Georgia high school students to host whites-only prom? WTF!?<<Update: O'Reilly rips our governor a new one>>

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Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Originally posted by: darkeneddays
What a load this is.Most people have so many "races" in their bloodline,it's pretty lame to even claim you are of a certain color.
Doesn't matter anyway,rest assure we are all gonna keep fvcking each other until we are the same color one day.(credits to Bullworth)


<---Latina, ultimately a mix of White European, Asian, and African and all the better for it!


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: shinerburke
Here's what I said about this over in the thread in the Politics & News Forum....

When I was in college the African American Student Association held a Miss Black University Pageant. I tried to enter my GF, a white girl, in the pageant and a damn riot broke out. They wouldn't let her sign up and got damn nasty about it. At that point I decided to organize a Miss White University Pageant but the school refused to allow it....even though they were sanctioning and financially supporting the Miss Black Pageant. Fair? I think not.

Whatever race only events are all ridiculous and racist....funny though how things like Miss Black Pageants are allowed to continue but Miss White ones are immediately labeled as racist and insensitive. Until we get past all the bullsh1t White/Black/Hispanic/Asian/Whatever garbage we will never be an equal society. So your ancestors came from Africa, Asia, Europe, wherever....big f?ing whoop. You're an American. A M E R I C A N. AMERICAN! No freaking hyphens, no descriptive colors...just AMERICAN.

This is the mentality here I don't understand. Sometimes I think some of you guys never go outside, turn on a tv, or read a newspaper. Why are there black colleges, black pagents, black tv channels, another one besides BET is about to emerge, black awards for entertainers? Why do these things exist? The truth is blacks are not judged equally, even today. And all the experiences of every AT member rolled into one doesn't tell the truth. I read things here about how racially violent blacks are. The truth is whites commit more racially motivated crimes then all other races rolled together. And oh yea I know it never gets reported as a racial crime when minorities do it, ok
. Despite all the moaning I read here, the corporate world is as white as ever. Think about this Denzel Washington who is one the great actors to come down the pike finally won an Oscar when he portrayed a typical stereotype of a "dirty black cop". Halle Berry won hers as she played a booty call for a white dude. Despite the fact these actors have starred in roles before that should have won them accoclades among their white couterparts before these pretty low roles. There were a couple of black actresses who turned down Halle's role because they thought it degraded black women. Look at sports. Blacks dominate sports, plain and simple. They make more money for people then all the other groups combined together. But yet we have problems getting management jobs and coaching jobs. Despite the many many losers who are white in the front offices. Quite frankly we live in a dominated white world. Blacks and other races deserve to recieve recognition just as much as whites. And if whites won't recognize equally other races then those races should and do recognize their own without being criticized. Why should we be shunned recognition because your people group for whatever reason think we don't deserve it? Some of you need to grow up or just come out of the closet all together.

The "classical" one out


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2001
Originally posted by: The_good_guy
Originally posted by: Fausto1
"See? They are a bunch of inbred racist rednecks!"

Its kinda sad that in this day and age we cant get along together.. oh wait we cant.. just look a GWB..

what does GWB have anything to do with white only proms?



Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Isla
Originally posted by: darkeneddays
What a load this is.Most people have so many "races" in their bloodline,it's pretty lame to even claim you are of a certain color.
Doesn't matter anyway,rest assure we are all gonna keep fvcking each other until we are the same color one day.(credits to Bullworth)


<---Latina, ultimately a mix of White European, Asian, and African and all the better for it!

Coolness..I'm a mix of American, Native American, and Scotch-Irish. Wife is Asian with Spanish ties as well. Our kids can probably select almost everything under race.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Marshallj
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
[It was an assumption based on a Brainless question on your part. The only thing limp wristed in this thread is your attempt to make this into a Liberal vs Conservative issue. Niether view is based on Racism though there are racist in both camps.

Your thought process is so skewed I don't know where to begin ripping you apart. I'll just point to your previous liberal posts where you think your view is the "only" view, and anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot. You are lost. Your attempt to twist things around is pathetic.

Let's discuss the facts here: I asked a question, someone incorrectly assumed that I was being racist (everyone loves to pull the race card), and I smacked them down. Now here you come trying to defend them. Sad.
I'm not trying to defend them, I'm just pointing out the obvious nature of your post. If you are too cowardly to admit to them then so be it. Secondly, point out one instance where my posts were liberal? Just because I don't subcribe to your Neo Neanderthalistic Political Views doesn't make me a Liberal. What I'm not is an Extremist on the Lunatic Fringe like yourself.


Mar 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Nitemare
Originally posted by: Isla
Originally posted by: darkeneddays
What a load this is.Most people have so many "races" in their bloodline,it's pretty lame to even claim you are of a certain color.
Doesn't matter anyway,rest assure we are all gonna keep fvcking each other until we are the same color one day.(credits to Bullworth)

<---Latina, ultimately a mix of White European, Asian, and African and all the better for it!
Coolness..I'm a mix of American, Native American, and Scotch-Irish. Wife is Asian with Spanish ties as well. Our kids can probably select almost everything under race.
Having researched my genealogy a bit, I can say with relative confidence that I'm a mix of Swiss, English, and Italian, with some "American" thrown in for good measure. Nothing interesting, really, as most Americans seem to have a largely European heritage, AFAIK.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Blacks are allowed to have black-only activities and whites aren't, simply based on race. This isn't right, and everybody knows it.
Who says they aren't. You think KKK Rallies are open to Americans of all Races? Secondly, what's this BS of being proud of ones race? I'm white and I'm not proud of it though I'm not ashamed of it either. Being born one race or another isn't reason for pride. I mean it's not as if you accomplished anything personally by it.


Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: MikeBee
Originally posted by: KK
Originally posted by: MikeBee
My point is that he went about the wrong way...who in their right mind would do something like enter his white "girlfriend" in a pageant where it clearly states, MISS BLACK PAGEANT...
I agree that having only blacks activities and not allowing whites to have only whites activity is wrong.
However, he would have tried to start a Miss White Pageant first, instead of trying to enter his white girlfriend into a Miss Black Pageant, if his intentions were genuine.
His intentions were obviously racially charged.
You gotta admit, that's a good way to piss off alot of people....and shame on you for using your girlfriend as a pawn in your racist games.
His intentions were wrong...PERIOD!!!

I don't buy his bullsh*t about americans being americans....a person who thinks this way would have never pulled that shit.
If you can't see how racially motivated his action was, you are blind.

And the Miss Black Pageant isn't racist? I'm not saying she wasn't doing this to prove a point, but you are turning a blind eye to the other guilty party.


Like I said, it's not right to let one group have their own thing and not let the other group have theirs....
At least the Miss Black Pagent got consent...they were obviously an organized function...they went about the process to make it happen...
I am not turning a blind point is that his actions were charged by hate...
The Miss Black Pagaent group wasn't doing it to piss off the white people....they wanted to see some hot asses.
They wanted to have fun, while his actions were to disrupt it.
Charged by hate huh? No, I was trying to prove a point. I was betting they would deny my GF entry, wasn't betting on all the violence that took place, and they did. After that I decided to see if the university would allow a Miss White Pageant to take place. Of course they denied it by saying it would be racist to hold such a thing. When I pointed out that they were already sponsoring a racist pageant they of course denied it. Nothing more that the usual institutional hypocrisy that we have all been forced to live with thanks to the PC crowd. If you knew me at all you would know better than to try and label me as a racist. I don't care what race, nationality, etc... that someone is. I do not base my friendship on such things. Hell....I've dated a couple of black girls so how in the world can I be racist.

I really don't know why I bothered responding to you since you have already proven in another thread to be nothing but a thread crapping a-hole.



Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2001
Here is something I learned in my very young life that most of you should accept and make your own. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to prove they are a dumbass regardless of what race, sex, disabilities (or whatever other thing you can think of) they have/are. I have had all sorts of friends and all sorts of people that I didnt like but that didnt make me think that one race,sex, or disabled person (or whatever other thing you can think of) represented everyone. If everyone thought this way then this country would be a great and peaceful place. Too bad we could never have a president with these veiws because that is the systems fault.

Idiocy isn't race,sex or disability (or whatever other thing you can think of) specific.


Jan 24, 2003
Originally posted by: jumpr
Well, at least the school isn't directly involved, or it'd be QUITE illegal. Still bugs the hell outta me though. How can this happen in a day and age like this?

What do you do when you are raised that way? If that is the only thing that you know then how can you do something different?


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: classy
Originally posted by: shinerburke
Here's what I said about this over in the thread in the Politics & News Forum....

When I was in college the African American Student Association held a Miss Black University Pageant. I tried to enter my GF, a white girl, in the pageant and a damn riot broke out. They wouldn't let her sign up and got damn nasty about it. At that point I decided to organize a Miss White University Pageant but the school refused to allow it....even though they were sanctioning and financially supporting the Miss Black Pageant. Fair? I think not.

Whatever race only events are all ridiculous and racist....funny though how things like Miss Black Pageants are allowed to continue but Miss White ones are immediately labeled as racist and insensitive. Until we get past all the bullsh1t White/Black/Hispanic/Asian/Whatever garbage we will never be an equal society. So your ancestors came from Africa, Asia, Europe, wherever....big f?ing whoop. You're an American. A M E R I C A N. AMERICAN! No freaking hyphens, no descriptive colors...just AMERICAN.

This is the mentality here I don't understand. Sometimes I think some of you guys never go outside, turn on a tv, or read a newspaper. Why are there black colleges, black pagents, black tv channels, another one besides BET is about to emerge, black awards for entertainers? Why do these things exist? The truth is blacks are not judged equally, even today. And all the experiences of every AT member rolled into one doesn't tell the truth. I read things here about how racially violent blacks are. The truth is whites commit more racially motivated crimes then all other races rolled together. And oh yea I know it never gets reported as a racial crime when minorities do it, ok
. Despite all the moaning I read here, the corporate world is as white as ever. Think about this Denzel Washington who is one the great actors to come down the pike finally won an Oscar when he portrayed a typical stereotype of a "dirty black cop". Halle Berry won hers as she played a booty call for a white dude. Despite the fact these actors have starred in roles before that should have won them accoclades among their white couterparts before these pretty low roles. There were a couple of black actresses who turned down Halle's role because they thought it degraded black women. Look at sports. Blacks dominate sports, plain and simple. They make more money for people then all the other groups combined together. But yet we have problems getting management jobs and coaching jobs. Despite the many many losers who are white in the front offices. Quite frankly we live in a dominated white world. Blacks and other races deserve to recieve recognition just as much as whites. And if whites won't recognize equally other races then those races should and do recognize their own without being criticized. Why should we be shunned recognition because your people group for whatever reason think we don't deserve it? Some of you need to grow up or just come out of the closet all together.

The "classical" one out

Blacks domininating sports has nothing to do with being "black." It has to do with being poor.

Think about it. Look at the sports that are expensive to play. Hocky and Golf namely. Dominated by "whites."

"Blacks" dominiate most sports because they are poor. Poor people don't go out ice skating or golfing. They grab a basketball and shoot some hoops at a local park, or play a pick up game of football.

I think it is time we stop caring what "race" you are. In fact, how about we finally start admiting there is no such thing as race at all? That is the conclusion I have come to. There is no such thing. No basis for it what-so-ever. And I think it is a much better policy to suppress and crush racism at its roots instead of trying to prop up one group or another in an attempt to level things out.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Tmsccr18
Originally posted by: jumpr
Well, at least the school isn't directly involved, or it'd be QUITE illegal. Still bugs the hell outta me though. How can this happen in a day and age like this?

What do you do when you are raised that way? If that is the only thing that you know then how can you do something different?
So you are saying that it isn't their fault because they were raised by Morons? Well maybe it's time to stop the Moronic Cycle.


Jan 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Tmsccr18
Originally posted by: jumpr
Well, at least the school isn't directly involved, or it'd be QUITE illegal. Still bugs the hell outta me though. How can this happen in a day and age like this?

What do you do when you are raised that way? If that is the only thing that you know then how can you do something different?
So you are saying that it isn't their fault because they were raised by Morons? Well maybe it's time to stop the Moronic Cycle.

Ok so you are saying lets nuke the whole southern US because they were raised that whites were right? Im sorry BUT THIS IS AMERICA AND EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO THEIR OWN OPINION. Just because some kids want to hold their own dance and they dont want any "Aferican Americans" to come that is their choice. If they dont want them to come then they aint going to come.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Tmsccr18
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Tmsccr18
Originally posted by: jumpr
Well, at least the school isn't directly involved, or it'd be QUITE illegal. Still bugs the hell outta me though. How can this happen in a day and age like this?

What do you do when you are raised that way? If that is the only thing that you know then how can you do something different?
So you are saying that it isn't their fault because they were raised by Morons? Well maybe it's time to stop the Moronic Cycle.

Ok so you are saying lets nuke the whole southern US because they were raised that whites were right? Im sorry BUT THIS IS AMERICA AND EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO THEIR OWN OPINION. Just because some kids want to hold their own dance and they dont want any "Aferican Americans" to come that is their choice. If they dont want them to come then they aint going to come.
Freedom of association is one thing, but exclusion based on skin color has no justification, sorry. We're all the same species and these people are just idiots. "Separate but Equal" wasn't a good idea years ago in Alabama and it's certainly not a good idea in 21st century Georgia.



Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Tmsccr18
Originally posted by: jumpr
Well, at least the school isn't directly involved, or it'd be QUITE illegal. Still bugs the hell outta me though. How can this happen in a day and age like this?

What do you do when you are raised that way? If that is the only thing that you know then how can you do something different?

Just because your parents try to raise you that way doesnt mean you have to listen. My father is pretty racist but i am quite the opposite.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Tmsccr18
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Tmsccr18
Originally posted by: jumpr
Well, at least the school isn't directly involved, or it'd be QUITE illegal. Still bugs the hell outta me though. How can this happen in a day and age like this?

What do you do when you are raised that way? If that is the only thing that you know then how can you do something different?
So you are saying that it isn't their fault because they were raised by Morons? Well maybe it's time to stop the Moronic Cycle.

Ok so you are saying lets nuke the whole southern US because they were raised that whites were right? Im sorry BUT THIS IS AMERICA AND EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO THEIR OWN OPINION. Just because some kids want to hold their own dance and they dont want any "Aferican Americans" to come that is their choice. If they dont want them to come then they aint going to come.
No I never suggested that we "Nuke the Whole Southern US". First of all I don't subscribe to the notion that most of those who live in the South are Racist Morons raised on a strict diet of leaded Paint Chips. In addition, if you read my earlier posts in this thread I never said that Morons don't have the right to associate with other Morons (my KKK Reference)

Fortunately Racist Morons for the most part are ridiculed for the ignorant wankers they are (like these Buffoons holding a "Whitey Only Prom")



Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Skoorb
That's even worse than alabama's recent upholding of the ban on sex toys.

Blame the nuts is Montgomery for that. I want to vote them all out. Replace them with pigeons.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2002
hope another earthquake hits them and wipes them off the face of this earth




Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: PunDogg
hope another earthquake hits them and wipes them off the face of this earth


What earthquake hit them to begin with? Moron.


Apr 6, 2003
Originally posted by: shinerburke
Originally posted by: MikeBee
Originally posted by: KK
Originally posted by: MikeBee
My point is that he went about the wrong way...who in their right mind would do something like enter his white "girlfriend" in a pageant where it clearly states, MISS BLACK PAGEANT...
I agree that having only blacks activities and not allowing whites to have only whites activity is wrong.
However, he would have tried to start a Miss White Pageant first, instead of trying to enter his white girlfriend into a Miss Black Pageant, if his intentions were genuine.
His intentions were obviously racially charged.
You gotta admit, that's a good way to piss off alot of people....and shame on you for using your girlfriend as a pawn in your racist games.
His intentions were wrong...PERIOD!!!

I don't buy his bullsh*t about americans being americans....a person who thinks this way would have never pulled that shit.
If you can't see how racially motivated his action was, you are blind.

And the Miss Black Pageant isn't racist? I'm not saying she wasn't doing this to prove a point, but you are turning a blind eye to the other guilty party.


Like I said, it's not right to let one group have their own thing and not let the other group have theirs....
At least the Miss Black Pagent got consent...they were obviously an organized function...they went about the process to make it happen...
I am not turning a blind point is that his actions were charged by hate...
The Miss Black Pagaent group wasn't doing it to piss off the white people....they wanted to see some hot asses.
They wanted to have fun, while his actions were to disrupt it.

Originally posted by: shinerburke - fat, racist, pig...he calls his sister his girlfriend...FA-REEEEEK!!!

Charged by hate huh? No, I was trying to prove a point. I was betting they would deny my GF entry, wasn't betting on all the violence that took place, and they did. After that I decided to see if the university would allow a Miss White Pageant to take place. Of course they denied it by saying it would be racist to hold such a thing. When I pointed out that they were already sponsoring a racist pageant they of course denied it. Nothing more that the usual institutional hypocrisy that we have all been forced to live with thanks to the PC crowd. If you knew me at all you would know better than to try and label me as a racist. I don't care what race, nationality, etc... that someone is. I do not base my friendship on such things. Hell....I've dated a couple of black girls so how in the world can I be racist.

I really don't know why I bothered responding to you since you have already proven in another thread to be nothing but a thread crapping a-hole.

Why is there even a need for you to "prove a point"? You were obviously there to stir up trouble, not genuinely interested in entering your "girlfriend" in the pageant...need I say more?
No one who thinks that all people who live in the US as Americans would need to prove a point....that is my point.

I guess if you have been a racist for a long time, you don't even realize that you are commiting a racist act....


Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Tmsccr18
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Tmsccr18
Originally posted by: jumpr
Well, at least the school isn't directly involved, or it'd be QUITE illegal. Still bugs the hell outta me though. How can this happen in a day and age like this?

What do you do when you are raised that way? If that is the only thing that you know then how can you do something different?
So you are saying that it isn't their fault because they were raised by Morons? Well maybe it's time to stop the Moronic Cycle.

Ok so you are saying lets nuke the whole southern US because they were raised that whites were right? Im sorry BUT THIS IS AMERICA AND EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO THEIR OWN OPINION. Just because some kids want to hold their own dance and they dont want any "Aferican Americans" to come that is their choice. If they dont want them to come then they aint going to come.
No I never suggested that we "Nuke the Whole Southern US". First of all I don't subscribe to the notion that most of those who live in the South are Racist Morons raised on a strict diet of leaded Paint Chips. In addition, if you read my earlier posts in this thread I never said that Morons don't have the right to associate with other Morons (my KKK Reference)

Fortunately Racist Morons for the most part are ridiculed for the ignorant wankers they are (like these Buffoons holding a "Whitey Only Prom")
Steady diet of paint chips? That's funny.....have to remember to use that sometime.

Now Red....I thought you hated all of us down here in the South. Well....not that Oklahoma is really the South but you know what I mean...



Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
What if you are a white guy who was born is South Africa and came to US. Can you put African American on forms?
You should be the only one that can, IMO. If none of the relatives from Africa are alive, you're not African-American.
If you were, say, born in Kenya, then sure. If your parents fled Uganda and are around, sure. In those cases, you really would get the heritage.
Note that both of the above are real people.


Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2003
Originally posted by: datalink7
"Blacks" dominiate most sports because they are poor. Poor people don't go out ice skating or golfing. They grab a basketball and shoot some hoops at a local park, or play a pick up game of football.

I think it is time we stop caring what "race" you are. In fact, how about we finally start admiting there is no such thing as race at all? That is the conclusion I have come to. There is no such thing. No basis for it what-so-ever. And I think it is a much better policy to suppress and crush racism at its roots instead of trying to prop up one group or another in an attempt to level things out.

This is wrong. Blacks on average have a much higher level of testosterone than whites, and this makes them more muscular. They dominate sports for that reason. There was a thread about this before. People from Western African descent completely dominate sprinting events. They have more quick twitch muscle fibers which gives them more explosive strength and speed. EVERY SINGLE sprinting record is held by someone of Western African descent. It's genetics. It's not racism, it's genetics. Not everyone is created equally... we're all different in our own ways.

Sure, your reason is "politically correct", unfortunately it's not correct.
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