah yeah yeah. Keep making an a$$ of yourself Al.

Im not racist either, I have many friends who are black. And even they tell me Al and Jesse are full of it.

Black people have more going for them than they think. Thay have many more open-door opportunities than white people do.

So do I see anything wrong with an all white dance? No. It's no more worse than an all black college or the United Negro College Fund.


Oct 16, 2002
Originally posted by: Marshallj
Originally posted by: Bleep
I have a question for you all- If a group of black students wanted to have an all-black prom, would you agree with that?

NO not ever
What about if a group of women wanted to have an all-female group? Would that be acceptable

A all female group? Do you have any comprehension of the difference between a plublic school and just a group?

Why are you defending raceism? A neo nazi skinhead maybe? I notice that you speak "you all"


Oh man, what a limp wristed hippy....

You took my question and twisted it all around to suit your skewed thoughts.

First of all, if you want to offend me, at least spell the insults correctly. What's "raceism"???? And WTF is a "plublic school"??? No, I guess I DO NOT have any comprehension of what a "plublic school" is.

And no, I do not support what they're doing. Nowhere in my post did I even hint that I think it's right. You just ASSumed that I did, and you ASSumed incorrectly.

I'm sure you can come up with a better come-back than correcting his grammar.

And btw, when was a gathering of same sex individuals made illegal in the US? That was just dumb of you to say.

and P.S., if we're not OK with a group of all white kids pulling this off, what makes you think we'd be OK with a group of all black kids doing the same thing...that would be a bit hypocritical...don't you think?!

Thinking before typing is a good should try it.



Senior member
Jul 6, 2001
Originally posted by: vi_edit
I had an all white prom. Then again we had 0 minority students enrolled so it's not quite the same.
Zero, that's a pretty small minority.


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: hasenpfeffer
I quit reading after the 1st page also. But here is my .02

What is an African-American? Does being white and of European decent make me European-American? I was born in America, and I am an American. The majority of blacks in this country were born in America, they are American too, not African-American.

What about colleges like Grambling, Tuskegee, Tennessee St. Univ., Selma Univ., Morehouse College, Miles College, Howard Univ., Florida A&M, Alcorn St. Univ., the list is endless. Try starting an all white college and see how far you get.

Black History Month? How about White History Month? Wonder how long that would last.

What SuperTool said. It's one thing to celebrate a European heritage, but facing facts, when it comes to race, whites' most obvious legacy in this country is several hundred years of owning slaves and discrimination. Even if only a minority of whites were the ones doing it, it affects the heritage of everyone else

Its funny how blacks dont like to reminded of the fact that it was blacks selling blacks as slaves. By no measure am I saying that slavery was ok, on the contrary I hate that it happened. But the fact of the matter is why should we be paying for something (like not celebrating our history) for something that ended 150 yrs ago?

Try going to get a government job against someone who is black. Most likely they will be hired, not because of their qualifications, but because of their race.

Then throw in Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Every time something bad happens to a black person, they are there with the NAACP saying how someone was mis-treated. Yeah yeah yeah. Keep making an a$$ of yourself Al.

Im not racist either, I have many friends who are black. And even they tell me Al and Jesse are full of it.

Black people have more going for them than they think. Thay have many more open-door opportunities than white people do.

So do I see anything wrong with an all white dance? No. It's no more worse than an all black college or the United Negro College Fund.

Some how I don't picture you as having black friends, let alone not being a stone cold racist.



Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: classy
Originally posted by: hasenpfeffer
I quit reading after the 1st page also. But here is my .02

What is an African-American? Does being white and of European decent make me European-American? I was born in America, and I am an American. The majority of blacks in this country were born in America, they are American too, not African-American.

What about colleges like Grambling, Tuskegee, Tennessee St. Univ., Selma Univ., Morehouse College, Miles College, Howard Univ., Florida A&M, Alcorn St. Univ., the list is endless. Try starting an all white college and see how far you get.

Black History Month? How about White History Month? Wonder how long that would last.

What SuperTool said. It's one thing to celebrate a European heritage, but facing facts, when it comes to race, whites' most obvious legacy in this country is several hundred years of owning slaves and discrimination. Even if only a minority of whites were the ones doing it, it affects the heritage of everyone else

Its funny how blacks dont like to reminded of the fact that it was blacks selling blacks as slaves. By no measure am I saying that slavery was ok, on the contrary I hate that it happened. But the fact of the matter is why should we be paying for something (like not celebrating our history) for something that ended 150 yrs ago?

Try going to get a government job against someone who is black. Most likely they will be hired, not because of their qualifications, but because of their race.

Then throw in Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Every time something bad happens to a black person, they are there with the NAACP saying how someone was mis-treated. Yeah yeah yeah. Keep making an a$$ of yourself Al.

Im not racist either, I have many friends who are black. And even they tell me Al and Jesse are full of it.

Black people have more going for them than they think. Thay have many more open-door opportunities than white people do.

So do I see anything wrong with an all white dance? No. It's no more worse than an all black college or the United Negro College Fund.

Some how I don't picture you as having black friends, let alone not being a stone cold racist.

Just what part of that was racist? Leave it you to label someone a racist. Ever look in a mirror?




Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: hasenpfeffer
I quit reading after the 1st page also. But here is my .02

What is an African-American? Does being white and of European decent make me European-American? I was born in America, and I am an American. The majority of blacks in this country were born in America, they are American too, not African-American.

What about colleges like Grambling, Tuskegee, Tennessee St. Univ., Selma Univ., Morehouse College, Miles College, Howard Univ., Florida A&M, Alcorn St. Univ., the list is endless. Try starting an all white college and see how far you get.

Black History Month? How about White History Month? Wonder how long that would last.

What SuperTool said. It's one thing to celebrate a European heritage, but facing facts, when it comes to race, whites' most obvious legacy in this country is several hundred years of owning slaves and discrimination. Even if only a minority of whites were the ones doing it, it affects the heritage of everyone else

Its funny how blacks dont like to reminded of the fact that it was blacks selling blacks as slaves. By no measure am I saying that slavery was ok, on the contrary I hate that it happened. But the fact of the matter is why should we be paying for something (like not celebrating our history) for something that ended 150 yrs ago?

Try going to get a government job against someone who is black. Most likely they will be hired, not because of their qualifications, but because of their race.

Then throw in Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Every time something bad happens to a black person, they are there with the NAACP saying how someone was mis-treated. Yeah yeah yeah. Keep making an a$$ of yourself Al.

Im not racist either, I have many friends who are black. And even they tell me Al and Jesse are full of it.

Black people have more going for them than they think. Thay have many more open-door opportunities than white people do.

So do I see anything wrong with an all white dance? No. It's no more worse than an all black college or the United Negro College Fund.

Two wrongs don't make a right.


Jul 26, 2002
I have skimmed this thread and noticed alot of things. The first thing, and only thing I want to address is the fact that many people are looking at the amount of blacks in certain multi-racial activities and claiming its pretty much whites only anyway. I'd like to point out however that blacks make up only 10% of the population. So when someone says that 90% of the time a white person wins Miss USA then that is about what it should be. If it were 50/50 then there would be some racism towards the whites it would seem.

That said, I don't agree with this white only prom. However there are alot of black only activities that I don't agree with either. BET anyone? How come we don't have a WET tv? (Besides that fact that it'd prob. be a porn channel)


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Fausto1
"See? They are a bunch of inbred racist rednecks!"

Its kinda sad that in this day and age we cant get along together.. oh wait we cant.. just look a GWB..[/quote]

Thats about as racist a comment as they come right there....


Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2003
Originally posted by: YayiFuryAnd btw, when was a gathering of same sex individuals made illegal in the US? That was just dumb of you to say.

and P.S., if we're not OK with a group of all white kids pulling this off, what makes you think we'd be OK with a group of all black kids doing the same thing...that would be a bit hypocritical...don't you think?!


I was trying to expose the double standards which exist in this country. I believe things should be consistent, and reverse racism or sexism does not make things any better.

If a man wanted to join a private woman's organization, he'd probably be denied. Yet when women want to join a private men's organization such as The Master's golf club, when they get denied they are up in an uproar.

It seems that the laws are not consistent... on one hand they say racism and sexism are not acceptable (when referring to the majority), yet when a minority group wants to enact their own racist policies, it is viewed differently and allowed.

BET is allowed to exist, yet let's see the reaction that comes when someone wants to form a station called "white entertainment television".

I am against both sides of discrimination. Any discrimation is wrong, including reverse discrimination. Two wrongs do not make a right.


Sep 18, 2002
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
I have skimmed this thread and noticed alot of things. The first thing, and only thing I want to address is the fact that many people are looking at the amount of blacks in certain multi-racial activities and claiming its pretty much whites only anyway. I'd like to point out however that blacks make up only 10% of the population. So when someone says that 90% of the time a white person wins Miss USA then that is about what it should be. If it were 50/50 then there would be some racism towards the whites it would seem.

That said, I don't agree with this white only prom. However there are alot of black only activities that I don't agree with either. BET anyone? How come we don't have a WET tv? (Besides that fact that it'd prob. be a porn channel)

BET is sub-culture specific. WET would be RACE specific. Haven't you seen Eminem on BET?


Jul 26, 2002
Originally posted by: Marshallj
Originally posted by: YayiFury
and P.S., if we're not OK with a group of all white kids pulling this off, what makes you think we'd be OK with a group of all black kids doing the same thing...that would be a bit hypocritical...don't you think?!


Do a search on "double standards".

You are not my intellectual equal, so stop trying to enter a reasoning debate with me.How about you make yourself useful and go make me a sandwich?

All you ever do is attack the other person, and never their point. Do us all a favor and leave, or go find LordJezzo


Jul 26, 2002
Originally posted by: WinkOsmosis
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
I have skimmed this thread and noticed alot of things. The first thing, and only thing I want to address is the fact that many people are looking at the amount of blacks in certain multi-racial activities and claiming its pretty much whites only anyway. I'd like to point out however that blacks make up only 10% of the population. So when someone says that 90% of the time a white person wins Miss USA then that is about what it should be. If it were 50/50 then there would be some racism towards the whites it would seem.

That said, I don't agree with this white only prom. However there are alot of black only activities that I don't agree with either. BET anyone? How come we don't have a WET tv? (Besides that fact that it'd prob. be a porn channel)

BET is sub-culture specific. WET would be RACE specific. Haven't you seen Eminem on BET?

Its cause everyone agree's he's as black as they come No, I agree you have a point, but its just an example. A Miss. Black Pageant shouldn't be ok, but it is. Same with alot of other things.


Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2003
Originally posted by: Cuda1447

All you ever do is attack the other person, and never their point. Do us all a favor and leave, or go find LordJezzo

I have previously tried to stick to the point. The result was a unilateral flamefest with people attacking me without me doing the same.

That idea failed. Now when I see someone make a wise comment to me, I'll reply in kind.

But anyway I changed my post to make it more productive. I explained my views to him.


Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2003
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
A Miss. Black Pageant shouldn't be ok, but it is. Same with alot of other things.

I agree. If you can have a miss black pageant, then you can have a miss white pageant. If the idea of a miss white pageant is not acceptable, then a miss black pageant should also be unacceptable. It's a two way street.


Golden Member
Nov 10, 1999
O'reilly just doesn't get it.

No one will ever be able to convince me that there is anything wrong with those students having a private prom. As long as the school didn't pay for it or provide the building for the prom, then what the hell are they supposed to do about it? Should the teachers have dressed up in riot gear and shot students with rubber bullets that tried to go to a party that had nothing to do with the school?


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Originally posted by: classy
Originally posted by: hasenpfeffer
I quit reading after the 1st page also. But here is my .02

What is an African-American? Does being white and of European decent make me European-American? I was born in America, and I am an American. The majority of blacks in this country were born in America, they are American too, not African-American.

What about colleges like Grambling, Tuskegee, Tennessee St. Univ., Selma Univ., Morehouse College, Miles College, Howard Univ., Florida A&M, Alcorn St. Univ., the list is endless. Try starting an all white college and see how far you get.

Black History Month? How about White History Month? Wonder how long that would last.

What SuperTool said. It's one thing to celebrate a European heritage, but facing facts, when it comes to race, whites' most obvious legacy in this country is several hundred years of owning slaves and discrimination. Even if only a minority of whites were the ones doing it, it affects the heritage of everyone else

Its funny how blacks dont like to reminded of the fact that it was blacks selling blacks as slaves. By no measure am I saying that slavery was ok, on the contrary I hate that it happened. But the fact of the matter is why should we be paying for something (like not celebrating our history) for something that ended 150 yrs ago?

Try going to get a government job against someone who is black. Most likely they will be hired, not because of their qualifications, but because of their race.

Then throw in Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Every time something bad happens to a black person, they are there with the NAACP saying how someone was mis-treated. Yeah yeah yeah. Keep making an a$$ of yourself Al.

Im not racist either, I have many friends who are black. And even they tell me Al and Jesse are full of it.

Black people have more going for them than they think. Thay have many more open-door opportunities than white people do.

So do I see anything wrong with an all white dance? No. It's no more worse than an all black college or the United Negro College Fund.

Some how I don't picture you as having black friends, let alone not being a stone cold racist.

I had a big long reply for this but after thinking about it for a minute why bother. The gist of it was the to cry racism when confronted with something you don't agree with (not to mention facts) simply makes you look ignorant. I doubt you'll see it that way but people need to realize this. Maybe whenever you grow up you'll realize this.


Senior member
Apr 16, 2000
Lets just remember who made this a great country. also realize that things would probably be better in this country if some things were never introduced into the mix.

Are you ready for all the Iraqui refugees that are going to be coming to our country. Or what if Bush sends Troops to Liberia, are you ready for that wave of refugees.

Maybe I shouldnt try to point out the obvious.


Senior member
Apr 16, 2000
Originally posted by: Isla
Originally posted by: darkeneddays
What a load this is.Most people have so many "races" in their bloodline,it's pretty lame to even claim you are of a certain color.
Doesn't matter anyway,rest assure we are all gonna keep fvcking each other until we are the same color one day.(credits to Bullworth)


<---Latina, ultimately a mix of White European, Asian, and African and all the better for it!

Every body the same, that would be boring.
When you say Latina I hope you are not including the rest of the race, because you have too many races listed.
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